Explorere Fails To Respond Or Very Slow With Memory Cards?

Aug 7, 2009

I'd appreciate some help with this and have seen similar threads, but am just not competent to sort this out on my own.Windows Explorer is no longer reading my camera card. It either fails to respond or just loads the thumbnail icon and then seems to stop, although a couple of times I left it for around 30minutes and most of the 70 thumbnails had opened, so I'm not completely sure if it's stopped or if it's just so slow the computer thinks it's not working.It will open them once they are in a folder on the PC and I can transfer them using the Nikon software otherwise I'd have a useless camera!I'm also getting quite a few "Internet Explorer is not responding messages", and after downloading version 8 went back to version 7 but it's still happening.

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Programs Slow To Respond: Takes A Long Time To Respond?

Aug 23, 2005

When I open programs they are slow to respond. I click on the icon but it seems to take for ever to open up but I don't know why.They use to open up fairly quickly before and nothing has changed.

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Task Bar Tabs Minimize / Close Fails To Respond

May 9, 2010

I have the oddest problem thats occuured in the past few days.It appears to be connected with the opening and closing and switching between tasks.For no apparent reason, the window you either want to close or one that's been opened and you need to say click on a button to start a task, just fails to respond. The only way to unfreeze and carry on with your work is to open task manager then you can click on any line of info on the list, dont take any action in task manager, just close it down. Then you can carry on with what you were doing.I'm running a relatively new machine with XP SP3.I've reinstalled XP and I've checked the machine for all sorts of nasties and there's nothing.

This problem can be in programs, browsers (firefox is the worst. If you load a new page, all the URL links will not be accessible, meaning when you mouse over they do not change the cursor, til you do what I mentioned withthe task manager).I have checked the system performance with task manager open and I am not getting any sudden drains on the machine, which is a pretty fast processor (dual core) and working with 4 Gb or RAM.One other thing I noticed. Say you have a page of icons on screen for example in control panel. Single click to highlight one of them and then I would usually double click to perform the action. Now I can't double click because I get a small box open withthe options available open etc.

I have no idea why this is happening, but I reckon it is connected to the problem.I am going nuts with this, because it is adding a lot of time to my PC day constantly having to unfreeze.If anyone can throw some possible causes. I honestly thought the reinstall would fix this once and for all but no such luck.If there's anything I have left out to aptly describe this problem, please ask.

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Delete Account - Program Fails Respond Freeze

Aug 3, 2005

I have two user accounts on this XP laptop, but my dh always just uses mine. We want to delete his so there's only one account. However, each and every time I try, the program fails to respond and everything freezes. Does anyone know of a way to troubleshoot this?

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I Reset My Memory Cards For A Start

May 21, 2008

I was having problems due to SP3 but I didn't know it. I haven't seen any posts on it here but there's a big hubub over at the microsoft technet forum.) Ran a dell diagnostic and had many system memory failures come up. So, I decided to reseat my memory cards for a start. It was the first time I opened up my Dell Dimension 8400 (which I purchased about 4 years ago...I hope that gives some help as to what is in it because I really don't know besides that it has an intel pentium 4 inside). It was VERY dusty so we bought some canned air and went about cleaning it. I did use a vacuum on the inside cover but I was careful not to touch any of the componenets inside. I followed all of the instructions. We did blow air into the fan (something I didn't know wasn't good, per another site I went to later that said you shouldn't)! When we plugged everything back in it worked it's way up to a very loud whirring noise (I thought the fan was going to just break off and fly around the room!). Could be I just had never heard it run outside of the cupboard on my desk (which I now know I shouldn't have had it in)! But, the worst part is, my monitor does not come up with the computer (doesn't matter how many times I press the on/off on the monitor) and not even the lights on the keyboard light up

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"is Starting..." Freezes With No Options / Bad Memory Cards?

Apr 25, 2007

When I boot my computer Windows freezes at the "Windows is starting..." screen but I can still move the mouse. This just began today. It does this same thing when I boot in the last good config and safe mode. So basically, Windows won't get past this screen no matter what mode I use.Also, I can't reinstall XP because I get a technical error blue screen that says I may not have adequate disk space, a driver may need to be disabled, or I may need to change the video adapter whenever I try to boot from the install CD. The message also says "pci.sys."

