I have been having problems on my Windows XP for almost a week. It started when I opened my computer nearly a week ago. Windows XP was so slow. I also notice that it cannot detetc my drive D. As you can see, my hard disk is partition into two. Windows XP is installed on drive C. I put some of my files on drive D. They are both 20 GB each (My hard disk is 40 GB). When I double-click it it displays that it drive D is not yet formatted and Windows XP will ask if I want to format it. I never remove or tamper its partition. I tried using "repair" in the Windows XP Installation Menu when I tried booting the Windows XP CD. The problem still wasn't fixed.
I also boot a windows 98 CD so that I can boot into DOS. However when I use DOS to access my drive D. It works fine. It seems that only Windows XP cannot read my drive D. Windows XP also runs so slow. Furthermore, when I tried using the "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" option when starting windows to access drive D, it states CRC "Cyclic Redundancy something..."
Operating system is XP cannot open c drive with a double click. The error message reads - Can not find script file "C:TTMS824.dll.vbs" However can open it with right click and explore Have tried to restore earlier dated restore points but the computer will not restore any of them. Have tried xp_folder_open.vbs by wwwdougknox.com but it did not help.
I have this so called virus/worm "VBS/Solow-B" or FS6519.dll.vbs and I managed to delete it by searching thru the net on how to manually delete this worm. Unfortunately after deleting this I can't open my Drive C using double click unless I used right click then choose open then it will open. Here is the error message that came up. The window name is "Windows Script Host" the message is Can not find script file "C:FS6519.dll.vbs". How do I fix this so that I can use the double click again to open my Drive C:.
BTW I know this is too much too ask but how can I clean/remove the virus/worm on my flash drive? I think I got the virus from other pc using my flash drive then infected my other pc.
I can't open my Local Drive thru double click. I think its a malware or something but can anyone of you guys teach me how to get rid of it. My anti-virus and anti-spyware can't seem to detect it. This Windows Script Host message pop-ups everytime I double click on Drive C: Can not find script file "C:LibraryBoys6519.dll.vbs".
when I double click any drive (including zips cd ets) instead of opening the drive to show its contents it goes to the search page? also I have noticed that "search" is at the top of the drives' right click menu shown in this ...
I have a dell d520. Recently, after XP updated, I stopped being able to double click the flash drive icon to open it. I can open it by right clicking and choosing explore or open, and the auto open still works when I first plug it in. It works just fine on other computers. I've tried error-checking to no avail. Any suggestions?
I double-click and get "search" instead of "open"--only when I click a disk, like Hard Drive C: or Floppy A: or CD F: and so on. It didn't used to do this, so I must've inadvertently changed some setting somewhere,
When i made the map network drive , and i got a drive called it N as a network drive if i tried to access it , this mes. appear but if i right clicked this drive and choosed open or explore , it work without appearing this mes.
I just installed a new external USB hard drive on my notebook to increase my storage capacity. The problem is, in doing so I must have enabled some weird seach option, because when I double-click either drive (C: or external) in My Computer it brings up a search window with that drive selected as where I want to search. Any ideas what caused this or how to disable it?
I just restored and updated all Windows software from Microsoft Update and everytime I double click the Hard Drive I get the Search window. If I turn the Search off I'm not in any specific folder. I used to only receive that when I needed it. Now I have to Right Click the Drive Letter and Select Open or Explore. How can I fix this issue?
I'm having a minor problem with my 'my computer'.. In the my computer window, when i double click on any diskdrive, the diskdrive window opens in a altogether new window(previously it used to open in the same window). I did something in folder options(I dont know what i exactly i did) and from then its behaving like this. But when i open any folder in the disk drive window,it opens in d same window.So the problem is only with the 'My computer' window.
Whenever i doubleclick on any of the Drives(C: , D: ) a windows search window appears, if i have to open i have to rightclick and select open...also i observed that when i right click on my c drive or d drive the first option i have is "search" in bold. and then the next option is open. whereas for anyother folder open is my first option when i right click and in bold!
When I double click the hard drive in "My Computer" it shows the search feature instead of the contents of hard drive with the folders. I can right click the drive and select open which at that point it will show all the content in the drive but when I double click the drive the serach feature open , Can someone help in getting this back to normal?
A friend of mine would like me to take a look at his computer for him later. He said he is getting an error message when he starts it up that says Failure to read internal drive Press F1 to reboot. He doesn't have the exact message but that's about it. Does this mean the hard drive is bad, or is there hope that I can fix this?
