Error On Reinstallation Of XP

May 10, 2005

Earlier tonight I switched the hard drives between my computer and my mothers computer, because (ironically) her's was better for gaming. After a quick reinstall of XP Home Edition, my computer was good to go. But setting hers up proved to be a bit more of a challenge.I loaded up the hard drive, booted up with the XP Pro Edition (it's what she uses) and the installation was going great. At about 9 minutes left, I get the error message saying something like: "This software has not passed the Windows Logo Test and will not be installed" or something to that nature. I clicked OK, it popped up again, I clicked OK again. This time, the installation finished up and strangely everything started up. I logged into one of the accounts, only to find that no icons had loaded and everything was going horribly slow. I couldn't right click on the desktop. I couldn't click on the start button. The only thing I was able to do was click on the bar at the bottom, which does me no good at all anyway. Something was using up the computers resources like mad, and strangely the LAN light on the DSL modem was going berserk.

I'm thinking maybe a complete reinstall will do the trick. The only problem is that when trying to do a fresh install on the C: it popped up with a warning message saying "Installing an OS onto a partitioned drive that already contains an OS may result in software not running properly." I backed away from this and re-tried the repair installation. To my dismay, the error came back up again. I'm calling it quits for now and hope to have a reply tomorrow. I really need to get this fixed soon As a side note, I used the 'Repair Installation' choice on my Hard Drive, and everything works right now. For some reason XP Pro is a bit picky. How do I get passed this error to the point where the computer is useable again?

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Get An Error After Reinstallation Operating System

Apr 26, 2006

I just reinstalled XP home on a Personal Computer but now I get an error 711.Windows help directs me to Remote Access connection manager. When I try to start this I get error5.

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Hang At Loading Screen - Blue Screen Error On Reinstallation

Nov 18, 2006

I couldnt start up windows. It would hang at the windows loading screen and go no further. So I was told to try a repair-install. And thats where even more trouble has started. So I started to repair-install. During the Windows Install setup, it gets almost to the point of being completed, but gave me a blue screen error STOP message at around the "18 minutes left" mark. During "Registering components". It would do this every time at the same spot. So I searched a bit about how to solve the problem. One suggestion I found on the interwebs was to try it with only one stick of ram installed, I have four overall at 2gb. So I tried that, next time I boot up to the comp, it loads up the bios, and then goes to the black windows loading screen with the loading bar, then starts with a blue screen saying "Setup is being restarted" So I figure its restarting my windows installation since it never was completed, after that message, the screen goes black with a cursor, and stays that way forever. I immediately put all the ram back in, and no luck, same thing. I tested each individual ram stick, same thing, just goes black. So now, I can't even seem to re-install windows. Did my hard drive just crap out? Some hardware issue? Im already thinking about buying a new fresh hard drive, installing windows on there, and just moving all my files from the old hard drive over to the new one. Though that would be a pain, I really want to save my current drive! And all the data on it.

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Reinstallation Of Home

Oct 5, 2008

It's got to the time where I need to do this and I have done it numerous times in the past but this time I am having problems.

Last week bought two new 500gb harddrives and replaced my existing 300gb slave. Formatted and partitioned this and all was okay.

Today I have removed the 300gb master and installed, formatted and partitioned the new 500gb hd with PM8.

I have set the primary partition as active and all the others are logical which is asthe old hd was partitioned.

I have been geting a disk boot failure error on trying to boot from the CDROM with the XP installation disk. Having originaly had the bios set incorrectly I have now rechecked it and ensured the boot order is set to CDROM, HD-0 and the floppy.

I have ensured that the primary hd has been detected, detection is set to to Auto and Access Mode to LBA following the Seagate instructions. I have now also disconnected the secondary drive to exclude that from the picture until I get into the primary drive.

I have also reset the jumper on the new primary to Master having disconnected the secondary drive.

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IE8 Reinstallation Of Windows

Oct 18, 2010

This problem only occurs with any version of windows XP, Pro/Home/Media, at first, i could never install ie8 through windows update. It wouldnt install properly and sometimes i would have to start the installation over and not do it through windows update and do it manually with the downloadable file. So we learned our way around that no problem and its not a hassle to install it seperatly, but the BIGGEST PAIN IN THE A** we are having now is, when we reinstall widows, either on a new HD, Old, or even on a brand new custom built computer

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Very Slow Windows Xp Even After Reinstallation

Apr 12, 2007

my system is really slow.I ran many virus scanners, spy/adware destroyers, and programs to clean and fix your registry but they didnt do anything. so i finally just reinstalled XP, i got all the suggested drivers and updated to service pack 2 and got all the windows updates, but its still just as slow.when i run it in safe mode, it works like a charm, just like it used to.