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Boot Up W-SP2 - Slow To Respond

May 14, 2008

I know I am behind the times, but I just now upgraded from SP1 to SP2 due to some of the anti-virus and firewall software upgrades only being compatible with SP2. SP1 ran great. After upgrading, tweaking the services, and a few other things my computer is still lagging. It takes 4 times longer to boot up w/SP2 and even after that is slow to respond for at least 5 minutes. I have always tweaked my pcs to boot faster and not have unnecessary things running. I've done everything I did in the past and still SP2 is slow.This basically sucks. It would be so great if MS didn't have a monopoly on OS's.I have a couple of older pcs that I run a couple versions of Linux on and they run fast and flawless

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Fails After Virtual Memory Error Notice Pops Up

Apr 1, 2007

I was replying to an e-mail when a message something like 'Virtual memory exceeded,microsoft can fix this' came up. I believe I selected a 'go ahead' button and left it to fix the problem. When I came back sometime later the computer was not reacting to anything so I reset. The screen that shows my hardware etc came up and windows then started, however, when the start up appeared to have progressed to the stage where the screen goes blank and an arrow eventually appears it didn't! It went back to the screen that shows the hardware build and kept cycling in that mode.

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Very Slow Start And To Respond To Commands?

Aug 5, 2010

System recently began taking a long time to load, and to execute commands.. Also some unusual responses. Slow to load browsers. Whether I.E., Chrome or Firefox. When logged onto the internet, responses, page changes and other commands are very fast, and links connect with very little delay. The problem is with trying to start up and log on, and do other work on the system. Sloooow. Also I have Skype 4.0 installed, and wanted to Uninstall it in order to add the latest Skype. However when I try to uninstall via Add/Remove in Control Panel I get an Error message " Network Error occurred while trying to read file C:\WindowsinstallerSkype.msi" I get this even if I try to install the new Skype over the old (4.0). What seems to be the problem?

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Office Shortcut Bar Very Slow To Respond?

Dec 5, 2006

MS office shortcut bar has Word, Excel as well as others, but when I click on one, it takes up to 30 seconds to open. If I open excel from the desktop, it opens immediately. Also, if I click on start/programs and then right click on one, it takes 20-30 seconds to get the properties screen to pop open.

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Explorer Extremely Slow To Respond?

Oct 27, 2009

Over the last few months, the Windows Explorer on my laptop has become excruciatingly slow.Simply trying to move to an adjacent directory can take minutes.
Related / unrelated - I have seen CPU/memory max out as well - though not always. I have a 1.5 GB of RAM, and have seen this when not heck of a lot is going on. I am unsure if it is a virus issue or is it something that has to do with windows explorer issues, which I have seen a few threads on on the net.

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PC Starts Up Really Slow - Programs Respond Slowly

Sep 11, 2005

I have a pc running XP Pro and suddenly it became extremely slow.It takes a couple of minutes to boot up.Everything responds slow on the pc.I ran adaware , spybot and cwshredder.these programmes did find a couple of things but still the pc is very slow.

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Explorer Slow To Respond: Takes 30 Seconds Or More To Open?

Jan 18, 2008

I have two machines that are slow to display the contents of drive C in Windows Explorer. It will take sometimes as much as 30 seconds.Once it has displayed the contents of drive C, I can close Windows Explorer and if I go back to it again soon, everything is as fast as I would expect it to be.

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File Listing In Explorer Slow To Respond / Delay About 12 Seconds?

Nov 10, 2009

When I attempt to open a file or to get a directory listing in Windows explorer I have a delay of about 12 seconds. Before I get a listing (within a program) I see where it says at the top "Open - not responding". After eventually getting the listing I will be able to obtain another listing quite quickly while in that program. If I exit the program and go to another as from Word to Excel I again experience the slow listing and the "Open - not responding" before the listing shows. Long ago I had a similar problem where the listing took an even 30 seconds to appear and it was determined to be a virus. Nothing shows in any of my virus scans.

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MSN Live Messenger Loads Too Slow, Doesn't Respond Once Open?

