Computer Not Acting As Usual

May 3, 2010

What do I not need? Computer seems to be slow.Some of my desktop icons started to disappear.

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My Computer Has Been Running Slower Then Usual

Apr 9, 2007

I think I have found way i have been getting a white box that's been floating around my screen. I have ran a panda online virus scan and this is the log that I have came up with. my computer has been running slower then usual

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Home Computer Acting Weird / Pop-ups, To The Point My Computer Freezes

Dec 2, 2004

I went out of town for 2 weeks, came home and my pc is acting really strange. I've been getting tons of pop-ups, to the point my computer freezes and i must restart. Not only that but it randomly reboots itself even when not being used. Also, when i go to delete files now, the file does NOT go into the recycle bin. I looked at the settings and there is no check mark next to the "do not move files into recycle bin". My BF said he had been downloading things so I figured maybe its a virus or something. I ran Nortons... nothing. Ran AVG... nothing. A friend told me it sounded like spyware so he told me to run Adaware & Spybot. Did that, found a ton of stuff. But when i retarted the pc, it wanted to start in "safe mode". I noticed that most of these pop ups are (search miracle ??) Found info that its a trojan, but i dont know. . I dont know what to do, totally computer illiterate.

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Computer Been Acting Slow- Computer Has 2000 Pro

Sep 29, 2005

well computer has 2000 pro, been acting really slow lately, opening programs etc, lost of useless programs installed i think, tried adaware and spybot,

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Computer Acting Weird - Computer Freezes Sometimes

Dec 30, 2006

my computer freezes sometimes. i get webpages not responding.its IE7 have i been hijacked or something

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Computer Is Acting Slow

Mar 3, 2008

I went through the automatic update this afternoon and installed multiple updates. It attempted to install SP3 which failed, every time. I went to shutdown my computer and it did the install update before shutdown and i pressed ok. It went to the logout screen and got stuck at installing update and windows will shutdown after update. Well it never shut down so i shut it down myself. Now my computer is working however EVERYTHING is working very sluggish. Ive attempted to system restore at multiple points and no luck. It all successfully restores and such but is now VERY SLOW

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USB Acting Up- Open It From My Computer

Jan 12, 2007

I plug a device into the USB port, I get a message that ther was a problem installing the device. I can go to "my computer" and open the device from there.

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HJT / Computer Is Acting Strange

Jun 5, 2005

Computer is acting strange,

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Computer Acting / Don't Have Enough Memory

Dec 21, 2006

Lately I noticed that there is someting wrong with my computer, I got so many errors problem, that I dont have enough memory or Iexplorer.exe can not open, also there is an icon by the adress bar that replacing the IE icon , Please take a look at the attached pic marque In red.

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Computer Acting Slow And Wierd

Oct 19, 2009

"One fine Morning", kaspersky found around 260 Trojans, and after disinfecting, Whenever I connect to the net, it only lasts for two minutes. Then I have to reboot, and again it continued. So I decided to reformat my PC, and did so. Now I'm stuck with 2 OSes, one in my C drive, and one in My D drive.

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Computer Acting Slow HJT Log Included

Mar 13, 2007

I have run ad-aware as well as Registry Booster Registered edition

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Computer Acting Weird Windows XP

Aug 6, 2009

I have a Windows XP and Comcast is my provider. Lately (started 2 weeks ago), while in the midst of doing a search or while viewing an internet news video, a BOX POPS UP and asks me if I want to WORK OFFLINE and I get automatically booted to WORKING OFFLINE. I know this is someone told me to CLICK ON "FILE" and there it is, a checkmark in front of WORK OFFLINE.

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Computer Acting Slower And Weird

Jan 22, 2006

I noticed today that my computer has been acting kind of strange. It moves a lot slower and locks up a lot. its the hijackthis log file i think see if something isn't right

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Have Virus / Computer Acting Narcoleptic

Aug 31, 2007

my computer has been acting up a lot lately, and has gotten really bad in the last few days...everythiing is just working slow, and it has been shutting off spontaneously. I posted the hijackthis log below. Derek, one of your moderators had been helping me out a few months ago with a similar problem, (thanks derek!) and i just posted this log on the end of our 3 page thread...but im not sure if he is still there, or checking old threads, so i decided to also post in a new thread.

