Upgrade My Motherboard To Getting Intermittent Faults?

Sep 14, 2005

I need to upgrade my motherboard as I am getting intermittent faults with it. I run on Windows XP which was pre installed by TIME computers 3 years ago as a OEM operating system. As everyone knows they have gone bust. I obviously don't have a windows CD to repair the installation when I install the new motherboard.

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Upgrade Motherboard Overheated / Failed - Fan Broke Down

Jun 16, 2005

I switched from Windows98 to Windows XP SP2 about 7 months ago using an "upgrade" version without any problems. Two weeks ago my motherboard overheated and failed after a fan broke down. I have therefore just installed a new motherboard and newer processor. All drives and other bits and pieces are the same. The BIOS recognises everything but Windows won't start. I get a message suggesting that this might be due to new hardware or software and gives me a number of options to pick from - Safe Mode; Safe Mode with Network; Safe Mode with promt; Last Known Good Configuration; Start Normally.

None of these seem to work. The system either reboots immediately and goes back to the message or else I get a long list of files flashed up momentarily starting: multi(0)disk(0)rdiskpartition1windowssystem32xxxxxxxxx The list appears too briefly to read and then the system reboots before taking me back to the message.

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Change Computer Port - Diagnosing Faults

Jul 28, 2009

i need to use a program for diagnosing faults in my car. I am told I have to use com_port 4 or lower but am unable to find any mention of where this is changed.

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Intermittent Internet Connection

Sep 8, 2007

Gotta type this quick before internet goes off.Modem on, but when I turn pc on internet goes off intermittently, sometimes on a minute, sometimes half an hour, then suddenly, "Local Area Connection, A Network Cable is Unplugged", wait half an hour and it comes on again ( sometimes).Also im closing (shutting down pc, and before it shuts down it restarts without any prompting..

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Intermittent Freeze Crash

Sep 8, 2010

we have had the computer in question for about 3 or four years now, however starting approximately a year ago it started to do this weird thing where randomly the entire computer will completely freeze, if there is any sound playing at the time of the freeze the sound loops repetitively and this will continue until the computer is reset.I tried to see if there was any specific cause for it doing this but i can only say that it happens more often during more intense programs (Eg: I-Tunes, video games, more demanding browsers like Chrome and Opera) but it will crash on occasion while doing nothing or running less intense programs like Internet explorer or paint. I have done numerous checks for virusesadwaremalware and nothing comes up that ultimately fixes the problem when it is removed. I have done several scans for registry errors and still nothing fixes the problem, at one point i even used the windows boot disc to delete the registry and restore it back to default, which as you can guess did not fix the problem and mainly just left me with a huge headache.I have reset the Bios and that doesn't work. i found something relatively similar to the problem i was having which would suggest that my RAM is bad so i ran memtest but after 4 passes it came up with nothing.I used the vacuum cleaner to clean out the whole case and still no results.

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Intermittent Password - Unable To Login

Jul 5, 2006

My laptop is running XP SP2. There are two accounts created, one for myself and one for my partner. Both accounts have administrator privileges. Yesterday my partner was unable to login, as XP rejected every attempt with a "have you forgotten your password" balloon. I logged-in OK on my account, changed the password (but used the same value as before) on her account, then logged-out. This time she could log in OK. Same problem happened again this morning!! Once corrected as above, then she can login in/out without problem.

It is not the obvious things of finger-trouble, Caps Lock ON by mistake etc etc - checked all those. First time it occurred was shortly after a violent thunderstorm, so I wondered if electrical interference had caused a corruption somewhere, but everything else seems OK and there was not another storm this morning.

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Intermittent Blue Screen Message

Nov 25, 2008

My old computer has a blue screen problem which is intermittent, and usually as it is loading windows, however can happen anytime. It is not a heat problem as it happens as well when the puter is completely cold and started. I ran Memtest for 2 cycles and there were not memory problems showing. I cleared the CMOS and installed a new BIOS battery after that and reset the BIOS to its previous settings. I am running Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3; Board: MSI MS-6380E 1.0; 512 Megabytes Installed Memory [DDR]; 1566 megahertz AMD Athlon XP; Maxtor Hard Drive; RADEON 8500 SERIES [Display adapter]. My screen will suddenly go into Blue screen with the message Driver_IRQL_Not_less_or equal then Stop 0X000000D1 [0X00000004, 0X00000002, 0X00000001, 0X82F8839C] . The Blue screen will frequently then have wide lines appear across the screen so you cant read every line. I took out my video card and reinserted it. Does anyone know the code message translation to identify the area of fault?

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Intermittent Mouse Click Response

Sep 13, 2005

About every 10 to 20 mouse clicks the click is not recognized by the system. This can occur for desktop clicks or in any application. The computer vendor suggests that I reinstall the operating system (XP) to correct the problem.

