Defragmented / Command Prompt And Registry Editor Not Working

Jul 18, 2006

For some reason, my user account in Windows XP says that I do not have administrator privileges, even though I am registered as a Administrator. Because of this, i cannot use command prompt, disk defragmenter, and registry editor. I use Windows XP Pro, with SP2.

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Dos Command Prompt - Need To Clear My System Registry

Dec 21, 2007

I have a Toshiba Tecra A8 ez8313 laptop and need to clear my system registry in dos screen.. I get to the point where i start PC with command prompts and hit enter but all that does is run a list og the loading drivers and then starts the PC in safe mode ...I cant get it to go to the C: comman prompt ...I am running XP and it will no longer accept my password ... I have been told a few differnt things to try during the start up such as pressing the page break key ..... or holding the windows key and R at the same time none of them pull up the command prompt.

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File Extnsions Not Working In From Command Prompt

Jun 6, 2008

Recently after a Windows defender update (about 3 days ago) I stopped being able to run file extensions from a Windows XP command prompt. (Coincidental or not I don't know).Before typing 'todo.txt' at a command prompt brought up todo.txt in notepad.exe. Currently if I type todo.txt at a command prompt it will respond with "The system cannot execute the program specified."

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Filter A Folder - Special Command To Type At The Command Prompt?

Nov 21, 2009

I would like to know if this can be done in win xp environment. say I have a folder, A, of pictures only and they all have file extensions jpg eg abc.jpg, xyz.jpg. say I have a second folder, B, which contains all the files of A(if you ignore extensions) and more(but all are pictures.) But all the files in B has extensions NEF instead of jpg eg abc.NEF, efg.NEF, xyz.NEF. My idea is to extract all the files from B that has the same the name as A(ignoring extensions) and either move or copy to a separate folder ie if A contains abc.jpg, xyz.jpg then abc.NEF and xyz.NEF will be extracted and moved/copied to a new folder. I'm not sure where to start. is there a program out there that can do this? or there's a special command to type at the command prompt?

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Command Prompt Error - 'command' Is Not Recognized?

Oct 22, 2007

Previously I have been doing work that requires me to unplug my network connection and I need to check my IP address each time I plug it in again. I guess it's not set for static IP.Anyways to do this I usually go into Command Prompt and type 'ipconfig'Now however I just get "'ipconfig' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file".The directory is the same as its always been, I can change it but it doesn't seem to matter what it is.I've checked many other posts and is there something possibly wrong with my PATH variable? I used the command 'echo %PATH%' and it works, the list it gives is very garbled however.

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System Policy Editor - POLEDIT.EXE Command.

Aug 3, 2005

I would like to setup some system policy for different users, but in WinXP,
there is no POLEDIT.EXE command.How can I do it as in W2K server?

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Running "tasklist /svc" Command In The Command Prompt Show Unknown Services?

Nov 19, 2008

I noticed a lot of services running under one of my svchost.exe processes when I ran the "tasklist /svc" command in the Command Prompt.Here's what I got: AudioSrv, BITS, Browser, CryptSvc, DHCP, dmserver, ERSvc, EventSystem, FastUserSwitchingCompatibilty, helpsvc, HidServ, lanmanserver, lanmanworkstation, Netman, Nla, RasMan, Schedule, seclogon, SENS, SharedAccess, ShellHWDetection, srservice, TapiSrv, Themes, TrkWks, W32Time, winmgmt, wscsvc, wuaserv, WZCSVC I'm not at all sure if any of those are real threats

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Cant Get Out Of Registry Editor

Jan 12, 2006

One of my kids has somehow got into the registry editor and i cant get out of it - it wont let me click on 'disconnect'

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Registry Editor?

Mar 2, 2006

what is Registry Editor? I'm curious of what it is; I know not to mess with the registry.

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Cant Run Registry Editor

Jul 30, 2005

when i try to run my registry editor, i get this box.

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Best Registry Editor?

May 26, 2006

I want to know what the best Registry Editor is for Windows XP Pro. I have this annoying site that is redirecting me to porn sites. I wanna know how to get rid of it. I am guessing using a good Registry Editor will do it?

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Need A Registry Editor?

Oct 16, 2005

In my Internet Explorer under the view I still see the option for the Roboform toolbar although it is grayed out. I have removed this program, and I thought I got all of the remnants. Should I keep looking for files to delete somewhere, or would I need a registry editor to remove this reference?

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Disable Registry Editor

Apr 11, 2006

I want to disable my registry editor for security reason, how to do it? and if I wanna enable back, what am I supposed to do?

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Something Wrong In Registry Editor

Nov 22, 2008

Yesterday i was adding some new "keys" on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesDirectoryshell to add the option " open in a new window" while clicking on a folder with the right button.I did something wrong and now when i double click on a folder it can't open and windows "search" appears instead.What can i do to open again folders with the double click?

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Ways To Open The Registry Editor

Apr 23, 2006

what ways to open the registry editor in windowsXP? I know the run command regedit, are there any other ways

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Can Delete 012 - 013 - Registry Editor Version 5?

Mar 24, 2006

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
can i delet 012,013
[HKEY_USERSS-1-5-21-1275210071-1547161642-839522115-1003SoftwareMicrosoftSearch AssistantACMru5603]
"008"="Microsoft Photo Editor "
"010"="DVD SlideShow"
"014"="i386 setuodr bin"
"019"="web programs"

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Registry Editor Merge Dialog

Aug 16, 2005

Should file names in the merge registry entries dialog box look like this? The real path to this file is C:Other FilesRegistry Backups. I've been using the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) recently; could that have anything to do with this? I just can't remember if file names always looked like that.

