Debug Assertion Error - IE Explorer Frozen

Nov 28, 2006

Shortly after I open IE7, I suddenly get an error: DeBug Assertion, and something about Visual Basic C++. Then IE Explorer is frozen and I have to close and reopen it, but then the same thing happens. I tried to restore to a previous time, but it does not work, and then I ran Registry Mechanic and I am still getting the error.

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Disable Debug Scripting In Internet Explorer

Aug 12, 2002

Don't you hate it when you are browsing a page it asks you "Would you like to debug this page?" Well here's a nifty and easy way to turn it off.Right Click on Internet Explorer and Click Properties ----- or -----Open Internet Explorer. Click Tools | Internet OptionsClick The "Advanced" TabThe 4th Item in "Browsing" should say "Disable Script Debugging"Check it and you are all set! Enjoy a Debug-Free Browsing experience.

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PC Has Slowed - Getting C++ Debug Errors While Running Internet Explorer

Jan 1, 2008

I've got something going on with my Laptop, but I can't put my finger on it. For the last few weeks, the PC has slowed to a sluggish crawl and now I'm getting C++ Debug Errors while running Internet Explorer.

I will be more specific with the Error code the next time it happens

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MCE 2005: An Error Message And Asks To "debug"?

Jun 9, 2006

My computer came with the game Otto. I can open it in Media Center. "How do I close Otto!" I use the keyboard(have no remote). When I use the mouse and press the Green Button. It says an error message and asks to "debug". I click "no". It then says "Otto not responding, you will be returned to Media Center". Then thats done but I dont know how to close it using the keyboard or mouse.

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Error Screen Is An Option To "Debug" The System?

Apr 12, 2010

When I open 1 Particular Folder on my computer I get this screen Error Message that reads: "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for this inconvience. Please tell microsoft about this problem! Within the Error Screen is an Option to "Debug" the system, which I'm not exactly sure what its for.

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Assertion Failure On Boot Up

May 26, 2006

every time I load up my PC (Win XP Pro, Mozilla Firefox) I get the following error box:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Program: c:progra~1intern~1iexplore.exe
File: .lists.cpp
Line: 480
For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts [note--I've tried this--it's all programmer speak and I'm just a novice trying to get rid of the error!]
(Press retry to debug the application-JIT must be enabled) [This works--for 10 minutes or so]
Abort Button Retry Button Ignore Button. I assume it's got something to do with iexplore, so I've reinstalled a couple times--no joy.

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Microsoft Visual C++ - Assertion Failed

Aug 11, 2005

I keep getting the following error message:Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Assertion failed!Program c:Program FileInternet Exploreriexplore.exe File: .lists.cpp Line: 480 Expression: !(p==bodykwref.end()For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)Abort Retry Ignore

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Boot Disk Error, Stayed Frozen Then Went To A Blue Screen

Jul 9, 2007

My computer froze and I tried everything to get it working again (exit, ctrl+alt+delete, patience) , but it stayed frozen then went to a blue screen. Forgot what screen said but main part was telling me to reboot the Computer, I turned off by power button because no other way to shut it off. Then when i turned it on again, my computer was making weird noises, then went to ntdlr error after very long time. I press enter then it boots again and shows the "boot system error.

1) Can my files still be recovered and if so how?
2) How can i fix this problem?

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Tried To Fix Backweb Error By Deleting File W/Back Web Now Computer Is Frozen

Jun 23, 2005

I did a google search on the runner error -Invalid Backweb Application ID "137903"-. A website told me to run a search for programs with "backweb" in them and unistall/delete them. I deleted one program (application?) from the C:/ drive and now my computer is frozen. The mouse moves; however, I am unable to open anything including the recycle bin so that I can put the program back on the computer. I have tried to restart and it still happens.

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Locked Out - Debug User Account Group

Oct 10, 2008

i was messing with some settings in a debug user account group my main user. And i changed something in the registry and had to suddenly shut down. So i start up again and could not get in at all. Any hints? I am currently using my admin account but all my important folders are on that user!! How can i get them back?