Oct 16, 2006

I am operating XP media edition, Dell dimension E510, I have installed and uninstalled and installed Live messenger again and it loads very slowly and then won't respond to the mouse, acually locks up. Is there some patch or driver I am missing?

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Double Click Button Fails After Awhile And Mouse Window Fails To Open

Oct 8, 2010

My intellimouse works correctly for awhile then double click fails. When this occurs the mouse control panel fails to open. Shutting down and restart corrects the problem-but only for awhile and then the same thing happens over again. I reloaded software to no avail. any help?

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Corrupted - Repair Fails - Parallel Install Fails

Jul 23, 2008

i have a HP Pavilion laptop [dv5117ci] with factory load XP Pro SP2and factory restore discs. the system became corrupted by a failed Win update.
it had multiple files showing bad, so rather than chase them one at a time for an unknowable number of days, I decided to create a new directory and install fresh copy of WinXP Pro
That looked like it was going to work but after being up on the initial boot, wobbly, for about 45 minutes, something caused a freeze, and I was toasted after that. Same routine again: bootup, get error "Windows failed to start because the following file is missing or corrupt"

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2 VGA Cards

Jun 21, 2005

If I install 2 VGA cards into my XP Pro system, would I be able to have the same image (cloned) on each adapter?

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Different Speed Of Memory Slow Down System?

Apr 2, 2006

i have a computer running windows xp sp1. it has p4 1.7 cpu and 1g ddr sdram memory.recently i noticed that the computer was very slow in opening up programs or some other simple operations. i have norton anti virus running all the time, so it should not be virus. i also scanned the system using adaware and every thing seemed ok.so i am just wondering if it could be the memory, as i am using two memory with different speed, one 512 at 2100, and the other at 2700.

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Computer Slow And Running Out Of Memory?

Nov 9, 2008

I am running Windows XP on a Quad core with 3 Gigs of RAM. I am a musician and use the computer for recirding and mixing. My computer was upgraded a mere 6 months ago and has not had performance issues.However, in the last month I have noticed it slowing down with the hard drive working very hard. Now things are even worse. I cannot load sound samples such as drums as the computer keeps claiming that it is out of memory.I have run adaware and Spybot for spyware. I have defragged, virus checked all to no avail. One thing I should mention is that my two data drives are very low in memory.

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Too Little Available Memory / Slow Running Computer?

May 19, 2005

I have heaps of space on my hard drive, have defragged etc. Got windows XP and SP2. In system info it says I have about 30MB available memory out of 256MB. This doesn't change much if I disable start up stuff in msconfig. In task manager I have 29 processes running leaving 62144 available physical memory out of 196080. From other messages here this doesn't seem like too many processes running.

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Slow Machine Not Much Faster After New Memory

Jul 22, 2009

I have a Dell Dimension 9100 with 3GHz Pentium 512MB ram, running windows XP. It was top-of-the-line when I bought it, but is now about 4 years old. Over time, the machine has been running slower and slower, especially since I run Apple's itunes, and firefox, which I assume are resource hogs from looking at the Task Manager's processes tab. Lately, it has taken forever for the machine to load windows, or wake up from sleep. Nothing dramatic or noticeable that I could point to, just a gradual slowing down. I always attributed it to an aging computer and lack of memory. So this week, I purchased 2 GB of additional RAM. I've correctly installed it and confirmed, from MyComputer System Properties, that I now have 2.5 GB of RAM installed. I was expecting a big change in speed, but there doesn't seem to be that much of a difference. I have Symantec FireWall and AntiVirus running, ( it was original to the system) and am afraid to remove it.About a year ago, under advice of an IT friend, I also installed AVG and Spybot Search&Destroy.

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Very Slow Computer - Virtual Memory Is Low

Aug 18, 2009

I have windowsXP-home. I have dial-up. My computer has been consistently slowing down. It starts out new like it is supposed to but as time goes on it gets slower and slower. If I take it to my son's who has Wi-Fi it works fast but as soon as I get back to dial-up it is slow. You can hear it grinding away trying to get moving. I even took it to a computer place and had them restore everything and it didn't help. They said it didn't act up for them. I switched from Explorer to Firefox and for awhile it was faster. But now it is getting slower again. Once in a while I will get the message that my virtual memory is low and it is adding to it. I have very little on my computer, my hard drive size says 37.2 GB and my free space is 27.0 GB. I have a few pictures but not alot. I only have 1 game added. I use Spybot and I recently got RegCure hoping that it would fix my registry if there was a problem there.