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MS-DOS Command Prompt Cmd.exe

Jan 18, 2007

I have Windows XP on my computer, and when I try to ping something through the command prompt (, this shows up:Running tracert also has the same problem.If I try running ping or tracert through cmd.exe, it stalls and doesn't do anything. I have to close the program because it doesn't respond.I can use ipconfig in both cmd.exe and Do I have a virus on my computer, or is there a way to repair the command prompt?

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Group Policy Editor - Change It Through The Registry?

Sep 17, 2005

On WinXP Pro I can access "gpedit.msc" to change the QoS bandwidth to speed up my DSL connection. Unfortunately gpedit is not available on WinXP Home. Is there a way to change it through the registry?

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Registry - Registery Editor Does Not Stay Open

Jul 5, 2004

whenever i try to open regedit (the registery editor) does not stay open. i need to delete lines from it since i have recently had a virus but it will not stay open for me to do so.

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Virus That Stops Access To Registry Editor

Feb 18, 2007

I have windows XP Professional on my PC celeron 1.2 ghz, Mercury 810, 256 sd ram. I think my PC is infected with a virus that doesn't let me access Registry Editor, Group Policy Editor, MS-Dos from windows and all those vital tools. As soon as try to access them the system restarts automatically. Moreover, my antivirus program doesn't detect any virus (may be this too is the work of a virus). Has any body any idea what this problem is? Is this the work of a virus? If yes, I would like to know how to detect and eliminate this virus.

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Right Click Drive Defragmentation - Registry Editor

Oct 8, 2002

there's two ways of achieving this. The easy way:
1. Create a .reg file and name it to whatever you think might fit. (create an empty .txt-file and rename it to whatever.reg)
2. Rightclick it and choose "edit".
3. Paste the following into it:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDriveshellDefragCommand]@="defrag.exe %1 -f -v"
4. Save and close.
5. Doubleclick it and answer yes/ok to the questions.
6. Rightclick a drive and choose 'Defrag' to defragment it......

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Dos Command Prompt At Bootup Still

May 22, 2005

Still getting the dos prompt shutdown command box after scanning and removing malware, spyware, trojans and everything else you can think of. Here is what it looks like. C:/windows/system32/cmd.exe

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DOS And Command Prompt Corrupted

Jul 7, 2005

I have Windows XP Home and for some reason, all of a sudden I am unable to run any kind of commands in the Command prompt under Start - Programs - Accessories. I used to be able to run things like system file checker and ipconfig but for some reason I cannot now. Could DOS be corrupted or am I just accessing things wrongly. Last time I tried to run IPCONFIG I received a message that said "IPCONFIG is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program"....Also when I open up the command prompt it says C:Documents and Settings Username.

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C Script.exe Command Prompt

Nov 3, 2007

I need to open the stupid command promt thingy to use certain commands for this retarded isp to get my broadband to work,.however my problem is that when i goto run and type in "cscript.exe" it opens and closes straight away.

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Command Prompt Does Not Recognize

Nov 25, 2006

My Prompt does not recognize any command. But Exit.Windows XP Panda antivirus 2007

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Can You Do A Reg Restore From A Command Prompt?

Jul 15, 2005

i edited some high and low filters from my reg trying to get xp home to find
my cd burner. now i have no mouse or keyboard fnction when i boot into safe
mode can you do a reg restore from a safe mode command prompt ?

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Won't Boot Command Prompt

Sep 1, 2008

I have windows XP Home installed on the computer. It will show the micropc page, go into the safe mode/normal mode/last good settings/boot with command prompt/ boot with networking screen, and no matter what you choose, it just resets again and ends up at the same screen..

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Go To Command Prompt It Always Starts

Nov 7, 2007

It always starts with (c:documents and settingsmark>) is this how it is supposed to start out.Every time I type a command it never works. I want to type this- tasklist /m /fi "IMAGENAME eq rundll32.exe" >C:undll32.txt because my pc would not let me shut down kept saying rundll32.exe was not responding. Earlier I clicked on windows card space because I had not seen it before to see what it was and it started the service,when I clicked on it again it said it was to busy to answer my request.I never heard of such! It uses rundll32.exe, I think.I finally hit "end now" and rebooted, now I got 2 rundll32.exe's.I found that command on Ramishes site under "whats the suspicious Rundll32.exe" Anyway I thought cmd should start with "c:" and thats it?

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Command Prompt Freak-Out!

May 27, 2007

Hey! I am having a big problem with my command Prompt. Everytime I try and open a program that uses it, the prompt appears on the screen but disappears in a split second. It's like a quick flash. Now, when I open the prompt by itself by going to it in "Start---All Programs---Accessories---Command Prompt, it works fine. But I can't do hardly anything from there.

Any advice?

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Start Registry Editor - Erase Data Trail

Sep 22, 2003

Start the Registry Editor by clicking Start, Run, and type "regedit" (without quotes). Go to this key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management On the right, locate the ClearPageFileAtShutdown value. Right-click the value, select modify, and change the data value of the registry key to 1. If the ClearPageFileAtShutdown value doesn't exist, add it. Right-click the right side of your specified key and add it as a DWORD value. Then change the data value to 1. Restart for your changes to take effect. Note: Your shutdown time may slightly increase.

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