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Intermittent Crashes And Difficulty Restarting

Dec 10, 2007

I saw that COD 4 would not run on my exising vid card, and I ordered an upgrade. I bought and installed the 7800gs nvidia agp card works awesome.It plays oblivion on the ultra high settings sweet.Played with it for a couple of months before COd 4 came out played the cod 4 demo over and over.my system is origional at this point except for 2 things the vid card...and the ram.It came with a single kingston 512 valuram ship in slot my system is dual channel, but I did not know what that meant, so about a year and a half ago, I installed a second 512 chip,(a kbyte chip 512 mb from best buy) into slot 3. I have 4 slots total.It has ran with the ram configuration with no issues, and uses the 1 gb avail. anyway, after playing cod 4 single player twice, and having no computer issues at all the pc started to crash once and a while.

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Slow Startup Intermittent Blue Screen Of Death

Jun 15, 2006

after installing software needed to remote access hospital, (ICA32, aventail) started to get blue screen of death.i disabled aventail automatically running at start up. still got blue screen.i restarted with last known good configuration and so far no blue screen.still, the restart takes too long (predates blue screen).

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Memory Size I Can Upgrade Upgrade

Nov 18, 2006

me how much memory i can install on my pc and also what size sticks i should buy

Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 1 (build 2600) Compaq Presario 5405EA 470032-640 MODEL1
System Serial Number: 4D23KQNTB02G

Enclosure Type: Mini-Tower

Processor a Main Circuit Board b

1.40 gigahertz AMD Athlon XP

128 kilobyte primary memory cache

256 kilobyte secondary memory cache Board: Compaq 073Ch

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USB On Motherboard

Nov 29, 2007

One of my computers has had an MSI motherboard just put into it, but the USB ports are not hooked to it. How do I get them connected?

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Jul 27, 2008

I'm looking to buy a new motherboard for my computer but i dont know what i need to look for.

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Pc Won't Cut On - Hooked To Motherboard

Dec 22, 2005

My pc was running just fine but when cut off it wouldonly cut back on when it wanted to couple hours couple days It got to where I didn't cut it off.. justrestarted it otherwise it worked great well lightsblinked a month ago and I haven't been able to get itto come back on since.... but the little light inside is on There is no noise whatsoeverjust kinda like it is dead I took the switch off and took it to two places to try tobuy another and they said those things never go badit had to be the part it was hooked to on the motherboard. My question is can they fix this without having to replace
the motherboard?

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Right Driver For Motherboard

Aug 30, 2005

My friend has recently bought a package PC, and the included motherboard drivers are... well, rubbish. I'm trying to find the right drivers for it, but the SiS website is useless, nevermind the Foxconn website. The motherboard is:Foxconn 655A01-FX-6LRS, Chipset (AFAIK): 655FX 964. I'm only used to nForce drivers (a single download), and this is just painful by comparison!I've already made 2 failed attempts to install the drivers, with no success. Which drivers do I need? At the minimum just the sound would be ok - he doesn't need the onboard graphics.

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Beeping From Motherboard

May 8, 2010

My computer beeps, when i have more programs running or playing games.The beeping is from the motherboard.Checked the internet and nothing worked reinstalled windows etc.Its getting annoying after a while.If there are options to repair it without replacing parts cuz recently i added 1000 ram a 7300 gt and a 2.80 ghz processor.The beeping its since the end of the last year.

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Early Signs Of A Motherboard Going Bad?

Aug 15, 2005

What are the early signs of a Motherboard going bad?

If it is the motherboard (Am I correct in assuming that I will need to shell out $200 or more for a full xp sp2 retail).

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Motherboard Without Reinstall - BSOD

Dec 10, 2008

I recently got a new motherboard (GIGABYTE GA-81915P-MF). I was on an AGP board and I upgraded so I could get a newer graphics card. I installed the new motherboard (without uninstalling Windows XP Pro) and I get BSOD. I have tried reinstalling XP PRO, booted from disc. It would work for a while until it froze, and then BSOD again. I have put in new hard drives and it still won't work. I get various BSOD's everytime. I'm not overclocking, my cpu chip is perfectly compatible and I have 2GB RAM so it can't be memory.

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New Motherboard And Old HDD / Fresh Install?

Feb 22, 2010

I'll buy a new motherboard with video card, cpu and memory but I will keep the old HDD. My old mobo is burnt so I can't boot the PC. I want to do a fresh install on C: but I have some data that I need. I have a few ideas but I don't know if they'll work.
1)Can I use Windows XP Live USB edition to boot with the new mobo, copy the data from C: to another partition and then do a clean Windows install(well, only the C: partition)?
2)What if I do a Windows Repair Install, copy the data from C: to another drive and then do a clean install?(I don't think this is a good option because the user settings and program files will be deleted and I want to keep them so I will know what apps will I have to install.

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UPgrading To From 2000 On New Motherboard

Feb 26, 2007

I just ordered a new mobo and will be upgrading to XP from 2000, which is currently installed on the hard drive I'll be using. I know it is always best to do a clean install with a new mobo but by doing the upgrade to XP will I avoid the problems of putting an old OS on a new mobo?