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2 Wireless Cards Installation?

Apr 20, 2005

After reinstalling windows on my laptop, I have a minature screen about 5"x6" instead of the full 15" monitor, and I cannot get my 2wire wireless card to work at all. It was fine before my re-install

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Pc Runs Really Slow Showing Low Virtual Memory?

Feb 9, 2006

i have xp sp2 and i noticed within the last week if i have 2-3 programs open at a time the screen freezes for like 30 secs or so,but when i check its says the 3 programs use %32 of my cpu usage,does that really matter?Also xp keeps telling me bout virtual memory too low?how can i speed things up again?i defraged,registry fix,usual virus scans and nothings working

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Computer Super Slow - 1% Memory Left?

Jan 2, 2006

I'm trying to fix a friend's computer. It's gotten alot of stuff on it according to pestcontrol but they won't take it off because I did the scan from pcpitstop. Here's the hijack this log

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 10:54:55 PM, on 1/2/2006

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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Slow Running Computer After Installing New Memory?

Oct 18, 2006

I Have A Dell 4300s Computer Which I Recently Had Rebuilt. Went From 18 Gig To 80 Gigs. Added 512 Ram To Existing 128. Also Switched From Juno Dial Up To Verizon Dsl. Speed Was Great For Awhile, But Has Slowed Down Considerably. I Did Add 2.0 Usb Port, Spybot,an Epson 7800 Printer/scanner, And Several Other Programs. I Currently Have About 20 Icons On My Desktop.

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System Slow After Virtual Memory Low Message

Oct 6, 2008

Computer keeps alerting me that my virtual memory is low. As a result, my system loads extremely slow and I have to force a shut down when I'm ready to quit. I did a ctrl-alt-delete to view my processes and it appears that my scanning processes are 80K of memory. Next in line is internet explorer using 50K.

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Slow To Load Windows 2000 - Virtual Memory Too Low

Jan 5, 2005

The computer is slow to load windows 2000. Takes several mintues to connect to the net. Message showing that "Virtual Memory is low". Have gone into "My computer" - then "advanced options" and increased virtual memory to 1500. There is a good amount of space on the disc. But actions made no difference and still get the message that the virtual memory is low. Speed of computer not improved.Will try "System restore".

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Slow Memory Release: Applications Hang / Freezes?

Aug 18, 2005

I have an XP pro machine that takes forever to release memory. I have several applications that when they need over 100 MB seem to hang the system, when I open task manager I can literally watch the memory count slowly back down to zero. Is there anyway to solve this problem.

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Slow Pc - Upgrade Memory - OLD CRAPPY Settings - Svchost.exe's

Aug 21, 2008

I NEED urgent help, not THIS computer but the person I live with's computer is EXTREMELY slow, things take up to 10-20 minutes to open sometimes, it takes at least 15 minutes to start up or shut down, everything lags, we've tried EVERYTHING, virus scanning, spyware, malware, cleaning the registry, defraging the registry and harddrive, cleaning up, EVERYTHING, anytime you shut down after applying some sort of setting it says it's saving the settings and then you start it back up and it acts like it never saved it, it goes back to the OLD CRAPPY settings, puts every error back on that the program found, recently the boot.ini has become corrupt or invalid, there are two hard drives with plenty of space and we've had this problem for a couple of years! We can't figure out what to do, we both have the same computer, bought it at the same time, mine runs like a charm but their's does not at all, the cpu usage is sky high when you aren't doing anything and sometimes it is 0% when you ARE doing stuff. There is about 10 or more svchost.exe's running, two under a seperate username and none of which we can stop. There are diagnostic lights on the back BUT anytime there is anything wrong with the lights we look in the manual and on the offical website and NO ONE HAS THE LIGHT COMBONATION THAT WE DO!! It's a Dell Dimension 2400, right now it has both 512MB and a 128MB RAM memory stick, we can't upgrade the memory or it fails and starts beeping, Windows XP Home Edition,

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