Image Resizer Tool: How To Compress The The Size Of Images?
Feb 12, 2007
A friend asked me to send him a copy of a photo I had taken which I did he the complained that it was too big and that I should resize it how I asked so he told me, go to my pictures right click on an image select mail recipient and a panel will appear offering to resize the image for emailing. This is where the fun begins not for me I said so I investigate a bit and find this powertoys programe download it ( I have reinstalled this prog more times this week than you've had hot dinners) I have tried any number of so called fixes that I have found on other forums it just don't work, in fact the image resizor option your supposed to have when you right click on an image which should create a resized clone in the same folder dosn't work either to add insult to injury my friend wondered why I had to right click on the image anyway as for him all he has to do is hover the mouse icon over the image and the panel appears. Ideas needed.
Using Norton Ghost 9 and Acronis TrueImage 11 on Windows XP service pack 3. Disk cacheing is turned off on all drives and external Drive S is set optimized for quick removal. Windows - Delayed Write Failed Windows was unable to save all the data for the file S:System Volume Information racking.log.tmp. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere. System Restore is turned off on all drives. When I attempt to write an image of 1.5-TB internal drive R onto external USB 1.5-TB drive S, Ghost hangs permanently at 2% with no error message. Acronis Error on attempting to write image of 1.5-TB internal drive R onto 1.5-TB external USB drive S: ERROR E00070021 Unable to create volume snapshot
I have copied few files in the form of .ISO from CDs but when i try writing them on to CD the size exceeds 700 MB. How come this is happening when the software in the original cd is less than 700 MB (Being a CD) and while writing the image the size exceeds the size of an CD.
Im intrested in purchasing a product to clone hard disks in Windows but I have a question before hand If I clone a hard disk into some DVD´s and the I want to restore that image into another hard disk, a new, different size/brand hard disk. Is that possible? Is there a "correct" way to do it? Someone reccomendme either Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image, but Im not sure if itll help me. I hope your answers help me to decide weather to buy the software.
I use to update my Xp SP-2 regularly from MS website. Now a days it is insisting to install "Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130)" first to proceed for downloading update files.Is it a FORCE or I can bypass this tool. I do not want to install it, as somebody told me this is a tool by MS to takeout personal information on my OS (XP) and MS Office and other MS Software.I know I use genuine legal copy.But why should I allow MS to take more information ? Is not WPA through internet is not sufficient ? Can this tool take information on other products/3rd party software like NERO,MS OFFICE and ArcSOft ?
I Went To Disk Clean Up .cleaned Up The All The Files But It Showed I Got Over 3 Thousand. Old Compressed Files. Theres A Check In The Box To Clean Them Up .but It Won't Do There Another Way To Get Rid Of Them? Im Using Windows Xp Home Editon.
Seems the "compress old files" won't Cleanup. They just keep building and building. The Web Client won't delete either. How can I remove these files? Pic below is after I've cleaned up twice.
I am cleaning it up a bit, and when I did disc clean-up, where it says old compressed files, there are a lot like 1,318,178 of them.what are they if I check the box, does disc cleanup delete them, or does it compress them.How long will that many files take to compress or delete or whatever I have to do? Is there something wrong with my PC to have that many files there like that? I already got rid of the Temp Files, and Defraged, but these compressed things are confusing me.can someone advise me if I should check the box and let the disc cleaner deal with them.I'm afraid that there are so many, what if it deletes everything.
Whenever I try to run Disk Cleanup, it starts to check how much space can be freed up, first by checking "Compress old files." Since I probably have something on the order of 5-10 million files on my computer (this isn't an exaggeration; I have several million files from research with medical data), this part of the scan essentially means that I always have to cancel Disk Cleanup, because it will never finish.Is there any way to do Disk Cleanup, but disable the scan for old files that Windows would want to compress?
