Removing Preview Options For Images And Others

Aug 12, 2002

In WinXP, there are certain default right click menu associations on some file types, such as images, audio, video, etc. These can often interfere with your chosen default apps for handling these file types (such as ACDSee or others). Images are a prime example -- no matter what other app you install for manipulating images, the "Preview" option is always the default, which goes and runs the Windows Image and Fax Viewer. I finally found the solution to this.Any entry in the ContextMenuHandler key will override whatever you try and do, there's no easy way of telling it you want a different default option. This leaves us with deleting these keys as a final solution.As always, back up your registery before doing any changes.

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Desktop Preview Images Not Visible

Jan 4, 2007

In Display Properties > Desktop, the images do not appear in the mini computer screen. Instead, I need to select a file and click Apply to preview it.

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Xp Boot Options At Start: Removing One Option?

Feb 16, 2006

just formatted the hard drive and installed xp pro on a hp 533 had xp home on it when i boot up i get the option to start xp home or can i get it to just boot to xp pro and not even ask about xp home which is not on there anymore?

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Dual Booting W/Vista And Removing XP From Boot Options?

Jul 21, 2009

I really didnt want to harm my computer or have all my files deleted so after spending hours googling it, I thought I'd make my own thread and ask here.My cousin basically gave me my laptop, 40gb hard drive and dual booting windows xp and windows vista.I've never ever used xp and always use vista, but recently I noticed that I'm running out of diskspace. After a lot of research I realised it was my windows folder that was taking up 50% of my drive!

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Can't See Preview Icon

Nov 22, 2006

I just installed Adobe PS CS2 and I was fixing some of the icons that hadnt changed from the PS Elements ones when I changed the .ico icon and now you cant see their preview icon, it shows a PS icon. Hope you get what I mean. How can I change this back?

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No Preview To Moved Photos

Apr 4, 2007

My daughter's eMachines PC has XP. She was moving some photos from one folder to another. Now they won't preview or open. The thumbnail images do not show up either.In Properties they do not say "Read Only" or "Hidden" and it will not let me alter anything. It will say "Error Applying Attributes"-"Access is denied".I asked her what happened and she said she was prompted if she wanted to move these "Read Only" files and she clicked "Yes" because she said it has asked her before on some.It lists the titles and the size of the files. The other photos in the folder show their previews and thumbnails, but these just show the generic JEPG icon.

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Remove Image Preview

Oct 9, 2004

1. Open regedit and 2. Browse to and delete the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSystemFileAssociationsimageShellExConte xtMenuHandlersShellImagePreview Originally posted by blueflame.

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Printing A Web Site: Preview Page With Noting In It?

Sep 2, 2005

It seems like just now I am not be able to print anything when i am on Internet explorer. I just to preview and/or print. No When I try to print it doesn't do anything if i try to preview it bring the preview page with noting in it. I can print any document or anything except when I'm on Internet explorer.

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OE Preview Pane- Messages Wont Open

Jan 3, 2007

the preview pane so that messages wont open immediately Win XP IE6

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Change Fax Preview To Microsoft Picture - Fax Viewer

Jul 6, 2005

I use Microsoft Fax from the Microsft Windows XP Home Edition. On my account the fax preview uses the Microsoft Picture and Fax Viewer. I have added another user account to XP. When they use the Microsoft Fax, the preview uses Kodak software and I not seeing the way to change it to the Microsoft Picture and Fax Viewer like it is on my account. Any help on getting the preview to use the Microsoft Picture and Fax

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Icons Got Bigger When Downloaded Preview Of Game

Feb 12, 2007

I downloaded a preview of a game and after I was done playing it I closed the window and everything was bigger the icons fonts taks bars everything. i would like to have everything back to normal size but when i went into properties it was already on normal size. I ran my ad ware scanner and virus scanner and there was nothing. Oh ya my operating system is Windows XP.

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Printer Wont Print Or Scan: Getting Error During Preview?

Aug 31, 2006

i have a hp psc 1500 series printer /when i try to scan i get a error occurred during preview .if scanner is being used please wait for it to complet the task abd then click windows.xp media center edition version 2002 service pack 2

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Boot Menu Options: Black Screen With Options?

