Explorer Runing Slow

Sep 30, 2009

Recently opening files has become extremely slow. In Windows Explorer after clicking Folders I can click the + sign to open subdirectories and it operates normally. When I get to the lowest level directory (no + sign) and click that directory it takes over 30 seconds to display the contents of that directory. Then when I try to open a small file ( eg Word) it takes over 45 seconds to open the file. Once document is open everything works fine.Browsing on the Internet and running programs, once they are open operate normally. The slow response seems to be confined to Windows Explorer. I

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Hard Drive Not Found On Runing Setup

May 27, 2010

I have a Dell XPS 400 and I'm running off of a 500 gb barracuda harddrive. Here's my problem. When I try to boot up my computer I got the following error a second or two after the windows logo shows up "A Problem has been detected and windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer." The error code is STOP: 0x00000024 (0x00190203,0x85D97A98, 0xC0000102, 0x00000000) When I insert my windows disc, I get the following error "Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer". I searched online and attempted to integrate my harddrive drivers onto my windows disc. This is the source from which I got my drivers http://support.dell.com/support/down...&fileid=173456. I then proceed to use a program called Nlite to create a new windows disc, and burnt that disc using a program called imgburner. When I use that disc and press F6 during set up I get the following message "Setup could not determine the type of one or more mass storage devices installed in your system, or you have chosen to manually specify an adapter.

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PC Too Slow/internet Explorer Crashes Randomly/ Explorer Service Quits?

Sep 28, 2006

My pc is so slow that it takes ages to play a song in wmp11. Ive used tools like ad-aware and registry mechanic, tune up utilities. But still no improvement. It used to be just fine, until I installed some pay-for-viewing add program. I have uninstalled it since then, but the slowness remains. And the processor is hogged, at the highest level, even though i killed many a startup processes.

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Slow Start Up, Internet Explorer Responding Extremely Slow?

Jul 23, 2007

Having trouble at start up, very slow and opening IE or any other program also slow.

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Explorer Running Slow

Apr 26, 2005

I am having trouble with Internet Explorer. It is running really slow.

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Drwtsn.exe, Explorer.exe, Freezups, Slow

Jan 5, 2005

1.constant - explorer.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close- The same thing happens with drwtsn.exe. When this happens my computer freezes and I have to restart to be able to use my computer again.

2.My computer is extremely slow to boot up and feels extremely sluggish while using.

3.My modem speed has dropped to 19.2 kbps from roughly 49kbps for apparently no reason. I have three other machines in my home and they all still show the normal speeds�I have tried my machine on the other lines in my home to no avail. Modem issue may not be related to above stated problems (1&2)

I have already done the following trying to solve some issues and provide you with the most information possible.

1.I have downloaded, updated, and ran the most current versions of Adaware, Spybot, and Hijack this (log below).

2.I have defragmented my harddrive, ran scandisk, Pcbug Doctor, and Spyware Blaster. I am using AVG (updated) and have my firewall enabled.

3. I also ran these checks with system restore off (and then reenabled it).

Below you will find a copy of my hijackThis log, startup items, and computer information�..I hope this helps�.Thank you again.

OS NameMicrosoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
OS ManufacturerMicrosoft Corporation
System ManufacturerCompaq Presario 06
System ModelDA235A-ABA 6410nx NA910
System TypeX86-based PC
Processorx86 Family 6 Model 6 Stepping 2 AuthenticAMD ~1665 Mhz
BIOS Version/DatePhoenix Technologies, LTD AM37308, 12/16/2002
SMBIOS Version2.3
Windows DirectoryC:WINDOWS
System DirectoryC:WINDOWSsystem32

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Running Slow-CPU Usage = 100% - Explorer.exe Using 99%

Oct 5, 2005

My computer started running extremely slow. When I check the task manager it notes that the CPU usage is spiked at 100%. I checked to see what is using most of the CPU and its "explorer.exe" using about 99%.

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Explorer Extremely Slow To Respond?

Oct 27, 2009

Over the last few months, the Windows Explorer on my laptop has become excruciatingly slow.Simply trying to move to an adjacent directory can take minutes.
Related / unrelated - I have seen CPU/memory max out as well - though not always. I have a 1.5 GB of RAM, and have seen this when not heck of a lot is going on. I am unsure if it is a virus issue or is it something that has to do with windows explorer issues, which I have seen a few threads on on the net.

