Intermittent Crashes And Difficulty Restarting

Dec 10, 2007

I saw that COD 4 would not run on my exising vid card, and I ordered an upgrade. I bought and installed the 7800gs nvidia agp card works awesome.It plays oblivion on the ultra high settings sweet.Played with it for a couple of months before COd 4 came out played the cod 4 demo over and system is origional at this point except for 2 things the vid card...and the ram.It came with a single kingston 512 valuram ship in slot my system is dual channel, but I did not know what that meant, so about a year and a half ago, I installed a second 512 chip,(a kbyte chip 512 mb from best buy) into slot 3. I have 4 slots total.It has ran with the ram configuration with no issues, and uses the 1 gb avail. anyway, after playing cod 4 single player twice, and having no computer issues at all the pc started to crash once and a while.

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Having Difficulty Getting View

Mar 6, 2007

Having difficulty getting the view as webpage setting for folders is it possible to do this with winxp sp2?

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Difficulty Transferring Digital Videos

Jun 23, 2006

I am using XP Pro with 1 Gig Ram and plenty of hard disk space (500 Gig).I am having difficulty saving videos from my Sony DCR-TRV480 NTSC video camera.I used to be able to with no issues however, I've recently reinstalled my operating system and since then it appears that the video is transferring and after I try, finishing this error occurs:.avi could not be imported. The selected file is not valid or is corrupted.

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Intermittent Internet Connection

Sep 8, 2007

Gotta type this quick before internet goes off.Modem on, but when I turn pc on internet goes off intermittently, sometimes on a minute, sometimes half an hour, then suddenly, "Local Area Connection, A Network Cable is Unplugged", wait half an hour and it comes on again ( sometimes).Also im closing (shutting down pc, and before it shuts down it restarts without any prompting..

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Intermittent Freeze Crash

Sep 8, 2010

we have had the computer in question for about 3 or four years now, however starting approximately a year ago it started to do this weird thing where randomly the entire computer will completely freeze, if there is any sound playing at the time of the freeze the sound loops repetitively and this will continue until the computer is reset.I tried to see if there was any specific cause for it doing this but i can only say that it happens more often during more intense programs (Eg: I-Tunes, video games, more demanding browsers like Chrome and Opera) but it will crash on occasion while doing nothing or running less intense programs like Internet explorer or paint. I have done numerous checks for virusesadwaremalware and nothing comes up that ultimately fixes the problem when it is removed. I have done several scans for registry errors and still nothing fixes the problem, at one point i even used the windows boot disc to delete the registry and restore it back to default, which as you can guess did not fix the problem and mainly just left me with a huge headache.I have reset the Bios and that doesn't work. i found something relatively similar to the problem i was having which would suggest that my RAM is bad so i ran memtest but after 4 passes it came up with nothing.I used the vacuum cleaner to clean out the whole case and still no results.

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Intermittent Password - Unable To Login

Jul 5, 2006

My laptop is running XP SP2. There are two accounts created, one for myself and one for my partner. Both accounts have administrator privileges. Yesterday my partner was unable to login, as XP rejected every attempt with a "have you forgotten your password" balloon. I logged-in OK on my account, changed the password (but used the same value as before) on her account, then logged-out. This time she could log in OK. Same problem happened again this morning!! Once corrected as above, then she can login in/out without problem.

It is not the obvious things of finger-trouble, Caps Lock ON by mistake etc etc - checked all those. First time it occurred was shortly after a violent thunderstorm, so I wondered if electrical interference had caused a corruption somewhere, but everything else seems OK and there was not another storm this morning.

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Intermittent Blue Screen Message

Nov 25, 2008

My old computer has a blue screen problem which is intermittent, and usually as it is loading windows, however can happen anytime. It is not a heat problem as it happens as well when the puter is completely cold and started. I ran Memtest for 2 cycles and there were not memory problems showing. I cleared the CMOS and installed a new BIOS battery after that and reset the BIOS to its previous settings. I am running Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3; Board: MSI MS-6380E 1.0; 512 Megabytes Installed Memory [DDR]; 1566 megahertz AMD Athlon XP; Maxtor Hard Drive; RADEON 8500 SERIES [Display adapter]. My screen will suddenly go into Blue screen with the message Driver_IRQL_Not_less_or equal then Stop 0X000000D1 [0X00000004, 0X00000002, 0X00000001, 0X82F8839C] . The Blue screen will frequently then have wide lines appear across the screen so you cant read every line. I took out my video card and reinserted it. Does anyone know the code message translation to identify the area of fault?

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Intermittent Mouse Click Response

Sep 13, 2005

About every 10 to 20 mouse clicks the click is not recognized by the system. This can occur for desktop clicks or in any application. The computer vendor suggests that I reinstall the operating system (XP) to correct the problem.