When I open a folder (MyComputer, for example), and try to right-click or double-click an icon to open it- it does not work. When I right-click the icon, NOTHING happens. When I double-click the icon, the icon gets highlighted, but the program or other folder does not open. I checked in the folder options, and it is set up so that when you double-click an icon, it opens the program. But the weird thing about it is that if I try to double-click or right-click an icon on my desktop.. it works like it should. So this really just doesn't make sense.
Many times when I single click on an item with my mouse, whether it be a program, a shortcut, or whatever, more often than not , it acts as a double click. When I double cliclk, it opens up the program twice more often than mot, also. I have the Folder options set up to double click so I don't know what's going on. I regularly run AdAdware, Spybot, and I have ZoneAlarm Suite running all the time
I don't know what happen I can't open my c: drive or other hard drives happen the same thing so i tried right click and choose open option that didn't work as well error message just say that can't find application program to open and i only can view the file by right click on the start button and select explore to view file on my hard drive.
I have a client who has a Dell Vostro 2510. I installed the Alps touchpad driver which on all my other laptops has a disable tapping feature, but for some reason that feature is not present for this laptop Am I using the wrong type of driver?
well i recently realised that i have got into a habit of saving my downloads on my desktop and forgetting to move them from there so i was thinking for the solution and just thought to make my boot drive as read only so that i couldnt save anything there so is there any way by which i can make a drive read only?
Recently I tried to run my Autocad program. It faulted on an error stating that it couldn't create files in the Temp directory and that I should check to see if it was marked Read Only. I found that the entire drive is marked Read Only. When I went to Properties and tried to reset it to normal it went right back to Read Only. I was able to create a new Adminstrator User on my PC to get around the problem, but that means all my user settings are lost. It appears that I have lost administrative rights to the drive. All my other apps seem to work fine. How do I correct the problem without loosing my current user configurations. Why doesn't Windows XP allow one to copy or save a user configuration?
I am running XP Pro and trying to install a games disk for my granddaughter, the disk works on another computer running XP Pro but not on mine it won't even show up in my computer in the D drive just tells me to insert a disk I have tried going through run to no avail, all other disks work
I have XP SP2 running on a 160Gb drive that is in a Compaq nc8000 laptop.I can read the drive with an external USB drive caddy.Can read the drive with BartPE. Did a chkdsk and all is ok.Did a fixboot via the recovery console. It replaced the boot record.Checked boot.ini. All is ok.Deleted the hibernation partition from the drive.Replaced NTLDR with a known good version.Still does not work.
I just did a clean install of Windows XP Pro with SP2. Everything seems to work fine but i wanted to make a bootup disk with a floppy. I inserted a new one into A: drive which is the floppy drive but the 'Insert Disk' window keeps popping up. I tried to format the disks but it's as though it doesn't recognize the disks. I checked the drivers and it says there's no conflicts. I used to have Win 2000 Pro and it recognized my floppy without any problems. Could the problem be my BIOS or WIN XP?
I am running XP Media Edition on a BRAND NEW Computer I hooked up today. I took an existing NTFS External Hard drive and plugged it into a vacant USB port. The new PC does not like this external drive. When I boot the light on the front of the drive turns amber and when I go to My Computer it does not appear. If I power down the drive it will finally appear in My Computer but when I try to access it there is only one EMPTY folder. When I look at Properties it says there is 160G being used and the rest is free so the data is there. I can plug this same External drive into another PC and it reads just fine.
I have a very strange problem...I have a DVD -/+ RW drive that reads CDs fine but when you try to put in a DVD of any kind it does not recognize it...does not matter whether or not the DVD is a retail movie, DVD -/+ R or RW disc, etc. This problem is not with the drive as this is the 3rd unit I've put in and it has behaved the same way...there is some setting or function within Windows XP that is causing this problem...all 3 of the drives work just fine in other machines. Does anyone know where this type of problem could reside within XP?
I turned on my computer today and everything's messed up. I'm running windows XP on a Sony Vaio (about 6 yrs. old). I have 2 separate CD drives, and my computer won't recognize them. Sometimes when I restarted it'd recognize one of them. When I'm in the BIOS screen it only shows 1 CD drive. I can't copy or backup files; I wanted to backup so I could revert back to factory settings. I also can't install or uninstall anything. My anti-virus program (McAfee) says it has updated, but when I run a scan it says my definitions are 5 months out of date. It suddenly takes a really long time to boot up.