Experimenting with a command line tool, dumpchk.exe Dumpfile.dmp but I get the following error: debug client cannot open Dump file error 80070002 I've read that there may be a problem with the path but what path is that relating to? The actual path where bug files are stored?
I'm trying to pull some information regarding a startup stop error (blue screen). Since I haven't written down the actual stop error I was hoping that this info can be found at the dump file. The problem is that I cannot locate this file (I'm using debugging tools for windows x86 November version). It simply doesn't exists although my system is set up to create a small memory dump at the root directory. What shall I do in order to ensure that a dump file is created? Are there any other ways to pull out BSOD information without actually writing down this info myself?
Ok, this is the deal...I did the disk cleaner several times and it still wont delete the 40,764KB. I would be very happy if I only had 32KB but that is not my case.
Whenever i try to start a file for microsoft word(office version 2003); windows shut down abnormally and system shows an error PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA on our beloved ''blue'' screen. system dumps memory and the count goes till 99 and after that i restart my machine and problem is still there. I dont let windows update itself automatically i.e. it has to ask me for update installation. I have also tried to re-install microsoft office 2003 on the machine but even that didnt work.
when my PC boots it up it goes to a black screen giving options such as safe mode etc. All of these options end up with the computer going to a bluescreen and the following message: STOP: c0000218 (Registry File Failure) The registry cannot load the hive (file): SystemRootSystem32ConfigSOFTWARE It is corrupt, absent, or not writable. Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete. have no disks at all with laptop. And my knowldge goes as far as being able to use the internet.
I was having this problem on my old install of XP, which desperately needed a new install. In any case, I'm now using a freshly installed version of XP, and everything has been running perfectly for about 2 weeks. Suddenly, this one problem reappears: The File Open / Save As dialog box (aka Windows Common Control / comctl32.dll) takes forever to open (20 seconds to 60 seconds). I just did a chkdsk and defrag, and that did not solve the problem. Also, there are no network drives connected which could be slowing things down. This happens in both MS programs (such as Notepad) and 3rd party programs (such as Firefox).
Why can't I get XP to open every folder using the "Details" option? I do have it set so that it remembers (most of the time) to re-open that folder with the file view it was in when it was closed, but I want XP to open every new and old folder with the "file details" view. Seems like a simple thing, but I can't get XP to understand that's what I want.
Shortly after I open IE7, I suddenly get an error: DeBug Assertion, and something about Visual Basic C++. Then IE Explorer is frozen and I have to close and reopen it, but then the same thing happens. I tried to restore to a previous time, but it does not work, and then I ran Registry Mechanic and I am still getting the error.
i was messing with some settings in a debug user account group my main user. And i changed something in the registry and had to suddenly shut down. So i start up again and could not get in at all. Any hints? I am currently using my admin account but all my important folders are on that user!! How can i get them back?
Don't you hate it when you are browsing a page it asks you "Would you like to debug this page?" Well here's a nifty and easy way to turn it off.Right Click on Internet Explorer and Click Properties ----- or -----Open Internet Explorer. Click Tools | Internet OptionsClick The "Advanced" TabThe 4th Item in "Browsing" should say "Disable Script Debugging"Check it and you are all set! Enjoy a Debug-Free Browsing experience.
I've got something going on with my Laptop, but I can't put my finger on it. For the last few weeks, the PC has slowed to a sluggish crawl and now I'm getting C++ Debug Errors while running Internet Explorer.
I will be more specific with the Error code the next time it happens
When I am press to connect remote desktop connection, the microsoft debug windows will prompt.If I am press Don't Send or Debug, my remote desktop connection windows will close.Did you all facing this problem before ? It is make me very irritated.
Tonight I tried opening a chm file and it failed, with that error message. This happens for any chm file I have tried. I don't know when this broke, I know I used to be able to open chm files with no trouble but I can't pinpoint the last time it worked.I've searched around and found some references to this, but no solution -the only relevant MSKB is for Win98. I tried regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx, deleting the hh.dat files, clearing IE's file cache; nothing has helped. I haven't made any significant recent changed to the system that I can think of.
Every file I try to go to, for instance I tried to go to system restore and it pulls up the open with screen. Everything I try to click on it will ask me which program to use. I can't even get on the internet accurately.
