Disk Clean Up In XP / Set To Compress Old Files Haven't Accessed

Aug 16, 2005

I am running Windows XP home edition in disk clean up option I have it set to compress old files I haven't accessed in 6 days When I run disk clean up it cleans everything else I have checked but won't compress old files What should I do ?

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Use Disk Clean Up / Won't Compress Old Files

Aug 1, 2005

When I use disk cleanup it won't compress old files I have it set to compress files I haven't accessed in 6 days

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"COMPRESS OLD FILES" Not And Option In "Disk Clean Up"?

Feb 21, 2008

I recently had my computer crash due to a TROJAN virus and at that time I had Windows XP service pack 3 which my computer man installed for me. After being infected I had to completely reinstall EVERY thing on my computer taking my computer back down to Service Pack 1 the only operating disks I had. Now when I do a Disk Clean Up, it doesn't have the option to "Compress Old Files."

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How To Remove Compress Old Files In Disk Cleanup?

Jul 7, 2008

Have WinXP SP3. When I use Disk Cleanup feature, I cannot remove 'compress old files', even though it is checked. Should they be removed? Any harm in removing them? If not, how do I do it?

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Disk Cleanup / Compress Or Leave Files

Dec 21, 2004

I ran Disk Cleanup on my Xp and it says i have 3,598,652 old files i can compress. Should i compress or leave it alone. Will if effect my comp speed?

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Disc Clean Up To Click On Compress Drive To Save Space?

Jun 3, 2005

Is it ok after running disc clean up to click on compress drive to save space?

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Configure Disk Clean-up / Not Consider Compressing Old Files As Alternatives?

Jul 25, 2002

Is there a way to configure disk clean-up to not consider compressing old files as one of the alternatives? I don't consider file compression to be a useable feature and would like to eliminate it. It also adds greatly to the time it takes disk clean-up to run. What should be a relatively short task turns lengthy with this option enabled.

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Compress Old Files

Oct 26, 2006

I Went To Disk Clean Up .cleaned Up The All The Files But It Showed I Got Over 3 Thousand. Old Compressed Files. Theres A Check In The Box To Clean Them Up .but It Won't Do Nothing.is There Another Way To Get Rid Of Them? Im Using Windows Xp Home Editon.

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Compress Old Files Won't Cleanup

Mar 15, 2006

Seems the "compress old files" won't Cleanup. They just keep building and building. The Web Client won't delete either. How can I remove these files? Pic below is after I've cleaned up twice.

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Items In Compress Old Files?

Apr 27, 2005

I am cleaning it up a bit, and when I did disc clean-up, where it says old compressed files, there are a lot like 1,318,178 of them.what are they if I check the box, does disc cleanup delete them, or does it compress them.How long will that many files take to compress or delete or whatever I have to do? Is there something wrong with my PC to have that many files there like that? I already got rid of the Temp Files, and Defraged, but these compressed things are confusing me.can someone advise me if I should check the box and let the disc cleaner deal with them.I'm afraid that there are so many, what if it deletes everything.

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Disabling Compress Old Files

Apr 15, 2006

Whenever I try to run Disk Cleanup, it starts to check how much space can be freed up, first by checking "Compress old files." Since I probably have something on the order of 5-10 million files on my computer (this isn't an exaggeration; I have several million files from research with medical data), this part of the scan essentially means that I always have to cancel Disk Cleanup, because it will never finish.Is there any way to do Disk Cleanup, but disable the scan for old files that Windows would want to compress?

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Utility To Compress Files

Sep 9, 2005

Does Window XP have a file compressor/unziper built in to the OS?

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Compress Volume To Save Disk Space Check Box Didn't Exist

Apr 4, 2010

My OS is Xp sp3,the "Compress Volume to save disk space" check box didn't exist on my volume F: Properties,and all of "Compress contents to save disk space" check box of file or folder wasn't enable in my volume F:,but other volume is fine.

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Cannot Run .exe Files / The Windows Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed

Sep 27, 2009

"C or file. You may not have appropriate permissions."Also,"The windows installer service could not be accessed"It is a customer's PC running XP Media Center.PC came to me with initial problem of blank desktop. Explorer.exe was NOT running and could not be started from Start > Run in Task Manager. However, it WAS possible to go through Browse and open files and existing programs that way.Managed to fix that by uninstalling various Google products like Desktop, Updater and Toolbar. Somehow, this enabled all programs I tried to run. The customer only had IE 8 on machine. Could open a Web Page in Word which made me suspicious why IE could not establish connection even after resetting etc etc. Found safari and managed to get on Web fine. Removed Google products as mentioned and all seemed fine.As IE still playing up decided to re-install it. All fine except that "checking your computer for malicious software" had red x next to it. Hmm, I thought.IE also keeps sending me on strange redirects (no other browser does) so suspected Malware.

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Clean Install / Invalid System Disk. Replace The Disk

Mar 22, 2006

I recently formatted my drive and am trying to reinstall my WIndows XP Pro.When I put in the CD and the PC starts up I receive a message: "Invalid System Disk. Replace the disk and then press any key"I have already changed my BIOS so that it boots from the CD first. Not sure what the problem is? prior to that error message, it states that I should "press any key to boot from CD"...when I try to push a key nothing happens. I know my keyboard works since I used it to enter the BIOS.

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"compress Drive To Save Disk Space" Harms The System

Jul 30, 2005

Is it possible this can do any harm to my computer?

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Disk Clean Up

Sep 10, 2005

Did Not Find The Reply To My Message Asking Which Blocks To Check To Do A Disk Clean Up Although I Know There Was A Reply.

