IE Aka Internet Doesn't Explorer

Mar 14, 2009

Sp3, latest updates.IE wont display any web pages at all it just hangs on the "connecting" screen. Rebooted to no avail. Upon reboot dialog boxes came up stating that various html items could not load in weatherbug. Google chrome works (sort of). internet options in control panel will not display at all. used IE yesterday was last on NASA web site and it worked fine. Tried to check email later in day and ran into this problem.

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Internet Explorer Corrupted / Reinstalling New Copy Of Internet Explorer?

Apr 2, 2007

i have windows xp professional operating system my internet explorer has been corrupt it does not open i want to know that i how can i install internet explorer from my windows XP CD if it is possible

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OS Doesn't Show USB HD In Explorer

Dec 4, 2006

My win XP pro doesn't recognize my USB 400GB WD external HD.The PC detected it the first time however on subsequent connection, it only detect it as mass storage device. Window explorer doesn't show it as external device.I uninstall the USB mass storage driver from device manager several times but window doesn't display the HD in window explorer.

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Entering Explorer In Run Box Doesn't Work

May 22, 2006

I have the option to 'open explorer window' in winzip checked so it opens an explorer window of the destination I unzip files to. Recently I noticed that stopped working. Then explorer crashed causing my start menu to disapear so I used ctrl-alt-dlt to open task manager and entered 'explorer' in the run box and clicked ok. Nothing happened. explorer did not reopen.I then figured out if I entered 'c:windowsexplorer.exe' in the run box explorer would then open.I'm guessing both these problems are related as it seems winzip is unable to to open explorer.Does anyone know how to fix this? I just recently scanned for virus' with 2 seperate scanners & and scanned for spyware with 2 separate programs and im clean & i only surf with firefox. So its not virus or spyware.

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Explorer Doesn't Show All Folders

Nov 24, 2006

I know this is probably a very simple fix but I can't seem to remember it. When I open windows explorer (xp home) to view files and folders it is not showing me all of them. For example, under c:documents and settings it does not show "local settings..." and all the subfolders. And, when I installed Office it created an install cache folder but it doesn't show that either. How do I turn it on to show all? There is no prompt to "show hidden files". its probably something real simple that I am overlooking.

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Starting Computer - Explorer.exe Doesn't Start Up

Jun 19, 2005

I'm having a problem with my explorer.exe. When i start the computer, explorer.exe doesn't start up. I have to manually go into task manager and run it from the new task tab.

The computer was fine friday night. Last thing i did was run it in safe mode and run my Norton anti-virus software, since it takes a few hours to run. But when i restarted the computer on saturday, it greeted me with an empty desktop. I did a few preliminary things such as run some spyware programs (spybot), ran the Norton antivirus again, and did a system restore from a week a go, but to no avail.

I would very much like to get this fix. Im about to start writing my thesis for school, and i need my computer to be at its best behavior. Can't lose a 100 page document few months before its due. Im including the HJT log in case there is some valuable information. I kinda know what should be running in my computer, but maybe you guys can see something different in it.

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Explorer Doesn't Find Existing File

Jul 15, 2008

Windows XP Home, version 2002, SP2. Windows explorer will not find files that I can navigate to. Since I can navigate to them I know they exist. I'm looking for heart rate monitor files using .hrm as the search term and WE says it can't find any files. I can go to C:/program files etc. and get to the files. File formats are xxxxxx.hrm, with xxxxxx being the date. Searching for .hrm on my laptop finds all of the files with no problem.

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URL Doesn't Show In Explorer - Dot Url Part Of File

Sep 25, 2008

I've noticed that the dot-url part of the file name does not show in Windows Explorer for web link files/shortcuts even though I have Explorer set to show the entire name, including extensions.Why is this exception made in Windows Explorer to only this one extension?

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Explorer Open Bar - Options Doesn't Seem To Work

Sep 20, 2004

I'm trying to set a default view for Windows Explorer but everytime I make my changes Windows doesn't seem to save the settings. I would like Windows Explorer to open with the Explorer Bar on the left with Folder view as the default. I've tried saving the view under options but this doesn't seem to work. If I close Windows Explorer it just goes back to the default view before I made my changes. Also is there a way to have Windows Explorer default to a certain directory?

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'Startbar' Program Doesn't Load - Force To Run Cmd Explorer.exe

Nov 13, 2008

Whilst attempting to remove a spyware/virus (the entire malwares/virus no longer seemed to be there but the malicious processes acpiz.dll and WINotify.dll would lurk in various system processes, I tried some program which was supposed to delete that malware but it just seemed to corrupt everything worse) I seem to have corrupted whatever program Windows uses to display that start bar. Windows loads 'normally' till it gets to the point when startbar should appear where it does nothing. alt-tab displays nothing either. Only way I can run anything is by booting in 'Safe Mode with Command Prompt'. From cmd.exe auto-starting I can start explorer.exe and then other programs. However since it's in Safe Mode I can't start internet which is what I really want to actually be able to research my problems.