My computer came with the game Otto. I can open it in Media Center. "How do I close Otto!" I use the keyboard(have no remote). When I use the mouse and press the Green Button. It says an error message and asks to "debug". I click "no". It then says "Otto not responding, you will be returned to Media Center". Then thats done but I dont know how to close it using the keyboard or mouse.
When I open 1 Particular Folder on my computer I get this screen Error Message that reads: "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for this inconvience. Please tell microsoft about this problem! Within the Error Screen is an Option to "Debug" the system, which I'm not exactly sure what its for.
I accidentally moved a file to a "Prefetch" folder in "Windows" in "Local Disk" in "My Computer" and now I can't see the documents I placed in that folder, because my computer says my access is denied even though I am the main and only user profile. I have some very important documents there and could seriously need help. I have Windows Xp Dimension 4400 and Intel Pentium 4
I have about a thousand jpg files. I now can only view the ones that I have added in the last few weeks. All of the other jpg's will not view.They will not view in thumbnails, in Firefox, in Paintshop Pro, In Windows Office Picture Manager, in Freshview or in Paint.Can somebody please help, these are cherished photos. The file sizes seem to be the same as ever. (ie some 12K some 159K etc)When I try to load them into Paint Shop Pro I get the message - "The specified file cannot be identified as a supported type".When I try to open them in Microsoft Office Picture Manager I get the view of a little square with a red X in it.When I try to open them with Firefox I get the message "cannot be displayed, because it contains errors".When I try to open them as thumbnails in Explorer I just get a square with a little red X in the middle.
I am connecting to a Windows 2003 Server using Remote Desktop. The client PC is running Windows XP. No client printers show up on the server. I have installed the drivers on both server and client. I have selected connect to printers in RDC logon options
I have tested the TS client capability on PPC 2003 and it works but I find it unsatisfactory because of the need to scrol the window. Does anyone know of a third-party solution, or, for that matter, a Microsoft solution to this problem. I guess that what it would mean is to have the window scaled down to fit the size of the PDA display, in this case a Dell Axim X5.
I am using Xp on my computer. After uninstalling a program all short cut icons switched to adobe acrobat icons. Now I get this message. Windows can not open this file: windows needs to know what program created it.
my computer at the start up screen runs the check disk tool from windows.It should only try to run the tool once but when it starts up it says connot open or access the ntfs file.Also I tried to start my computer in safe mode today and it pulled upall the way to the black page where it displays the file names but it froze and never went any farther.
I cant open any of my file folders. I cant even open the explorer to explore the folders. I cant think of any changes I have made to the computer lately.Also, windows update popped up earlier this morning with service pack 3 so I told it to update...at the end of installation it told me that access was denied and uninstalled what it had done..not sure what that was all about either.
when i right click on a particular file. iff that opens with fcheck for maya, windows has problem opening that file. Earlier this was fine.(.iff is a picture file like jpeg) But now when I right click & browse for this fcheck programme(after right click) windows is unable to open that file.But I can open that file this way, after first opening fcheck and then from file>open. How can I set this to open this particular file by double clicking?(fcheck can open any image file e.g jpeg,tiff,bmp etc).
I have tried to update to service pack 3 on my OS Windows XP professional at least 8 times. I am receiving an error message which states that a file is open and that I should close all applications ect. I have nothing running that I can see. The error says that "C:windowsapppatchdrvmain.sdb is open or application is running. I have tried to delete and replace the file with another copy located in an other subdriectory. When I double click on the problem file I get message that I can't open it. However, when I click on the copy in another folder I get a different message. When I try to delete or copy it the message is sdb files can not be copied or deleted. It seems that I must have something going wrong. I do notice when my computer is idle, it isn't. The harddrive goes crazy and when I check the preformace area in the task manager it shows high usage.
when i start up and log on under my name and as admin all my programs try to open with acrobat reader.i have to right click and run as but system files eg misconfig. control panel i can't open.two other accounts with out admin rights are running as normal from start up?
For some reason now, whenever I try to RIGHT click on ANY of my file types, and do a OPEN WITH, I come up with the following message, "This file doesn't have a program associated with it, for performing this action. Create an association in the folder options control panel". Except that when I go there, there IS a program associated with the particular file type. Example: .jpg files, I have Microsoft photo editor, Paint Shop Pro 7, and Picassa, installed. I used to be able to RIGHT click on a .jpg file, and then go to "open with" and it would give me a list of installed programs to choose from. NOW I get the above error. Now, I DO use a registry cleaner, could I have damaged something? and how do I get it back?