Install New Hardware Option (When Starting PC) Not Working?

Aug 1, 2005

When I start my PC I get a found new hardware wizard which states that it helps you install new software for Network DDE. It states IF the hardware came with an installation CD, insert it now (it didn't so I can't) After running install the software automatically I get the following message: Cannot Install this Hardware The hardware was not installed because the wizard cannot find the necessary software. Click back if you have an installation media such as CD-ROM or if you know the location of the software. A problem occurred during hardware installation. Your new hardware may not work properly.

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Install Crashes Just After Starting

Apr 18, 2008

I just built a new system with an Asus PK5-E/WIFI-AP P35, an EVGA 8800GT, and an E8400. I updated the BIOS on the motherboard to support the CPU properly. But when I went to run the XP install from the CD (SP2 slipstreamed), it inspects the system for hardware information and then goes to a black screen. The whole system stays on, and the hardware goes idle.I know the CD works fine and the CD drive is ok. I had transplanted them into the older system to check to see if something was up. The ram seems fine, ran memtest86+ for a few hours with no errors. I tried pulling some of the ram out but nothing changed. I'm completely stumped as to whats wrong.

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Pro Install Hangs At Setup Is Starting

Aug 29, 2008

I am trying to install XP Pro on a machine with an AMD K6 clocked at 266mhz and 160mb of RAM. This is a laptop currently running Windows 98 SE. 98 works fine for me but I hate installing drivers. The laptop is an Compaq Presario 1235. I just want the laptop running XP, it doesn't have to be lightning fast. In setup, it hangs at Setup is Starting Windows. It does the same when installing Win2k.

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Starting PC Automatically Tries To Install Some Photo Program?

Aug 11, 2007

When I turn on my computer, it automatically tries to install some photo program. There are also other problems such as the computer restarting itself with no warning, and it sometimes reverts to a "blue screen of death" where my only choice is to turn off my computer manually. I'm wondering if something could have gotten past my anti-virus software.

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Option To Install Updates On Shutdown?

Dec 22, 2006

On one of the Notebook PC's I manage I'm seeing a prompt that I've never seen before. When I click START / TURN OFF COMPUTER - the standard dialog with STANDBY / TURN OFF / RESTART comes up, but at the bottom of that dialog it reads "turn off computer WITHOUT installing updates. there are updates downloaded - wanting to be installed. I am unable to figure out how to see a list of these updates so I can pick and choose which ones to let install.

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Clean Re-install, No Boot From Disc Option?

May 18, 2008

I'm sure this has been asked 100 times before but my computer randomly shuts itself down so I don't really have the time to look for it. I need to reinstall Windows XP. I want to do a clean install. I have the disc and the reg code. What I don't have is the BOOT FROM DISC option!! How do I get it or how do I do it?

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Undo Never Install Language Pack Option?

Jun 30, 2005

Is there anyway to get the dialog box in Internet Explorere asking if I want to install a "language" to pop up again after I have clicked " never install
any language packs"

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SP3 Update Taking Hours To Install: No Option To Cancel?

May 26, 2008

Has anyone experienced this? I am installing the service pack 3 update for Windows XP and the install wizard is moving extremely slow. It is to the point where it is installing files and I can see that each individual file (dll's, exe's, etc.) takes about 30-90 seconds to install! It has been installing like this for many hours now - almost half a day. There is no option to cancel and roll back the installation (buttons are all grayed out), so I'm just going to patiently wait for it to end.Does anyone know why this would happen?

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Failex Install, Now Have Dual Boot Option For Setup?

Sep 2, 2008

A week ago I had some malware crap going on and was going to reinstall windows. The windows XP setup crashed partway through (was having some hardware malfunctions too so the comp crashed). I fired windows back up and found Malwarebytes. Ran it and it got rid of the malware and I was back to functional windows with no issues.Now at startup, I have a dual boot selection between Windows XP (which works normal) and the windows XP setup. How do I get rid of the Windows XP setup option so that it loads into WinXP normal?

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Xp Bootup Menu Error (with Install Option) / System Crashed?

Jan 3, 2005

issue with friend pc, when he boots up he gets the menu that says along the lines of 1. boot xp home from hard disk 2.setup xp from cd so he has to like press 1 every time he starts up his pc. if he leaves it it goes thru some bumf and gives an error n reboots its cos i tried to reinstall xp at one point for him (other problems which later dissapeared) and the system crashed out on me before i could do it..

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Search Option Opens Up By Default Instead Of The Open Option

Aug 10, 2006

I use Windows XP SP2. Recently noticed that when I left-click on any of the icons of the Hard-disk drives and/or Devices with Removable Storage within 'My Computer', the 'Search' Option opens up by default instead of the 'Open' option, like in other folders. Likewise, when I right-click on the said icons, the 'Search' option is topmost & the 'Open' option has been relegated to second position. I would like the Search option to come first. Can't remember whether this was so from before or changed recently.
I have used Norton Partition Magic 8 recently to resize my partitions.

