Fix A Corrupt Ntfs.sys - Restoring Operating System

Mar 28, 2007

Does anyone know how to fix a Ntfs.sys file without resorting to using the OS installation CDs? I got the message the about Windows not being able to start because of a missing or corrupt Ntfs.sys. Because I don't have the installation CDs I just copied a Ntfs.sys file off the other PC in our house put it on my flash disk and restarted the PC with this message. It booted up fine into windows but my system is unstable, it restarts at random. Sometimes it works ok and then sometimes it reboots repeatedly, and I got the message again a few times but I just press the reset button and it boots up fine again. So I am able to work in windows, can I fix the file in windows without doing that whole thing with the installation CDs and RC session?

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Updated System Wont Boot: Ntfs.sys Corrupt?

May 12, 2007

Early last week I ran a Windows update on my Compaq SR1625NX and upon restart it would not boot Windows. I tried "last good configuration", "debug mode" and "safe mode" to no avail. It always restarts while booting Windows. I tried both the built-in "recovery console" and the recovery discs I bought from HP/Compaq upon the advise of an online support person. When loading the recovery console either way the blue screen pops up and tells me there is a problem with the "ntfs.sys" file.

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Black With Something About A System Disk Error Ntfs.sys Missing/corrupt?

Sep 20, 2005

When left for a while (about half an hour), I come back to it and see that the screen is black with something about a system disk error. I experienced this before I had to re-install windows a few weeks back.The first time, I pressed enter, and the system started up fine. The second time, the secondary loading screen (that's what I call's like little white rectangles at the bottom of a black know the ne, right?). Well yeah that goes really really slow. When it get's a few inches in, it stops and tells me 'system32driverstfs.sys is missing or corrupt'.

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Corrupt Operating System - Files Are Messing Up

Feb 10, 2007

So I deleted my windows partition and formatted(full not quick) my hard drive so I could start fresh for Windows since I just got a new motherboard! So I went to reinstall Windows XP Pro Corporate Ed. and when I do is says that certain files like drmclien.dll was not copied correctly. There are other files that dont copy right either(most of them are .dll but some are .sys files). My Windows disc is completely scratch free and what not and its a legit copy...I just dont know why the files are messing up like this

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Operating System Corrupt Or Missing Automatically

Dec 22, 2009

My mother-in-law purchased a computer from V2 Premier 6 years ago. Her computer crashed and said the Windows XP is either missing or corrupt. There was not a Windows XP CD-Rom included in box with the computer. It says for repairs to insert the Windows XP CD-Rom. How does she get one sent to her from the manufacturer or from V2 Premier?

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Operating System Not Start Due To File Missing Or Corrupt

Nov 30, 2008

I have been searching for how to fix my son's computer which comes up with windows system32 config system - Windows could not start b/c the following file is missing or corrupt. He has a Dell and everything I've read seems to give warnings about doing recovery with a Dell. There was no OS CD with it.

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Corrupted Operating System Wont Start: Files Missing Or Corrupt?

Aug 5, 2007

I am havinga very big problem with my PC. When I try to start it up normally, I get the following message; "Windows could not start because the following fileis missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair" When I try this, it opens repair console, but then I have to select OS, and when I do this, it just comes up with the previous error. If I try to reinstall it comes up with a blue screen error and crashes.

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Ntfs File Is Corrupt

Jun 7, 2005

Im doing a clean, brand spanking new install on a machine that has no floppy drive. I have switched around the boot sequence in the BIOS to boot the CD ROM first, and that recognizes the disc ok. Windows formats the unpartitioned hard drive to NTFS. At first I got an error saying the NTFS.SYS file was corrupt, so I wiped everything out, and began again. This time I partitioned the hard drive first, and it seems to want to go futher, and I no longer get the NTFS.SYS error, but when it begins copying files, it hangs at about 18 percent when it starts copying '' and I get a Blue Screen saying PFN_LIST_CORRUPT.

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NTFS.SYS Possibly Corrupt - BSOD

Sep 28, 2009

I was recently in the middle of doing a chkdsk /f when it froze at 2% for almost an hour.... So I did a hard reset and now I get a BSoD with "Stop error: 0x00000024" which I'm assuming has something to do with the ntfs.sys file? I do not have my original XP installation disc and I cannot boot into safe mode (BSoD also.) The only thing I have is an Ubuntu live CD.. Anything I can do to fix it?