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Upgrade My Motherboard To Getting Intermittent Faults?

Sep 14, 2005

I need to upgrade my motherboard as I am getting intermittent faults with it. I run on Windows XP which was pre installed by TIME computers 3 years ago as a OEM operating system. As everyone knows they have gone bust. I obviously don't have a windows CD to repair the installation when I install the new motherboard.

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Slow Startup Intermittent Blue Screen Of Death

Jun 15, 2006

after installing software needed to remote access hospital, (ICA32, aventail) started to get blue screen of death.i disabled aventail automatically running at start up. still got blue screen.i restarted with last known good configuration and so far no blue screen.still, the restart takes too long (predates blue screen).

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Chk Dsk Keeping Restarting & Computer Keeps Restarting?

May 19, 2008

After I used Fix-it Utlilies the program erased essential system folders. So now when I do check disk it reboots, flashes a blue screen real fast (so fast I can't even read it) then restarts the computer, restarts check disk, restarts the computer, and on & on. It won't stop doing this till I interrupt check disk at the start by hitting any key but then I end up with a black screen with instructions which include safe mode, safe mode with networking, start windows normally & last known configuration

I can't boot from an installation CD to do a "repair" since Windows was preinstalled in the drive so I have NO CD. Does system recovery work?, who knows, I'm a noob and have no idea how to use it. The only thing I've tried to fix it was 2 things : 1) use system restore which failed; 2) use run> sfc /scannow but this file checker is also broken and will barely start before it errors and stops. I don't know what else to do besides reformat

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SP2: Explorer.exe Randomly Crashes And Always Crashes When In Folders

Feb 21, 2009

I am confused, but I will describe this best I can: explorer.exe crashes when viewing folders or anything built on explorer.exe (I guess) at exactly 11 seconds in on them. It also randomly crashes every couple hours. Im extremely confused by all this

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Won't Stop Restarting. Gives 1 Min Before Restarting?

Oct 31, 2009

When I turn the computer on as soon as the welcome screen comes up to sign in, a window pops up saying "The system is shutting down. Please save all work in progress and log off. Any unsaved changes will be lost. This shutdown was initiated by NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. Time before shutdown: [counts down from 1 min] Message: the system process 'C:WINDOWSsystem32services.exe' terminated unexpectedly with status code -1073741482. The system will now shut down and restart."
I have tried system restore which is unsuccessful, I have done "last known good configuration" which also doesn't work. I'm in grad school and need my computer

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2000 Pro-keeps Restarting And Restarting After Sp4?

Sep 18, 2005

the computer boots up and goes to the windows 2000 screen but then the next screen would be the desktop but instead it reboots and goes to the same spot the 2000 screen but never makes it to the desktop, this happens over and over. I tried to go into safe mode but does the same thing tried command prompt only so I could type in SCANREG but it just reboots again I can't get anywhere to do anything.

The last thing I tried was last known good configuration. I clicked on it and a page comes up with all the writing I hardly got a chance to read it when it reboot again. but under the first paragraph wher it says something about last know good configuration it has a space and the it says project 1 like I could have click on that if I would have been fast enough.

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Browser Crashes, PC Crashes, BSOD

Mar 5, 2010

I started getting browser and sometimes PC crashes. At first it seemed to be browser related. But the PC would also crash when idle. I tried disabling add- ons in Firefox and opening in safe mode. Tried using Chrome but it would crash with the message that Flash had malfunctioned. Then I started getting Stop messages and BSODs.I hadn't installed and new hardware and, I don't think, installed any new big programs except for updates to existing ones.

I emailed a few of the mini dump files to a friend. He said they didn't specify which drivers were causing the problem. But it might be something to do with the video or the network card. I rolled back drivers. No change. I updated drivers and uninstalled lots of programs. For a month everything seemed stable. Then the BSODs started to return. Infrequently at first but then more regularily. Sorry the story is a bit confused but it is difficult to remember every detail of what happened and the order I did things in.

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My PC Keeps Restarting Itself

Dec 6, 2006

I have Microsoft XP. This morning, my PC won't take me to the account members screen. After it goes to the XP logo, it restarts itself, then goes to the XP logo, then it starts again. What is happening to my PC? And can I correct this problem without losing any of my saved data?

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Shutting Down But Its Restarting

Sep 17, 2007

When I shut down my computer it restarts. I am using a Compaq Deskpro EN with windows 2000 operating system.

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Won't Shutdown - Keeps Restarting

Sep 6, 2010

i try to shutdown my system.turned off but keeps system details:

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Computer Restarting On Its Own

Oct 20, 2006

I just bought this computer about 4 months ago and over the last few days it has been randomly restarting on its own. I ran adaware and scanned for viruses with norton and they found nothing. Yesterday it restarted a couple of times, one time I had firefox and paint shop pro open, the other time, I had outlook express open. I'm not sure what could be causing this, the only thing I've installed within the last two days was the latest expansion pack for sims 2.

