No Video - Dell Dimenson 4600 - Usual Transportation Handling
Mar 28, 2007
My brothers Dell Dimension 4600 will not put out any video signal. I've tried two working monitors and nothing. I can hear the harddrive working in a somewhat normal manner just after power on but there is never a hint from the monitor. Anyway, I offered to at least pop off the side cover and take a look for any hint of what may be the problem. Since he just moved to another town, his computer was subjected to the usual transportation handling etc. So what would be the usual things to check. I've never had a Dell or Windows XP Home. (I have Win98SE and Win2kp) Kinda hard to do anything right off when there is no video
I am trying to fix a Dell Dimensions 4600 PC that is not working. When I turn it on it sounds like it is running, but nothing is showing up on the screen. It is not the Monitor as that works fine with another computer. What do you think the problem could be
This has probably been asked before so feel free to respond with a link.I have a dell Dimension 4600 which i have reinstalled windows xp HE on countless times. It has never mentioned its license or asked for the code on the side.My friend has dell Inspiron 2500 laptop. She has had it for 6-7 years now and has never done a reinstall or reformat, so naturally its on its last legs.
I am rebuilding a Dell 4600i with 2.8g CPU, 2g ram. 80g hd,dvd drive. After having a time getting the system to boot with windows XP home edition, I now have 2 other issues. one it shows only 16 bit operation, why not 32 or 64bit? Second a short time after booting up the the monitor goes blank, cannot do anything after that. I had to format the HD and reload windows XP to get the computer to do anything, then it did it again.
I would like to know if I should upgrade my old Dell Dimension 4600 or if I should go ahead and get a new computer. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be greatly appreciated! For example, more memory, extra hard drive I would appreciate it, if you guys explain everything to me in layman's term. The specs of my computer are:Windows xp home edition Pentium 4 2.8 ghz processor 160 gb hard drive intergrated graphics 1.5 gb 400 mhz ram Cd and Dvd burner
My computer was going slow and pop-ups like crazy. So I backed up all of my information and got a new install disk from Dell. Heres the problem, When installing it keeps getting hung up on 36, 16, or 9 mins. It will not pass that point. I have exhausted all of my options, I restart checked all the cables, drained the power by pulling the cord and holding the power button then plugging it back in. Then called dell and they walked me through wiping the HD clean, by starting up in DOS and walking me through the steps. Well did all that and started install again, and once again it got hung up on 23 mins
Last year I installed a CD burner in this computer. After I installed it I lost access to both Cdroms. I had tried to installed XP using 6 flopies loaned to me, but when I get to the last(6) flopy it restart on the already active XP. I do not know if it is a problem with my motherboard or what. I can not get to format the drive so I can reinstall windows.The version currently on the computer is XP SP2. I would not mind having to loose all my information on the drive rigth now, but I need to be able to access my CDroms.
Replaced old wd 160gig serial ATA HD with WD5000AAKS sata HD on Dell Dimension 4600. When trying to install XP, get error: filei386halaacpi.dll could not be loaded. The error code is 7.
Windows Media Player 11 will not recognize the CD burner when you attempt to burn a CD by selecting "Burn" on the player. I also have Roxio Creator LE software and it burns CD's with no problem. The hardware devise check says the CD devise is working normal and it is selected for recording.
I have a 4600 dimension , not sure how this is. but when the system boots up it gives the dell logo screen f-2 & f-12 deal then it comes up please select the operating system to start, both options are microsoft windows XP Home Edition, how do I get this thing to skip this screen and just boot up? What would of been done to cause this? as there are 2 listings and if I arrow down to the second one to tell it to start from it , this comes up.Windows could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem,Could not read from the selected boot disk. Check boot path and disk hardware.Please check the windows documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional information.
My dell 4700 says it is using a "generic" video driver and I should install the proper one from manufacturer. tried dell driver site, clik download and takes me to a "internet connection failure" screen. internet is fine though. problem started trying to play Sims apt. life and new program for VHS to DVD transfer. both said DirectX 9 was problem- reinstalled that then found "generic" video driver.
I was surfing around and then all of a sudden my wallpaper is a warning box saying that there is spyware detected and I need to install an antivirus or spyware remover to clean up my computer. When I right click the desktop it just has "themes, appearance, and settings" no "desktop" or "screensaver" By the way it's on a Dell Inspiron E1505 laptop.
I have a dell series 2002 computer need to up grade video card to Nvidia GeForce series FX5900 or greater a 128 MB video card with support for Pixel 2.0 don't know if I have a PCI version or AGP.Is that the slot? Don't know anything about computers.just want to play a game I bought.will that above mentioned video card fit in my computer and work.
Each time I try to reboot my PC I receive the "End Program MCI Command Handling Window." When I click on "End Now", the window simply starts over again.I have to do this several times before the PC will shut down. Can anyone help me out on this? I have a Dell Dimension E520 desktop PC, 2.13 ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, 64 kb primary memory cache,2048 kb secondary memory cache, 2046 mb installed memory and 320.06 gb usable hard drive capacity.