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Can't Run Disk Clean Up

Nov 7, 2005

I have finnaly decided to enter the world of high speed internet (wait for appluse) and before I do this I want to optomize my computers preformence so I have Checked the hard drive for errors and defragmented it when I try to use the Disk Clean Up tool that comes with XP it asks what drive i want to check then I click the main drive and I get this error:"Disk Cleanup Manager for Windows has encounterd a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience"I looked it up and did not find any thing that lead me to belive that it was a common error Is there anyway that I can reinstall it or another way to run it? Also if anyone has any advice on speeding up my computer let me know.

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Disk Clean-up Freezes

Dec 10, 2004

I have XP Home, and every time I run Disk Clean-Up, the program kind of freezes. I make sure to have no major tasks running and sometimes I don't even touch the computer while it's running. But it freezes.After I cancel it, my computer goes soooo slow, so I in the running processes using Ctrl + Alt + Delete I notice that my computer is at 100% usage, and that the Disk Clean-up is still running even though the window has been closed and the task has been canceled.What can I do so it stops this? How can I successfully run Disk Clean-up?

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Disk Clean Up Won't Work

Feb 12, 2008

disk clean up wont work is there anything I can do my comp realy needs a disk clean up space is limited! thank you windows xp compaq 7500

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Disk Clean Up Not Responding

May 21, 2006

Have XP on Dell Inspiron 1150. When running disk clean up it start but does not finish - for a full 24 hours. hardware and Spy-Bot both work. Tried to uninstall other two programs but Windows 'Disk Clean Up' does not work or, at least never completes a scan.Dell assisted but said computer is fine - reinstall Win-XP.Is there another solution before I re-nstall Windows?

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Disk Clean Up Categories

Aug 22, 2008

I did a disk clean up, it wouldn't get rid of all temporary internet files. So I went into the registry. Instead of deleting the file i deleted the whole thing. Disk clean up is still there but it doesn't have any of the categories. I tried to do system restore. For some reason it owuldn't let me. I was going to do a windows fix-up but my cd said that I have a newer verson of what was on the cd. Im at a loss. I have searched google for some time now and can't come up with any solutions. I thought about just downloading another product that does the same thing, but I would really like to put the orginal stuff back on if I can.

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Slow Disk Clean Up Utility?

Feb 2, 2009

As part of my monthly maintenance checks I ran Disk Clean up and it took so long to complete that it was almost like a drive-defrag. I had to cancel out of it at least once I try it in safe mode because I was sure it was hanging. Only it wasn't hanging, just running slow. The part that took forever was NOT the pre part where it estimates how much space you can free on the disk. That was done in a few minutes. It was when running Disk Clean up and it was doing the "Compress Old Files" part. It took at least 45 minutes. When I went into Safe Mode, as part of Disk Clean Up, I check something that I think was called "Temporary Index File Searching." that I did not see before in Normal Mode. Why would Disk Clean Up take 3-5 times longer to complete than usual?

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Slow Start Up & Disk Clean Up

Sep 9, 2005

I have an ibm think pad with windows 2000 office professinal , it takes approx 12-15 minutes for start up and free space is 78 percent so I know the problem is not space. I am also unable to do a disk cleanup. I have defraged ok and once the computer has started I can surf easily what could be wrong I have a fair knowledge of computers but nothing about configuration Could someone please help?

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Notebook Under Accessories / Disk Clean Up

Jul 29, 2005

On my notebook under accessories(system tools), there is a disk clean up that I have wondered about using. Should i do this? My PC is 2 years old and I would like to know what this does and will it help speed up my computer.

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No Free Space - Clean Up My Disk ?

Jul 15, 2010

I've posted my HiJackthis log file. I need help to clean up my disk.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4

Scan saved at 15:48:35, on 15/07/2010

Platform: Windows XP SP3 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.6001.18702)

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Clean Install From OEM Recovery Disk!?

Jan 5, 2007

First off I've searched this but haven't found the relavent information I'm looking for. Chances are I've looked or searched in the wrong places.I've heard I need to boot from disk then format, to do a clean XP install when do I format and how.Also, I'm going to be getting more RAM very shortly, probably tomorrow, and I think this is the majority of the slow, lagging problems I've been having with the laptop (only 256 now) and I was wondering if I should hold off on the re-install untill I put the new RAM in there or does that not matter.

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Disk Clean Up Launches / Doesn't Do Anything

Oct 12, 2005

My Disk Clean Up launches but then doesn't do anything. It just sits there - for hours. Anybody got a clue as to what I need to do to get it operational?

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Clean Install Without Floppy Disk?

Apr 24, 2005

Does Windows XP self boot and copy the necessary system files or do you still need a floppy disk drive like previous windows versions?

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Boot Disk Is Full / How To Clean Out?

Nov 27, 2005

I have partitioned my main hdd 200gb into 15gb for boot( C: drive) and 2 other data drives.I am getting messages from some apps that the C: drive is nearly full. Looking at it, I have only 28MB left. I have not installed anything on that drive but it is nearly full.Not sure where the rest of the space has gone because that is basically all that is on that drive. My computer has been booting and running slowly for a few months now or slower than in the past. I figure it is partly due to this disk issue. Is there a tool or way to clean up the disk and make the computer run faster like when I freshly built it? Do I need to reinstall windows and start all over?

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Do Clean Install From Upgrade Disk?

Oct 4, 2005

Just wondering if you can do a clean install of Win XP Pro using the upgrade disk or do I have to start with the original XP Home disk?

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