Difficulty Transferring Digital Videos

Jun 23, 2006

I am using XP Pro with 1 Gig Ram and plenty of hard disk space (500 Gig).I am having difficulty saving videos from my Sony DCR-TRV480 NTSC video camera.I used to be able to with no issues however, I've recently reinstalled my operating system and since then it appears that the video is transferring and after I try, finishing this error occurs:.avi could not be imported. The selected file is not valid or is corrupted.

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Transferring Video Clips From Digital Camera To Computer / Media Players Show Images Upside Down

Jun 29, 2005

While transferring video clips from my digital camera to my computer, the media players show images upside down. There is no problem when transferring to other computers.

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Having Difficulty Getting View

Mar 6, 2007

Having difficulty getting the view as webpage setting for folders is it possible to do this with winxp sp2?

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Intermittent Crashes And Difficulty Restarting

Dec 10, 2007

I saw that COD 4 would not run on my exising vid card, and I ordered an upgrade. I bought and installed the 7800gs nvidia agp card works awesome.It plays oblivion on the ultra high settings sweet.Played with it for a couple of months before COd 4 came out played the cod 4 demo over and over.my system is origional at this point except for 2 things the vid card...and the ram.It came with a single kingston 512 valuram ship in slot my system is dual channel, but I did not know what that meant, so about a year and a half ago, I installed a second 512 chip,(a kbyte chip 512 mb from best buy) into slot 3. I have 4 slots total.It has ran with the ram configuration with no issues, and uses the 1 gb avail. anyway, after playing cod 4 single player twice, and having no computer issues at all the pc started to crash once and a while.

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Digital Camera As A Web Cam?

Sep 14, 2005

Is it possible to use a digital camera as a web cam?

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Use My Digital Camera As A Web Cam?

Jul 29, 2010

My question is can i use my digital camera as a web cam?

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Hauppauge DVB-TV In MCE - No Digital Sound

Oct 6, 2007

I can't seem to get a digital signal in the media center although i have got analogue.
Device Manager shows the yellow exclamation mark by the WinTV 88x DVB-T Hybrid Tuner/Demod. It says code 31,Windows was unable to install the drivers for this device. In driver file details the driver is there but doesn't have a tick by it like the others & it says its not digitally signed.I haven't uninstalled or reinstalled any drivers for it & i haven't used HCWCLEAR because i unfamiliar with it,i'd prefer to get some more info before i attempt anything or mess anything up.

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Digital Still Camera Driver

Aug 26, 2009

After I uninstalled some Dell printer software from my computer, my Cannon camera and Samsung scanner do not work. I have deleted the devices and connected them again but when XP tries to install the drivers I get this error: "Windows cannot load the device drivers for the new hardware. The Driver may be corrupt or missing. (Code 39)".I have reinstalled SP2 then SP3 but that did not help.

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Cannot Play Videos

Sep 22, 2005

I am on CMT.COM and when I go to the video section to watch a video the commercial will play but when it gets to the video it will not play all it says on the player is ready.

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Can't Play Videos

Aug 19, 2009

I'm not sure where to ask this because I'm not sure what's causing it. I have a fresh install of XP Pro in an old machine running an Athlon XP 3000+ on an ASUS A7V8X MB with 1.25G of memory. Bios & drivers are current. Every time I launch a DVD the system freezes completely. I can open the viewer, either VLC or WMP but as soon as the DVD begins to open it freezes. The CPU is not overclocked and the machine runs OK otherwise.

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Certificate Server - Need Digital Signatures

May 31, 2005

I have about a 100 collection employees that send confidential information (credit cards and other information) to third party vendors for payments. I want to encrypt all emails going out to these vendors. In order to do that, the employees need digital signatures.

My questions:

(1) I'm assuming that I will need a 128-bit encryption certificate server for this. Is there a site that someone can point me to so that I can investigate this further?

(2) Would it be possible to set up one digital ID for all employees or must it be separate?

(3) I do have an Exchange 2003 server. If I need to assign digital ID's to the 100 employees, is there a script that I can use to get this done quicker?

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Not Recognize My Evision 123 Digital Camera

May 2, 2005

Suddenly, windows XP will not recognize my evision 123 digital camera. I tried another port but no luck. A message came up that refered to the cameria not having a signed logo?

