File Deleted When Getting Out Of Electricity / File Had Earlier Been Saved
Jan 3, 2005
I'm a producer and was about to master a production when the hole town I'm living in got out of electricity very good timing. I had saved the file I was working with a couple of times and just before the electricity disapeared BUT the file cant be found it is deleted (?)Is there a way to get old files back (maybe a previous state).I really need this file but I dont want my hole system take a previous state just get/find files. (I'm using Windows XP professional)
I was doing some detailed drawings in photoshop, and I also had a generic photo up in photoshop as well. I went to save my drawings, but apparently accidentally saved the photo under the drawins name and then closed the program. This morning I discovered the bad news. Is there a way to get that drawing back? I do not know if it was ever saved before.
Is there a way to remove or delete some files on the computer through the BIOS Set Up. Because my pc is not working properly as it keeps on loading because of the software/files that is currently saved on my really messed up my computer..won't even do some commands on the computer.
I have to get rid of all traces of "illegal" files, tracks to files, mention that I ever even looked at said files on the internet or on my hard drive. This is my work computer and they are checking it this Thursday.XP professional SP2. As example, when I open Adobe Photoshop, it shows a link to every movie and pix I have viewed. I have deleted these files, so they no longer exist, but it shows the files as having been viewed.You click on the file in Photoshop, and it says the file is no longer available, but the NAME of the file, (ie Lesbian Girlfriends.mpeg) is still there. I have deleted History, the IE cache files, the cookies, the actual file itself, but I can't find the hidden file that still shows my viewing history. If the boss has soft ware that even detects that type of name, I'm screwed
I have an empty folder on my desktop, and I can not delete it. Error deleting file or folder..Make sure you specify the correct path and name..My system is XP pro sp2 with NTFS formatted drive.Emptied recylcle bin, ran chkdsk (with restart) and still can not delete the folder.
i just emptied my recycle bin and got rid of something i wish i hadn't. is there anyway to get back something that i just deleted and emptied, without having to do a system restore?
I have an empty folder on my desktop that I delete a couple of times a day, but it keeps coming back. I delete it, empty recycle bin, and then after a while, it comes back. I haven't been able to figure out what triggers it to return. How can I delete this annoying file?
I have a problem with an .avi file, I think it may have a virus.It was downloaded from an unknow site. While kept in a folder (A) within 'My Documents' folder it greatly slowed any operations whenever I opened folder A to view its contents This .avi file will not delete and can't be moved, comes up with a message - "Cannot delete '.avi file': It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again." This message comes up even when no programs are opened, its a stand alone home pc so no other users.
I accidently downloaded an image file with extension .JEPG. I could not open the image file so I deleted it. However, the file can not be dragged into the trash can, can not be X deleted, can not be right clicking-delet, can not be renamed, as well.Is this a spyware, or something? How else can I get ride of it, I am worried,
How do I recover an accidentaly deleted file from the recycle bin? By mistake, my recycle bin was emptied/deleted of its contents and there was a file in there I needed.
I have a regular xp computer and today, a 2003 word file was deleted from the recycle bin I needed that file! I don't know much about computers, so how could I restore my file so I can print it?
I have deleted some avi video footage from a digital camcorder from my USB hard drive. What is a good/cheap software that will retrieve my video for me?
i believe i may have a virus that has deleted or tampered with the file windowssystem32configsystem it also says "you can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original setup CD-ROM" i have an hp laptop that runs XP. i need it up and running ASAP.
I accidentally deleted the sa.exe file in Windows, but i still have the dll, which is sa.exe.exe.dll I just found out this is a stay-alive utility that prevents the crashes of programs, but i also seen something else saying it's spellex a spell-check utility that provides spell checking on several applications, and right clicking spell-check too.
why do people say that they have deleted a file from their computer but if someone has enough knowledge or certain forensic software they can still retrieve this file that was supposably deleted. If they can retrieve it then it is not deleted. and when the file is supposably deleted but still in your computer is there a difference in the space that it takes in hidden areas of your computer. I would imagine that they would be compressed or something else.
Just updated my new hard drive with the back up file from the old one. Backup went fine but when I deleted it, the 5 gig it occupied did not get freed up on the hard drive. Did I need to do something else besides delete it? Is it potentially lurking in another file?
when I start my ms outlook 2007 I get this error. "Errors have been detected in the file 'file_path'. Quit all mail-enabled applications, and then use the Inbox Repair Tool." I tried to scan with scanpst.exe but it went in vain.I tried it with other applications it worked fine.But,the problem is they all are demo versions and I gets back only 5 to 6 mails for more mails i have to buy that applications. Do we have any free tool that can fix my problem or any other way to fix this.
I am still getting used to XP. In WIndows ME, there was a windows empory internet files folder and a windows emp folder that I deleted regularly because IE saved a bunch of unwanted files in there all the time. Where are these folders in XP? I have done a search for them and have found a few different ones but just arent sure which are what. Where should I look, or where can I find them?
Running Disk Cleanup, when this Windows File Protection comes up saying a system file has been replaced with a unrecognized one. It wants me to put in my Operating System CD, but I don't have one. I bought this computer and the required files are already on the computer. So what should I do?
Am attempting to delete three old zip/unzip driver folders so I can install updated versions of the drivers, but every time I go to delete, a warning pops-up stating ...."nothing to do"......, then it slowly (crawls, actually) begins, stating..... "deleting from archive". The files are full, so there's obvious data that needs to be removed despite the warning that there's nothing to do. At the speed this thing is deleting, if at all, it will take days. My question is, why can't I do a conventional uninstall/deletion the way most files are deleted, and why is it requiring so much time? (FYI, once this process starts, the only way to stop it is to do a CTRL-ALT-DELETE- just canceling doesn't do a thing), I have to remove thes drivers before installing the new versions. Is there another method of removing these files
I'm in the process of repair/recovery of my machine (Dell Inspiron 8500 with Windows XP Home, Service Pack 2). I'm following exactly the instructions in:, but a problem has developed. The "software" file (which is the file that the original blue screen error message says is "corrupt, absent or not writable") will not copy to the new tmp directory to create the backup. My understanding from the article is that this backup file (software.bak) will later be used to restore correct settings for various software applications. Since I can't copy it, it appears that I am screwed,
I recently had to do a system restore and now my .jpg and jpeg files have a bad file icon. They still do open with the windows pic program as I want them to - but only on the admin accout, I usually surf and play and do everything else with a user account, and even if I reset everything under folder options for the file associacions it somehow doesn't apply to the other account.
windows tells me in the file association menu that I changed the file association's properties and can set them back to standart "photo suite 6" - a program that I uninstalled ages ago
I read the advice to start in safe mode to delete files that gave the errror message cannot delet file - source file not found. They wouldn't delete in Safe Mode either. I am trying to delete mp3 from my c drive because I have an external disk where I have my music library. I can delete them one at a time without getting the error message but not a bunch of them. Some of them I have been able to delete in a bunch.
PC wont boot up any more , it says there could be a currupt or missing file , it says its config system and says it might be able to repair the file using the install disc. i have a System Recovery CD-ROM
I have files in my recycle bin. My recycle bin shows nothing when I open the folder but there is 6 items in the folder. I have tried to delete them through C: ecycler but when I try that I get an error on the bottom of my screen that says The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.
I have a user with a home driectory that has created a folder with mutliple folders within it. I am not sure how far the direcroty goes, but I have counted to at least 26 directories deep. I cannot delete the parent folder in either explorer, or from the prompt. At the prompt I have tried RD foldername and it says, "Folder not empty". Tried del foldername*.* with no error and still cannot delete it.