Promise SATA 300 (SATA IO) PCI Controller On SATA 150

Aug 2, 2005

I was wondering if it makes any sense to buy and install a SATA 300 controller to work with two WD SATA 300 drives. I kind of doubt I will achieve 300mb buffer to host transfers with only SATA 150 motherboard.

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Cant Find HDD In Setup - Intel SATA Controller

May 29, 2007

Iv got a Gateway MT6705 laptop with Windows Vista Pre Installed and I dont like it one bit. But when I went to install Windows XP Professional SP2 It says No hard drive found. It has 120Gb SATA hard drive installed using a Intel SATA Controller.

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Re-formatting - SATA HDD

Jan 15, 2009

Well, as the title suggests, i'm the latest in what is seemingly a long line of people having trouble attempting to perform the same task - reformatting a laptop running on Windows XP to run on a fresh, clean, smooth, lovely version of XP SP2.

I have read through every single topic with reference to what I am trying to do, and am still COMPLETELY lost. I have tried absolutely everything I can think of, my friend can think of, everything that has been suggested on various websites to no avail. I must just be doing things wrong.

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CD SATA Install To IDE

Jan 28, 2008

I'm getting a Bad_Pool_Caller BSOD, along with some misc. BSOD's while trying to do a fresh install of Windows from a SATA Cdrom to an ATA IDE harddrive. Are there any known issues with trying to install an OS from SATA to IDE?

I was supposed to have SATA hdd as well, but shipping screw'd up, and I got sent an ATA instead. I'm pretty sure that I will be able to figure out the solution tomorrow when I get to record the other information on the BSOD screens. I was just curious if there are any known issues or negatives associated with writing from a SATA cdrom drive to an IDE?

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Floppy For Sata

Nov 25, 2006

I want make a floppy disk in order to instal XP Pro SP2 in a Sata-2 HD.(Mobo recognize it as Sata-1)Where can I find latest files?Or I could use the ones which are in mobo's cd-rom? Mobo is Asus A8V Deluxe 2.0, agp, bios 1017.

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Find Sata Socket

Sep 12, 2008

I recently bought a dvd drive online but I find it has what I think is a sata socket. Can anyone tell me where I can see a picture of a sata socked so I can be sure, I can describe it looks rectangular with two plastic bars running parallel in the centre one longer than the other with little dots at the bottom.

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How Setup SATA Bios

Aug 5, 2010

I have 2TB SATA HDD for storage purpose and one SATA HDD for my OS, how can i setup my bios to be able to boot to my OS?

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Installing Pro With SATA Drives

Sep 4, 2007

I am trying to install windows XP Pro on a Dell Dimension 9200 with SATA drives. I have tried the F6 but I don't have a floppy drive, is there a way to use a USB thumb drive, to provide the SATA driver?

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Canceling An Reinstall Or With SATA

Mar 28, 2007

If you have a short attention span you can skip to the last paragraph. I recently decided to re-install XP (sp2) on my computer and discovered that it is not that easy when your drive is SATA (Samsung SP1614C). After being fobbed off by Mesh and Samsung when asking for the driver that is required for the SATA drive someone told me that you only need to update the driver for the Motherboard (Asus SK8N Socket 940). So I restart the computer, hit delete to enter the setup (which it now does automaticly), hit f6 in order to load raid drivers, select the drivers and watch it fail. As this did not work either. I gave up. The short story is that I now am faced with the option to start windows normally or enter the setup every time I turn my computer on. Is there a way that anyone knows to get rid of this without re-installing windows (which apparently is literally inpossible). Or altertively if you can tell me how to

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Trying To Install New SATA Harddrive

Nov 17, 2007

I'm getting extremely frustrated with a problem I keep encountering trying to install a new SATA Hard Drive. I connect the SATA HD power & data cable I prepare a FDD with the necessary HD Cotroller Drivers from the motherboard utilities CD I boot the PC I insert my XP Pro (SP2) CD The PC boots from the CD I press F6 when prompted for 3rd party drivers When prompted, I install the necessary drivers from the FDD I then get to the bit where I chose to install Windows rather than do a Repair - when I select install, I'm told that no HD is present & that I need to exit by pressing F3 I've tried removing RAM to see if any is dodgy but still encounter the same problem.

I've attached the new SATA HD to a different PC & everything moves on perfectly but I quit before formatting the drive as I want to do a clean install on the other PC. I'm beginning to think that there might be a problem with the Motherboard but am open to suggestions (the old HD is stuck in an infitinte boot loop & am unable to slave it to another HD as it wont respond - maybe caused by a Motherboard problem?).

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Sata Install - Format

Apr 20, 2005

This is the first time i have tried to format a sata drive. I put the disk in and boot from the cd and it goes straight into the xp splash screen it doesn't even give me the chance to hit f6 thats the first problem.

