Record And Log Phone Conversations To My Hard Drive?

Jul 8, 2005

I want to be able to record and log phone conversations on to my hard drive.When I was using a modem I used a program called Modem Spy, this will not work with Broadband/ADSL and so on.I have tried a search on Google with limited results.What is the generic name given to these types of programs or bits of hardware?Better still, could someone throw a few websites my way remembering that most work only with modems, I have broadband.

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Recording/Loging Phone Calls From Modem To A PC Hard Drive?

Jul 11, 2005

I want to record and log phone conversations on to my hard drive using software only if possible.When I was using a modem I used a programe called Modem Spy, this will not work with Broadband/ADSL and so on and I no longer have modem fitted.I have tried a search on Google with limited results.Could anyone recomend or name a few products or their websites remembering that most work only with modems, I have ADSL

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Master Boot Record Hard Drive

Dec 14, 2006

I have a hard drive from an old computer (Win 2000 Pro) that I wanted to piggy back on my new computer.Only thing is it wont recognize it since it shows it as a Master Boot Record drive.I even tried putting it in an external hard drive enclosure with a USB. System saw it and loaded it properly, but it is not available in Windows Explorer.Its just plain "not there"!

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Media Center Software Record Physical Hard Drive

Oct 12, 2007

I have an HP Media Center and an IOMEAGA 1Tb NAS. The Media Center software will only record to physical hard drives on the media center. This means any hard drive or USB hard drive. I am looking for software that will emulate this and will point to a network drive this way I can record directly to my NAS.

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Microphone Wont Record External Sounds But Record From PC?

Mar 26, 2008

I have a strange audio problem which i havent encounted before and cant for the life of me figure it out.My microphone isnt recording exteral sound, but i can record sound only from in the computer i.e. "what you hear" records.

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How To Replace Master Boot Record On Dual Boot System & Delete Linux Drive

Mar 8, 2006

I have a dual boot system (2 hard drives) booting Suse and XP and boot up through Suse's built in boot manager which gives me the option of booting to Windows or Linux. But since I barely ever use Linux I want to delete it off the 2nd drive so I can use it for a storage drive, so I'm wondering how to replace the Windows Master Boot Record so I can just boot into my XP drive. I'm scared that once I delete/reformat the contents of the 2nd hard drive (I'll probably use Partition Magic to do this through my XP drive) that I won't be able to boot XP up anymore. So before I do anything I want to just be able to boot into XP and bypass the linux drive before I delete it to make sure everything is ok.

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Cant Copy Files From Internal Hard Drive To External Hard Drive Using Linux

Mar 5, 2010

I have a Dell computer where one of the loading .dll files came up 'missing' one day, so it won't boot. I want to get all the photos and other docs off the hard drive. I had downloaded one version of linux and was able to see the files on the internal hard drive, but was unable to copy them to a memory stick or external hard drive. Now I've downloaded ubuntu and booted off a memory stick... this time, it's telling me that the internal hard drive has all kinds of bad sectors and won't let me access any of the files on there.

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Transfer Files From Removed Laptop Hard Drive Into New Hard Drive

Aug 5, 2010

My laptop died and I removed the hard drive.i hooked the hard drive up to my new laptop via a SATA/IDE cable.

I can see the old hard drive in the E drive and it appears that all the contents are there by the size of the hard drive (same as when I had it in the old laptop) but I can only see, actually view, a very small percentage of the drive.

My goal: I want to transfer all old music, word documents and photos from old laptop into new laptop.

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Convert Slave Hard Drive To Primary Hard Drive

Oct 13, 2009

current HD going bad, have second HD installed and using as back but now i need to make the second HD my primary, can i do this without having to reformat in order to add booting files.