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Intel Cs 630 Webcam-digital Camera

Dec 21, 2006

I have a intel cs 630 webcam/digital camera.when i had windows se installed i had no problem downloading the drivers and other software on the installation cd.since then i have gotten a dell pc with windows xp home edition version 2002.it will start n run the cd....but the installion wizard will not complete the dldoes anyone have any ideas as to how i can complete the task?.otherwise i'm sitting here with a very exspensive webcam/digital camera.collecting dust.

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New Digital Camera / Cannot Get Device Manager

Nov 4, 2007

I have just purchased a Fuji Fine pix camera and cannot get the device manager to see it. It has a yellow triangle against the digital camera entry and under properties has" Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because a previous instance of the device driver is still in memory. (Code 38) If I install new hardware it sees tha camera and I get new hardware found but then give the message not installed properly, any ideas out there?

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Documents>My Videos>Veoh

Sep 28, 2007

I came across this message today, "Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the incovience".I clicked on the "To see what data this error report contains, click here"Here is the info I got from that:
Error Signature App Name: explorer.exe ModVer : AppVer : Modname: mpegsplitter.ax Offset : 000249eb I guess you probably need to know where Im encountering this problem... It only happens when I go to My Documents>My Videos>Veoh.

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Converting Avi Videos To DVDs

Mar 26, 2010

I have some avi videos I wish to convert to DVD and burn. I used to use this program called ********* AVI to DVD which would convert the avi file and then automatically burn it to a dvd. However after a reinstall of my OS and reinstalling the program i tried loading an avi file and I get this error:"Avi2Mpeg Main has encountered an error and needs to close."I've tried reinstalling the program and making sure I have all the codecs needed but still no luck.

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Seem To Have No My Music Or My Videos Folder

Dec 25, 2005

I deleted my old user account on my Windows XP Pro machine a few weeks ago and now I no longer have a My Music Folder or a My Videos folder. Either that or it just simply isn't showing up in the Start Menu and is hidden somewhere. Anyone care to help me figure out what's going on here and how I can fix it?

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Big Green Floating Digital Clock Back

Apr 28, 2010


I used to be able to have a digital clock displayed as my screen-saver . I think it was a marquis option.

Sometimes I fall asleep in front of the computer and wake up in the middle of the night This can be a little disorienting and I am always fumbling for my cell phone and I can't even read the display because my eyes are all blurry.

Would be so nice if I could get that big green floating digital clock back, as my screen saver.

It would also help when I'm rushing around and trying to get out of the house (condo)

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NET 3.0 Installation Fails - Digital Slege Hammer

Dec 18, 2007

Just wondering if anyone else has had issues with this update? I have a XP Pro machine that won't take this update. I tried un installing all the .net stuff and installing the updates one at a time from .net 1 up to .net 3. I have got the machine to take up to the .net 2 sp1. It doesn't seem to like the .net 3 though. Anyone have a quick fix, reg hack or digital slege hammer to make this .net 3 to install properly?

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Display Properties - Digital Photos - Right Click

Jul 27, 2005

I need to know how to delete an item from the background list in Display
Properties/Desktop. These are digital photos from My Pictures that somehow
got copied to the background list. These items are not in
Windows/Web/Wallpaper. When I "right click" on an item, I get "whats this?",
not "rename, delete, etc."

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Doesn't Recognize Olympus Digital Camera

Jan 12, 2006

my XP SP2 doesn't recognize my Olympus FE-100. It installs it as "Unknown device". I have no problems this kind with my printer, mp3 player, but i had the same problem when trying to connect my friends watch which has usb memory in it (it works fine on his computer- XP). I tried to connect my camera on Win ME and it works properly. I know this has to do something with my XP, i just don't know what. I tried to uninstall- reinstall the camera, stop-restart the WIA but nothing helped. There is no driver for it because xp should recognize it at least as a storage device.

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Can't Detect My 3340 Vivicam Digital Camera

Feb 18, 2005

My camera worked just fine for a couple of months, using UBS cable. Then suddenly my computer couldn't detect the camera, although it's listed in the hardware device list, and say it's working fine. Checked connections: fine.
I've downloaded the drive from the vivicam website; I've used the disk that came with the camera, and nothing seems to work. Reinstalled it. I have the latest windows XP updates.