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Cannot Install Onto SATA Drive

Dec 24, 2008

I cannot install Windows XP onto a SATA hard drive. I read that I need to install the drivers for the HD separately during the Windows installation but how do I do that.

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No Install To SATA Drive

Dec 10, 2006

I can't install Windows to the SATA drive. It loads everything it needs, then when it tries to boot, it says the files aren't found. I'm guessing it can't read it without the drivers installed, but how do i do that with no OS? I was thinking of dual booting with linux.

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Cannot Install With New SATA Harddrive

May 3, 2007

After my last hard drive took a nosedive, I went out and bought a Western Digital Serial ATA 500 gb harddrive. I've physically put it in my Sony Vaio Desktop. I am trying to install Windows XP Professional now. When I get to the Setup screen is says Unknown Disk. I've already seemed to install the drivers for the new harddisk (they provided me a CD to install the drivers, it came with a program called "Lifeguard Tool" or something like that.

I have tried pressing F6 to install a RAID driver using the Windows setup... I pressed S... but then I find out I need a floppy disk drive... even if I had one, the box only came with a CD and not any floppy disks. I've tried slipstreaming Windows xp cd, service pack 2, and the drivers onto one bootable cd, it did not work... i'm too tired to go in there and find out why. *sigh*

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Can't Install On SATA Harddrive

Jan 30, 2007

I recently bought a WD 74GB Raptor harddrive to install XP on, but I'm having problems. Every time I load up XP setup from the setup CD, when it gets to the part where the installation options menu is about to appear, as it tries to boot windows from the CD, I get a BSOD and have to restart. I've tried running the CD with my other 80GB WD IDE hard drive inside and it doesn't cause this stop error. I've been screwing with this for 2 weeks now trying everything I can find on google and forums to fix this problem. I have the correct SATA drivers for my board as well for the drive of which I hit F6 for at the beginning of setup.

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Fujitsu SATA Drivers

Jul 11, 2007

I'm trying to install XP on a new Fujitsu SATA hard drive (39T2785 R) in a Lenovo laptop (supplied with Vista on the original drive) and no diskette drive. The problem is that the only thing I can find for drivers is ONTRACK's Disk Manager...which creates a bootable floppy disk. I suspect the drivers are included in the .BIN file on the diskette, but I can't get to them.

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Slipstreaming With SATA Drivers

Sep 6, 2007

I have an IBM Lenovo T61, with preinstalled Vista, I want to make an xp cd with the SATA drivers on, because it cant detect the hdd.I have been searching for a while, and some links tell me that I have to copy alot of files to a standalone folder, and edit txtsetup.sif and winnt.sif? is that right? I have a driver with a iastor.sys, but im wondering if thats the right driver.Yesterday, I made a boot cd, and it continued so I could format the hdd,( So I hoped it worked) But under the installation, it stop, because it couldnt find the driver.. include iastor.I have nlite, but dont know how it works.. Can someone plz tell me from the beginning of makeing a boot XP cd with my SATA drivers.

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SATA Drivers For Reinstalling

Sep 5, 2007

I have a custom made PC, with XP Home OEM. Since I lost the CD, I borrowed a friend's, but used my own product key. This seemed to be okay, untill it said something about having no hard disk/drive.I looked this up on the internet and people have mentioned SATA drivers. I think this is related to the motherboard? So will everything be okay if I get the SATA drivers for my motherboard? How do I find these? I looked on the Asus site, and it seemed too confusing.Incase you need to know, I have an Asus P5RD1-V

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SATA HDD Drivers For Installing

Oct 2, 2008

I need to repair my xp on my Sony VAIO VGN-AR11S and need to find HDD drivers to load while XP is loading using F6, I already tried Intel's divers and it not working

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Sata Drivers While Installing 64

Oct 24, 2008

I'm trying to set up a dual-boot with Ubuntu and XP64. Initially I just had Ubuntu on my one sata hdd and XP on an ide hdd. I decided it'd be better running XP on the sata drive too, so I resized my linux partition with gparter, and created a new NTFS partition.The problem is, when I try to install XP onto the drive, it cannot seem to see the sata drive. Nothing was listed at all except the ide drives and my usb drive.I did some looking and found the 64 bit sata drivers for my motherboard, managed to load them onto a floppy and load them into the XP setup. This was all fine again until the time to select a partition, where it seemed to list the drive, but only shows 'Unknown disk' 'There is no disk in the drive'.I tried deleting the partition I made with gparter to see if XP could at least see the 'unallocated space' but to no avail.I even tried making a boot disk in nLite with the sata drivers, but it made no difference (not really surprisingly).If I try to use the 32 bit drivers that came with my mobo, it won't let me install XP.I'm all out of ideas to why it won't work.

