I recently purchased Madden 2005 for the pc, I have always used a PS2 controller with a adapter to use it on my pc, but now I am having problems configing it with my ps2 controller. My adapter came w/ just a driver no software. Is there any universal software that I could use that could possibly make it so I could revamp what keys are assigned to which button. If you buy a logitech controller, it comes w/ software to change which button is considered button "1" and "2" etc...Im looking for something like that, that you could use with this adapter, like I said something universal.
Have a dell xps m140, running win xp pro service pack 3. Based on your knowledge of windows xp system files and there function, i was wondering if you would know appropriate files that will need to copy. The scenario is a s follows
Got infect by a virus, virus was removed by Kaspersky. After virus removal both the 10/100 NIC and the wireless adapter, and the bluetooth have indicated that they are disconnected. However from device manager they show up as working properly, which they are not as I cannot connect to the internet and there is a red X on all three icons in the system tray. I am wondering if a system file related to network connectivity was afftected and subsequently deleted by kaspersky
Can a Windows 2003 Domain Controller communicate with a Windows 2000 Domain Controller? The reason I ask this is that I want to upgrade my Domain Contoller to Windows 2003, but want to have the backup Windows 2000 machine running as a backup Domain Controller.
I just formatted my comp and re-installed XP. I had vista for awhile but I discovered that it sucks. I am using a custum built computer and i cant figure out if its the driver or what
While trying to upgrade from Windows 98SE to XP professional I get a compatibility message that says upgrade is blocked because my HPT366 ultra ATA/66 IDE controller is not compatible.Is there anything I can do, such as a driver upgrade?
I just installed a nexxtech 7 port 2.0 usb hub,and now when I use my printer up pops this"You must add a hi speed usb host controller to this p.c. to obtain max. speed." Can someone simplify what is necessary here. My cordless mouse,netmate link and printer are all that runs off of this usb hub. WXP/pro/sp2 800 mhz.
I am tring to install a USB serial cable to enable me to use com port devicse since my laptop doesnt have Com port device.I have the serial cable and any time i try to install it it asks for a soft ware to be installed, but i dont have the software.Can any body help me out to solve this problem plz? This is the spcification what i get from device managar+USB controll+Details.
I recently had a problem with the VUNDO Trojan on my XP PC. I removed it using MalwareBytes but it appears to have left a problem behind.
In my System, Device Manager, I have an entry for my SCSI and RAID Controllers called ACLGRWTP IDE Controller which is yellow flagged. I have uninstalled it but it always comes back and XP tries to install it to no avail.
Someone reinstalled Windows XP on my son's computer, and now it is not working properly, so I am trying to help get it fixed. I have limited experience with this sort of thing. The specs on the computer are as follows: Acer Aspire 5050-3371 AMD Turion 64 Mobile Technology MK-36 (2.0 Ghz 512 KB L2 cache) It will not connect to the internet, and when you check the Device Manager, it gives a yellow question mark under "Other devices". The other devices that have question marks
required the reloading of Windows XP professional on my factory-loaded laptop. I didn't have the CD, so I went to a shop and they did it. Since then, I've been getting this "new hardware" balloon when I start up, and it asks for file "el90Xbc5.SYS on ECD541DP90X". It asks for dwinxplan to load it from. Being CD'less, I've just cancelled it before. Now I'd like to work out how to deal with it can I get this file from somewhere
I've just bought a Lacie Porsche external harddisk 120GB if i connect it to a Windows XP Pro. SP2 / Desktop Small factor D500 1.7 Ghz PC the controller recognizes that a device has been connected but i cannot find it of my computer neither on the Disk management window.
I have a USB controller for some of my games, and I don't know how but after a while problems started to occur, and my controller would no long work properly so every time I booted up my PC I had to unplug it and plug it back into another port, and it would work. Now My controller doesn't work with any of the ports except 1, so now when I boot up the PC in order to use the controller I have to unplug and replug it into the usb port.
This pc has been with me for a few months, no poblems at all. One day it just Bsods. Thinking it was just some random WinXP error, I restarted it and never thought of it again, until it happened AGAIN. 3rd times the charm, right? WRONG. After a few more I couldn't do anything basically. Boot > Bsod. So after a few Google searches and self troubleshooting later I got it almost sorted out. Also if I take this HDD to another computer it works fine. So, the problem seems to be my IDE controller. (atapi.sys) So I am requesting a place where I can find a clean atapi.sys and go replace it with the windows system recovery console. Also I am curently running a full system check for viruses on that working computer.Stuff that I have tried while trying to fix the bsod: Changing IDE cables, Resetting the bios/cmos reset, plugging it into the secondary IDE port, playing around with jumpers, replacing RAM sticks.
I Was wonering if any one could help me find a driver for a windows 2000pro. For some reason there is none there We are haveing trouble find the ethernet controller as shown here.If any one has any advic]e please let me know i cant seem to find it anywhere and i cant get onto the internet on that computer.
I have just reinstall my operating system and everything goes smoothly except that I found an yellow exclamation mark in 'NEC PCI to USB Open Host Controller' under Universal Serial Bus Controller.However when I turn off my PC,I encountered problem in swithing on again.I have to continuously press the startup button in order for it to boot again.Is that yellow exclamation mark the cause of this problem?If not,then what has happen to my PC?How do I get rid of that eclamation mark?I am running on windows XP Pro Serv.Pk2.