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Debug Client Open Dump File Issue

Aug 14, 2005

Experimenting with a command line tool, dumpchk.exe Dumpfile.dmp but I get the following error: debug client cannot open Dump file error 80070002 I've read that there may be a problem with the path but what path is that relating to? The actual path where bug files are stored?

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Press To Connect Remote Desktop Connection - Microsoft Debug Will Prompt

May 27, 2010

When I am press to connect remote desktop connection, the microsoft debug windows will prompt.If I am press Don't Send or Debug, my remote desktop connection windows will close.Did you all facing this problem before ? It is make me very irritated.

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Explorer Runtime Error - Not Related To Internet Explorer

Sep 3, 2006

I badly need your support. Day before yesterday (01-Aug-06) night I upgraded the yahoo toolbar and used their norton anti spy to scan. Then I shut down the system and started to work the next day. Every thing is perfectly ok except for one thing. In Windows Explorer, on any folder or drive if I double click or open I get a crash. If I do explore then there is no problem.

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Error Message: Windows Explorer Has Encountered An Error?

Apr 2, 2009

I keep getting this error message when I boot. The entire message says, "windows explorer has encountered an error and needs to close." When I close the box, i lose my desktop, and can't run a bunch of programs, including the "run" option. I am able to run my browsers and get on the web. I did do a system restore, and it worked at first, but then on the next reboot, i got the error message again. Did another system restore, same thing.

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Explorer Error/ Wininet.dll Error /0x00003b95

Mar 10, 2008

I am experiencing an annoying and persistent problem with Windows explorer errors.
Almost every time I download a word or pdf attachment from email ( I use yahoo) or when i try simply to open a MS file (.txt, .exe....) my PC freezes, generates an error and 50% of the time I need to manually reboot it is the error message I get:Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.3156, faulting module wininet.dll, version 6.0.2900.2180, fault address 0x00003b95.I've tried to perform some cleaning without being able to spot the source of the issue.....Awaiting your help I wish you a nice evening or afternoon...that may differ

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Screen Frozen On Pro Log On

May 3, 2008

I have a hp pavillion dv4000 i bought 2 1/2 years ago and I ran a program the other day called window washer by webroot (spysweeper program) I checked boxes to clean everything and checked a box saying i wanted it cleaned i think 24 times which is what they claim the fbi uses a Guttman style cleaner. I let it run over night and the next day I got an error message System could not log you on. Make sure your Username and Domain are correct then type password again.

I tried everything including putting the recovery cd in the hp and then i put the xp disk and it went through a period where it looked like it was reinstalling and repairing it then it got all the way to the end
and the screen popped up again. The mouse in frozen in the middle of the screen (the arrow)and the blinky straight line where you would type isn't moving even if i had a username and password to type I obviously don't normally handle these things but I am forced to this minute and i could REALLY use some help.

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Yahoo Has Frozen?

Sep 17, 2005

I am trying to get rid of yahoo but it has frozen.

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Programs Are Frozen

Dec 29, 2007

Here is a problem that I am having. It could just be because our computer needs to be upgraded a little bit but never know. So, I just reformated my computer a week ago tomorrow. Just got the sound working again on it and we have now noticed that there is something going on with the computer. Its not because of the sound or anything like that. Its been going on since reformat pretty much. It will freeze, but not in the general sense. It happens every so often. Probably 3 or 4 times a day. But when it freezes you are still able to move the mouse, music still plays, and everything continues working. You can switch between open programs and surf the web while it is "frozen". You can't open anything, but you can close somethings. Task Manager won't open and you can't close a non-responsive program when you hit End Now.

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Netbook Touchpad Is Frozen. Can't Do Anything

Jul 13, 2009

A LG netbook turned it on and the cursor is just stuck there in the middle of the screen. I don't use a mouse, just the touchpad, so I can't even attempt to do anything. Everything else seems to be working fine in the background upon boot up and on the desktop, but the cursor won't budge. Tried to open control panel but obviously can't do that with the cursor stuck. Any options the DON'T involve me having to buy a new USB mouse

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Mouse Frozen On Startup - SP2

Oct 19, 2005

When I boot up my USB mouse is frozen but as so as I unplug and replug it it works without a problem.

