Fresh Install Not Working - Using A Upgrade CD

May 7, 2005

My computer totally crashed and I had to go in and format the MBR and load the Ntldr file as well. But now when I try to do a fresh install and boot from the XP cd i get to where I press the F8 to agree and the message I get is as follows:

"The setup can not find a previous version of windows installed on your computer. To continue, setup needs to verify that you qualify to use this upgrade product. Please insert your windows NT3.51,windows NT4.0, windows 2000 CD into the specified drive and click enter to continue".I know this sounds like I am using a Upgrade CD to Windows XP but the CD i am using IS a full OEM Version of Windows XP and NOT a upgrade version

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Fresh Install - Old Program Not Working

Sep 16, 2005

I had WINDVD Creator installed on my system , XP Pro SP2. I had a problem( not related) so I did a fresh install. When I tried to put WIN DVD back in, I get the message, "This is not a Qualified machine". I went to their website and downloaded a trial version and it worked fine. I deleted the trial version and tried My Software install disc and got the same, This is not a qualified machine notice

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Going From 2000 To XP /.fresh Or Upgrade?

Aug 15, 2005

I have been putting together a new system. First new one in a long time. Here's the situation.I have:old IDE HD w/ Windows 2000 and all my stuff on unused SATA HD.I'd like to upgrade to Windows XP...and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this. A couple of different possibilities:

[1] Hook up the old HD, copy it over to the new, and either before or after the copy, upgrade to Windows XP.

[2] Do a fresh install of Windows XP.on my new HD, and reinstall everything? slowly copy over stuff from my old HD?

Now, on my old HD I have a TON of stuff installed. And the prospect of reinstalling program after program so the registry is all proper and what not, and manually sifting through configuration files and what not for various programs to copy them over so I don't lose all my configurations and what not ugh, it just sounds like a nightmare.Yet, the copy of Windows 2000 is old, and if I remember correctly, was already an upgrade from Win98. I have a hunch it's pretty grungy and that there's a lot of unnecessary stuff. So I'd really *like* a fresh install.So what's my best bet?...Is there some option I've missed?Is there any way to start off with a fresh install of WinXP without having to extremely painstakingly reconstruct everything over. If not, is the benefits of a fresh install really worth it? Would an upgrade suffice?

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2 OS Options On Boot Screen: Fresh Copy Rather Than Upgrade?

Jun 7, 2008

I recently upgraded my laptop from XP Home to XP Pro. But, I absent-mindedly started to install by booting from the CD like I was doing a fresh install/reformat rather than doing it from inside the OS to do an upgrade. I caught myself, however and restarted without the CD and upgraded Windows from inside Windows. It worked, but now when I boot my computer, it gives me two options to choose from: "Windows XP Home Edition" or "Windows XP Professional Setup." When I pick the Home option, the computer boots up fine and goes to Windows.

However, when I go to Start>Control Panel>System, it shows that I have XP Pro even though I chose the XP Home option at boot. If I choose the XP Pro Setup option, it asks for the SP2 CD, even though the OS is bundled with SP2 on the same CD. I hit Enter, and it keeps asking for the SP2 CD even though the CD is in there. I tried to go to the Disk Management screen and delete the XP Pro Setup partition (which was only 1Gb), but that didn't work. So, I figured that boot.ini was still confused as to what to boot to.

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Monitor Drivers Unable To Install On Fresh Windows 2000 Install

Apr 18, 2005

HI, I just installed windows 2000 professional onto my computer. Everything works fine except that the resolution is really grainy. On some web sites I cannot even make out what the words are. I found out that when I go into my monitor settings in display properties I am unable to install the drivers for my monitor. Does anybody know a way in which I can get around this.

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XPsp2 Fresh Install / Doesn't Prompt To Install New Hardware

Sep 25, 2007

I have just installed a fresh copy of windows XP sp2 on 2 machines. Both Dell Optiplex desktops. Usually it prompts that it has found new hardware for each device it hasn't found drivers for. Device manager lists them with a yellow exclamation icon.Problem I have now though is that the fresh install of XP does not show these prompt at all, although device manager lists them and if i go in there and update driver the device works.The problem I have is that basically i usually copy a driver heirarchy to the systemdrive and point the registry at them, which results in automatic installation on boot. This no longer works and I assume they are related as it doesn't look like it's automatically trying to install these devices.Is there a setting somewhere, seems very strange, what with it being a fresh install?

