NTFS.SYS Possibly Corrupt - Harddisk Reset

Sep 28, 2009

I was recently in the middle of doing a chkdsk /f when it froze at 2% for almost an hour.So I did a hard reset and now I get a BSoD with "Stop error: 0x00000024" which I'm assuming has something to do with the ntfs.sys file? I do not have my original XP installation disc and I cannot boot into safe mode (BSoD also.) The only thing I have is an Ubuntu live CD

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NTFS.SYS Possibly Corrupt - BSOD

Sep 28, 2009

I was recently in the middle of doing a chkdsk /f when it froze at 2% for almost an hour.... So I did a hard reset and now I get a BSoD with "Stop error: 0x00000024" which I'm assuming has something to do with the ntfs.sys file? I do not have my original XP installation disc and I cannot boot into safe mode (BSoD also.) The only thing I have is an Ubuntu live CD.. Anything I can do to fix it?

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Do Need To Reinstall OS / Possibly A Corrupt Registry?

May 22, 2008

I have very minimal knowledge of computers, so please bear with me. I'd appreciate any help or advice. I'm not really sure what is relevant and what is not, so I may be including information that is completely useless. Until this weekend, I had xp home on my home computer. I use a program at work that I need to be able to use at home. I was using it without any problems until about 2 months ago, when the program did an upgrade. Since then, I have not been able to run this program at home. I have spent numerous hours in an open meeting with them, trying to fix the problem, and it seems to have baffled a lot of their tech support people. Finally, one of the tech support people noticed that I had xp home as my OS, and then told me that the program did not support xp home, only xp professional, so she couldn't help me any more, and said she suspected that was the problem.

I didn't think this was really the problem, but given that they would not help me any further, I purchased an upgrade to windows xp pro this weekend and installed it without any difficulty. Not surprisingly, the program from work still doesn't work. I spent another several hours earlier this week in an open meeting with the tech support people. The head guy told me that he thinks that there is a problem with my registry, and that is why the program is not working. I am not quite sure how he came to that conclusion, but it seems to be related to the fact that this weekend, after I installed xp pro, that one of my automatic updates (for windows installer 3.1 ) did not install with the error message 0x80070005. I have never had a problem with other updates not installing before, at least not that I'm aware of. Apparently, this update is crucial to running the program from work - or just updates in general are crucial?

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Ntfs File Is Corrupt

Jun 7, 2005

Im doing a clean, brand spanking new install on a machine that has no floppy drive. I have switched around the boot sequence in the BIOS to boot the CD ROM first, and that recognizes the disc ok. Windows formats the unpartitioned hard drive to NTFS. At first I got an error saying the NTFS.SYS file was corrupt, so I wiped everything out, and began again. This time I partitioned the hard drive first, and it seems to want to go futher, and I no longer get the NTFS.SYS error, but when it begins copying files, it hangs at about 18 percent when it starts copying 'driver.cab' and I get a Blue Screen saying PFN_LIST_CORRUPT.

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Can Not Boot - Ntfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt

May 10, 2008

Here goes, the other day I booted up my PC and it showed "windows can not boot, ntfs.sys is missing or corrupt" so I did this. Microsoft support. I replaced the file in the recovery console and everything copied over fine. Then I booted up again and I received an error message before windows displayed my login screen --lsass.exe "endpoint is invalid" click ok and my computer reboots. Windows at that time was booting all the way up though. I found this support article but did not help Microsoft support This error does not allow me to boot into safe mode or regular windows but I can get into the recovery console.

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System32/drivers/ntfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt?

May 25, 2006

XP pro computer tells me this when i turn it on. Offers to load in safe mode first, then tells me its lost/broken this file, push r to repair. Push r and it restarts. Cant work out how to fix this problem, and not liking the name ntfs in the error at all.

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Fix A Corrupt Ntfs.sys - Restoring Operating System

Mar 28, 2007

Does anyone know how to fix a Ntfs.sys file without resorting to using the OS installation CDs? I got the message the about Windows not being able to start because of a missing or corrupt Ntfs.sys. Because I don't have the installation CDs I just copied a Ntfs.sys file off the other PC in our house put it on my flash disk and restarted the PC with this message. It booted up fine into windows but my system is unstable, it restarts at random. Sometimes it works ok and then sometimes it reboots repeatedly, and I got the message again a few times but I just press the reset button and it boots up fine again. So I am able to work in windows, can I fix the file in windows without doing that whole thing with the installation CDs and RC session?