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Can Not Boot - Ntfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt

May 10, 2008

Here goes, the other day I booted up my PC and it showed "windows can not boot, ntfs.sys is missing or corrupt" so I did this. Microsoft support. I replaced the file in the recovery console and everything copied over fine. Then I booted up again and I received an error message before windows displayed my login screen --lsass.exe "endpoint is invalid" click ok and my computer reboots. Windows at that time was booting all the way up though. I found this support article but did not help Microsoft support This error does not allow me to boot into safe mode or regular windows but I can get into the recovery console.

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System32/drivers/ntfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt?

May 25, 2006

XP pro computer tells me this when i turn it on. Offers to load in safe mode first, then tells me its lost/broken this file, push r to repair. Push r and it restarts. Cant work out how to fix this problem, and not liking the name ntfs in the error at all.

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NTFS.SYS Possibly Corrupt - Harddisk Reset

Sep 28, 2009

I was recently in the middle of doing a chkdsk /f when it froze at 2% for almost an hour.So I did a hard reset and now I get a BSoD with "Stop error: 0x00000024" which I'm assuming has something to do with the ntfs.sys file? I do not have my original XP installation disc and I cannot boot into safe mode (BSoD also.) The only thing I have is an Ubuntu live CD

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Ntfs.sys Corrupt Or Missing: Wont Reformat Or Repair From CD?

Jul 25, 2004

I plugged in and switched it on it has been crashing intermittently. This occurs at random intervals and does not seem to be related to whichever program I am using. The monitor goes black and the pc reboots but does not get as far as windows,displaying the message:windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: System32/Drivers/Ntfs.sys"unable to do this because after pressing "r" at the first "welcome to set-up" screen I get the message:

"Setup did not find any hard disk drive(s) installed on your computer. Make sure any hard disk drives are powered up and properly connected to your computer, and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or Setup program.
Setup cannot continue. To exit Setup press F3"

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Install Operating System - " File Vga.sys Is Corrupt"?

Feb 3, 2006

It prompted for the disks and one by one i started to feed them in but when i get tI bought a second hand laptop Its a Compaq Armada with 1ghz processor 192mb ram (soon to be upgraded to 576mb) This machine came with a floppy drive only i have now bought a dvdrom for it that interchanges with floppy drive. It appears to have originally had windows 2000 on it and i would like to put xp home on it. When i turn it on this is what i get "Initializing Intel Boot Agent Version 2.6 (build004)" Then it goes to a message saying "Non-System disk or disk error replace and strike any key when ready" I have downloaded 6 boot disks from microsoft and i have a new copy of xp home. I put in the first boot disk and all seemed to be going well.

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PC Wont Boot: System32/drivers/ntfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt?

May 16, 2010

I come to boot up the computerwhen booting in normal mode or safe mode I get the message system32/drivers/ntfs.sys is missing or corrupt please insert original windows disk and press 'r' on the first screen. so i put in the disk and it says boot CD but then after a while it just comes up with the same message telling me to insert original disk.I have tried this now with 2 different windows disks, iv changed to boot settings and this still does not work.

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System Restore Not Restoring System - Unable To Save Jpeg

Jun 22, 2005

I am trying to do a system restore and my system runs it all but when all is done I get a message saying that no changes have been made to my system and that the system restore was unsuccessful. The reason I am trying to restore my system is because Photoshop is suddenly unable to save as a jpeg? It doesn't recognise the jpeg format when saving and saves as a Photoshop document. THen it wont recognise the file to open it. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program to no avail. Funnily enough photoshop elements has no problem with it.

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System Is Not Restoring

Mar 16, 2006

I've been trying to resolve multiple problems that suddenly appeared with my pc by myself for days. I need help, please!

1. Flash has stopped operating.
2. System Restore gives me an error message, "Cannot Be Restored" -- I've tried multiple restore points.

I tried downloading simple Flash and got the error message "No Platform for this application". Shockwave Flash did install, but my flash animation is still not working.

My operating system is Windows XP Service Pack 2. Here is my Hijack This log:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0
Scan saved at 2:28:07 PM, on 3/16/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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System Restore Not Restoring

Mar 22, 2007

I decided to use system restore for the first time since I reinstalled xp Pro about 6 months ago. So I picked a point three days old and let the computer reboot only to be informed that System Restore was unable to restore to that date. I picked another one about a week older and tried again. Same message. I checked the event logs but couldn't find anything except a confirmation of the above. I checked to see if the System Restore slider was maxed and it was. However I did discover that I have two Systgem Restore files on my computer, one on the C drive and one on D which I bascially use for storage. I opened the file on D and found nothing unusual, it contained about 25MB of data.

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System Restore Needs Restoring

Oct 2, 2009

My XP sp3 computer system was not working well and after trying to fix I decided to just do a system restore. But, it has been turned off and although I am the administrator.