After searching online I found your website and looks like very very helpful. So this is my first time asking you something.let's see how we get on. I am more than happy to contribute with donations if i get my problems resolved! Every time when I am going to shut down the computer I almost always get the dialog box message End Program - MCI command handling window.
i bought star wars battlefront 2. my swbf2 disk broken (broke disk #2). the good thing is that i could still play with disk 1... until i got a virus and had to clean install windows. luckly b4 that happened i burnt all the swbf2 data to a dvd. now i copied everything from the disk to E:programfileslucasarts starwarsbattlefrontII (its an external harddrive) but it doesnt show up in the add remove thing. i heard that the windows registry handles things like this, so how can i update the registry to show swbf2 installed? i have windows xp sp2.
I can not get the usual sound effects ("empty recycle bin", "Start Windows", "Exit Windows" etc.In the Control Panel, "Sounds and Audio Devices Properties", under the "Sound"tab, the Sound Scheme shown is "Windows Default".If I go to the "Program Event", the above (and other) events have sounds associated with them, and give the proper sound."wav", "mid" and "MP3" files play OK using Windows Media Player. Clips from News Networks (which include audio and video) play OK
one of my svchost instances just keeps on growing and growing. after 2 days of uptime it is about 70mb. i have used process explorer to determine that it is the RPC service that has started the instance of svchost from the Network service account. is it normal that this process keeps growing like this, usually when people have a problem with svchost it is because i hogs the cpu but in my case it is hogging the pagefile. i dont experience any XP slowdowns so i dont know if this actually is a problem. but i want to solve this before it becomes a problem. one time the svchost process was 100mb and kept growing
I think I have found way i have been getting a white box that's been floating around my screen. I have ran a panda online virus scan and this is the log that I have came up with. my computer has been running slower then usual
I was messing around with a few themes on my computer. I tryed out windowblinds and tgt soft's style xp. I was really making my computer look nice. Until, I changed my theme too something different. Now my theme is all nice but when I go too Start--->All Programs, my font is twice as big as usual. I know the theme is not making it bigger, because I have tryed other themes! The font and all looks ugly and way too big! How do I change this? Now all of my themes are changing too this same font and font size
Whenever i launch internet explorer it takes longer than usual to load. And when i go to type a web address it just freezes and never loads a new webpage. I don;t know what is going on. This has started to happen on friday. I;ve ran the following and they found some stuff and have deleted it but i still have the same problem. I;ve even tried system restore and it still persist. I noticed that when i try to delete my history i get an error about not being able to open shell32.dll or something and that some about a inetcpl.cpl is having a problem.
I recently got the computer listed into my signature, and I am having problems. I pretty much get an error every five minutes, then when ever I am doing like messenger and browsing at the same time. It gives me the usual blue screen with white text, saying an error, I have found mostly that it is one of three errors that usually happen. I am getting so angry, as I NO JOKE in the last hour, have had 37 errors.
I'm running Windows XP Pro on a 6 month old laptop. Is there a list of "usual suspects" that cause this error? This time it's Filseclab's Messenger and it occurs every time I turn on my laptop and Twister Anti-TrojanVirus starts with varying delays. Twister itself keeps on running without incident.
the screen keeps blinking after the post tests. I dont see any text, i dont think its a video card issue. I see the bios screen. I reboted the comp, formatted it, and when windowsw was abotut to install the screen gets messed up. Whats wrong
Recently I was playing a game, when my screen froze. I then shut my computer down to restart it, used it a few times (in 4-bit safe mode), then after I shutdown again, I cant log back in... it just freezes and the screen flashes, I cannot boot into my computer setup (default f2) or into safe mode (default f8), however I can run the XP cd and get into the recovery console, is there any way that I can change the boot sequence from the recovery console? The screen is dotted with a bunch of dots up and down the screen in columns, and is in 4-bit video mode.
I have a Dell xps gen 5 with xp home.
the error I get is:
"Error: Cant enter setup. Video Mode 103 not supported by this video card."
I have managed to put video footage onto my PC from a video cassette (by plugging my VCR into the TV aerial socket). The video footage is saved on my PC as .mpg files & when I open them, they play fine on Windows Media Player.When I import them on to Windows Movie Maker, they are recognised as video footage and I am able to put them into the collections as video. However, for some reason, when I drag them onto the timeline, they go onto the audio line & I can't get them to go on the video line, so when I play it, the sound plays but there is no picture. I have tried saving them as .AVI files but that makes no difference
I have window XP SP2 installed on my laptop. I also use InterVideo WinDVD Creator for video editing. Recently when I try to import video file into my application, my laptop, processing percentage goes up to 98%, and the application just freezes up. I also tried the Microsoft movie maker software and I get the same result. I was wondering if I need to reinstall the application or there is something that my laptop is missing. The application was functioning fine until 2 days ago, and since then I haven't installed any other application.
My Windows Media player 10 is trying to play some video clips as songs rather than video clips. This has only recently happened. Do I need to purchase some decoder to fix it or is there a down oad for it?
Some of my video files are not working for want of Indeo Video Codec. I have been working on a video convert tool as my last application. I do not know what happened and this got corrupted. It gives pop up message for MS Encarta Video files saying "The program you are trying to run requires a current Indeo codec To obtain a current driver that is compatible with this version of Windows, please contact the manufacturer at". When I check with them, they ask me to contact OS supplier