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Fresh Reinstall - Mouse Not Working

Jan 7, 2009

I just reinstalled XP on one of my computers because it had some problem. It is a dell E1505 laptop. Got windows loaded and started doing the drivers.I got to the chipset driver they suggested and after it was done installing, my mouse no longer worked and I had to use the touchpad. Looking at the Device Manager, it looks like some of my usb hubs are not active. I tried plugging the mouse into all the ports and nothing happened. It is just a dell standard mouse, so it shouldnt need any additional driver support.

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Fresh Install Windows Home / Locking Up At End Of Install

Feb 14, 2005

I have two computers, one I use for gaming, the other for school. Both computers had 60gb Maxtor (school with lots of room, gaming with about 10 gb free). My school HD took a powder (the evil clicky noise of doom), but I was able to back up my files prior to that. Me being a quick thinker, I decide to upgrade my gamer puter to a 120gb (don't wanna go too nutso, as I am considering building a much superior computer), and put the good 60 gb in my old Athlon 700. Problem? I cannot get Windows XP Home to complete install on my gamer computer. (Athlon 700 installed just fine with 'good' 60gb).Gamer Computer: Athlon 1800+, 512MB DDR Ram 2100, KR7A Raid MOBO, GeForce3 Ti 200 (128MB DDR RAM), SB Audigy 2(AGP).

It is a RAID mobo, but i do not use the raid functionality, I did not have a problem before(I have my HD and my 2 roms on ide now). I go through the install steps, and I get to the very very end, where it states you are about to start Windows XP, and then it hangs, and thats it.I have tried to ensure there are no conflicts, I pulled out my sound card as well as my network card, and 're-seated' my video card and RAM. I have tried looking at using a winxp bootup floppy, booted into safe mode (the only error it detects is the missing RAID, no conflicts detected there). Heck, I even swapped out mouse and keyboard. I tried putting back the good 60gb back in the pc, and reformatting, but still get the same thing(sometimes the screen is black, sometimes the icky blue of xp, but that's it).I have no idea now. I did make sure that my bios was up to date before taking down the system originally, and it was, so no change was made there. Even swapped out the ribbon cables to ensure nothing was damaged on original removal.

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Pro Upgrade Not Working - The Pid Is Not Valid

Sep 5, 2005

I have a Dell 8400, XP Home Edition SP 2 that came pre-installed. I purchased a retail XP Pro SP2 upgrade. It won't install. I get the message: The pid is not valid for this version of Windows XP. Provide the pid that came with the Windows XP upgrade CD. I know its not from the Product Key I'm giving it being invalid, because when I intentionally type it in wrong, I get another kind of error message about a bad PID. Also, I purchased the retail from a large office supply chain. So, why can't I use a retail upgrade XP Pro on top of a OEM XP home?

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Fresh Install Xp

Jan 15, 2006

Wanted to do a fresh install. I want to wipe the HD clean before I start a clean install. Any programs out there for doing this?

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Want To Do Fresh Install Of MS Xp Pro

Aug 21, 2007

I want to do a fresh install of MS xp pro. The problem is I have a newer version of xp installed right now and the xp cd i have is a older version( legit cd). Because of that it won't let me re-install xp using the older cd. I do have sp2 just on a different cd. So how can I go about doing a fresh install? The reason i'm doing this is because my computer is running sluggish and I want to start over sort of speak. Any ideas what I need to do? I have the bios to boot from cd. I also get a error message that the NTLDER is missing. I've been on other forums and so far no help from them.

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Trying To Fresh Install XP

Jun 26, 2009

I've been trying to reinstall a fresh, liscenced copy of XP (sp2), but when I get the windows disc to boot, my keyboard won't work. I've tried to keep in both the usb port and to use the adapter to stick it into the dedicated keyboard slot - no luck with either. Do I have a driver issue? Under admnistrative tools/computer management/keyboards/hid keyboard device/driver/driver details, I have two different driver entries: the highlighted one on top says WINDOWS/system32/DRIVERS/kbdclass.sys and the unhighlighted one below it says WINDOWS/system32/DRIVERS/kbdhid.sys. I seem to remember adding or updating my keyboard driver at some point, but I'm not entirely sure. Can I/should I restore the kbdhid.sys driver, and if so, how do I do that exactly? Do I have some other issue? A USB driver issue perhaps? I have a number of different usb drivers as well.