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Explorer Doesn't Start / No Desktop Icons Or Taskbar

Jul 13, 2008

I have about 80 computers running in a domain environment.All are winxp pro sp2 or better. The server in Windows 2003 sp2. What I've been experiencing is when a user logs in sometimes explorer doesn't start. Its very random. I can't find a pattern. I just have the user ctrl-atl-del, log off and log back in and all is fine. We are running Symantec AV 10.2 ( is what is installed on each pc). I know this is the cause of the problem because of 2 reasons. I uninstalled Symantec AV and the issue disappeared. Also I just upgraded one client from SAV 10.2 to SEP11 and the same thing just started to happen with them. I know others on the net have uncounted the same thing but I have yet seen the fix.

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PC Too Slow/internet Explorer Crashes Randomly/ Explorer Service Quits?

Sep 28, 2006

My pc is so slow that it takes ages to play a song in wmp11. Ive used tools like ad-aware and registry mechanic, tune up utilities. But still no improvement. It used to be just fine, until I installed some pay-for-viewing add program. I have uninstalled it since then, but the slowness remains. And the processor is hogged, at the highest level, even though i killed many a startup processes.

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Internet Explorer Not Working / Wouldn't Open / No Windows Based Functions Used Explorer Interface Would Work

Apr 4, 2008

I recently had a problem on my computer where Internet explorer was not working and would'nt open, and no windows based functions that used the explorer interface would work... So i downloaded the IE7 install package on my other computer and burned to disk to install. everything was going along fine, and when prompted to restart to finsih the installation i did so..... that is when "it" hit the fan.

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Opening Any Program: Windows Explorer & Internet Explorer Crashes?

Jun 22, 2005

every time i try to open anything that uses these programs i get a 'windows/internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close' crash i think i have a virus in my processes i have 2 strange ones one is n6tgoxae.exe the other is 86851316.exe norton fixes this is for a short while but then the problem soon returns i have also tried spybot search and destroy as well as running AdAware can anyone help me on how to fix my explorer problems and gettin rid of
these processes?

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Explorer Doesn`t Show Any Details For Any Media File Type

Jul 15, 2009

I have the following problem: Explorer doesn`t show any details for any media file type like artist or album, when choosing Details view. Additionally, clicking on file properties doesn`t show any info either, nor simple, nor in advanced view.The files are fine, and other software reads the media file info correctly, including WMP 11 and Winamp.

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Computer Not Working On Internet - Norton Doesn't Work

Sep 26, 2006

My problem is is when I booted my comp up yesterday, norton comes up with some odd error about not being able to scan e-mail or instant messenger for viruses, and my internet on just this computer will not work. Now this happened with my other comp when the hard drive was failing. The computer will also at some reboots take forever to get into windows.Sometimes when I try to get into network connections or my computer, it will just hang or I get the flashlight icon scanning. I was able to back up most of my stuff, but when I tried to reformat, it kept saying to close all windows and I ended every program I could think of.I also tried a system restore to Saturday when it was working normal, but I have had no luck. Is it something with windows or is another HDD going? I'm thinking of just RMA'ing the HDD and do a whole new install. My only other option is to use a Linux Suse disk I have and boot from that and see if it works. Here are my specs:Athlon 64 3200+ | Asus A8N5X mobo | 5.1 surround soundcard | 2 GB Corsair PC3200 Ram| 250gig Hitachi Hdd/60 GB WD HDD | 420w PS | EVGA Geforce 7800GT | Logitec 5.1 surrond sound speakers w/subwoofer z-560

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Internet Connection Doesn't Work Web Pages Are Not Loaded

Feb 13, 2005

I went to pc pitstop and did a test on my computer. Everything seems to do ok except for the internet connection. What is bandwidth and ping. Here shows the results of mine Gotta love What should this be?I have windows XP and connect via cable.I thought adding memory made it faster but when i load some web pages it's not.

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Microsoft Word Doesn't Work - Internet Slow

Feb 16, 2009

having a problem with her PC involving checking the internet for instance its really really slow, also not only the internet but her microsoft word either doesn't work or is also extremely slow. Some websites open some don't, and if it does open it takes a really really long time with errors....please help she can't get any schoolwork done at all because of this problem

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Wont Open Internet Explorer And Windows Explorer?

Apr 11, 2010

internet explorer wont open and windows explorer giving problems as well done virus scan spyware nothing came back this is the error amgettingadrgipghze54 argdf has encountered a problem and needs to close and allso windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close error signature .update.exe appver.1515.8784.0.81

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Installer Starts When Opening Explorer And Internet Explorer

Mar 25, 2006

I recently put a new hard drive in my computer. Now whenever I try to start Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer the windows installer starts and the windows will not open until I have cancelled the installer several times. I scanned the registry with Registry Fix and fixed all problems. It still starts every time. Netscape has no like problem starting.