Running XP prof with SP2

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Pro Sp3 Frozen Cursor - Cannot Use Keyboard

Feb 8, 2009

My mouse cursor is frozen in the middle of the deskstop, Cannot use keyboard to getinto system.Also when booting up system freezes and takes 3-4 minutes to load. Tried in safe mode and the same thing happens.Don't know what to do at this point...just want to get into computer

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Comptuer Resolution Frozen At 4 Bit

Oct 20, 2005

I reformatted my Dell laptop with Windows2000 xp to remove viruses. Now I cannot download MSN explorer and resolution is stuck on 4 bit default monitor.

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Compaq Laptop Become Frozen

Dec 12, 2006

I have a Compaq Presario 3045US that freezes on occasion for no apparent reason. Mouse, keyboard will not function, unable to shut down, have to pull power and reboot. Don't get any error message and no repeatable process although watching dvds does seem to cause it to happen more often.

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Laptop Crash Now Frozen

Oct 1, 2008

Two computers on a home network, laptop has frozen. Cannot get past request for password. First I had a problem because IE would not load normally (all I had was wallpaper with no task bar or icons) and I had to use Windows Task Manager to access the computer.I followed an online suggestion to use regedit and to type "explorer.exe" in the Winlogon folder after deleting everything else shown. (I did a System Restore first which did nothing and then a Restore point before deleting). Then I tried restarting the laptop but it asked me for a password for each user account. We have never used a password at all. I logged in Safe Mode and entered Administrator which does not need a password and it started to load then logged off and changed user account. I could not get access. I tried to enter Safe Mode with command prompt but it would not let me, just asked for a password. I tried previous good configuration or whatever it is called but it did nothing. I have obviously stuffed it up by deleting what I did and I need to do a System Restore if it is not too late. It will not take the XP setup disk from my desktop computer. The laptop came with bundled software and there are no discs. Any suggestions? I think it will probably need to go to a local technician and I will have to pay megabucks to have him format the hard drive but I reluctant to lose the programmes and data on the laptop and hope there is another way. I also experienced the original problem on the main desktop computer with explorer not loading but I saved all I could and reinstalled XP which worked. I did not do this with the laptop because I did not have any discs for it.I believe a trojan "Small AOK' was responsible for the original problems as AVG found and deleted it. The original problem will still be there I expect but I need to log on in order to fix it.

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Laptop Frozen-Not Working

Aug 10, 2010

Forgive me if this is not the right thread to post my qurey & I would be grateful if you can let me know where I can post my problem but Yesterday my kids were looking on the internet on my lap top. I don't know what they did to it, but when I turned it on this morning, it does not seem to be working. I do get up to the desk top screen and then it seems to freeze no matter what I try to access - the internet or other Word applications. I presume the kids turned the lap top off yesterday without logging out in the correct way or not exiting from a website in the usual way.

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Reinstalling But Screen Got Frozen

Jan 2, 2006

i recently opened a file that my firewall ( ZoneAlarm ) told me it wants to use explorer.exe thinking thats normal because i would be asked to browse i allowed it. When i did that my pc froze. I couldnt click anything but the i could kepp moving the mouse. I could only open the ctrl+alt+delete but couldnt click anything the same applies to the start menu by pressing the start menu button on my keyboard. After that my pc froze from time to time when its doing somethng that requires it to think lol i know funny sentence but what i mean is for exemple when i click the button to show the hidden files or to hide them it froze. Or opening a program some times.... My guess is that the explorer.exe is damaged and reinstalling it would fix the problem. I scanned with norton and webrout spy sweeper 0 infections. You can find Here my HijackThis log , didnt want to make this a long post with the HijackThis log. Any ideas ? Am i right about reinstalling the explorer.exe ? if i am how can i do it ? I want a solution that doesnt lose me my updates.