As a corollary, when booting with a bootable disc (the XP disc and with my BIOS set to boot from disc first), the program asks to hit any key to boot from disc. With my keyboard plugged in normally (to the usb port), I get no response at that stage. Using the adapter, plugged into the dedicated keyboard spot, I CAN get a response, but then get no response (from either usb or dedicated keyboard connector.) when the XP disc boots up to the blue option screen.My computer knowledge is adequate but not extensive. I did build my system, but it was my first build.

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Fresh Xp Install

Oct 11, 2010

I'm doing a fresh xp install on an older hp ze5700. I am able to get the machine to recognize the cd drive initially and go thru the install up until it has to reboot to set up windows. then it seems the laptop does not recoginze the cd drive and freezes on the 'setting up windows' part.

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Want To Do Fresh Install

Nov 15, 2007

I have an athlon 1.2 asus a7a266 motherboard and 80 gig HD with XP and want to do a fresh install so I can pass it on without easy access to any past personal data.It still has a floppy and all my old boot discs say the files such as fdisk and format are not compatable with this operating sys.I made a boot from the computer but it doesn't have formatting software included.One I get it formatted with CD support I'll be on my way.

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Fresh Install Of XP

Sep 25, 2008

Machine is an HP pavillion, 1gb of ram, running XP. I would like to do a fresh reinstall to clean out some of the gunck stuck on this pc. What would be the best way to do this?

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Upgrade From ME - Internet Not Working Properly

Nov 19, 2008

I want to upgrade from ME to XP. I ran the upgrade Advisor for XP and have found a few issues I may need to address. The main issue for me is the internet.

Network adapters
Network TeleSystems EnterNet PPPoE Adapter

If someone could take a look at these results and tell me what will happen? I'm not sure and don't want to crash anything or not be able to connect to the internet. Setup found hardware or software on your computer that might not or will not work with Windows XP. You should read and understand this upgrade report before continuing.........

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Very Buggy After Fresh Install

Feb 17, 2009

I recently got some virus which kept on duplicating, so my AVG antivirus could not permanently delete. So I did a clean reinstall of Windows XP Pro 32 bit with a full reformat. It is still very buggy. Some of the bugs even resemble the errors I was having before the reinstall. There were things like "could not load cmd.exe", AVG antivirus marking almost every Window's .exe as a Heur virus, "could not load login because of data execution prevention", and programs like Windows Media Player 11 and Visual Studio not being able to be completely installed.

Should I be concerend that this is a hardware issue? The harddrive should be OK because a full format should have detected bad sectors. Maybe my RAM is damaged?

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Fresh Install Of Windows XP

Feb 3, 2008

I have just done a fresh install of Windows XP - all is fine.Question - I am just downloading 92 updates from the M/soft site!!! Is there anyway to get hold of these and burn them to a CD so next time.

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New Motherboard And Old HDD / Fresh Install?

Feb 22, 2010

I'll buy a new motherboard with video card, cpu and memory but I will keep the old HDD. My old mobo is burnt so I can't boot the PC. I want to do a fresh install on C: but I have some data that I need. I have a few ideas but I don't know if they'll work.
1)Can I use Windows XP Live USB edition to boot with the new mobo, copy the data from C: to another partition and then do a clean Windows install(well, only the C: partition)?
2)What if I do a Windows Repair Install, copy the data from C: to another drive and then do a clean install?(I don't think this is a good option because the user settings and program files will be deleted and I want to keep them so I will know what apps will I have to install.

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Fresh Install - Cannot Do Partition

Mar 9, 2005

Trying to do a completely fresh install of XP on a mates computer. I have booted from 2 seperate windows xp discs (both of which have worked fine previously). It gets a small way into the setup (just past RAID drivers etc) then asks "Please insert Windows XP Disk 2 or whatever (depending on which windows version) in Drive A: and press any key to continue." I have never had this happen before and am not sure how to get past it.

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Fresh Install - Cannot Do Paritition

Oct 5, 2007

I'm getting ready to reformat my XP machine, it's long over due. Since I'm stuck with my older hardware: Intel P4, AGP, I'm trying to pull every available once of performance out. I'm trying not to leave anything on the table, but I'm not spending any more $$$ right now.I have 2 physical HD's. a SATA II (3.0) 320 Gig. This drive is pulled directly into the MB. Right now, it has 2 logical partitions, but only about 80G total is in use for my OS + Apps. The other drive is a SATA (1.5) 400 Gig. This drive is plugged into the PCI card that came with it, as opposed to my MB because my MB won't recognize it. It also has 2 partitions but is used only for my data and for keeping revisions of the same file. (I back up to both an external HD and an internal backup service.)