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Computer Acting Squinter Want To Reload

Aug 13, 2005

It keeps doing strange things. If you click on recent documents, it says they aren't there, but they are. If you click on a file, the program comes up, but the file won't open until you click it again. That's only a couple of examples. I've reloaded office and it didn't help. So I decided to reload XP. It says I have a newer version on my computer that what is on the disk and if I load it, I will lose files and programs. I'm assuming it's a newer version becuase of all the windows updates. I also keep getting SYS32 ? errors, plus run time errors.

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Computer Kept Crashing And Acting Weird - During Installation

Apr 21, 2008

So I tried to installed Windows SP3 as well as a bunch of other things and my computer kept crashing and acting weird. I couldn't pin point it so I had to re-format my computer and lost lots of stuff. I also had to re-format about 4 times for some reason. Each time Windows wasn't installing correctly.

So after a brand new fresh install of Windows XP I updated my computer and installed SP3. As soon as I did that my computer wouldn't log into windows anymore and once again I lost a few things. Now I know that SP3 is a bunch of crap.

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Computer Acting Strange - No Working Properly

Sep 16, 2005

computer has been acting strange, when ever she types anything, another character will automatically be put after the one you type. Even with the space bar if you press it it will do the space and add an e after it, and if you press tab it puts a 4 after about 3 spaces... And if you do a question mark it will do a capital R and just really random things, I've done MS Anti spyware scans, ad-aware scans, spybot scans, everythink, but nothing finds anything wrong... Is it the keyboard playing up or something else?

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Computer Is Acting Up / Cant Pull Up The Task Manager

Jun 18, 2005

last night i was burning some dvds and my computer stopped responding. i hit alt ctrl del to bring up the task manager to end the program. it ended but it was like in slow motion. ever since then i cant pull up the task manager. it does nothing when i try to open it. also my computer is running really fast and loud like the drive is doing something. i dont know if i have programs running and i dont know about them.

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Computer Is Acting / Just Automatically Go To The Dofault Button

May 8, 2005

I have a toshiba notebook computer and right now i am on a different computer because my laptop is acting funny. When i tget into the start up screen i have to immediatly tellit manually to boot from the hardrive other wise it just shuts off. Also the radio buttons just automatically go to the dofault button all the way to the left and and its really agrivationg because i can turn off my computer. Also a lot of times i can't use the space bar because it just wojn't work and then other times when it is not being pressed it just goes streight across the text box. Also the scroll bar just goes streight to the bottom of the document and i won't go back up.

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Computer Acting / Properties Window Would Open

Jun 13, 2006

Around a week ago my computer started to act very funny. When I incerted a cd my properties window would open, when I started a program my microsoft office started to install, then I need to re install drivers.

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Computer Is Acting Weird - Can't Restore Back To That Point

Aug 27, 2007

For the last 2 weeks my computer started making me log in. It says that i need to enter a password but I actually don't have to, and instead of having my user side and one for my editing where you have a picture up and you can switch between the two it will only let me go to the side that i use for internet and such. If I ask it to switch to other user it takes me to the login and back to the main users side. what is causing this and how do I correct it. I tried doing a restore and it says I can't restore back to that point. I tried 3 other points and it wouldn't reset to any of them

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Sony Vaio PCG-VX88 Computer Acting Weird

May 4, 2005

So I have a Sony Vaio PCG-VX88, and the hard drive has been clicking and the computer has just been acting weird. I can no longer start photoshop, when I ran Windows Spyware check and began deleteing the files it started clicking and after restarting I can't get it back to normal state like I could before. When I started it up it says "no opperating system found" (happend twice) then finally after the 3rd try goes and starts up, the last time I tried it did a check on the file system of the C: drive, will a reformat help Or is it a hardware thing

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Computer's Acting Wrong / Actual Site Won't Load At All

Jan 9, 2005

Most sites I go to that have anything to do with google whether it be ads or the actual site won't load at all. I've used ad-awareSE/SS&D, but it didn't seem to help very much.

