Laptop Won't Hibernate / Changed The Settings Under Power Management
Aug 29, 2007
I've changed the settings under power management so when i press the power button or close the lid the laptop should hibernate. When i do either of these the screen just stays on preparing to hibernate.really annoying cos i have then have to restart my laptop.
My custom settings in power management seem to have reset to default(monitor power off after 15 min, etc.). I set them to my own settings but after I restart my computer the settings go back to default. Does anyone know why this might happen? Could it be that I deleted a windows registry key?
My laptop used to shut itself down after 15 minutes and go into hibernation. Now it doesn't.I went to the control panel under power schemes and hibernation is enabled after 30 minutes, but the system keeps powering itself up.
Running WinXP Pro SP2 on an Intel D865GBFL motherboard with Celeron processor and ZoneAlarm Security Suite. DSL broadband via DI-524 router with MAC filtering.The Power settings to trigger hibernation after 2 hours were initially working but are no longer effective. I've tried negating hibernation, rebooting, re-establishing hibernation, etc. to no avail.
I recently changed my power settings so my monitor would go off after 1 minute while running some scans. Now when I try to change that setting to always on or any other setting, my monitor keeps going black after 1 minute of not being used. Any ideas as to how I can change this?
for some reason my screen saver does not come on and my screen does not turn off. for testing purposes i changed the screen saver to 1 min and changed the power setting for the lcd monitor to turn off after 2 min. i waited for like an hour but the lcd is still on and the screen saver has not come on. this is on a dell e1505 laptop. it worked before.
I have one of my users pc's (running XP Pro on a Windows 2003 network), it boots up fine but whenever she goes to print the spoolsv hits 100% and we have to kill it. Of course without it she can't print. This has also happened occasionally when she opens an application, the spoolsv will hit 100%. Does anyone have any ideas? I need to get her printing again.
I recently changed a setting on my Dell laptop and now when I try and log on it doesn't recognize my password. I can't access anything on it. I receive a log on error.
I am trying to uninstall a program and it says I need to have administrator or power user privileges to uninstall the program. When I set my computer up I set it up so it assumes I am logging on and I am the administrator. How do I get the privilege? It says I am an administrator in computer management, local users and groups.
I have my laptop set so that when I close the cover and the machine is on it suspends. When I open it and try to get it to turn back on it won't. I have to restart it using the power button.
I just installed XP Pro SP2 onto this toshiba laptop (fairly good;1.4ghz intel celeron M,512 ddr ram,wireless nic,ati graphics and such) and it seems that standby and hibernate wont work AT ALL. Standby is grayed out in the turn off computer menu and the hibernate tab does not exist in the power options utility in control panel. I've googled around a bit and found no specific option in the BIOS to enable or disable it and as far as i know this laptop SHOULD support it...i mean come on what kind of laptop doesn't standby or hibernate?
There was recently a power outage in my home in which my computer has a forced shutdown upon loss of power while already in Windows (at the normal desktop screen). When I got power again I found start up o be longer than usual, and when the XP load screen was done the computer immediatly went to a black screen instead of moving to the normal login screen. There was video and the monitor was on, so I know the video card was functioning among everything else
I believe Windows encountered a few problems upon the quick shutdown prior to the power outage. Pretty much I tried everything I knew to try, using F8 at windows selection screen, and going to startup through windows with the most recent functioning configuration- this yielded the same problem unfortunately. I finally started up with safe mode, quite a few drivers loaded, but all in all the processes halted at a specific driver ( dont think this has any specific significance) mud.sys.
When I right click on the desktop to change the background settings the only thing I can change is the background color, no pictures, cant browse for pictures or set any of the standard backgrounds as the desktop background. How is this disbaled and how can I enable it again?
I've had this laptop for a couple of years now and I could make ithibernate or standby as I pleased. About 1-2 weeks ago it would nolonger do this. If I go into control panel then power options thereisn't even a hibernate tab anymore either. If I press the power button(or click on start then turn off computer) the box with standby isdimmer so that I can't click on it.
not sure how, but i've lost most of the power settings. And, they don't stay when i save them from the gui. So, can someone help with setting the correct config to get my settings back? I've done 'Repair' from boot and have tried Run> sfc /scannow. Neuther has correct the issue. I'd REALLY rather not do a clean install, but it is looking like the product is just so inherently unstable that i have no choice.
When I unplug my laptop the battery shows at 100%. After 5 minutes, it goes into standy. If I take the force standby when battery is low option off, some interesting stuff happen:Battery goes from 100% to 2% after 5 minutes Battery lasts for around a hour XP keeps giving errors that the battery is low.So why is XP freaking out about my battery after 5 minutes when it has a hour of battery life. It's getting annoying and I'm so confused.
What would cause the task bar settings to change? ie: the ability to view inactive icons disappears. Can not access the volume control. A reboot sets it back up with the ability to view inactive task bar functions through the expand task bar icon.
I have unchecked hibernation, I have ensured that standby is not the option in power management, I have cursed and shouted. Nevertheless, my Acer 1350 - when left untouched for a short time - goes (not to town) but to the logon screen.How in the world do I prevent this situation from happening? I want to keep staying in the application picture.