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Hard Drive Space - Having Wild Swings In My Hard Drive

Dec 5, 2007

using XP. am having wild swings in my hard drive space go from 46.1 to 44.1 and sometimes in between. have not installed any new programs recently. what could be causing it and how do i correct also am noticing my laptop as slowed appreciablydo know whether the two problems are correlated

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New Hard Drive Xp - New Install - Doesnot Find Hard Drive

Jul 2, 2008

i have a Compaq nx 7400 .i was hahving a lot of problems with the computer so i decided to put a new hard drive in and reinstall XP .
well i have the new hard drive in and started up the machine and changed the bott options to run from the dvd and all went fine until i should press the ENTER ( return ) button to install XP now . as soon as i did that the next window said no hard drive found . this was also happening on the old hard drive that was in the machine .

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Transfer Data From Hard Drive To Hard Drive

Oct 13, 2008

I had this idea, see if anybody has an opinion about this. My wife has an old XP computer I want to buy her a new one but she doesn't like the vista and she wants to keep the old xp operating system. What I want to do is take the old hard drive and put it in the new computer as the master and take the new hard drive and put it in as the slave erasing the vista off it. Then using the master slave way can I transfer the xp operating system and all her files and data from the old hard drive to the new one.

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Internal Hard Drive To External Hard Drive

Oct 7, 2010

We have Windows XP Home Edition 80 GBCan we copy entire hard drive to an external hard drive?

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Difference Between A ATA Hard Drive And A SATA Hard Drive?

Oct 5, 2006

Can anyone tell me whats the difference between a ATA hard drive and a SATA hard drive?

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Corrupt Hard Drive Files: Save The Files And Reformat The Hard Drive?

Oct 18, 2009

I recently helped someone save the documents off of their computer after it crashed (it was missing a Windows file. I tried the repair command and it wouldn't work, so I decided to save the files and reformat the hard drive).I plugged the hard drive into a working computer and pulled all the documents off of it (VERY slowly) onto an external hard drive.

Every once in awhile I wouldn't be able to pull a picture or document off because of a cyclic redundancy check error. I just moved on and saved what I could. I assumed it was because the hard drive was already bad so I just moved what I could.

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Purchase A Smart Phone Or A Pda

May 5, 2006

I have been wanting to purchase a smart phone or a pda, so I may review, answer emails and check internet sites while I am out of my home office. I have been told that pda's are slow. My current carrier is Cingular, and I do like the Treo 650 and don't mind paying $350 but the monthly charges are horrendous $45 for an unlimited data connect this is beyond your monthly voice charge. I am looking for alternative and I am willing to change carrier but don't know who to go with for less expensive charges. With technology where its at, I thought I'd be able to be constantly on, a la Dick Tracy through my watch.

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Cloning Hard Drive: Transferring Cloned Data From External Hard Disk?

Jan 8, 2009

I am cloning my existing hard drive in my laptop (sata) to an external hard drive (pata) in preparation for installing a new larger hard drive (sata)in the laptop. Can I, or how do I transfer the cloned data from the external (pata) to the new internal hard drive (sata)? Thanks in advance and I apoligize if this is a rudimentary question as this is my first time attempting something like this.

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Computer Restarts - Non Phone Folders

Jun 11, 2007

I run win xp and have a nokia phone. all other folders on the phone seem to me accessable, but this one, and all non phone folders aswell. This would indicate a phone problem, but for old times sake I blame windows. Also, if there are other alternatives to windows explorer that would be a very efficient way to find out if there is any blame to be guided towards windows.

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Cell Phone As A Modem For A Faxing

Feb 20, 2007

I have a Samsung VI660 phone for which I bought a data cable. I installed the drivers to give it the ability to act as a modem, and I'm able to connect to a dial up internet account using the cell phone as a modem. The problem is, I can't seem to get it send faxes, and I'm not sure if there is anyway to do this. I thought if the cell phone could handshake and establish an internet connection, it should also be able to handshake to establish a modem-fax connection. I confirmed that the fax machine I'm trying to send to is giving a handshake when the number is called. When I attempt to fax using the cell phone, I can see it dialing out, but it never establishes a connection.