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Fresh Install Or Just Clean-up?

Nov 6, 2009

I am working with a small school as IT help (along with other hats). We recently replaced PC's in a computer lab with new IMACs. I now have these older PC's that came preinstalled with Windows XP Home on them. I was going to keep them around to use as back-ups in the classrooms or additions for tutoring,etc. My first question is, since they were used for about 2-3 years in a lab scenario, should I do a fresh install of Windows Xp or just try to clean them up the best I can. (They all are DELL running 797mhz and 512mb RAM.)

If a fresh install is the best option, I have another question.

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Fresh Install PRO - Need To Format

Jan 11, 2006

What do I have to do to do a fresh install?? Do I just format the hard drive and restart with the XP disk inserted?? Is it that simple or is there more to it?

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Fresh Install Hangs?

Mar 2, 2010

Late lastnight I was attacked by a nasty virus that wouldn't give control of my computer back, every attempt at a "System Restore" was met by the virus blocking my attempt. I was able to do a "System Restore" via "Safe Mode" but strange things began to happen even after the restore point, so I saved as many family pictures as possible. Bottomline, is there a safe way to scan my thumb drive for virus so that I can add my family pictures to my new fresh install?

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Fresh Install Of Win Home

Nov 18, 2007

I have never had this problem before but I am trying to do a fresh install of windows xp home on a dell dimension 2400 desktop. I deleted the current partition and then continued with the install. The computer is only currently at the "Installing Windows" portion right now and I started it at 10am this morning. So at my time it has been 7 and 1/2 hours so far. Its not frozen either. Does anyone know why it might be taken so long to install?

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Fresh Install & Wireless

Mar 30, 2010

I have an IBM Thinkpad R51, which had Ubuntu before (and XP a long time ago.Now I reinstalled Windows XP (licensed, just in case you ask). But the wireless network adapter (internal) doesn't seem to be recognized. So I downloaded and installed the driver, but it doesn't do anything. I went to see if XP recognized the card but it doesn't, it is listed in "Other hardware" with a question mark.I do not have a wireless icon either in the notification area or the Network Connections.

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Bugaboos With IE8 After Fresh Re-install XP SP3

May 29, 2010

Internet Explorer icon in "START" does not show the "E" icon as expected. It shows the icon (blue box with tiny tiny red, blue and green icons inside) that sometimes indicates that XP is not sure how to open the program or which program to use.However, the program WILL open.

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How To Install On A Fresh Drive/

Jan 23, 2007

OK, I just finished building my PC, but I can't figure out how to install XP (don't stop reading, it isn't that easy).I get XP Pro SP2 through the Microsoft Campus Agreement for free, since I'm a full time student, it's legit.Problem is, they can only provide it as a self extracting executable.I can't get it on a bootable cd.I want to do a clean install, without installing a previous version of windows and then installing XP pro on top.

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Unable To Install Fresh Xp

Feb 25, 2007

Basically the first time I tried installing windows (pro sp2 from my alienware) I used the floppy set and I got through to the installation screen just fine but it wouldnt read the disk in the drive. So I thought it may have been my disk. I tried 3 other disks ( 2 different burned disks and an authentic windows pro sp 2 disk) none of them worked. So now I figured that it may have been the driver for my dvd burner drive. So I tried using a boot disk with some generic drivers on it. First I tried loading a win98 boot disk which did not work. Then I tried an XP boot disk with some drivers and that didnt work. (what I mean when I say it didnt work is that when I tried installing off the three different disks in conjunction with the setup floppies) Then I tried using a 95 boot disk and still, nothing happens. Except now im having even bigger problems. I cant even boot floppies anymore. It seems like any or all the drivers I got from the boot disks completely ****ed up my system and im unable to do anything at all.

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Monitor Stop Working After Memory And Usb 2.0 Upgrade

Jun 14, 2010

After I installed a usb 2.0 card and triple my memory size. my monitor after about an hour stop working. I tried everything (or almost everything that I know). I reseat the battery on the motherboarb, disconnect and reconnect almost every wire, use different monitors` that I know works, still their is no signal going to my monitor when I boot.

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Network Shares Not Working After Recent XP Upgrade

Dec 21, 2008

Anyone else having issues with their network shares after winxp update? I didn't upgrade to SP3 because this upgrade had caused a problem for me also. Just did a few security fixes.. Is there a way to fix this without having to uninstall all the patches?

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