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CPU Usage Is Nearly Always At 100% / Explorer Running Slow?

May 1, 2007

I am using windows xp pro with a 2.00ghz celeron cpu I also have 2gb of ram, lately my pc seems to be slow and explorer keeps crashing causing the desktop to reload if i look in task manager my cpu is almost always at 100% I have done a virus and spywear check but that found nothing

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Explorer Slow To Open My Computer

Jun 25, 2010

I have tried preventing Automatic Folder and Icon Refresh, and still nothing works. It can take my system up to 2 minutes to open the MyComputer folder, every other folder is fast, weird.

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Explorer Opening Files Slow (DDE)

Mar 5, 2007

Recently my computer has been opening certain files that are double-clicked very very slowly--2 - 3 minutes, thats right minutes! If I open the file by launching the application then open the file via the Open menu item, all works as expected.I did some investigation and found that this happened to certain file types that were double-clicked from the desktop or from email attachments. This behavior happens from Excel, Word, Project, Access or Internet Explorer shortcuts that are in emails. PowerPoint, Infopath, Publisher and Visio all open normally (2-3 seconds).

Digging further showed that each of the file types that takes minutes to open all have something in the DDE Message field of the Entering Action for Type (File Explorer window, Tools, Folder Options, Select "Doc" file type, Select Advanced, Highlight Open, Select Edit). The file types that open normally don't have anything in this field. This is why I think the behavior is related to DDE.I have tried the "Detect and Repair" option of Office for my troubled apps but this does not have any effect on the problem. I have also tried using msconfig to do a Diagnostic Startup and it have no effect on the problem.

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Slow Explorer - Freezing System - 256 MB RAM

Apr 2, 2006

My windows explorer runs really really slow when you simply click on files that are about the size of an mp3 or larger. This is especially noticable with my secondary drive (F: drive) and the mp3 player that I connect via USB that acts as an external drive (G when plugged to the computer. My computer does run a lot in the background, most of it being junk for the stupid satellite internet system (yes, laugh. I hate it), but it still seems odd that, especially with movies, I can't even get them to open at all; it just freezes, but if I do start>run and put in the file name, it goes fine. I've got Windows 2000 with 256 MB RAM.

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Very Slow To Show Up Folders & Contents In Explorer?

Feb 4, 2010

Hi everybody. Since a couples of days, when I clic on a folder into the left panel of Windows explorer, it takes really long and is Very, very slow to show up the related contained folders and/or its contents in my Windows explorer's right panel. I have a Pentium4 processor and additional 3GB of rams I also tried to adjust my PC for best performances in "advanced" Performances/properties of MY Computer.

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Explorer Slow As Well As Long Boot Up Time

Oct 17, 2009

I have noticed lately that my computer seems to take an excessively long time to boot up completely - almost 5 minutes. Also when clicking on desktop icons, they seem to also take much longer to load. Windows Explorer (the folder and file management tool, not to be confused with Internet Explorer) is agonizingly slow to rename and open folders and files, sometimes taking close to 2 minutes just to open a 56 KB file. I have done all the usual things like running a virus and spyware scans (I have AdAware, Spybot, Malwarebytes and ATFCleaner, CCleaner as well as my ISP's Computer Associates Antivirus, Firewall and Spyware protection installed), emptying temp files and recycle bin, and defraging the hard drive and I've unchecked "Automatically search for Network folders and printers".

I also did a chkdsk scan and a system restore to before when the problem started. Nothing seems to help the slow response, especially when working with folders and files through Windows Explorer. I have not downloaded or installed any programs recently (only AdAware, Spybot and CA updates), but I did have a new power supply and a new cable modem installed recently. Even the tech that installed the new power supply said he was concerned at how long it took for my computer to boot up, however he only repairs hardware and could offer no suggestions as to what the problem is. If it's any help in diagnosing my problem, my system is an HP Pavilion 750n with a 1.6 GHz Pentium 4 processor and 768 MB RAM. Used disk space is 16.8 GB, unused space is 57.6 GB....