I need a driver for an Ethernet Controller for an Asus system board numbered PTGD-VX in a sony Viao model # PCV-A11L Running windows XP Pro. Asus's site has been down for a few daya nd I cant seem to find it any where. I will keep looking but if some one could point me in a good direction I would be grateful.
i have problem in my computer can any one help me please this is my problem in the Image [[IMG][/IMG] what I must to do to fix this problem / my computer is toshiba and model is (tecra)
I have a windows xp service pack 2.My computer is a gateway.I have a Creative Sound Blaster PCI 128 And a Avance Audio Controller They both state that their enabled but not started. how do i start it?
I reinstalled windows xp. im missing my ethernet controller, multimedia audio controller, video controller (vga compatible). i'm using ASUS Motherboard model is P4 P800-VM. i lost my motherboadr cd. i have downloaded audio driver and VGA from ASUS site it works well. but i also tryed the LAN driver from ASUS site but it did not has setup files, so i dont have idea how to istall it. but i have downloaded different supposed drivers of Ethernet controller from various sites and installed in my PC but it did not work. As you can guess without my ethernet controller i have no internet acces plz help. Im using a Net cafe right now trying to fix my computer
When I go into Device Manager, under Network Adaptors, there is a question mark next to the Ethernet Controller. What do I need to do to get this up and running
I recently was reinstalling windows xp pro . after the fresh install i tried to connect to the internet nothing happened. went to the device manager and apparently the the PC wasn't reading the ethernet controller. so i went home to the dell support to download the necessary drivers needed. i even called dell to make sure i was doing the right thing. needless to say it still does not work... i opened up the CPU to try and find the actual name of the ethernet card and could not. there was a small metal box where you put the ethernet cable into. i did not see a card, yet i know there is one. sorry if I'm confusing. its a dell 8300 with no service code or service tag on it. i check inside and out
I have a HP Pavillion 522c and I just reformated it, everything went smoothly except I do not have the Ethernet Controller and the Multimedia Audio Controller. I went onto the HP site to try and find it but to no luck, maybe I wasn't looking in the right place.
Whenever I repair/update WindowsXp setup stops during the process and reports taht Tape Controller installation failed. I then have to skip the « Tape controller installation. Otherwise setup proceeds without any other request for input. That appeared some months ago, probably after I installed some software that required it, but most likely is no longer present on my computer. I cannot find « Tape Controller » in the registry, not in any of the *.inf files in the folder Windows Inf.
I have a Home Theater PC (XP Pro with SP2) that I have been using for a few months. I recently decided to mirror the O/S drive since this machine was very valuable to me. I bought a RocketRaid 454 controller and added it to my system. I first booted up with no drives attached to the new controller (left them connected to the onboard). I did this so that XP could recognize
I'm trying to install winxp on a sempron 2600/ecs mobo.The copying of files after the format is extremely slow.At times, it seems like it is stopped. I eject the cd, and put it back in, and it starts again. It stops at about 38%,and then it copies nothing. I think I left the computer for 1 hour, and it was still at 38%. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Is it a bad controller? Mobo Issues?
I just reformatted a computer running XP. It came with the resource CD from the manufacturer, not the actual XP CD. My problem is drivers. Everything in the machine is very 'non-descript' and I am still needing drivers, but they were not included on the cd that I got from the seller. In the device manager, I have yellow questions marks beside the following:Ethernet controller Multimedia Audio Controller SM Bus Controller Video Controller (VGA Compatible) I tried to get the exact name/brand of the ethernet card, but it's a 'PulseJack' and I have never seen one of those before
I was wondering if any one could help me i fnd a driver for a windows 2000pro. For some reason there is none there.We are having trouble find the ethernet controller as shown here.If any one has any advice please let me know i can't seem to find it anywhere and i can't get onto the internet on that computer.
Loaded a fresh install of Win 7 SP3 in a Compaq 5205us desktop. The net interface is recognized, the network connected symbol is there, but I get no access. The 5205us says it needs the ATM network controller.
I was trying to get my digital camera to work.. for some reason Windows is not finding it and assigning it a drive. So I was going to delete all of my USB ports and reinstall them. Well I deleted my Enhanced 2.0 port and now Windows is telling me that it can't find the driver for it!I have used the Windows CD and it still wont work! I am at a total stand still. I dont know what to do!If anyone at all has any ideas about the USB problem or the camera problem,
My computer went down when the AGP video controller failed. It will take a month to replace it (fortunately under warrantee). Temporarily I installed an old S3 Trio32 PCI video controller. I changed the BIOS setting from AGP to PCI for the video controller. The computer freezes after coming up completely (or what appears to be completely). I can bring up the computer in safe mode and the Device Manager says it is using S3 Trio32/64 legacy drivers and they are working properly. I’m using XP Pro SP2 on a 2.6 gig Pentium 4 on an ASUS P4B motherboard. I have automatic XP updates. The S3 site says there are no new drivers available.
Oh boy I hope that you can help me please? The only [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]driver[/COLOR][/COLOR] I need and cannot find anywhere is a Video Controller (VGA Compatible) for an old computer. Have been given a HP Pavillion a6220a and put in my old Hard drive with XP PRO on it. Amazingly Ididn't even have to format it as once I popped it in everything just came up on the screen to my amazement! Worked well except for this annoying popup telling me 'Found new Hardware' etc. I don't have the original discs either as everything was preloaded. Have tried about 20 different things and no luck. Nothing on the HP site either. Did a [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Intel[/COLOR][/COLOR] Chipset Utility test and I have: 945 Express Chipset Family Graphics: Intel 82945G/GZ Express I have downloaded the above chipset (didn't install it all though as everything else is fine and updated) and it still wasn't able to find the driver from the disc???? Thanking you in advance for your amazing knowledge with these things i'f you could post a link I would appreciate it. I am wanting to give this to my daughter as her old computer has died and currently can't play any games hardly without the driver.