Right Click Drive Defragmentation - Registry Editor

Oct 8, 2002

there's two ways of achieving this. The easy way:
1. Create a .reg file and name it to whatever you think might fit. (create an empty .txt-file and rename it to whatever.reg)
2. Rightclick it and choose "edit".
3. Paste the following into it:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDriveshellDefragCommand]@="defrag.exe %1 -f -v"
4. Save and close.
5. Doubleclick it and answer yes/ok to the questions.
6. Rightclick a drive and choose 'Defrag' to defragment it......

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Cant Get Out Of Registry Editor

Jan 12, 2006

One of my kids has somehow got into the registry editor and i cant get out of it - it wont let me click on 'disconnect'

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Registry Editor?

Mar 2, 2006

what is Registry Editor? I'm curious of what it is; I know not to mess with the registry.

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Cant Run Registry Editor

Jul 30, 2005

when i try to run my registry editor, i get this box.

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Best Registry Editor?

May 26, 2006

I want to know what the best Registry Editor is for Windows XP Pro. I have this annoying site that is redirecting me to porn sites. I wanna know how to get rid of it. I am guessing using a good Registry Editor will do it?

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Need A Registry Editor?

Oct 16, 2005

In my Internet Explorer under the view I still see the option for the Roboform toolbar although it is grayed out. I have removed this program, and I thought I got all of the remnants. Should I keep looking for files to delete somewhere, or would I need a registry editor to remove this reference?

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Disable Registry Editor

Apr 11, 2006

I want to disable my registry editor for security reason, how to do it? and if I wanna enable back, what am I supposed to do?

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Something Wrong In Registry Editor

Nov 22, 2008

Yesterday i was adding some new "keys" on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesDirectoryshell to add the option " open in a new window" while clicking on a folder with the right button.I did something wrong and now when i double click on a folder it can't open and windows "search" appears instead.What can i do to open again folders with the double click?

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Drive Not Accessible After Defragmentation

Jul 28, 2010

i stopped the defragmentation in middle and now the drive is not opening

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Ways To Open The Registry Editor

Apr 23, 2006

what ways to open the registry editor in windowsXP? I know the run command regedit, are there any other ways

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Can Delete 012 - 013 - Registry Editor Version 5?

Mar 24, 2006

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
can i delet 012,013
[HKEY_USERSS-1-5-21-1275210071-1547161642-839522115-1003SoftwareMicrosoftSearch AssistantACMru5603]
"008"="Microsoft Photo Editor "
"010"="DVD SlideShow"
"014"="i386 setuodr bin"
"019"="web programs"

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Registry Editor Merge Dialog

Aug 16, 2005

Should file names in the merge registry entries dialog box look like this? The real path to this file is C:Other FilesRegistry Backups. I've been using the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) recently; could that have anything to do with this? I just can't remember if file names always looked like that.

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Group Policy Editor - Change It Through The Registry?

Sep 17, 2005

On WinXP Pro I can access "gpedit.msc" to change the QoS bandwidth to speed up my DSL connection. Unfortunately gpedit is not available on WinXP Home. Is there a way to change it through the registry?

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Registry - Registery Editor Does Not Stay Open

Jul 5, 2004

whenever i try to open regedit (the registery editor) does not stay open. i need to delete lines from it since i have recently had a virus but it will not stay open for me to do so.

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Virus That Stops Access To Registry Editor

Feb 18, 2007

I have windows XP Professional on my PC celeron 1.2 ghz, Mercury 810, 256 sd ram. I think my PC is infected with a virus that doesn't let me access Registry Editor, Group Policy Editor, MS-Dos from windows and all those vital tools. As soon as try to access them the system restarts automatically. Moreover, my antivirus program doesn't detect any virus (may be this too is the work of a virus). Has any body any idea what this problem is? Is this the work of a virus? If yes, I would like to know how to detect and eliminate this virus.

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Defragmented / Command Prompt And Registry Editor Not Working

Jul 18, 2006

For some reason, my user account in Windows XP says that I do not have administrator privileges, even though I am registered as a Administrator. Because of this, i cannot use command prompt, disk defragmenter, and registry editor. I use Windows XP Pro, with SP2.

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Start Registry Editor - Erase Data Trail

Sep 22, 2003

Start the Registry Editor by clicking Start, Run, and type "regedit" (without quotes). Go to this key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management On the right, locate the ClearPageFileAtShutdown value. Right-click the value, select modify, and change the data value of the registry key to 1. If the ClearPageFileAtShutdown value doesn't exist, add it. Right-click the right side of your specified key and add it as a DWORD value. Then change the data value to 1. Restart for your changes to take effect. Note: Your shutdown time may slightly increase.

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Enable Registry Editor For 2003 Server Standard Edition

Nov 24, 2008

how can i enable the registry editor for the Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition, when i type in run command it gives me the message "registry editing is disabled by your administrator".

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How To Make Click And Enter Registry Key?

Aug 14, 2005

Occasionally, I have to add or change a registry key on several machines. In the past, I have simply manually edited each machine's registry--time consuming.How does one make a registry key that can be entered with a click?

