I have copied few files in the form of .ISO from CDs but when i try writing them on to CD the size exceeds 700 MB. How come this is happening when the software in the original cd is less than 700 MB (Being a CD) and while writing the image the size exceeds the size of an CD.
I heard that the paging file should always be 1.5x the amount of RAM that is available on the machine. My initial size of the paging file is set to around 2GB and I was wondering if I should change the initial size to 3GB or put it to 'System managed size'?
A friend asked me to send him a copy of a photo I had taken which I did he the complained that it was too big and that I should resize it how I asked so he told me, go to my pictures right click on an image select mail recipient and a panel will appear offering to resize the image for emailing. This is where the fun begins not for me I said so I investigate a bit and find this powertoys programe download it ( I have reinstalled this prog more times this week than you've had hot dinners) I have tried any number of so called fixes that I have found on other forums it just don't work, in fact the image resizor option your supposed to have when you right click on an image which should create a resized clone in the same folder dosn't work either to add insult to injury my friend wondered why I had to right click on the image anyway as for him all he has to do is hover the mouse icon over the image and the panel appears. Ideas needed.
Im intrested in purchasing a product to clone hard disks in Windows but I have a question before hand If I clone a hard disk into some DVD´s and the I want to restore that image into another hard disk, a new, different size/brand hard disk. Is that possible? Is there a "correct" way to do it? Someone reccomendme either Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image, but Im not sure if itll help me. I hope your answers help me to decide weather to buy the software.
When I right click a file to view it's properties there are two different values shown: one for file "size" and the other for "size on disk". The second value is always larger. Could someone please explain what the difference is because I'm in the process of allocating space for backed up user data on a network share and I need to multiply the average file size by the number of users to get an estimate of how much space to allocate to that share.
I have a LOT of programs installed on my computer. When I click START/PROGRAMS the list is so long that I can't see all of the entries. What I would like to do is create groups i.e. Video, Still Photo, Microsoft, etc.
I have been using a my FireLite (Model USBFL840) for a few years on my Toshiba Satellite P25 S526. In the past few months when I connect the firelite to my computer, I get a message that states �the USB mass Storage Device has exceeded the power limits of its hub port.At that moment, the only option is to unplug the device and reset the port.I have 4 high speed USB ports and I�ve tried it on all of them with the same results.
Is there anyway, a java script, anything that will tell me what the name of someone's active .pst file is and what the size of the .pst file is? I am looking for something to send to someone and they will run it on their machine and then send me the info without having to walk them through the process. I am not looking to "steal" this oinfo so it can be something the other person executes.
One of the best features of Win XP is to use any image from any image folder as your desktop background, wallpaper. For some reason this feature has stopped working and of course I have no idea why. I haven't changed any folder options or made any changes for that matter.
To silverduck441: The Paging File is Windows virtual RAM, and generally it is about 1.5 times the total RAM. Go to Contol Panel/System on the Advanced page, go to Perfomance and then Settings. Select "For best performance, do not set the initial size to less than the minimum recommended size under Total paging file size for all drives. The recommended size is equivalent to 1.5 times the amount of RAM on your system. Usually, you should leave the paging file at its recommended size, although you might increase its size if you routinely use programs that require a lot of memory". If you get this problem often, the answer may be to increase the settings in the virtual RAM settings manually and/or buy more RAM
I recently upgraded Adobe photoshop from CS2 to CS3. When I try to open a file using Open with by rght clicking a say, a JPEG image file, earlier I used to see the Photoshop Cs2 as an option. But now, I not only do not see Photoshop listed as an available program option, even when I select browse and go to the program folder and select Photoshop.exe for opening with, the image does not get opened in the Photoshop.
I’ve downloaded a bunch of themes for XP and am having a problem loading some of them. Windows says that the file is over sized! Is there an entry in the registry that will reset the size limitation? Or is it hard coded?
I just performed an ASR backup of my computer using NTBackup.ese and I have a strange problem that I haven't encountered before. According to Windows Explorer, there is 77 GB of data on my C: drive. However, the .bkf file created by the backup is 151 GB - almost twice the size. Now my external drive is full and I can't do any more backups. I've extensively explored my hard drive, including looking at System and Hidden files, but I am unable to explain this discrepency. Does anyone know what happened?
This setting optimizes the contiguous file allocation size for the file system and can be especially useful for disk intensive applications. Open up your registry and go to:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlFileSystem Create a DWORD value named 'ConfigFileAllocSize' and set the value to '200' (in hex) or 512 (decimal).