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Explorer Hangs When I Right Click On Hard Drive - Hard Disk Properties

May 6, 2005

I can not access hard disk properties because Windows Explorer hangs whenever I Right click on a hard drive icon. I am running WXP pro SP2 completely up to date with updates.

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Remove Newly Installed Hard Disks Or Hard Drive Controllers / Blue Screen Error

May 19, 2006

A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps.Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard disks or hard drive controllers.Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.

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Remote Desktop Web Connection / Using Cell Phone

Jul 12, 2005

I have rdwc working great using my laptop computer to access my work computer over the internet......after some small problems with set up.I do this using my DSL internet connection, however, when I try to connect using my cell phone internet connection it just times out.....never connects. The cell phone is accessing other internet sites fine. It just won't get to my work computer. I have checked the settings and they seem fine (firewall,router, etc..).

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SP3 Installation - Camera / Cell Phone / PDA Does Not Show

Aug 8, 2008

One thing is that whenever I plug in Camera/Cell Phone/PDA (except Flash drive ), it does not show up in My computer as a Removable disk. However I can see that removable drive letter from that little green arrow Icon from Start Menu Bar. I tried hitting that Drive letter in address bar. didn't work. I don't know what the problem could be. So I thought let me install SP3. cannot be installed because I have Latest remote desktop and MUI (something) update in my computer. If I want to install SP3, I'd have to remove that first.

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Phone Number Wanted For Activation Code?

Oct 5, 2006

I formatted and reinstalled Windows XP Home edition. What is the phone number to call so I can talk to a live person because I need a new activation number. When I call the 1-888 number( from the activation setup) I get a computer voice. I know I need a new activation number because I had to get a new one about a year ago. I own the OEM WinXP home cd. just can't find the number to call.

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Computer Restarts - Removing USB Cable From Phone

Jun 16, 2005

I have recently bought myself a Sony Ericsson K750i and after removing the USB cable from the phone or from the computer my computer just restarts for no apparent reason. I have tested my phone on other computers and they work perfectly fine. I was just wondering if anyone heard of this before and know what it could be. BTW: I have tried it in diagnostics mode and it still restarts. I have also tried it in SAFE MODE where it doesnt restart (but it doesnt find the device either :P)

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Plug Phone Line To Connect Two Computers

Dec 11, 2005

i have a computer with DSL and i was wondering if i can plug a phone line into a phone and into my other computer and still get internet access. or run a wire from my other computer to this one and get it. i dont know. it's probrably illegal or you cant do it at all.

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Integretel 900 Service Call $40 On Phone Bill

Mar 9, 2006

What the heck is this? some Atlantic MG mt service Called the inegretel # said someone downloaded software, I DONT THINK SO. No one here but me, and I never downloaded anything. They said it came from the modem? Argued with them, cause nothing showing up on my end that is downloaded on this computer.Is their anyone that is familiar with this company and what the heck it involves.They told me they would take off 50% Haha I'm not paying for something I didnt do

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Unable To Remove Movie Phone: Getting At Every Startup?

Jan 7, 2005

This what ever has attached itself to my computer. It is not in program remove nor is it in start up . Yet it starts up every time the computer does.

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Fixing A New Hard Drive - Load The OS From Old Hard Disk

Jun 4, 2008

I am facing two problems with my lap top hp campac presario 2100.
1.The loptops battery to be changed. I dont know how many batteries are there. Any cmos battery there like any other pc. Pl advice. What would be the cost. and the model number . The hard disk requires replacement. I want to know the model numberor exact type of hard disk would be fit in. and the cost thereof.3. Windows xp home edition has been preloaded in the laptop. How to take a copy of the os and copy in the new hard disk. I have the serial number etc for the OS.

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Ethernet Card Identification/ Located Where The Phone Line Goes?

Jan 21, 2008

I dont know where the ethernet card is is it the one where the phone line go's or not i have a dell

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Hard Drive Space - How Do You See How Much Hard Drive

Jan 30, 2007

how do you see how much hard drive, C: space you have and how much you have available

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