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Explorer Runtime Error - Not Related To Internet Explorer

Sep 3, 2006

I badly need your support. Day before yesterday (01-Aug-06) night I upgraded the yahoo toolbar and used their norton anti spy to scan. Then I shut down the system and started to work the next day. Every thing is perfectly ok except for one thing. In Windows Explorer, on any folder or drive if I double click or open I get a crash. If I do explore then there is no problem.

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Internet Explorer Cache Overflow/slow Internet Performance

Jul 18, 2005

C:WindowsTemporary Internet Filescontent.ie5, which i cannot seem to do. They say i should see a series of 4 or more random 8 character names like "ADOZMZS1", which again, I cannot figure this out. So if anyone could

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No Internet Explorer - Internet Explorer V.6.0.2800

Feb 26, 2005

I turned off my computer and everything worked fine. I turned it on today and when I open my Internet Explorer I get the message "Page cannot be displayed" My Netscape browser works fine. I called Comcast they ran all the diagnosis from their end and said something got corrupted in Internet Explorer. They said it could be a win-sock problemI am running Windows XP, Internet Explorer v.6.0.2800.1106 and using Service pack 1.The only thing I can think to do is uninstall my Internet Explorer, download a new version from Microsoft, and install it.I thought a would ask for a second opinion before I before I tried anything.

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Internet Connection Sharing - Browser Doesn't Work Properly

Jan 7, 2005

Right after my computer is finishes booting, suddenly there's a prompt telling me that Internet Explorer wants to change my Internet Protection settings. Then it asks me if I want to give IE permission to change these settings. Of course not (I think?). And the problem is still there. I connect with Verizon DSL, but when I go on Internet Explorer, the browser doesn't work properly- it says "Web Page Unavavailable While Offline"- what's up with that?! I even checked the status of my connnection- "Connected"! It's just retarded.

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Performance And Internet - Memory Card Reader Doesn't Work

Jun 17, 2008

All of a sudden my Dell laptop (just over a year old, go figure) has started acting funny. Here's some of the issues that started happening all of a sudden -It runs super slow at times and freezing up, svchost.exe seems to be taking a lot of resources up when that's happening -The memory card reader doesn't work. It makes the noise that a new device has been recognized when I put one it, but it never shows up in My Computer. The memory card reader does appear to be working properly in device manager. -Both firefox and IE aren't loading some sites. I'm connected to the internet and some sites load just fine and others never seem to load- and it's not that the site is down. The list of sites I can't access I'm starting to discover is big, and which sites can be access and which ones can't doesn't seem to follow any pattern- I can access google & gmail, but it won't perform a search (either from the page or from the search toolbar in both IE and firefox). I can access and log into my banking sites, ebay, and other random sites (some secure, some not). But I can't access, the Neosmart forums, the Dell community forums,, and others. I can access, but I can't log on.

My first thought was I have some type of spyware even though I'm very good about not downloading stuff so I ran a ad-aware scan and it came up with nothing. I also ran a hijackthis scan and everything was normal there too. I'd been noticing recently that some windows processes in task manager are using what seemed like a large amount of memory. I then looked my other computer and on the problem one Explorer.exe is running around 99,000 - 120,000 kb- on my other computer it only runs around 14,000-35,000, that big of a difference between the two machines (both running xp- the problem one pro on a laptop, the other home on a desktop) is not normal...........

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Mozilla Firefox - Internet Explorer Won't Access The Internet

Mar 23, 2006

mozilla firefox can access the internet just fine but internet explorer refuses. any ideas? i don't have proxy server or anything of the like.

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Access The Internet With Internet Explorer - Uninstalled Norton

Oct 9, 2005

i recently uninstalled norton (had enough of it) and installed etrust armor now i can onlay access the internet using internet explorer ?

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Internet Accessible - Access Internet Explorer Or Firefox

Apr 3, 2005

computer in my possession crashed, and when i reset, my internet has gone wonky. I use MSN as my ISP, and before, i could access internet explorer, or firefox, or any program without ever actually having to sign in to MSN. after the crash, however, i now have to sign in to access internet explorer, firefox, and a couple programs. what angers me, however, is that i DONT have to sign in to access trillian. Limewire, also, will connect, but wont download anything without msn being logged in. How do i get back to how it was? And no, system restore did not work.

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Un-truncate Favorite In Internet Explorer From Internet Options?

Apr 7, 2005

I read that in TOOLS--->Internet options--->Advance, there's a setting that I can make the pulldown manu not be truncated. I can't find it for the life of me.

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Explorer And Internet Explorer Crashes - Ole32.dll

Jul 1, 2005

I am having problems starting both Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer. Both generate the same error: "Internet (or Windows) Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." The details show that ole32.dll is the guilty module. So far I've had no success in locating a solution. I am using Windows XP Home Edition. I should also note that the control panel won't function either since it is basically part of Windows Explorer.

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Explorer / Internet Explorer Menu Missing

Aug 18, 2005

Not sure how that happened or if i have a virus of some sort. I cannot see in IE the file-edit-tools-windows menu at the top of the navagation icons. I have a virus scanner that updates daily, so may be that my grand daughter changed something. How do i restore them back to the way it was?

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