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Using Digital Camera As An Portable Storage Device?

Aug 12, 2002

This is not really a tweak as such, just a very simple thing you could do with your digital camera that most people don't think about.Do you have a digital camera that shows up as a removable storage device in explorer? Well, start using it as one!You can use the memory cards on your camera for storing documents mp3's or whatever you choose to store there. Perfect if you need to bring some files to a friend, but the files won't fit on a diskette and you don't have a CD burner - just save it on the camera!

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Transfering Vhs Video Not Digital To Computer To Record

Jul 6, 2005

if it possible to transfer video from my JVC video camera, not digital) to my computer, so I can transfer it to a dvd or cd. I have windows xp home, but don't know if you need to know any other info. If so, let me know, and I will add it.

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Can't Detect Removable USB Drive - Can't Use Digital Camera

Dec 12, 2005

All of a sudden my PC isn't finding a removable drive when i plug my camera into the USB port. I'm trying to copy pics from my digital camera and have always used the removable drive function in My Computer...now it's not working. other USB hardware (keyboard, mouse etc) are working fine. I've changed the cable, installed the camera driver disk, tried finding new hardware, and tried different USB ports to no avail.Camera is an Episilom 1.3 digital dreams and is working fine. Running Win XP SP2 on AMD Semprom 2800+ 2 GHz processor. Mobo is ASRock K7Upgrade-600

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Transferring The Old Hd With The Os

Apr 25, 2009

My comp has died and I am rebuilding a new one, I was curious if there are any major issues of transferring the old hd with the os to the new comp with the exception of changing out the drivers? I don't want to install XP all over again, add all the updates and then install all my programs and games.

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Deleting Files - Two Pornographic Videos

May 16, 2007

There are two pornographic videos that are downloaded onto my computer in the folder that I use to download music on LimeWire. I've never downloaded a video from LimeWire that I can recall, only music. Anyway, these 2 files will not delete when I right-click and try to select delete. There is no delete on the right-click list, the files CANNOT be dragged into any other folder including the Recycle Bin

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Videos Are Multi Colored Like A Rainbow?

Apr 14, 2007

Its strange my videos are multicolored like a rainbow some of them are and some of them aren't could it be a codec problem? can anybody help i haven't been on the computer scene for a long time

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ActiveX - Videos In Website Not PLAY

Sep 23, 2006

everytime i try to see a movie in a website (like a movie trailer) or a website that has music (a friend's network for example). it asks me "click to run an activex control on this website" and i have to accept each time. it gets a bit annoying. i dont think i had this before so maybe something changed in my settings that makes me accept this each time. in addition, i tried to go to internet option>security>custom and enable all the activex plugin options... but i still get the same window asking me ro run activex. i have also realized that in some websites like mojoflix.com (similar to Internet) i cannot even see any videos anymore. there is a small red x (inside a white square) on the top left corner. any idea of what we might have changed that does not allow me to see this videos and asks me for activex verification in other sites?

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Getting Blue Screen While Playing Videos?

Jun 28, 2008

I recently upgraded my 2x 512mb RAM for a brand new 2x 1GB sticks. After that I'm having random crashes when playing video sometimes even mp3 on winamp but mostly on Video playback. I'm having no problem playing games I can play for hours and it wont crash. Watching embedded video on firefox no problem as well. I've done some testing it happens sometimes when I try to play a video doesn't matter if its .avi, .wmv, .mkv, a lot of times when I try to pause or stop the video and most of the time when the video is playing and I close the player.Now I've tried different players VLC, WMP classic, WMP 10,11 also tried different Nvidia Drivers ranging from 80.xx to the latest 175.16 with no luck. I've attached minidumps and a bugcheck on the latest minidump.

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Not Enough Video Memory To Operate Digital Arts Studio

Dec 25, 2007

I just bought The Fisher-Price Digital Arts And Craft Studio for my daughter. She's a little disappointed because she got it for Christmas and can't use it. It will not install because it says there is not enough video memory - minimum of 64MB required? Im running Windows XP with SP 2. AMD Sempron Processor 2400 1.5Gb RAM.

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