Jul 12, 2005

I have a computer that I formatted the hard drive on. Then installed Windows XP Pro. When it boots up, it goes to a black screen and has Windows XP Pro and Windows XP listed with the Win XP Pro selected and boots to it in 15 seconds or so if nothing is selected. I have read somewhere about this before and have NO clue where I read it, but does anyone know how to get rid of the option (Win XP) that really doesn't even exist on the hard drive?

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4 Start Up Options - Unable To Delete 3 Unwanted Options?

Dec 24, 2008

I have ended up with 4 different options for XP Pro when my computer starts. This is, basically, as a result of me re-installing Widows a couple of times to try and solve a very slow running system (more help needed there but I will start a new thread for that).How do I remove the 3 unwanted start options?

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Picture Looks Fine In The Preview -on Applying Half Picture Is Off The Screen

Aug 12, 2010

i've had problems with my computer background for months -.- and it's really getting on my nerves. i'd like to find a solution to my problem.. when i right click my desktop, click properties, click desktop.. and browse and find the photo i want to set, it looks fine in the preview but when i apply it, half of it is off the screen in the corner. i tried changing it to stretch, center, tile, i re sized the image to my exact desktop size, i also tried different resolutions and still no change! please if someone can help.. i've googled this Many Many times but none of the solutions worked for me, i've also tried multiple images... I'll post some screenshots now

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Checking Print Preview: Blank Box And The Printer Wont Print?

Jul 21, 2005

I write a file in Word and then save it.Before I print it I usually go into Print Preview just to check things out.This time however it just showed me a blank box and the printer would not print.Everything was OK for a complete day and then the problem happened again - blank preview and no printing. This time switching off for 10 minutes and then back on had no effect.I have been trying most of today to correct things without success. I then copied it onto a floppy, put the floppy in my friends PC - same result as before

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More Boot Options Than I'd Like: Three Different Options?

Jan 15, 2006

I recently reformatted and repartitioned hard drive and reinstalled XP. I messed something up because now when I boot comp, I'm given three different Windows XP options to boot even though I have only one instance of XP installed. What do I have to do to get rid of the two unwanted boot options?

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Still Cannot Get Images

Aug 25, 2005

I am running outlook express in Windows XP SP2. Quite frequently images in emails are replaced by a large box with a small red x in the upper left corner. I have unchecked the appropriate box in the security tab under Options' in the 'Tools' pull down menue of Outlook Express. I still can not get certain images. It would seem that most often this problem occuts in email that has been forwarded to me.

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Using Own Images As BG For Folders

Jan 21, 2006

I'd like to know if it's possible to use my own images as a BG for certain folders. For instance, I've made a 'Games' folder, which is where I put shortcuts to games, and would like to use my own image as the BG for that folder. Is it possible? Is there a way to do this?

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Can't Forward Images In OE6 Using XP2 Pro

Jul 16, 2008

Had to re-install XP2 Pro and Outlook Express 6. Need to figure out why I can't forward emails that contain images, such as jpegs. I receive the email with the jpeg in the message fine but when I forward the email the jpegs only show as the empty box with the "x" in top left corner. Before re-installing Xp and Office and OE6 I was able to do this. Is there a setting or configuration that I missed. I have set in OE6 Mail Sending Format to HTML with Send Pictures with Messages and Encoding Text as Quoted Printable. I'm using Yahoo as my mail server.

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Backups And Images Of OS

Jun 3, 2005

If when you have installed XP along with all drivers, office and updates you make a back up image like ghost, of your system at that point, can this be used as a permanent reinstall if you were unlucky anouth to get hit by a virus or have a corrupted OS, or is it a stop gap until you can reformat and reinstall with a xp disc, and what happens to the data you back up over.

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Images Not Showing

Sep 23, 2005

I have inspiron 9200 with win xp home SP2.Some of the images and some flash and java applications dont run or open in my browser (Internet explorer or firefox i have tried both but nothing works.For example the main yahoo logo at the top of does not open in my browser.