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Explorer.exe Has Generated Error

Oct 11, 2006

I am reposting "strange error message" to reflect the exact message the computer is giving me. My daughter has 2k and said strange messages have been popping up and she can't do anything. I deciced to take a look at it. It will boot up, then it gives the above message in a box. When you try to click on it, it just freezes, and creates the same message on the bottom, so it looks like tons of windows are open. I went to the forum search and put in this message, and found a link on how to boot in safe mode and follow 3 steps, and that didn't work. I also want to add that although it has an internet adapter, right now it will not boot to internet, so I can't run anything on it unless it's possible to do any type of seach off a cd or floppy (any type of virus scans, etc.).

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Explorer.exe Error On Startup

Dec 13, 2008

Windows XP Media Center Edition w/ SP3.Every few times I turn on my computer, there will be an error regarding explorer.exe (something like the something failed to initialize at *some random letters and numbers*). When I then log onto any user accounts, including administrator, the screen will not load. I will sit staring at the wallpaper with no taskbar or desktop shortcuts. The only thing I can do is the *windows + L* to switch user and log out, or CTRL+ALT+DEL to get to the task manager. There will be an abnormally low number of processes running (in the 30's). I will have to restart the computer and hope for the best on my next try for the computer to load.

Also, a similar problem. Occasionally (1 out of every 4 tries or so), when one user is logged in and hits *switch user* (but stays logged in), no other users may load. When the other users try to login, they are instantly logged out to the blue login screen again. You can see the background for possible a half of a second before getting logged out. There is no error message or anything of the sort.These errors all have come up in the past few weeks. I am stumped and have no clue what to do.

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Explorer.exe Application Error

Jun 19, 2005

After using Windows Explorer to view files and folders I get the following error message:Proxy Desktop - explorer.exe - Application error.The instruction 0x01f24213 referenced memory at 0x018dad58. The memory could not be "read". Click OK to terminate the program.I am using Win XP Home Ed with Service Pack 2 installed on a Dell Dimension 8200 with 512 MB memory. What is the simplest course for recovering from this problem.The program seems to work anyway.

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Explorer Getting Error And Asking For Closing It?

Mar 7, 2007

Every so often, an error message pops up saying "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." All my folders open then freeze and i have to close through the windows task manager.This happens almost immediately when i access my harddrive F from a shortcut on the desktop. It doesn't happen as fast when accessing other folders on the desktop or folders through shortcuts on the desktop, but within time errors all the same. I've also noticed a program opens in the windows task manager whenever this happens.The program is drwtsn32.exe.

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Explorer EXE Application Error

Aug 22, 2007

Good morning, I have a couple of problems and I can't figure out how to get my computer back to where it used to be. I think it has something to do with updating windows. I get messages everytime I try to open a photo or a file. One message is Explorer EXE-Application Error, The instruction of ox600470a4 referenced memory at ox600470a4. The memory could not be written. Click on ok to terminate the program, click on cancel to debug the program. I clicked on debug and the program I got a message about Dr. Watson trying to communicate with ? and I clicked ok. Then the photo closed and all the icons disappeared and the reappeared. When I opened the same photo again, I got the following message. Data Execution Prevention-Microsoft Windows to help protect your computer, Windows has closed this program and also Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close, etc. Again the program shuts down. Basically, I can't open anything without the error messages. I can't copy cd's either as I have in the past with Nero. The program starts and then I get a read message or the cd just will not copy. Is there a way that I can do a restore and have my computer back to where it was 3 weeks ago? I could do that with my old computer Windows 98se. I have a HP Media M7060n now and I have XP home edition. Up to now I have had no problems. This computer is very different from my old one and I have no clue how I would do a restore. I just want a restore from 3 weeks ago, not a complete restore. I think the problem has to do with a windows update. I think I did one just before these problems occured. I lost my virus protection and had to reinstall it. I thought maybe that was the problem so I uninstalled it, but that wasn't it. I am very frustrated. I know this post is long and I apologize. Thank you~Liz

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