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System Restoring Factory Settings

Feb 11, 2009

Imedia problems started on 20th jan,when my 8 yr old son try to download ie8,since then cannot connect to the internet,system restore not working.i,ve tried everything that people have told still no joy.took pc in to repair shop they say it has to cleaned and restored,they say it's because of ie8 plus it had viruses.i could not find any only got cleaned one week before christmas at a cost ?60 now they want another ? can i get it back to factory settings.what recoverer disc do i need all so what drivers do i need please help .safest site to download do i restore windows will it still be on when i get back to factory settings?

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System Restore - Specific Reason Of Restoring

Feb 24, 2006

My brother just had a tech guy come to his house to fix a problem he was having with his email.Unrelated to that issue The tech guy recommended not using system restore My brother does not remember the specific reason for this but thought the tech guy said you can't trust system restore as it could lose things and make matters worse

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Restoring Display Settings Foroperating System

Mar 14, 2010

I changed the DPI settings on the display from 96 to 120. Now everything is messed up and I want to change it back. Here is where the problem lies... I can get back to where I did it but the box is so big now that the option of hitting "apply" is not able to be seen. Is there any other way to restore my display settings?

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Secure Site Access Denied - Restoring System Negative Results

Jun 10, 2005

Running XP on a Sony PVC-RX770 (3 years old). I can never get to a secure site. Message says to re-set security levels which I have done over and over. I have tried restoring system to earlier times with negative results. Sony did not help. I can't even load Norton, buy things, see my bank statements, etc. Here may be a clue. I am sometimes told my system won't accept ActiveX code. I am also told I need to add a drive. I press continue and system runs OK (except the the security problem).

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Error Loading Operating Operating System

May 31, 2008

I'm trying to fix my friends Hp and I usually know what im doing. But here I have no idea what to do. I tried going into the bios to change the boot order to cd to format and I can't. Can anyone tell me what to do.I changed out his hard drive with mine and it does nothing. just posts and goes to a black screen instead of trying to boot and blue screening as it usually do when you change hardrives between two computers.Changed the Ide cables no luck.

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Fixboot Changed NTFS To FAT / Windows Wont Recognize Ntfs Partition?

Jun 4, 2006

Windows Xp does not recognize the NTFS partition. Any ideas on how to get at the files?

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Converting NTFS To FAT32: Mac Reads Ntfs?

Nov 26, 2006

I have 2 internal HDDs, and 3 external HDDs. However, the recent addition of a Mac by my sister has forced me to be able to share the external HDDs between computers. I understand that the Mac OSX reads/not writes NTFS but will read/write FAT32. Having been advised by other senior Windows users many years back, all my HDDs are in NTFS. I have found no solution to convert NTFS back to FAT32. Does anyone know if you can do so; without damage/corruption? There is much family pictures, common music in these external HDDs; so needless to say, they are precious

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Getting Error Config System Is Missing Or Corrupt / System Wont Start?

Jun 10, 2008

My computer, a dell dimension 8400 with windows xp home edition, keeps coming up with an error saying:Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32Configsystem.i ran boot utility and scanned the computer and the drives come up fine with the test(except the hard disk which popped up errors on a constant.)

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Getting Error Config System Missing Or Corrupt / System Wont Start?

Jun 8, 2006

i have windows xp pro installed on my pc along with linux mandrake 10.1 and one day while my dad was surfing the net the sreen turned blue and some type of error message came up and it said to do something if it happend again but i ignored it becuase i thought it wouldnt happen again so i restarted and when it came back on it went to a black sceen and i couldnt do anything but if i let it wait there it would come up with an error saying that windowssystem32config system was missing or corrupt

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System Be Formatted As Ntfs Or Fat32?

Feb 2, 2007

Should this system be formatted as ntfs or fat32, please?

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Converting File System To NTFS?

Sep 10, 2005

Any strong views on the advisability of converting a FAT32 drive to NTFS, after upgrading from Win98se to WinXP Pro? And perhaps a word on the best and safest method to use if implementing this

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NTFS File System - FAT Formatting

Dec 25, 2007

It's a shame that me did a grave error. I am in terrible shock for that I did the following:

a) Installed Sun Solaris Express x86 Developer Edition with a 7.5 GB partition.
b) There is Windows XP SP2 on the first 20 GB partition.

I wanted to toggle boot flag by using DOS based fdisk after the Solaris installation. That's where me screwed up I ran a bootable Russian language DOS tools. Instead of toggling the boot flag (option 2 in the fdisk), me accidentally (while taking an overseas call) selected (option 1) the FAT formatting the existing NTFS partition (fdisk ran for 1%, then me immediately stopped and rebooted. But, already damage done My NTFS got screwed up by me.....

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