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Computer Is Running Really Slow And Internet Explorer Keeps Getting Redirected

May 4, 2005

I downloaded a bunch of stuff on this computer and I don't know what all I need to get rid of. The computer is running really slow and Internet Explorer keeps getting redirected.

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Explorer Running Slow: Viewing The Folders Larger?

Jul 3, 2006

When viewing folders larger than even just a few MB, it can takes minutes to load and even take forever to select an item and scroll through the folder.

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Rundll32.exe Sticked: Slow Internet Explorer / Crashing?

Jan 1, 2005

I got stuck with the Run32dll.exe virus. Noticed that IE was extremely slow and crashing constantly and task manager actually had 2 'Run32dll.exe' programs running and hogging up 100% cpu usage. I just did a Hijack this scan based on what I read from previous posts but I am not sure where to take it from here. I also noticed that something called 'SurfBuddy' is in there and have no idea where that came from. So if anyone can take a look at this Hijack This log and let me know what I should check off to be fixed that would be great. As you can see there are 4 run32dll.exe

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Explorer Slow To Respond: Takes 30 Seconds Or More To Open?

Jan 18, 2008

I have two machines that are slow to display the contents of drive C in Windows Explorer. It will take sometimes as much as 30 seconds.Once it has displayed the contents of drive C, I can close Windows Explorer and if I go back to it again soon, everything is as fast as I would expect it to be.

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Explorer Slow To Populate Icons - Show Contents Of F

Aug 22, 2005

I have a directory containing 4000 JPGs (no, clean JPGs before youask). Anytime I select a folder within this directory, it takes 30seconds to display either the thumbnail page, or about the same time tolookup the icon for each file in 'List details' mode.

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System Slow Even Delete Temperory Explorer Files

Feb 9, 2005

XP PRO suddenly has a noticeable decrease in speed when opening programs. Takes usually 3 minutes to open any program speed is TREMENDOUSLY dimished from last startup. Tried rebooting, ran a program called CLEANER, it deleted temp explorer files,other garbage. But still ridiculously slow opening programs, etc. I have NORTON upto date, also spybot, and adaware all show nothing.

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Internet Explorer Running Slow - Loading Images

Jan 29, 2008

My IE7's been running really slow starting this past week. I don't know what the cause is exactly. I can't figure out if it's the IE software on the PC or if it has something to do with the internet connection. I've run the following to diagnose my problem: NAV 2007 - No Viruses Webroos SpySweeper - No Spyware Optonline speedcheck Utility (when I can get it to run) - the results are very good 13-15mbps down and ~1.5mbps up. I would've posted this last night, but I couldn't get the page to load and even the optonline homepage sometimes wouldn't load. Also, I've noticed that images aren't loading onto the web pages. Just getting a box with an "x" in it. Don't remember if that is an IE security setting that i just need to allow or a an invasion to my system. I reset the IE7 settings to clear anything within IE, but that just made me lose my settings and IE still ran slow and inconsistently. I've checkd the ADD/Remove list and the list of folders within the program files folder and I've found nothing bad has been installed on the sly. Not really sure if this is a problem with optonline's signal or if I've gotten something on my PC that just isn't getting found by NAV and spysweeper. I'm trying to hold off on restoring my system image file, but if I must. I'd like totry to diagnose this if I can.

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Explorer Dosent Open / Very Slow After System Restore

Mar 2, 2009

I did a systeme restore, after it finished and restarted it came back to my explorer (desktop) and nothing loaded. I ctrl+alt+deleted and some things where running in the background.I "hard" restarted my computer and it still took me back to the blank explorer (desktop).I ran a new task and opened up firefox, when it poped up my desktop poped up and everthing in the task manager loaded but was very slow and nothing worked and it just froze. I then tried a different restore point and the same problem countinued.I then put in the windows repair disk and tried to fix the boot and still nothing. If I turn on the computer and put it into safe mode the desk top will load. But in normal mode it wont for a very long time and when it does it doesnt work.

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File Listing In Explorer Slow To Respond / Delay About 12 Seconds?