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Graphics Card - Associated With Motherboard

Aug 1, 2007

Will any graphcis card work with every motherboard? Because my graphics card is getting old and i want to get a better one. So are their specific graphics cards you can use for your motherboard or can any work?

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Motherboard Swap On System

Aug 31, 2005

My main XP Pro machine failed last night, with symptomology consistent with an actual failure of the motherboard. I'm going to try and attack it methodically tonight, but realistically I think the board will be "pining for the fjords.".I would like to take the primary disk from that machine, and cable it into the
old backup desktop machine in place of that machine's primary hard drive while I figure out what to do. That way I won't have to spend major amounts of time getting the Outlook .pst file moved and configured, not to mention all the other relatively important stuff sitting on that main machine.When I've done that in the past, that has always required a reinstall of Windows because the motherboards are totally different architectures and obviously take a different set of drivers and dlls and what have you.But I have a hunch this is not necessary if one knows the right tricks or perhaps how to run the mysterious Repair console.

Can anyone talk me through what I need to do in order to stick a hard drive with a good, running XP Pro installation onto a foreign machine? A second question: I run a small network at home cable modem into SMC .Barricade 4 port hub. The failing machine connects to the hub, as does a wireless router. I've found that when my primary machine is turned off (or in the case of this failure, is dead) that none of my networking works wired or wireless. I had to cable the backup desktop machine directly into the cable modem in order to have any connectivity. Just wired into the hub it waits forever for an IP address. I just don't understand what the main machine has to do with the networking process thought that was the job of the hub.

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Motherboard Network Card

Mar 17, 2006

I have an ethernet port that is physically connected to my motherboard. For some reason, when I formatted my main drive, and re-installed Windows XP, it will not detect it no matter what I do. I tried searching for new hardware through Windows as well, but nothing seems to be working. Luckily, I have an ethernet card laying around that I wasn't using, so that's how I'm connecting to the internet right now. A little bit about my system: I am connected to a Linksys WRT4G router, which is connected to my cable modem. When I plugged in the ethernet card that I had laying around, it found it right away and is working fine. I'm just that kind of person that feels if it isn't working how it's supposed to work I get all cranky. My type of motherboard is listed in my sig.

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New Motherboard Exisiting Drive

Feb 8, 2005

I am having problems getting my XP Home O.S. to boot on new motherboard. I have run Windows startup disk and repair but still nothing. The drive is being detected in BIOS and hangs at start up. I am trying to not lose the data.Do I need to add partition or Flash Bios or something? Replace old BIOS with new BIOS via slave drive on another computer?

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Product Activation With A New Motherboard

Aug 3, 2005

I would like to upgrade the motherboard in my computer, but I am worried that if I do this, Windows XP will not allow me to use the computer unless it is re-activated.Is this what would happen if I upgraded the board?

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New Mobo - Replace Motherboard

Jun 21, 2005

Can I replace my motherboard, cpu & memory and expect my existing Windows XP installation to boot up? I realise there may be an issue with XP detectingtoo many hardware changes and insisting on being reregistered, but is that likely to be the only thing?

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No Internet After Change Motherboard

Apr 1, 2010

i had changed the mb for my computer that join to the domain , and used the dhcp server everything was fine just the internet not working.

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New GA-965P-DQ6 Motherboard But DVD-RW Rom Cannot Boot

Mar 11, 2007

I recently replaced my motherboard with a New GA-965P-DQ6 motherboard,and a Core 2 Extreme QX6700. it has 1 IDE, 1 FDD controller and 6 SATA slots. i am using a 650 PSU from Antec and a Big Typhoon cooler. From preparation to reboot into Windows XP i was told to reboot from the Windows XP Home edition install CD. I hooked up my gigabyte DVD-RW as master and my IDE Western Digital 80g 7200rpm as slave, to the only IDE slot - also changed the pin setting behind the drives. then when i turned the PC on, i went into BIOS setup and set it to boot from CDROM first (there is only 1 selection for optical drive). However, for some reason, the startup just couldnt recognize the DVD-RW and couldnt boot from it. Can someone please help as i am stressed and befuddled (tried switching master and slave but it didnt work)

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Upgraded Motherboard OS Now Not Working

Sep 9, 2009

I've recently installed a ecs 7050m-m (v2.00) with a phenom x3 8450 processor. It boots all the way to the option (f8) screen but no matter which option i pick it just reboots rather than loading windows. I've tried just safe mode but it only gets as far as btkernel then resets. Any ideas why this might be? was working fine with previous board? Is it because I didn't install the new board drivers before fitting? is there any way to fix it?

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Way To Install New Motherboard Without Reinstalling XP

Aug 5, 2005

is there any way to install a new motherboard without reinstalling xp all over again?

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Need Vga Driver For Mercury Motherboard Pvm7

Aug 26, 2010

I need vga drivers for mercury motherboard pvm7.

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