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Computer Will Not Install / Hangs On "setup Is Starting Windows"

Dec 29, 2005

I am trying to install xp on this good friend of mine's machine that took a dive last week. We replaced the motherboard, cpu, and memory. And afterwords for about 3 days, it seemed to function ok. Then it just quit booting. I told him we would need to reinstall windows. I was kind of shocked we did not have to in the first place. Anyways, So now I am trying to reinstall windows:I can get it to boot from the windows cd, it goes through the standard list of drivers, and at the end says, "setup is starting windows"... Then it just hangs there indefinately. Typically after this, you get to the screen that asks you if you want to install windows, then you hit f8 to agree to there stuff, then you get to partition ect. I mention these things so you will know what part I am talking about.

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Install Hangs On "setup Is Starting Windows"

Mar 28, 2007

I have an Intel 945GTP motherboard running XP Pro on a SATA HDD that, until last week, worked just fine. Then, it decided not to boot up one morning, in either regular or safe mode.It won't boot from the CDROM drive either. It does boot from floppy.I've replaced RAM, taken out all non-essential hardware, replaced HDD cables.HDD can be recognised in another system.Mouse and KB are not usb.I removed the HDD partition, intending to reload XP, but the load hangs on "setup is starting windows" and never goes anywhere - i left it overnight, just to be sure.I repartitioned and reformatted using a 98 disk, just for kicks, to see if it'd work. Yep, boots to c:> HDD manufacturer's diagnostic reports no errors.I have put in another, new SATA HDD, as well as a new ide hdd.

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MS Word Starting When Starting Computer

Jul 10, 2005

I have Windows XP and MS Office XP (2003) loaded on my PC. Whenever I boot up the PC, 3 sessions of MS Word open - 2 sessions have a new (blank) document open, and the 3rd session just shows Word as being open (no new document).I went to Documents and Settings | Application Data | Microsoft | Word | Startup to see if there was anything in the folder prompting Word to open the 3 sessions. The folder was empty. I then clicked Start | Run | msconfig | Enter to see if Winword.exe is in the Startup folder. I thought I might see it in there 3 times – one for each of the Word sessions that are opening whenever I boot up the PC. Strangely enough, Winword.exe wasn’t in the Startup folder at all – not even once.

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"Install" Option Missing For Inf File

Jul 31, 2007

"Install" option is missing from the context menu for *.inf files.
Google gives many results, but all considering the same problem for Win95/98/2000, and not for XP which is my OS.

It is probably a registry problem, since it is the same case on my both computers with same software, and different hardware.
I've tried everything I knew, but can't move a bit.

I have one more problem with context menu; WinRAR "extract" options are present, but not working for *.rar files. They do work for other archives though. This is not such a big problem, but I am mentioning it beacause there is a possibility that both are connected.

I desperatly need to install an *.inf driver. No way around. I NEED to get back "INstall" option in the context menu for *.inf file drivers.

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Installer Not Working / Can't Install Any New Programs

Jan 21, 2009

windows installer not working tried downloading it and reinsalling it but still no joy, can't install any new programs. I have also reinstalled windows xp

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Reformat And Install - Mic Stopped Working

Feb 20, 2007

Hey guys, first off I'd like to say I'm not a very smart computer person (I'm not a dumb one but don't understand a lot of the more complex stuff) and I'm mainly trying to help my brother figure something out.

I used Windows Pro for awhile but started having a problem with my sound settings (mic stopped working and since I'm a Counter-Strike player I kind of needed it back for CAL :P) so we decided after trying a new sound card, etc, etc that it was the settings (well, my brother decided that after checking on it, appearently something was reveresed for some reason?), anyways we went to install Windows Home and all went well on the installing it from the CD part, but once it got into the configuring part or whatever it kept freezing at the "Install Network" part. So after trying that about 20 times we started using the Pro version to see if it would work.... same thing. So now I'm back trying to get the Home version to work (basically just going through the motions that my bro told me to do) and it keeps freezing there

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Fresh Install Not Working - Using A Upgrade CD

May 7, 2005

My computer totally crashed and I had to go in and format the MBR and load the Ntldr file as well. But now when I try to do a fresh install and boot from the XP cd i get to where I press the F8 to agree and the message I get is as follows:

"The setup can not find a previous version of windows installed on your computer. To continue, setup needs to verify that you qualify to use this upgrade product. Please insert your windows NT3.51,windows NT4.0, windows 2000 CD into the specified drive and click enter to continue".I know this sounds like I am using a Upgrade CD to Windows XP but the CD i am using IS a full OEM Version of Windows XP and NOT a upgrade version

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Fresh Install - Old Program Not Working

Sep 16, 2005

I had WINDVD Creator installed on my system , XP Pro SP2. I had a problem( not related) so I did a fresh install. When I tried to put WIN DVD back in, I get the message, "This is not a Qualified machine". I went to their website and downloaded a trial version and it worked fine. I deleted the trial version and tried My Software install disc and got the same, This is not a qualified machine notice

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CPU 100% - OS Re-install Did Not Fix - USB Ports Stopped Working.