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Windows Xp Reinstallation Stall

Feb 12, 2006

my dell dimension 2400 got so much spyware on it i could scan for it, but not remove it.
i reinstalled xp and i the computer basically operates the same way. i am lucky to get anything to work with the keys but especially no function with the mouse. windows xp appears to be installed fine. i cannot get to system restore either.
i have my dell laptop hooked to it with but cannot navigate at all in trying to link the two puters together.
i wanted to completely format and reinstall xp but it appears it just copied over and still left me with the problems.

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Sudden Power Cut During Reinstallation

Aug 15, 2009

last time i was to format the hard drive of my hp laptop while files were copied through os cd all of sudden due to power cut the installation had to cancelled,when next time I tried to install the os my laptop screen showed a message "NTLDR IS MISSING..TO RESTART PRESS CTRL+ALT+DELETE" BUT EVEN TRYING TO RESTART IT COULD NOT

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Reinstallation Of Windows Xp Home

May 11, 2007

Someone gave me a laptop that didn't work. It's a HP Pavillion ze 4900.It originally had xp home on it, so I ordered a new disk to install on it. It was saying that some files were not found. It would do nothing. It also has a password on it. I did find out the password from them. I tried doing the repair installation and it didn't work, so I formatted the partition and tried to re-install to it. The problem is that when it finished formatting and then loading the windows files, when it restarts from there I have to put in the password again and it starts all over. I have done this 2x now and still it keeps doing the same thing. I just turned it off and thought

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Reinstallation Issue In DELL

Sep 7, 2007

I have recently had to format my Dell Dimension 2400 desktop due to the fact it was full of viruses

I used an XP home sp2 disc to format and reinstall the operating system no probs, but now the screen resolution won't go above 640x480 pixels, and everything is massive, I'm guessing this is a driver issue

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System Is Not Working Well After The Reinstallation

Dec 4, 2008

i have reinstalled xp on my pc today. i chose the option to format the hard drive. everything has finished and i have installed the drivers etc.

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Undeletable Folders After Reinstallation

Aug 22, 2007

I reinstalled Windows XP Pro and afterwards a folder, with subfolders, is not possible to open or even delete. It contained quite a lot of data and now it says that it contains 0 files.I have tried programs like deleteatboot and unlock, but its still there. I can drag and drop files into the folder but then that file just dissapear and the folder still says 0 files and 0 bytes.I can also move the folder.

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Computer Won't Load Anything After Reinstallation

Oct 4, 2009

My wife is trying to use my son's laptop which we have just had fixed due to having loads of viruses.The laptop would then not even start up, so I re-installed Windows (XP Home) and everything seemed fine, as it would boot up onto the desktop and have all the icons.No matter how long I leave it (even left for 4hours one day) I cannot load ANYTHING. When I click an icon the hour glass will appear and then thats it. It won't even let me switch it off via Start.She really needs to get on to it for work. But if a re-install won't work. Is there anything that will?

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Computer Crashed After Reinstallation

Jul 2, 2008

My windows was not loading properly and so i used windows pro sp2 cd and repaired my current installation. Once that was done when i tried to update it didn't happened and so i went to and downloaded a fix patch and it worked. After that my ca internet security 2008 suite was not loading anymore with windows and so i just unistalled it and reinstalled it and windows started to crash. Now when it crash it gives me multiple of blue screen and nothing till i restart and same thing continues.

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Restart Computer After Reinstallation

Oct 2, 2002

I run on Windows 2000 professional.Intermittently my computer on its own will restart. The only consistency is that I am online using broadband.For a completely different reason I just reinstalled Windows 2000.

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Hp Compaq 6720s Windows Xp Reinstallation

May 31, 2010

how to to re install windows xp in hp compaq 6720s

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Getting Rid Of Hidden Files After Reinstallation Of Windows XP

Dec 2, 2007

I have recently reinstalled windows XP after some speed problems and my PC is running really well now. I've also been carrying out a lot of registry clean-up (CC Cleaner), maintenance etc.

When carrying out a disc defragmentation, I noticed that there was reference to a lot of mainly old downloaded files which were saved on the hard-disk before I reinstalled windows.

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Wireless Modem Is Not Recognised After Reinstallation

Jul 16, 2008

I have recently reinstalled Windows XP - everything seems to be OK, except that my wireless modem is not recognised and I cannot connect to the internet.

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IE7 Reinstallation Failure - Internet Disappeared

Sep 24, 2007

When our internet disappeared last Thursday I was advised by a man at the BT helpdesk to uninstall IE7 as it was part of his troubleshooting list. The internet is now working again but the laptop won't let me re-install IE7. When I try, it looks like it's going ok but then at the end says 'Internet Explorer installation did not complete'. I tried a system restore but it wouldn't let me do that either.

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Operating System Code - Reinstallation

Jul 22, 2008

i need a code for reinstallation cd microsoft windows xp home edition including service pack 2

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Reinstallation - New WD HD For Dell Inspiron 5100

Dec 5, 2006

I had to purchase a new hardrive for a Dell Inspiron 5100. I am just wondering how to go about the Windows reinstallation on a Dell. Do I just plug in the reinstall cd like usual and go from there? I know this might be a Duh question, but it's a Dell.

