Playing Video Playback On TV Results In Getting Purple Screen?
Mar 17, 2007
I am trying to watch video playback on my tv. I am using a dell Latitude 610 with an s-video output cable. All displays are fine except video playback. I have used windows media player9, windows media player classic and nero. The video box opens fine and playback occurs on the laptop but I get a purple screen in the video box on the tv. resolution has been changed from 600x800 to 1024x768 with no change in video display.
My Windows Media player 10 is trying to play some video clips as songs rather than video clips. This has only recently happened. Do I need to purchase some decoder to fix it or is there a down oad for it?
This all started out that I was having a microphone audio recording problem the other day and was trying to solve that...A couple of days ago, I did a complete HP System Restore on my computer to try to fix the problem, not realizing that it would do all that it did to my computer. Im having to re-install alot of my programs, etc. Now When Im trying to watch a video online, if I click the 'full screen' view it comes up just totally white screen with no picture at all.
I am having problems with video playback on my comp. I have two dvd drives,a LiteOn DVD reader and a new Samsung DVDRW w/Lightscribe.I have had no problems in the past, but now my movies look really poor. I tried the disks in my laptop and they played fine. What is the prob? I've used Windows Media Player, Nero Showtime and PowerDVD and all three had the same playback issues.
I recently installed Windows Service Pack 2, actually three times after reinstating my computer software to the original state by erasing and reinstalling the full software install CD on my computer's hard drive for Window XP Home. I have no problems playing games with my new FX 5200 Ultra video card by BFG, but I am at random times getting the annoying green screen that blanks out my videos I am streaming or playing(happens when I am streaming more often). Then after that happens usually, the computer reboots or shuts off. I never had this happen before.
I hate to be redundant---especially on my first post---but I have just started having the same problem, whether I'm trying to view a .wmv file using Windows Media Playe (9, 10, or 11) or trying to watch a DVD using Intervideo WinDVD. I have the Mobile Intel 945GM chipset video drivers, but of course their website offers no kind of support about this. I have PLENTY of these "minidumps" to offer for someone's perusal if anyone would care to help a guy out? I'm stuck in a hotel for the next three days with no way to watch DVDs, and the bare network TV for entertainment.
Every now and then, sometimes when selecting Media player, I get a BSOD with the following error.DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Stop: 0x00000001 Cmaudio.sys Address F73DE878 Base F73CB000 the only thing I can pick up on is the cmaudio.sys part which is something to do with my soundcard, but thats as far as I can get with it.
sometimes when i watch vidoes on you tube if i don`t enlarge the screene it will play ok but when i do enlarge the screene it would go so far then the screen would freeze but you can hear the video playing in the background then i would have to go back and enlarge the screene again i could have to do this a number of times during the play it`s most annoying can anyone tell me what i can do to rectify the problem
I have managed to put video footage onto my PC from a video cassette (by plugging my VCR into the TV aerial socket). The video footage is saved on my PC as .mpg files & when I open them, they play fine on Windows Media Player.When I import them on to Windows Movie Maker, they are recognised as video footage and I am able to put them into the collections as video. However, for some reason, when I drag them onto the timeline, they go onto the audio line & I can't get them to go on the video line, so when I play it, the sound plays but there is no picture. I have tried saving them as .AVI files but that makes no difference
System Info: Windows XP SP2 AMD Athlon 64 3400+ 1GB RAM ATI Radeon X800 160GB HD
When I try to play video files the video will pause for a split second every few seconds and I don't know what the problem is. In fact my computer is running much slower than normal lately. I've gotton rid of unused programs, I've run SpyBot, and I've updated my video drivers.
> I have Windows XP Media Center Ed with all recommended updates. Recently I have noticed an issue when playing DVDs, the video and audio plays really slowly. This happens in Media Center, Windows Media Player and WinDVD. I have tried different DVDs and have the same problem with all, however playing video or music files from the hard drive is not a problem. just the DVDs!
> Changed video settings from 32 bit to 16 bit > Made sure hardware acceleration is on > Made sure write combining is on > Reinstalled dvd drive > Can't think of anything else...
I'm experiencing the exact same problem as this person above... anyone know what's causing this problem and how to fix it? I know for a fact that it's strictly a software/driver issue and not related in any way to hardware. I happened to purchase 2 identical HP PCs and intially both were fine and then after about a week one of them began to exhibit this DVD playback problem. I swapped the hard drives and the problem followed with the hard drive over to the "good" PC and the problem was gone from the "bad" PC. My fear is that eventually this same problem will surface on the "good" hard drive... BTW, neither PC is connected to the Internet (by design, since I'm using them as stand alone workstations).
Im Using Windows Media Player 10 and When i play a dvd i get no sound and distorted video like a roll of film being exposed to sunlight. It may have somthing to do with overlays. The video problem started after i installed the latest 6800 Ultra drivers. All media players have the Video distortion. Distortion does not happen when i play video of my HDDs.
I just re-formatted my hard drive and re-installed Windows XP. ever since then i can only get black and White video playback on my video players: Windows Media Player 8, 10 and Nero 7 Showtime. I upgraded to all the Codecs that I had prior to my relaunch, but that did not change anything. Windows XP Ge Force4 Ti 4200
any hulu/Internet/etc. streaming content type videos, even on the lowest hd setting (288p, for ex.) just ends up being choppy, worst in full screen. here are my specs:
amd athlon xp 2600+ cpu 1.0 gig of ram pny geforce fx5200 256 mb pci graphics card windows xp home ed. w/sp3 160 gb hd
an older computer with an older processor, and if anything, it's probably the cpu that is preventing me from having normal playback with streaming content. i had a laptop with a core duo processor that worked fine with this type of video, but i fried it so i am stuck with this for now. haven't used this pc in a few years so now i am noticing it's limitations as far as this stuff goes. if anyone has had any luck with an older machine getting relatively normal playback with these streams. i have tried reducing hardware acceleration, drivers are fully updated for graphics card, hard drive is formatted so no viri are causing this, reinstalling flash, changing settings on monitor, and playback is the same.