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Defragmentation Stopped And Started Again

Sep 19, 2004

I have never been good at understanding how to successfully run defragmentation. I know it's a good idea to do so on occasion so it keeps your computer in tip-top shape but in all the systems I've had in the past, Windows 95 and Windows 98, it just seemed like it never would complete. AND it took forever!

You'd see the percentage of it increasing and then all of a sudden, it started over. I'd have everything "closed" but I guess there were applications running in the background.

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No Defragmentation Tool Currently Installed

Sep 4, 2005

after going through "My Computer", Right clicking on C: Drive, clicking on Properties, Tool Tab... that is the message where defrag usually is located. how to get my defrag tool back?

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Slow Computer And Defragmentation - Filecompression

Sep 8, 2006

My XP home running PC is running really slowly. I have been using PC Pitstop optimise and adaware spywareblaster etc to try and keep things clear. I hadn't defraged for a month or so so have tried to do a diskclean and defrag. Filecompression is running but really slowly about 15 mins per percentage point.I have defraged (it is showing 30% defragmentisation) it said the defrag was done but the analysis still shows the same amout of red files.

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Defragmentation Catagery - Files Volume

Aug 7, 2006

I defragment about every month or so. Well, In the past three months every time I defrag it will come back with a message that says " Some files on this volume could not be defragmented". Blah Blah Blah. So, Naturally, I click view Report. And in the Files that did not defragment category, there is nothing there. I don't know what could cause this.

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Double Click The C Drive Or D Drive Is Showing Properties.

Jul 16, 2009

If I double click the C drive or D drive, Its showing Properties. Instead of opening the drive.

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Cannot Read Drive - Double Click Displays Drive D

Oct 8, 2006

I have been having problems on my Windows XP for almost a week. It started when I opened my computer nearly a week ago. Windows XP was so slow. I also notice that it cannot detetc my drive D. As you can see, my hard disk is partition into two. Windows XP is installed on drive C. I put some of my files on drive D. They are both 20 GB each (My hard disk is 40 GB). When I double-click it it displays that it drive D is not yet formatted and Windows XP will ask if I want to format it. I never remove or tamper its partition. I tried using "repair" in the Windows XP Installation Menu when I tried booting the Windows XP CD. The problem still wasn't fixed.

I also boot a windows 98 CD so that I can boot into DOS. However when I use DOS to access my drive D. It works fine. It seems that only Windows XP cannot read my drive D. Windows XP also runs so slow. Furthermore, when I tried using the "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" option when starting windows to access drive D, it states CRC "Cyclic Redundancy something..."

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No Defragmentation - FAT32 Style File System

Jul 17, 2005

I just recently fixed and wiped my HD...and reinstalled windows I along the way there were maybe 4 files that couldn't be copied, and I chose to bypass the files All seemed well, until I checked my HD on Windows and it said that no deframentation tool was is currently installed what on earth can I do about this?By the way, I have FAT32 style file system

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Editing Registry On Secondary Hard Drive - Drive Hooked Up

Jan 19, 2008

i screwed up my registry, and of all things it was the keyboard driver or something, so theres no hope of fixing it on my computer. ive got the drive hooked up as the slave on a different computer, but i cant figure out how to edit the registry on my drive rather than the primary drive. is there any editors that will open it from a file? any way of decompiling it? theres got to be some way to edit it. also, they are both xp.

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Free Disk Space: C Is Full Defragmentation Wont Work?

Dec 22, 2005

My Sony VAIO RZ40 has drives C and D. Drive C is so full that Defragger will not work.I have deleted Microsoft Word from drive C (planning to reinstall on drive D) but Properties in drive C does not show any reduction in space used.In addition to Defragger not working, when I choose Disk Cleanup it runs for hours and never does its job.

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Cannot Open C Drive With A Double Click

Nov 26, 2009

Operating system is XP cannot open c drive with a double click. The error message reads - Can not find script file "C:TTMS824.dll.vbs" However can open it with right click and explore Have tried to restore earlier dated restore points but the computer will not restore any of them. Have tried xp_folder_open.vbs by wwwdougknox.com but it did not help.

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Can't Open Drive C: On Double Click

Aug 19, 2007

I have this so called virus/worm "VBS/Solow-B" or FS6519.dll.vbs and I managed to delete it by searching thru the net on how to manually delete this worm. Unfortunately after deleting this I can't open my Drive C using double click unless I used right click then choose open then it will open. Here is the error message that came up. The window name is "Windows Script Host" the message is Can not find script file "C:FS6519.dll.vbs". How do I fix this so that I can use the double click again to open my Drive C:.

BTW I know this is too much too ask but how can I clean/remove the virus/worm on my flash drive? I think I got the virus from other pc using my flash drive then infected my other pc.

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Can't Open Drive C Thru Double Click

Nov 3, 2007

I can't open my Local Drive thru double click. I think its a malware or something but can anyone of you guys teach me how to get rid of it. My anti-virus and anti-spyware can't seem to detect it.
This Windows Script Host message pop-ups everytime I double click on Drive C: Can not find script file "C:LibraryBoys6519.dll.vbs".

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