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Reinstallation - Use DBAN - Does Not Detect Drive

Oct 6, 2007

I wanted to do is remove Vista from it and reinstall XP. I have already run DBAN (Darik's Boot and Nuke) to wipe the drive, but WinXP does not detect the drive. I have Windows XP Pro SP1. Now, I have tried the recovery CDs to ensure the drive has not been deemed unrecognisable from DBAN. It still is recognised, both in the BIOS and by the recovery software, but my XP CD doesn't even see it. What I was thinking of was slipstreaming SP2 into my CD. So I need to know two things:

1. Would doing that make any difference?
2. How do I go about slipstreaming SP2 onto my CD?

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Cannot Retrieve Data After Non Destructive Reinstallation

Mar 2, 2009

my pc started goin into what looked like the old windows 95 after booting up after a few mins everytime and nothing would work very good so i tried system recovery and it didnt respond so i decided to to do a non destuctive reinstallation of windows. so after it was all reinstalled i looked for my data when i hold my cursor over the hard drive in my computer its says total size 350 gb free space 160gb so my datas is there somewhere and in documents and settings there is two administrator folders so one i will have my data in but i cnnot access it it comes up a error access is denied.

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Make A Slipstreamed Disk From An OEM Reinstallation CD

Jan 6, 2009

Wife�s notebook needs its annual redo and I don�t feel like spending hours downloading updates/patches/fixes for XP/office/etc. Just wondering if anyone�s made a S.S XP install disk from their original factory reinstallation disks. If it's do-able with nlite.I suppose if the windows files are .cabbed or zipped, I�d have to extract them to a folder on the HD, along with all the other XP files.....then point nlite to the folder.

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Lost Network Connection After Reinstallation

Nov 25, 2006

do you know anything about "losing" internet explorer, after a win xp re-install? my brother-in-law had a virus come in (we think) and his pc wouldn't start, wouldn't do anything, was stuck in a helpless loop, asking for install cd, then nothing, reboot same thing over & over. I had him re-install windows xp by hitting F8, working our way to get the pc to even see the install cd, it seemed to fix the booting up problem, he lost everything (personal files etc) but at least windows came up, and seemed to be functional until... now he can't connect to the internet, there's nothing in his network connections, tried the wizard, no luck, seems like the pc lost the ability to ADD a connection

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Download SP2 - Reinstallation Operating System

Dec 26, 2006

I live in the UK and im goining to Miami tomorrow morning.A week ago my computer wouldnt boot so i repaired and then re-isntalled XP and now it works fine however, I got a Zune for christmass and I install the software but it says log off from windows and sign back in to use Zune. It says this as I dont have Service Pack 2 installed anymore after the re-installation. I really need it because I bought the Zune to take away tomorrow and now I cant put any music on it untill I get SP2. OK, so ive download SP2, and it runs for bout 40 minutes then it gets to a bit were it says umm..inspecting system configuration before installand then just stays at that point. This has happend a number of times.

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Blue Screen With Errors Even After Reinstallation

Jun 30, 2006

I get this error. Blue screen and all.I tried different things that it says to try.Like do a scan disk.
But It will not let me load a A:disk or CD I make them the first boot but. Bypasses it right to the HD and then the blue screen with those errors.

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Dell Reinstallation CD Home Edition SP1a

Jul 1, 2007

This came with my Dimension 2400 desktop 3 years ago which of course I updated to SP2.I was wondering if it could be used as the operating system for another laptop without one (maybe Dell or Toshiba) for my second computer and still be recognized for all the Microsoft updates. Someday my Fujitsu 655 TX hard drive will use up all of its rotations

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Which NTFS Format To Chosse During Reinstallation Of Windows

Jun 28, 2006

my hardrive failed and i was forced to format and reinstall windows xp sp2, during the installion i noticed something very intresting.

in the DOS menu of the windows xp installation, a user is usually given an option to delete and created a new partition, upon doing so, the user will be given two choices:

1-format partition into ntfs (fast)

2-format partition into ntfs

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Access Denied To My Documents Folder After Reinstallation

Apr 20, 2006

After the installation of windows xp the access to my computer is denied
i have followed the instructions until "click to clear the Use simple file sharing (Recommended) check box" because there appears to be no check box under this description.
I have over 20gig of ireplaceable files in this folder i would really appreciate some more assistance.
I'm using Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition sp2

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Cannot Reinstallation Disc - Recognizing Wireless Card

Nov 22, 2009

i have a dell inspiron 1300 laptop with windows XP, i also have a desktop 2400 with windows XP. I did something real stupid the laptop did not come with a reinstallation disc. So i figured the windows XP disc i got with my desktop i could reformat my laptop. i was gravely mistaken it seams that now i can't get on the internet. because it's not recognizing that i have a wireless card in my laptop.

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