Feb 10, 2007

My CPU has been 100% for over a month. I first thought it was a virus so a scanned w/ every program out there and nothing would detect anything, HJT log was reviewed and nothing found so I went down the Registry Path and tried to repair with Registry Repair Tools to no avail. So I backed up all my files and did a complete OS re-install in CPU is still at 100%. And when this problem first started by USB ports stopped working.

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No 'Switch User' Option And No Option To Log Out?

Nov 30, 2007

I recently reloaded windows XP and there is no button on the Start Menu to allow me to log out and swap to another user.

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New Keyboard And Mouse:install Software But Not Working?

Aug 25, 2006

I am trying to install and new keybpard and mouse (Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop 6000) I follow everything in the book, install the software and everything but they both dont work

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Install Anti Virus And Explorer.exe Not Working

Sep 1, 2005

Ive been having problems with a virus lately. So i decided to purchase McAfee. Instead of going out and buying it, I bought it online where you can download it. But after restarting, the explorer.exe wont start up. And when i manually try to start it up, My Documents folder comes up.

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Working - Install Problems (SP2) - Service Pack 2

Jun 13, 2008

I was recently on Sp2 and decided to upgrade to sp3, I didn't like some parts so i decided to uninstall it - I was told to use add/remove program files "service pack 3" and after the uninstall, when I ran "winver" it appeared as "service pack 2" then some problems appeared such as whenever I clicked on internet explorer I get a notice bar saying "installing program" but nothing at all happened - after 10-15min it disappeared and internet explorer appeared.So I tried system restore, that only stuffed it up more, windows then said "service pack 3" when I was on service pack one and the errors were still there..I decided to do what I searched for on tech support guy forums and the guy said to reinstall windows and it won't affect any program files - only replace system files - so I tried it out.
Worked great and now I'm on SP2 but I'm still having the install problems with explorer.

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Java Wont Install In Firefox? Properly Working In IE

Sep 3, 2007

Installed by clicking the "installing missing plugin" strip on top of the browser then it didnt work so i tried installing manually the process went throught but Java is still a "missing plugin" in firefox i opened up IE it's working perfectly fine.

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Starting Up It Gets Hung Up At "Windows Starting Up"

Mar 25, 2007

For about 2 months my computer (Sony VAIO desktop, Pentium IV 1.39 mHz, 512mb RAM, Windows XP Pro, SP2) has been acting strange. I have checked the system for viruses and spyware with AVG and Symmantec and others- with no luck. I also did a Windows repair; it only got worse. I also used reg scrub.First, when starting up it gets hung up at "Windows starting up..." taking about 3 minutes to finally get to the user selection page. Once I login, it takes another 2minutes to fully open up. At that point, my mouse has a constant flicker and takes forever to open up IE (6.0). If I leave the computer for awhile, when I come back and move my mouse to wake it up- it has some new problems: I cannot type in numbers (num lock has no effect), when I type letters, they are in all caps (caps lock off), and when I go to my desktop to select a program to start, it highlights all of the icons and says basically "do you really want to start 38 programs at once".

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Internet Is Working For Some Programs / Firefox Is Working But IE7 Is Not

Dec 26, 2007

Whenever I start up IE7 "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" pops up. The problem is my internet is working for SOME programs. Firefox is working fine, but IE7 is not. Also Steam, Ventrilo, and AIM work fine, but programs such as, UBI Internet, and Gas Powered Games Internet, and almost all games do not work. It says Winsock error problem, but I have fixed the registry keys and followed all instructions.

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Tablet Part Not Working, Recovery DVD Not Working

Aug 8, 2008

I have a Gateway CX2618, w/ windows XP tablet edition 2005 version 2002, sp2. And wanted to wipe it clean and reinstall just the things I use. Plus my Tablet side of things hasn't worked in a long time and I was hoping the clean install would fix that. But my recovery DVD isn't working (could be user error). I DO have apps that I need to keep and I think I've backed them up to my external HD correctly.

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USB Mouse Not Working, Yet Keyboard Is Working?

Apr 13, 2010

I just recently reinstalled Windows XP on my computer, my USB keyboard is working fine, but my mouse is not working, I tried it in all the USB ports for it and I am getting no response, I am getting a curser on screen but no movement nor am I able to click.

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HTTP Not Working - FTP - HTTPS Working?

Sep 17, 2008

I de-infected a windows XP system with SP3 and IE7. Once I did that, http no longer loaded in IE. It does not work in portable firefox either. I can type in ftp:// ftp address and IE works. Likewise I
can use https:// and the page loads! What is going on: I tried:

1) Reset ie7 as per MS
2) Removed IE 7
2a) IE6 would not load http either
3) reapplied SP3
4) Repair install win winxp cd.
5) Deleted and re-installed network card

This is where I am now. Still no http://. Since multiple applications are affected, I do not think it is a browser helper.

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Pop Ups Now Starting

Dec 24, 2005

I recently downloaded a program, now I'm getting pop ups which I never really had before I ran Adaware & spybot.can someone check my hijack this log and advise me if something should be removed?

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