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Ntfs.sys Corrupt Or Missing: Wont Reformat Or Repair From CD?

Jul 25, 2004

I plugged in and switched it on it has been crashing intermittently. This occurs at random intervals and does not seem to be related to whichever program I am using. The monitor goes black and the pc reboots but does not get as far as windows,displaying the message:windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: System32/Drivers/Ntfs.sys"unable to do this because after pressing "r" at the first "welcome to set-up" screen I get the message:

"Setup did not find any hard disk drive(s) installed on your computer. Make sure any hard disk drives are powered up and properly connected to your computer, and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or Setup program.
Setup cannot continue. To exit Setup press F3"

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Updated System Wont Boot: Ntfs.sys Corrupt?

May 12, 2007

Early last week I ran a Windows update on my Compaq SR1625NX and upon restart it would not boot Windows. I tried "last good configuration", "debug mode" and "safe mode" to no avail. It always restarts while booting Windows. I tried both the built-in "recovery console" and the recovery discs I bought from HP/Compaq upon the advise of an online support person. When loading the recovery console either way the blue screen pops up and tells me there is a problem with the "ntfs.sys" file.

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Black With Something About A System Disk Error Ntfs.sys Missing/corrupt?

Sep 20, 2005

When left for a while (about half an hour), I come back to it and see that the screen is black with something about a system disk error. I experienced this before I had to re-install windows a few weeks back.The first time, I pressed enter, and the system started up fine. The second time, the secondary loading screen (that's what I call it...it's like little white rectangles at the bottom of a black screen...you know the ne, right?). Well yeah that goes really really slow. When it get's a few inches in, it stops and tells me 'system32driverstfs.sys is missing or corrupt'.

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PC Wont Boot: System32/drivers/ntfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt?

May 16, 2010

I come to boot up the computerwhen booting in normal mode or safe mode I get the message system32/drivers/ntfs.sys is missing or corrupt please insert original windows disk and press 'r' on the first screen. so i put in the disk and it says boot CD but then after a while it just comes up with the same message telling me to insert original disk.I have tried this now with 2 different windows disks, iv changed to boot settings and this still does not work.

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Maximum RAM And Harddisk Size - 32 And 64 Bit OS

Oct 30, 2009

I would like to know the factors that limits the max size of RAM and Hard disk and how they are calculated.

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HardDisk Fails Due To Installation Corrupted

May 4, 2007

Some of my system files are corrupted, so I tried to repair Windows XP SP2 by reinstalling. But it was corrupted in the middle because of error "The file 'asms' on the Windows Professional XP CD-Rom is needed". I couldn't go on. The installation is halted. And I couldn't login to Windows any more. I have a very big problem that I'd like to ask you all here. the HD now is readonly, it's NTFS so very few File manager app is used to see it (only Volka in Hiren's Boot CD could do that.

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Losing Space On My Harddisk - Checked For Hidden Files

Sep 3, 2005

I installed a game on the other partition of my hard disk.It was about 500M, and of course that took some space of my partion.When i uninstalled it,that space is never freed.I mean when i check the partition's proprties the used space is alot bigger than the files are there.I cleaned many times with different tools and defragmanted but it is the same.i checked for hidden files that may take space but none is there.Any hints to get back my lost space on the drive?

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System Automatically Restarts: Blue Screen Check For Harddisk Errors?

Sep 16, 2010

System automatically restarts, if i disable restarts.Blue screen appears and informing to check for harddisk errors by run-chkdsk /f.But still i cannot clear my problem because check disk is not working when system restarts.

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Fixboot Changed NTFS To FAT / Windows Wont Recognize Ntfs Partition?

Jun 4, 2006

Windows Xp does not recognize the NTFS partition. Any ideas on how to get at the files?