Nov 10, 2009

When I attempt to open a file or to get a directory listing in Windows explorer I have a delay of about 12 seconds. Before I get a listing (within a program) I see where it says at the top "Open - not responding". After eventually getting the listing I will be able to obtain another listing quite quickly while in that program. If I exit the program and go to another as from Word to Excel I again experience the slow listing and the "Open - not responding" before the listing shows. Long ago I had a similar problem where the listing took an even 30 seconds to appear and it was determined to be a virus. Nothing shows in any of my virus scans.

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Home Addition-Explorer.exe Very Slow To Open Takes 4.5 Minutes

Dec 28, 2004

Explorer.exe very slow to show sub directory after clicking on C Drive

1) I am running Windows XP Home Edition on a fairly new Dell Dimension 8300 series with a Pentium 3 processor and 1 Gig of Ram. I have 100 gig hard drive of which about 50 gigs are full of all types of files, avi, mpeg, jpeg, audio files, program files, you name it!

2) I have downloaded all of the latest Windows XP updates.

3) My computer starts fine and opens to the standard desktop fairly easily and quickly.

3) I then click on explorer.exe icon on my desk top and Window Explorer opens.

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Internet Explorer Cache Overflow/slow Internet Performance

Jul 18, 2005

C:WindowsTemporary Internet Filescontent.ie5, which i cannot seem to do. They say i should see a series of 4 or more random 8 character names like "ADOZMZS1", which again, I cannot figure this out. So if anyone could

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"explorer.exe Was Not Responding" - Slow Pc

Dec 9, 2007

My computer had been getting slower over the course of a few months, and after telling a friend he told me to change my antivirus software, as the current version had expired. I switched my antivirus software from McAfee to Nod32, however on restarting mt system certain things were not working. I decided to restart my computer, but on choosing to shutdown i was prompted with an error message saying "explorer.exe was not responding".

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Computer Running Slow - Not Just Internet Slow But Onboard Slow

May 10, 2010

Lately my computer has been extremely slow, not just internet slow but onboard slow. For example, if I click on an application from the desktop it will sit there for 10-20 seconds before anything happens. Occasionally I'll click multiple times on something and nothing will happen then 30 seconds later it will open multiple instances of things. This delay has been happening with just about anything I click on, acting like the computer's busy doing something else when nothing else should be going on. I've looked in the task manager and the applications column will be blank

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Internet Explorer Not Working / Wouldn't Open / No Windows Based Functions Used Explorer Interface Would Work

Apr 4, 2008

I recently had a problem on my computer where Internet explorer was not working and would'nt open, and no windows based functions that used the explorer interface would work... So i downloaded the IE7 install package on my other computer and burned to disk to install. everything was going along fine, and when prompted to restart to finsih the installation i did so..... that is when "it" hit the fan.

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Explorer W2000 : Wont Open Windows Explorer From Desktop ?

Feb 17, 2006

Hard drive crash, transplanted HD to new computer which now has 2 hard drives, C & D. Problem is I cannot open Windows Explorer from desktop or any other location, from either drive. I get a message that says it "generates errors." And that it is keeping a log, presumably for use on some Day of Judgment. (I get around it for now by right-clicking My Computer and picking Explore from the pop-up menu.)I have gone to the usual download sites in search of WE, no dice.

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Opening Any Program: Windows Explorer & Internet Explorer Crashes?

Jun 22, 2005

every time i try to open anything that uses these programs i get a 'windows/internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close' crash i think i have a virus in my processes i have 2 strange ones one is n6tgoxae.exe the other is 86851316.exe norton fixes this is for a short while but then the problem soon returns i have also tried spybot search and destroy as well as running AdAware can anyone help me on how to fix my explorer problems and gettin rid of
these processes?

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Explorer Crashes - Shell Stopped Unexpectedly And Explorer.exe Was Restarted

Sep 11, 2007

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, faulting module netapi32.dll, version 5.1.2600.2976, fault address 0x0003952c. When a user is editing documents in Word 2003 from a network share, the Windows Explorer then shuts down and refreshes the desktop. The error message above is in the Application Event Log. the Event ID is 1000. Done some searches and tried a few things but still user gets this error. After this error in the Event Log another message is "The shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restarted. The Event ID is 1002 for this one.

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