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Toggle Between Acronis Images

Mar 22, 2006

I want to perform a clean install on a older dell poweredge running Win 2000 server that i aquired a while back. What i would like to do is create a Acronis True Image of the current install and throw it on an external HD. (i want to keep the current install usable for a few weeks) Then wipe the disk and do a clean install of the OS and start fresh till i get everything running the way i like it. And also create a image of this new install and throw it on the external HD as well.

But during this span of a few weeks i would need to restore to the original install and go back to the fresh install quite a few times probalby....err toggle between the original and new install until all is well. (carry on with the fresh install when no one is in the office, when done for the night restore back to original install untill the next night i can continue with my work and toggle to the new install again and again and again.

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Toggle Images.exe Should Be Turn Off Or On?

Aug 16, 2005

In IE Links, what does Toggle Images.exe do? (I imagine it's supposed to turn on or off images) I've never used this feature before.

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Viewing Images On Some Websites

Nov 20, 2005

I have a problem with viewing images on some websites.I have a Dell Dimension 4600 Series computer, I use Windows XP, IE browser, and I have Norton Systemworks premier 2005 Antivirus program on my computer. I also have spywareblaster from javacool site and a popup blocker.The main type of websites I have trouble viewing are websites with e-cards. I can view the e-cards but when I click on them to view to send..I get the tiny box with the red x in it.One in particular is the site..I only get a blank background with the box & red x on the main page. If I go down to the e-cards and click on it.I can see the e-cards but again, when I click on one to send, nothing but the blank with the box & red x.Also I have tried to download the Macromedia Flash Player. I click on the download box, the next page that comes up, there is nothing to click on, only a box with the red x. That is as far as I can get.

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Explorer Images Not Showing

Feb 19, 2009

why when I go to pull up a tech article or some such document that has images as part of the article, the images only show as a box with an "X"? The images tend to support the explanation of the text, but they aren't there. Is there a box within Windows Explorer or something in my Zone Alarm that I have to set in order to get these to show properly?

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Thumbnail Images In Explorer

Jul 30, 2005

Is there anyway to enlarge the thumbnail image size when viewing jpeg and other photos in Windows Explorer?

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Cannot View Images While Browsing

Aug 22, 2005

I have a Dell computer running Windows XP. I've noticed that certain websites are not displaying properly; graphics are missing from some pages (not all graphics, just one or two). For example, the banner at the top of will not show. There doesn't seem to be an order to the missing graphics; it seems to be randomly blocking certain graphics, both jpg and gif. If I visit a new site, I do not know if I'm seeing all there is to see

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No Images For Background Allowed

Nov 22, 2007

I want to change my desktop background, but when I go to OPTIONS, the images available are grayed out.? It it totally frozen. I cannot even put a theme in, the icons show up, but nothing else.I used to be able to change my background at will, putting photos I had taken up, but now when I go to those options, the only thing I can do is change the background color as the images (including the BROWSE button) are grayed out. I have tried just about every imaginable combination of modifying themes and choosing backgrounds, but still, the only thing I can do is change the color of the desktop. However, when I go to shut down the computer, the image I previously had selected shows briefly.

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Remove Desktop Images

Apr 3, 2005

My question is why is it when I save a photo in my pictures that is shows up in my desktop images? Start-Control panel-App and themes-Display-click desktop tab.All the images on my computer show up in this box.Why does it do this as I have a bunch in there and would like to remove many of them or stop them from collecting there.

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Ghost Images On Desktop

Jul 29, 2009

My HD crapped out on me so I bought a new one. My brother gave me a copy of Windows Black for my new OS, so I installed it. Everything was running smooth, (installing drivers, hardware and such) until I DL'ed Steam. I noticed a weird box on my screen. I'd scroll up or down and it would multiply. "Oh great" I thought. Un-installed Steam then re-installed my video card. Back to normal. Re-installed steam, same problem. GRRRRR.Finally gave up on Steam and just started browsing for other software to get. Out of nowhere the boxes show up again, so I know it's not a Steam problem. Maybe a video card problem? Maybe a Windows Black bug? I have no idea, but this is what I see on my desktop.

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