I recently got a new laptop, a Sony Vaio PCG-K15. I bought it used from a colleague, and the hard drive in it was bad. I sent away for a new hard drive, and it came in, and now everything's up and running just fine. I'm running Windows XP Pro with SP2 and it runs great, but yesterday, the suspend/hibernate features of the laptop just disappeared. They're no longer present in Power Options, and they're no longer present in Start > Turn Off Computer. All I have is Log off, Shut down, or Restart. Can anyone shed any light on to why these options suddenly disappeared.
I am using IBM Think pad R60 with Windows XP Pro SP2, When I enabled the hibernate my laptop restarting and also hibernating two times, Like when I click on hibernate after hibernating its coming to Login screen and again going to hibernate mode same with restart also.But if I disable hibernate option and restarts the laptop its working fine. I tried changing the Power scheme and reinstall the graphics Driver but issue not resolved.
I have changed the VGA settings for my monitor and after re-boot, I have a blank screen (after the windows start up). I've tried to start in safe mode, but it just runs a bunch of scripts and stalls. I've also tried to start it in any other safe mode, and they do the same thing. I've tried the "last known good configuration" - I get the blank screen. Since I just replaced the hard drive 2 days ago (the old one crashed)
I had a file that I could not open in order to read (CompositeLabProWindows). I hastily went to properties in change the file to a messenger file. The file that open and I was able to read the file how ever, an order for the file to work properly I should have been left alone and not tampered with. The men how many times I download the program is still opens up in Windows messenger. My problem is that I need to restore it back to the way it was prior, and remove that the fault mechanism that all some unknown files open up the messenger.
I am trying to get a computer to output the same thing to at least two seperate monitors. All I can seem to manage to do is get an extended desktop, which means I can drag things off of my screen onto the other monitor instead of displaying the same thing on both monitors which is what I am trying to do. When I uncheck the "Extend my windows desktop to this computer" on another display it disables the monitor, and when I enable the display it automatically checks it.
In this Compaq (I know Compaq sucks) computer I have 2 video cards. One onboard, and one PCI. The PCI video card has 2 outputs, the onboard has one. I have reached a point where in Windows XP I can output to 3 seperate monitors utilizing the extended desktop feature, which means I am outputting from the PCI video card and the onboard video card. In order to do this I used a microsoft work around in which you must disable hardware acceleration on each driver.
My friend has a toshiba laptop. In that once windows XP was reinstalled. Now it has win xp pro sp2. Anyways everything is fine but in shutdown there are only 2 options - turn off and restart. The standby option is grayed. how do i activate it. Moreover windows media player 10 is unable to play dvds.
In the last week or so, i've been unable to hibernate my computer.When i click the button to hibernate, the screen will go blue and say "Preparing to hibernate" as normal, but then it quickly flashes back to whatever i had before on the screen. Strangely, i can still standby or shutdown the computer with no problem. And im not getting any error messages or anything about it.It just won't hibernate.So far, i've tried System restore to bring it back to an earlier date. But that didn't work.I tried restore it to another earlier date, and that failed (it wouldn't restore it. probably because there weren't any changes to be made. i don't know.)I also tried un-installing my virus software (McAfee) and then re-installing as i thought that may be the problem, but it didn't solve it.I also tried opening "Power Options" in the control panel. From there i unchecked "Enable hibernate" and restarted the computer. I then checked "Enable hibernate" and restarted again.
I have a Compaq Presario 2100, running under Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 3.I have the hibernation option enabled. This has worked satisfactorily several times but now it fails to work.On preparing to hibernate my laptop locks.
This is a new Dell P4 processor 630w/HT technology 3.0 GHz, 1 GB DDR2 SDRAM @ 400MHz,160 GB, XP Pro 256 MB ATI DVI Vidio. The system will not start the screensaver or any of the power saving settings. Dell is no help at all.
This all started when my computer was shutting down at random times when I was in first I thought it was my CPU because it was just shutting down when I was playing games... but I no longer think this because it started shutting down when I was just in windows.Anyway so my friend and I started working on it...we thought it was the mild overclock we put on a few weeks earlier. However, my temps were normal and it passed the stress tests we did on it through the BIOS...So we changed the settings back to stock. No luck.Problem not solved. In fact, now we can't stay in windows for more than a couple seconds before it re-boots.
I am unable to enable the hibernate fetaure!Every time I try so, thorugh the Powermanagment Control Panle, Windows returns the following Messag:"Power Policy Manager unable to reserve hibernate. "The Process cannont access the file because it is being used by another process.It is a Windows XP Professional installed on an IBM ThinkPad G40 Notebook.
two new computers a router and networked the home. I have the host computer and my children are each on wireless as clients. Both children can access internet, but only 1 can access printer. I actually figured out the problem that's huge as I'm a network idiot. My son's computer (can't use printer) is using my old computer with MY name on it. I am on the new computer with MY name on it. So when he tries to access the printer it doesn't know where to go. I have windows xp HOME and from what I see I can't change the name on his computer the folder immediately under documents & settings). I followed instructions to copy from one folder to another (ie, Mine to his) using a 3rd administrator account. I could copy any account but mine.
I recently uninstalled what I thought were some unnecessary fonts on my XP SP2 notebook, but began having serious display problems in some apps and dialog boxes, the text being either much too small or large.I've trimmed the Fonts folder in the past with no problems, but this time I seem to have majorly screwed the pooch. Even after reinstalling all fonts, the problems persist.