I am having problems playing a downloaded movie on either of my two pc's, the audio plays but the video doesn't. I have tried mediaplayer, winamp and real player and both my computers but with no luck. the files will play from my dvd OK and a friends pc has no problem playing them.My problem is that i havnt a clue where to start to sort the problem out.
Recently, my computer made a few beeping sounds, shut itself down and rebooted. Nothing happened. The second time it did it, there was no sound. I have Windows XP. When I start up my iTunes, it says iTunes has detected a problem with your audio configuration. Audio/Video playback may not operate properly. With Windows Media Player it says, Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly....
WMP 10 will not play completely through an mpg file without hanging every few seconds.It seems like it is having a buffering problem but these short 3 minute mpgs have never caused a problem before. I tried downloading WMP10 again nothing changed.Is there a buffer setting that might have changed? I have 2G RAM and these files are little. I'm completely up to date on all MS updates.
i have read all of the faq's and trouble shooting guides as to why windows media player 10 cannot play .avi files on my computer. i have no idea what kind of video card i have so i dont know if i can get the drivers for it.the playback is green and choppy but i can hear the audio, it does not do this with all movie files i beleive it is only .avi's.
whenever i play anything with sound the audio is distorted and scratchy. i have no clue how to fix it...i have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the audio driver but that has not corrected the problem. as far as i know i am using a realtek audio driver thats built into my motherboard. i dont know if it matters but i am using a dell inspiron e1505.
I have just removed Vista from my PC and re-formatted my hard drive, before installing XP. When I try to playback any video, it opens the player, tried both mediaplayer and nero showtime, then freezes the entire PC. Have loaded all the usual codecs but still no joy
Whenever I play a movie or try to put a TV or video signal into my computer the resulting image is all washed out like the gamma is up way too high. They play Ok on my laptop and sound is OK just image.I am running Windows XP home, service 2, on a P41800, 512mbRAM and Nvidia 128mb GeForce FX5200. I have recently installed SP2 but not sure if has coincided with this problem or not. I have the latest version of Windows Media Player and all the XP updates from Windows Update. Also have latest Nvidia drivers
Lately when I have gone to play java games, at sites like pogo and some other I have not been able to do so. As soon as the game starts to load, the browser crashes. I have both Firefox and the most recent version of IE and the same thing happens in both cases. It has always worked before, and no changes have been made to the system recently. I have SUN Java and it says it is the most recent version when I check for updates.
It does put a file on my desktop when it crashes titled: hs_err_pid2192.log I don't know what any of it means really so Here are the contents, any ideas of how to fix this probem?: An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x01899558, pid=2192, tid=4024 Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode)Problematic frame: C [YPCLSP.dll+0x9558]
My computers screen is upside down and i cant change it im getting a massive headech trying to read upside down the its fine when its boooting up but when it gets to the log in screen its upside down again and the only way ive been able to fix it is by going in safe mode but i dont know how to fix the problem i cant put the monitor upside down cuz i already tried it and i got some weird purple colors around the screen
I was working on my laptop and suddenly the whole screen turn purple. there is no other color dots or anything. The whole monitor screen turns Purple color. I treid hitting Ctrl+Shift+Esc but nothing works. At last I had to reboot my computer.
Not sure if this is really an OS issue or my video card or what. In the middle of playing WOW a few days ago, my husband's monitor went haywire with odd shapes and then displayed a message about nv4_disp caused an error and then it shut down. We then tried rebooting and it only got to the welcome blue screen and froze there with the username and password box distorted. It also displays all of the boot-up screen text in purple which is weird - normally white.
I have a spare computer that I use for editing my home videos. TV and VCR hooked up to a capture card, then I burn to a dvd. However, I recently replaced the mobo and cpu, using the same harddrive that was in the other setup without formatting the drive. Hardware all works correctly, but my video programs kept giving me error messages. I uninstalled all the programs and codecs, reinstalled after clean reboot, and the programs are functioning correctly again EXCEPT. After capturing the video and playing the movie back in Media Player, all movies, even ones that were on the harddrive previously, are UPSIDE DOWN.
The only real problem I have is when I am playing a video or movie, it jumps up to 100% and causes the video to freeze up for a few seconds. I've gone through msconfig and turned off a bunch of start up stuff that I didn't need. I went from having about 50 processes to less than 30 and have seen no difference. I then changed the performance options from the Control Panel to optimize the system for performance. I have defragged, scanned with AVG and Ad-Aware
I have a problem with playing video files. I can hear sound but no picture, no video. I'm using Windows XP home and I downloaded the latest codec for Window player and still won't work. I downloaded divx player and it won't work.. only sound.
I have a problem with video codecs all of a sudden, both my media players (Windows media player and BS Player) have stopped playing the audio tracks of my video files earlier on today, everything was working fine, and my video files were playing perfectly. I have the Xvid and Divx codecs installed. When I try and play a video file (that I watched earlier on today), Windows Media Player says that it is connecting to the codec server, then says there is an error downloading codec but it shouldn't even need to do this, as I KNOW I have the correct codecs installed. The visuals play fine but no audio.