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Computer Possibly Having Virus

Jan 31, 2005

I restarted my computer in safe mode to see if it would get a program to work. Not only did it not work, it seems to have severely crippled my system.The first thing I noticed (after restoring to normal boot mode) was that my GUI was very simplified not what it usually is for Windows XP. A simple example is that the minimize maximize close buttons look like the Windows 98 version rather than Windows XP. Also, more advertisements were popping up than I was used to which quickly led me to discover that my Norton Personal Firewall and System Works were disabled. When I tried to open them manually, I was greeted instead with an error message which instructed me to reinstall Norton. Though I knew it wouldn't help, I tried to uninstall Norton System Works but the uninstall program didn't execute properly. I then used Symantec's website instructions for uninstalling Norton manually. When I tried to reinstall it, another error message popped up and I have since been unable to install it.Various system utilites are disabled. Device manager displays no devices. None. I attempted to use system restore to restore it to an earlier date. It instructed me to click on a date in bold but the only date in bold was from two minutes after I had destroyed my computer. I restored to that point just for the heck of it with predictable (no) results. Also, my computer doesn't detect a sound card so I can't even listen to music while I fix my computer. I'm still not sure of the full extent of the problem.The internet is working decently (how else would I be posting this?) but certain sites aren't working. The obvious notable one is the Windows Update site. Also, when I tried to update HijackThis to post my log (I'll post it on request) I got the now familiar, "Cannot connect to server," error. Even programs like AIM don't connect properly and I'm currently using an old version-- not even the newest one-- of AIM Express to chat.

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Possibly Corrupted Files

May 21, 2010

I try to sync my thumb drive in Sync-Toy. There is an error in J:Guitar MusicTracksGeoff AchisonGettin evil.I begin to investigate.they used to be MP3s, and they weren't like this when my guitar teacher gave them to me. When I try to delete them I get - "Could not Delete file. Cannot read from source file or disk".Luckily, this THING didn't copy across to the copy on my hard drive (C:Guitar MusicTracksGeoff AchisonGettin' Evil)

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No Sound - Possibly Driver-related

Mar 7, 2006

I've been having probems with my sound recently. I think that the problems are driver related, but Ive tried reinstalling them, and getting new ones (the new ones had major problems). Its SoundMAX digital audio

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Slow Windows - Possibly Corrupted Registry?

Jul 27, 2007

My box runs Windows XP Service Pack 2 32-bit home edition with AMD Athlon, Maxtor (ribbon cable'd, not SATA) with 3 sticks of 512MB DDR2 RAM. I haven't touched the hardware in about a month and a half.

Shows the windows XP pro login randomally; once logged in, background shows, explorer.exe doesn't run, and no windows hot keys respond. (every 1/8 boots)
Services and programs randomally quit out and will not run. Restarting them results in another crash

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Unable To Login To My Laptop Possibly Due To Virus

Oct 23, 2006

I really need your help to fix my computer. I have my company laptop with me, it's Dell Latitude D820 with Windows XP Pro installed on it. Recently my computer got some worm, but i ignored it, because i didn't think it was really a thread, however it actually opened the backdoor and downloaded some trojan (low risk - i don't remember the name of the virus), i noticed it when i connected my computer yesterday morning and the virus has been deleted by symantec anti virus. However i need to edit some registry on my computer, so i did that, i changed some of them, by the end of the day there was no problem at all

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USB 2.0 Ports - Possibly Modem Have Stopped Working

Jul 11, 2005

I've got a bit of a problem with my computer and was hoping some advice. Basically all the USB 2.0 ports on my computer have recently stopped working - I can still use them to charge my iPod, but not to communicate with it (I no longer get the little icon in the bottom right hand side of the screen when it's connected), and I can't use my printer because the computer insists it's off-line (I've tried two different cables so it can't be a problem with that).I've got two USB 2.0 ports on the back of my computer (built into my motherboard - can't remember the exact model offhand but the processor is one of those 2800+ Athlon 64bit ones, if that?s relevant) and I've also recently upgraded my monitor to a dell FPW2005, so I've now got another couple (not working) on the side of that too. I even tried taking the USB 2.0 card from my old computer (that has 4 USB 2.0 sockets in it and plugs directly into the motherboard) - but this didn't work either

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Converting NTFS To FAT32: Mac Reads Ntfs?