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SP2 With ICHR9 SATA Drivers

Jul 15, 2008

I have a Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3R mobo. I don't need RAID but would like to use SATA AHCI mode (option in BIOS) which would allow actual SATA drivers instead of the IDE emulation (mode). All my hard drives and optical drives are SATA.I have found via google many old articles and instructions how to slipstream XP and SP2 but I have a newer XP SP2 CD. I just need to 'add' the SATA drivers that I can download from the Gigabyte driver downloads site.Does anyone know how to do this (i.e. slipstream XP SP2 w/ ICH9R SATA drivers?)?I read about using nLite and other programs/methods but I would like something simple that doesn't need floppies.

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How To Mix Sata Drivers For Windows Xp

Jan 11, 2010

how to mix sata drivers for windows xp

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Cannot Install On New SATA HDD - Back Up

Sep 6, 2007

first and foremost is considering I have all of the old videos, files, pictures etc on my 80 GB Maxtor that I plan on transfering to the SATA hard drive since it's faster and I'd like to use the SATA as my all in all that makes things complicated in itself.

What I did was got everything ready, I didn't back up anything from the Maxtor (IDE) because that is out of the plan since I hope to do a simple drag and drop transfer of all the old stuff to my new SATA hard drive. I went into my BIOS and set the boot priorty to the SATA and it detected my SATA drive fine. I got out of the BIOS and inserted my Win XP upgrade disc. I let it go and also inserted the SiS 964 RAID Installation support disk so that it would install the SATA controller that was included in the Foxconn mobo. Then keeping my IDE drive intact, I deleted and formated the SATA to create a partition and installed XP on it......

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Setup Does Not See Any HD To Install To - SATA HD

Sep 8, 2005

My computer uses SATA HD. Right now it functions properly and boots into
Windows just fine. But I need to reinstall the XP Pro. So I boot from the CD
but the setup does not see any HD. Are there any special instructions on
installing on a SATA HD?

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Internal SATA LG DVD-R/-RW/+R/+RW - Never Installed

Dec 28, 2007

I just installed an internal sata dvd-r/-rw/+r/+rw drive ( F: ) and it is being recognized as a removable drive. The unplug/eject hardware icon shows up in the system tray. Never installed a SATA drive before so I don't know if this is normal for an internal sata dvd drive??

In the BIOS I set SATA=IDE. Only other option is Raid which I assume would be for a SATA HDD.

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Install On SATA HD Without Floppy

Jul 11, 2007

I'm having problems with windows xp on a laptop with preinstalled vista that has no floppy drive, the error "It doesn't detect the SATA HDD"; I tried the solution with a usb floppy drive and pressing f6, I found the correct driver and it works fine, I`m able to partition the HD and the process continues until it asks for the driver again but the USB floppy drive doesn't wortk in that part of the installation.

The next solution I found of this forum was making a custom XP CD including the SATA drivers with NLITE software, incredible software, without pressing f6 the HD is detected and again I'm able to partition and the installation begins, almost success!! but ... when it reboots to continue the installation it does't detect the HD again a lecture error displays and the classic press ctrl+alt+del to reboot!!! Am I missing something?

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Formatting New Sata Drive

Jan 31, 2008

a few days ago i had a problem performing a clean install of Windows XP which is on another thread Link below:
URL...I now have managed to install XP on my 60GB drive but when i try to format my 400gb SATA drive i cannot. BIOS Sees my SATA drive and windows XP sees the drive as Unallocated. I tried formatting it in windows and Partition Magic 8 and both times windows seems to crash and hangs and there is nothing i can do but reboot to get back into windows.

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Set-up Does Not Detect The Sata Drive?

Sep 19, 2005

I have a pc with 2 hardrives that has been working for quite a while now. One drive is IDE and another is a
sata drive. the sata drive has a partition in which windows xp is installed on. Now its time to format this computer and give it a fresh new start, but then I start the windows set-up from the boot disc it doesnt detect the sata drive.

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System Needs An F6 Sata Driver

Jul 5, 2010

I have purchased a Acer Extensa 5230E-2177 with Windows 7 and wish to install XP pro.The system needs an F6 sata driver during the Xp install?Do you know where I can locate one?

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Boot Failure - SATA I?

Dec 27, 2005

Installed XP on a Maxtor Diamondmax 10 200GB SATA 150 (F6 and drivers from floppy) ive it as 1st boot device, but it gives me a boot failure error after POST my drive's are as follows
Primary IDE Master - Maxtor 40GB
Primary IDE Slave - Maxtor 120GB
Secondary IDE Master - NEC DVD Writer
Secondary IDE Slave - Sony CD ROM
Third IDE Master - Maxtor 200GB

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Formatting - Have To Reinstall The Sata Drivers

Aug 3, 2005

I have a seagate 160gb sata hdd partitioned to 40 and 120 gb. With Windows xp Home sp2 on the 40gb. If i format the 40gb hdd will i have to reinstall the sata drivers

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