I have finally decided to put my screen settings to 1024-768 or what ever that one is lol .. but my only problem now is the font size.. for example up top of this page where it says file,edit, view really small and same as the name thats down on my bar at the bottom of my screen where my open windows are they are really small and I want to make them bigger how do I do that? also .. my quick launch icons are super small can I make them bigger? I made the ones on my desktop bigger but can't figure out how to make the quick launch ones bigger.
I heard that the paging file should always be 1.5x the amount of RAM that is available on the machine. My initial size of the paging file is set to around 2GB and I was wondering if I should change the initial size to 3GB or put it to 'System managed size'?
I have a pc running win XP pro and when I login as a user I can't compress file. But if I login as an administrator, I am able to select the files, send to a compressed folder. Althought I could easily get a third party compression software such as WinZip, etc. I am curious how to setup the winXP.
Have WinXP SP3. When I use Disk Cleanup feature, I cannot remove 'compress old files', even though it is checked. Should they be removed? Any harm in removing them? If not, how do I do it?
I am using an elderly 3M LCD projection panel on an overhead prjector for big screen Tv, driven by XP pro SP3. The panel has no controls for vertical/horizontal size and whatever monitor is used, an OS desktop fills the screen by default. I can resize the window for the TV viewing program in the normal way,just filling my projection screen, but the XP desktop is far too large.Does anyone know of a way to change the physical size of the desktop (including the taskbar) so that it sits in the LCD screen with a blank border all around, or maybe even make it custom resizeable as in a program window ( without changing the resolution)?
I am trying to create a full HD image of my Dell c800 Laptop using Drive Image 7 (circa 2003) to an USB HD. I have tried twice and received failures about my HD having bad sectors OR locked sectors. I ran check disc with repair and did not find any problems. Re-ran check disc from the boot disc that came with the application and found no problems with the disc. Tried again for a backup and received the same error. I am thinking it is one of the programs I have loaded has a locked sector or one of my processes that loads during boot is the problem?
So two days ago my computer suddenly decides that when I arrive back home it would want to start running like a win 95. Thus, I promted to shut it down. Once it arrived to the loading screen after the reboot nothing occurred. I then decided to wait... 30mins later it goes black and then the message arrives: "Winlogon.exe-Badimage The Application or DLL C:/Windows/System32/sfc.dll is not a valid windows image. Please check this against your installation disk settings." I have alot of stuff on my computer I need for work, is the only option to deleted everything and re add XP?
I am running Windows XP home edition in disk clean up option I have it set to compress old files I haven't accessed in 6 days When I run disk clean up it cleans everything else I have checked but won't compress old files What should I do ?
My OS is Xp sp3,the "Compress Volume to save disk space" check box didn't exist on my volume F: Properties,and all of "Compress contents to save disk space" check box of file or folder wasn't enable in my volume F:,but other volume is fine.
When I right click a file to view it's properties there are two different values shown: one for file "size" and the other for "size on disk". The second value is always larger. Could someone please explain what the difference is because I'm in the process of allocating space for backed up user data on a network share and I need to multiply the average file size by the number of users to get an estimate of how much space to allocate to that share.
My nephew was wanting me to e-mail him a picture of a sunset I took recently. He has a good photo printer and wanted me to send him the proof photo which is an 33mb 8x10 file. I told him that for me to e-mail him an 8x10 of this photo wasn't possible because the file was too large (33mb).Is there a way to compress a file of this size and e-amil it to him?
I am running outlook express in Windows XP SP2. Quite frequently images in emails are replaced by a large box with a small red x in the upper left corner. I have unchecked the appropriate box in the security tab under Options' in the 'Tools' pull down menue of Outlook Express. I still can not get certain images. It would seem that most often this problem occuts in email that has been forwarded to me.
I'd like to know if it's possible to use my own images as a BG for certain folders. For instance, I've made a 'Games' folder, which is where I put shortcuts to games, and would like to use my own image as the BG for that folder. Is it possible? Is there a way to do this?