I protected my personal files in WXP and made an Acronis true image of the disk. After a disk crash, I rebuilt a new disk instead of using the image but want to get to my personal files by using the Acronis image mount utility. The tool works pretty well, the image looks like drive "G" when mounted and I can see all of my files, except for the personal ones. My new WXP load has the same user name, password, and computer name as the old one did. However, the NTFS security will not let me see or take ownership of my personal files. I dont want to have to restore the old image just to get my files but will if I have to. Any ideas for an easier way?
I will be creating a partition on the second Hdd for the pagefile.I have 2 Gig of Ram installed.My question is what size should the partition be? Less than than 8 Gigs I am aware of.But more importantly, what Min and Max should the settings be for the PagFile. Perhaps let the system decide?If I do set a PagFile on the OS partition I am considering 2MB - 200Mb to generate a kernel dump report. Note: Although I will have an Image of OS If the issue at hand is small enough I amy gain some experience in trying to fix it using the reports.
I am running 2 gig of ram on a 160 gig harddrive Presario. I don't usually keep over 3 windows open at any given time. I know Windows suggests 1-1/2 times ram for page file size, but that seems to slow the start-up. What is the minimum I can get away with and be safe? Or do I really need a page file? any input is helpful.
On my Dell Desktop, I reformatted and reinstalled Windows XP SP2 4 months ago. Today, I tried to adjust the Paging File size but could not. The machine will go through the motions of allowing a change then call for the required reboot when I changed the file size, but after reboot, the old file size is unchanged. I cannot change it to having the system manage the file, nor can I change the custom file size.
This isnt really a problem but i was wondering if your page file size really makes a difference on performance. I tried to switch it up from 755MB to 900MB hoping it would make games run faster but it switched right back to 755.
I have a Dell Dimension 5100 with Winxp pro sp3 1 Meg of RAM and extra 500 gig hd: I changed (increaded) the Page File zise (Virtual Memory) on both drives and it corrupted the Registry. Now it does not even let me re-install winxp on that drive. Towards the end of the installation I get a message that it cannot copy certain files. The file names varies according to the SP version on the winxp pro cd. Also, I lost the original OS disk from DELL.
I can not change the size of the Internet Temp File cache. The slide bar moves, but the size of the file remains the same. No matter what size I select, 10, 15, or 20mb, the error message "Set size to 1 or 0" appears. If I set the size to 1, I get the same error msg. This is causing no end of problems with my e-mail. It takes upwards of 45 seconds to open each e-mail. And in most cases I can not go to any ref'ed URL mentioned in an e-mail.
I use the standard picture handling feature that came with XP-Home on my computer in 2002. When flagging a picture and clicking on 'Email This File', I used to be given the option to reduce the picture size for the email.This size-reduction option disappeared some months ago but I wasn't too bothered as my file sizes were quite small anyway. However it's a real nuisance now that I take/file all photos at maximum resolution. Before I email a picture, especially to someone on dial-up, I now have to open Photoshop Elements and reduce the file size
I've tried Mozilla, without much success - my query is how to quickly reduce the size of a batch of large photo files to one more acceptable for email using Thunderbird? I'm using Win XP Pro.I currently have to use Photoshop and use an Automated Batch process I created - cumbersome, time consuming, but effective!
I have a problem when printing JPEG's. The JPEG's file size increases dramatically when sent to a printer( eg from 630KB to 13MB).Could Windows be changing the file to a BMP before printing? If so, how canI stop this?
I got the error message that there is "Not enough paging file or virtual memory" and instructed me to change the paging file size. Which I did.My RAM is 256MB btw. Here's a pic of the Virtual Memory ctrl panel:after changing the page file size, the "Currently allocated" file size is still at 0 MB. No matter how many times I've changed it (Yes I've clicked Set everytime) and rebooted my PC, it's still at 0 MB. And then the error message keeps coming out at every reboot.Here's a pic of the Performance Option control panel.
I am running Windows XP, i want to change my virtual memory to custom page file size, can someone tell me the ideal minimum and maximum sizes recommended.
i have an upgraded comp from windows 98 2nd edition to windows xp. i frequently get messages telling me my virtual memory paging file size is too low causing progs to disappear. i have tried help&support pages at microsoft but i dont know what size my min or max page file size should be.the ram on my comp is 192mb.