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Computer Acting / Getting Thiw Warning From SecretMaker Security

Jan 24, 2006

The past week or two everytime I go into folders in my My Documents the system starts acting up. If I do a search or open a folder within a folderthe start toolbar at the bottom of window disappears for a while then when it finally comes back, the search or folder I had open is crashes and is gone.I've also been getting thiw warning from SecretMaker Security Watchdog whenever I reboot the computer.

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Computer Acting Slower / Task Manager Has Been Disabled

Mar 9, 2008

Hi, latley my computer has been acting slowley, I've noticed i've been getting these bogus pop ups telling me to buy this latest anti spyware program. It has a set a backgroudn which i cannot change, it says the same thing and takes me to the same site. I've tried several anti spyware programs, but it hasn't helped.Also, when i try to access my task manager, it says task manager has been disbled by your administrator.

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Computer Acting Moving Flashlight, Searching For Files Showing

Dec 12, 2005

I had just finished some windows updates when I tried to go to my computer. when I do, it will sit there with that little moving flashlight, searching for files for several minutes, and then everything works, it doesn't hang up unless I go to my computer. Also, I can't manually put in an internet address at the internet explorer address bar because it doesn't seem to react when I hit the go button.

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Can Not Get The Usual Sound Effects

Jul 23, 2005

I can not get the usual sound effects ("empty recycle bin", "Start Windows",
"Exit Windows" etc.In the Control Panel, "Sounds and Audio Devices Properties", under the "Sound"tab, the Sound Scheme shown is "Windows Default".If I go to the "Program Event", the above (and other) events have sounds associated with them, and give the proper sound."wav", "mid" and "MP3" files play OK using Windows Media Player.
Clips from News Networks (which include audio and video) play OK

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Growing Svchost Process Not The Usual One

Oct 28, 2007

one of my svchost instances just keeps on growing and growing. after 2 days of uptime it is about 70mb. i have used process explorer to determine that it is the RPC service that has started the instance of svchost from the Network service account. is it normal that this process keeps growing like this, usually when people have a problem with svchost it is because i hogs the cpu but in my case it is hogging the pagefile. i dont experience any XP slowdowns so i dont know if this actually is a problem. but i want to solve this before it becomes a problem. one time the svchost process was 100mb and kept growing

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All Programs - Font Bigger Than Usual

Mar 19, 2005

I was messing around with a few themes on my computer. I tryed out windowblinds and tgt soft's style xp. I was really making my computer look nice. Until, I changed my theme too something different. Now my theme is all nice but when I go too Start--->All Programs, my font is twice as big as usual. I know the theme is not making it bigger, because I have tryed other themes! The font and all looks ugly and way too big! How do I change this? Now all of my themes are changing too this same font and font size

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Internet Explorer It Takes Longer Than Usual To Load?

Apr 30, 2006

Whenever i launch internet explorer it takes longer than usual to load. And when i go to type a web address it just freezes and never loads a new webpage. I don;t know what is going on. This has started to happen on friday. I;ve ran the following and they found some stuff and have deleted it but i still have the same problem. I;ve even tried system restore and it still persist. I noticed that when i try to delete my history i get an error about not being able to open shell32.dll or something and that some about a inetcpl.cpl is having a problem.

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Many Crashes / Gives Usual Blue Screen With White Text

Mar 19, 2005

I recently got the computer listed into my signature, and I am having problems. I pretty much get an error every five minutes, then when ever I am doing like messenger and browsing at the same time. It gives me the usual blue screen with white text, saying an error, I have found mostly that it is one of three errors that usually happen. I am getting so angry, as I NO JOKE in the last hour, have had 37 errors.

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