Nov 26, 2006

I have 2 internal HDDs, and 3 external HDDs. However, the recent addition of a Mac by my sister has forced me to be able to share the external HDDs between computers. I understand that the Mac OSX reads/not writes NTFS but will read/write FAT32. Having been advised by other senior Windows users many years back, all my HDDs are in NTFS. I have found no solution to convert NTFS back to FAT32. Does anyone know if you can do so; without damage/corruption? There is much family pictures, common music in these external HDDs; so needless to say, they are precious

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Possibly A Virus Or Browser Hijacker - Ocat Yellow Pages

Jan 20, 2005

what ocat yellow pages is? this programs seems to take over my friends computer here at home. Can anyone Please tell me what this is and how he can get rid of it ASAP?

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Hanging System - Old Harddisk In Operating System

Sep 8, 2007

I have read through the forums and didnt find anything related to my problem, i have bought a new PC and used my old harddisk with the same operating system, luckly i was able to access the harddisk and everything was working fine, i prefered to format and install a fresh XP, after installing all the drivers, everything was working fine, however sometimes the PC hangs and you can not click or move the nouse or do anything, no error message is poping and i have to restart the PC manually.

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Reformated Harddrive - HardDrive Possibly Dying

Jul 30, 2007

I reformatted my hard drive due to OS issues, I was running a trial version of Server 2003 along with XP Pro, and I had to get rid of Server 2003 because it was conflicting with XP Pro, and so the only way to do that was by reformatting both hard drives including XP Pro because Server 2003 was acting as the dominant OS, so I backed up all my ****, and reinstalled XP Pro, but now I get this hard drive problem that it says only 51 Gigs are remaining on a 250GB Hard drive, when the only thing installed on that hard drive is XP pro and maybe 15 applications, I tried using every program I can think of to find hidden files that equal a huge size but nothing shows up

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The Connection Has Been Reset?

Aug 21, 2006

I use a dial up modem to go online. Recently I started having probs. Sometime pages wouldn't load n the dollowing message would be shown (i use firefox) "the connection was reset". When i try downloading it some times tells that the source file couldnt be read. N sumtimes my firewall: kerio which is upposed to startup with my windows displays n error message about some udp socket n terminates. What xatly is the prob? is it sumthin to do with the phone line? Or is somethin wrong with my settings?

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How To Reset Dual Monitors?

May 29, 2005

I'm using a HP laptop with a second monitor. When I disconnect the extra monitor, programs still "load" on that system. How do I move them back to the laptop display.

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Reset The Welcome - Boot Screen

Oct 21, 2005

I set a new Boot Screen and Welcome Screen for Windows XP, then I uninstalled the program I used to set the new screens, and now I'm left with the new Windows XP Welcome Screen and the Boot Screen. How do I reset the Welcome and Boot Screen back into there origional state they were in ?

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Keep Having To Reset Password - Incorrect

Mar 31, 2007

In the last week I have three times tried to log on to my Windows XP Home system and been told after multiple tries that my password was incorrect (no, Caps lock wasn't on). Each time I was forced to log on to my wife's account and reset my password through the control panel. I was then able to log on but by the next day, I was seeing the same problem. I have now had to reset my password three times. This problem has never occurred before in 4 years with the system. My wife has reported the same problem, but claims that rebooting fixed it. I rebooted and was still unable to log on. I strongly suspect a virus, but I have VirusScan Professional on my work license and it updates the .dat files every day. I checked the logs and nothing found. I know about creating and using a password reset disk, but that doesn't fix the problem I'm having.

One option is that somebody else is messing with my password, but my son is off at college and my wife would not know how to do it. I asked my daughter about it and she says she didn't do it, and she is very trustworthy It has happened again since last night without her being on the computer, anyway. I am a very experienced computer user (20+ years) and type in dozens of passwords a day, so I know it's not a problem with my typing.

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How To Reset Administrator Password

Sep 5, 2005

I need to remove sotware from my computer but I don't have the Administrator password and that's the only Admin that I have. How can I reset the Admin password?

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