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Computer Keeps Restarting

Apr 12, 2009

My computer keeps restarting over and over again. It starts and boots up and goes through the process of restarting over and over again.

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PC Will Not Boot Up Keeps Restarting

Jul 15, 2009

My wife fired up her PC this morning and it would not complete the boot process. Shows Windows XP page, then COMPAQ page, then black screen, then back to Windows XP page. Just keeps going in circles. I have switched it off and tried again but usually with same results. A couple of times I have gotten page saying there was a problem and asking if I wanted to start in safe mode. I've tried this. Seems to rapidly scroll through a bunch of lines of info, then quickly go back to the reboot cycle. I can go into setup or recovery from the COMPAQ page. I want to avoid having to reload all my wife's applications though. I don't have the original XP disk. I have current antivirus/spyware (AVG paid version, installed about a week ago). We've made no other recent hardware/software changes, although my daughter was on the net last night!

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Computer Keeps Restarting

Oct 16, 2006

i aint doing it ! the computer keeps restarting on its own it all happened yesterday first time it just restarted i dont remaber doing anything suspicious.i checked my inside of computer and everything is intact, i checked for spywares and still no hope done a chkdisk etc.

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Computer Keeps Restarting / Now Can't Log On

Mar 3, 2008

A couple of weeks ago my computer started to act very strangely and after sending numerous windows errors it began to restart on its own for about 5 mins then restart again.It continued in this loop and actually the loop became smaller to the point where I couldn't even get onto the log on screen and it just kept saying press 'ctrl, alt, delete'.When I did it just restarted to the same point (small loop).I asked a few IT bods and they said that it couldn't read from the hard drive and managed to get a XP boot disk and it then started to run but not to my log on page. The page had a 'run' button instead of start.I copied over all of the files from the disk to the hard drive and ran it from there.Then hey presto I was back on to my log on page and home page.Then exactly the same thing happened.The error pop ups began and it began to shut down and restart.

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Computer Keeps Restarting,

Nov 20, 2007

My computer keeps restarting. I tried everything I could find on google with no prevail Within minutes of turning on my computer it restarts. I followed one suggestion un checked an option "restart computer when computer crashes" and now it just freezes within minutes of startup. It doesn't, however, freeze in safe mode if that makes a difference.I've tried pretty much every virus/spyware program in the book so I don't think thats the problem.

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Computer Keeps On Restarting - Virus?

Apr 2, 2005

Yea, for some reason my computer keeps restarting randmoly and it seems to be a virus...but i have used every "Free" anti-virus program possible.

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Keeps Restarting / WinLogon.exe Error

Feb 18, 2008

My computer keeps restarting and i keep getting the winlogon.exe error.

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How To Get Web Pages Displayed Besides Restarting The PC

Jul 30, 2007

gets displayed even when there is an internet connection available. tried disconnecting but ths same message is shown again. Then finally i have to restart the PC to get this resolved. I use ADSL connection with 512kb/s in Qatar (MIddle East). Oh oh i've tried cleaning the pc with Spyware Doctor and Registry Mechanic too. can i do anything else to get the web pages displayed besides restarting the PC.

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Computer Crashed / Now Keeps Restarting

Mar 6, 2007

Last night my girlfriends daughter tried to install a game on her PC (one of these tycoon games) it froze half way through installing and then switched itself off. When trying to restart it, it asks whether to restart in Normal or Safe mode etc and then it gets as far as the Microsoft Windows XP screen and then restarts itself again.It gets to the same stage everytime and restarts. It won’t allow me to start in safe or normal mode.

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Computer Keeps Restarting / Possible Virus

May 3, 2006

I think my computer may have some kind of virus. None of my antivirus and spyware programs are picking it up. My computer just keeps on restarting. It seems that it restarts when too many programs are running and when I am away from the computer for more then half an hour. I never noticed it automatically restarting until about two days ago. Everytime I leave the computer and come back, it has been restarted. How do I fix this?

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Restarting The Computer Or Keeps It Turned On?

Oct 8, 2006

I heard a computer show today where the host was saying you should restart XP after three days or so because it slows down, gets buggy, ect. Yet I had heard it said you could leave in on for weeks or months.... which is correct?

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Random Restarting And Freezing

Feb 4, 2006

My computer restarts once in a while at random times. I don't think it has anything to do with the programs I use at the time because it seems to restart even if I'm not doing anything but listen to music. There are also times when my computer just stops. However, sometimes the error messages are different. I've received 0x0000007F and 0x000000DE error messages before. I've tried replace my old 300 watt power supply with a 420, but I still get error messages. I've run memtest and found no errors with my memory. The file that I attached to this post contains my most recent minidump of one of the three errors and a Hijack This log.

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