with this issue I'm having, I am using burning tool " Nero 7 Ultra ", when burning files from from my hard drive I get the message " DMA-driver error ", even if I burn at the fastest or the slowest speed ( simulation mode or not ). Here is the report
Windows XP 5.1
WinAspi: File 'Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=4.71 (0002), size=45056 bytes, created 11/21/2005 5:48:21 AM
ahead WinASPI: File 'C:Program FilesNeroNero 7CoreWnaspi32.dll': Ver=, size=164112 bytes, created 11/2/2004 1:54:32 PM
NT-SPTI used
Nero Version:
Internal Version: 7, 5, 7, 0
(Nero Express)
Recorder: <PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-111D>Version: 1.23 - HA 1 TA 0 -
Adapter driver: <IDE> HA 1
Drive buffer : 2000kB
Bus Type : default (0) -> ATAPI, detected: ?
CD-ROM: <HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDR8163B>Version: 0L23 - HA 1 TA 1 -
Adapter driver: <IDE> HA 1......
When transferring pictures from my camera Fuji FinePix S7000 to my computer, I get a pop-up saying, pictures can be transferred faster using a high speed usb driver. Is this something availible for free on the internet or something that must be purchased? I have done a search but couldn't find anything.
I'm having trouble with a Dell Inspiron 1100 Laptop running XP Home SP2 with a 20 gig hdd and almost 5 gb free space, and 384mb of ram (slot a = 128mb; slot b = 256mb). No matter what I do, I can't seem to speed it up. When i first started working on it, it took about half an hour from power-on to the point where I could move around in the Windows environment. Now, I have it down to about 15 minutes. Not sure what I'm missing.
I can't burn any CDs.I get an error, still.i have tried a slower CD speed, a different CD type, a new cd burner and none work.When i got the new cd burner it worked fine, for about 3 days then it stopped again.
I know it's maybe the wrong NG, but could you help or direct me to the right one.This morning I tried to burn data to a DVD......only burnt the intro then stopped with a error.Tried again ... same thing...Virus checked, spyware checked, all OK Did a sfc scannow, did a system restore to 2 days ago.Tried again, same results.Un-installed Nero and removed all traces from registry.Reloaded Nero.Tried again, same results. I can burn to DVD-RW and CD-RW and CD-R but not DVD+ or DVD-I am adding the error message, I know its long but in other posts it has been said that not enough info is given.Nothing unusual happened at shutdown last night or bootup this morning.Problems seem to start at 8:48:15 AM #21 I don't know how to interpret this data
I'm connecting my iphone to usb and get the "this device can perform faster...." message telling me to disconnect from the current port and connect to a hi speed port I know which is hi speed port, but cant figure out how to disconnect and then reconnect it
I am using a DSL connection with a maximum download speed of upto 2MBPS but i usually recieve it for about 1-1.5MBPS. I have tried using Download Accelerator softwares to increase my speed but wuth those some spam also come into my computer so i am not using it anymore. Is there any way by which i can increase my internet speed by doing some changes in Windows internally. Also while using sharing sites my speed tends to fall to about 45KBPS.
How can i Boost up my PC speed and downloading speed,Although i used some Optimizers but it also occupy my disks memory spaces and speed down the OS similarly for Booting Time.
I am getting an error while trying to install the latest international drivers for my laptop computer Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (build 2600) NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5700 [Display adapter] 3.20 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4, 8 kilobyte primary memory cache 512 kilobyte secondary memory cache
Earlier today when logging into a site, I pressed enter, just as a "Do you want to install..." box popped up, so it took my enter as yes and began installing all kinds of spyware.I scanned and removed the spyware using both Microsoft Antispyware and Spybot but I am still having problems.A while after it had installed, my PC just started switching itself off. No shutting down, just switched off, then on again. When it came back on, it said Windows had recovered from a fatal error which turns out to be an error due to my graphics card driver.I then updated the driver to the latest intel one, same thing happened. It does it every 30 mins or so, its driving me crazy!I thought about reinstalling windows, however when I tried to backup and move my important folders to CD, it said there was an error copying them.
I just bought a KVM swith (JustCom) for 2 XP machines, and it worked for a bout 10 seconds )as both machines were booting) then one of the PCs "found new hardware" and "installed" it, and it stopped working. There is a key combination to make it toggle, and it simply doesn't work. It could be the fault of the switch I'm sure, but then I would think they would blame it on windows. I noticed in the Device Manager that it says Com1, Com2 and the VGA adaptor have problems, basically there are no drivers installed. I tried to reinstall, update, roll back, install from the Windows CD, tried a windows update, and it says there are no drivers available to install or reinstall. I tried several System Restores and it always says it couldn't do the restore (no reason given). Any suggestions? The only thing I can think of is maybe trying to Uninstall the hardware, or maybe reinstall windows
First time this happened. I plug in my monitor into my custom built, like I have done before. it tells me that "OUT OF RANGE" hf:30khz-60khz vf:55hz-75hz "CURRENT FREQUENCY" hf:30.2khz vf:48hz. Can some one help me to fix this? Much Abloge
When the PC restarts it generates and sends an error report, which indicates a Graphics Device driver is the problem.My PC behaved ok until about a month ago, when it started crashing, in general with an error report saying 'Error caused by Graphics driver'.The system gradualy got more unstable until it would not boot properly at all.I have recently re-installed windows and upgraded to SP2.After this re-installation, the problem started again.
I have a Toshiba Laptop Satellite with windows XP, Service pack 2, and always when I open a photo or see a movie with windows media player it changes the screen resolution and always came too big so I have to restart the laptop. The solution of microsoft is to update the graphic driver but when I go to the web page they don´t have an update for me, and also in the toshiba web page.
I have been receiving a bsod error lately it says BUG_CODE_USB_DRIVER I Have Done Lots Of Searches On Google But Nothing Has Helped Me Out So I Am Asking My Self. Here Are Some Pics Of My Error Report.
my computer with xp was running fine until i found that it was not showing my cd drive. I've checked the neccesary connection and they were all fine. the device manager shows the drive with a yellow sign giving error code 39 which says that driver is corrupt or missing. now my cd drive is a plug and play and does not have any driver bundled with it. uninstalling and reinstaling the drive wont help. xp detect the new hardware at the start up but again same problem.i wanted to reinstall xp but since cd drive is not available i tried to run it from hard disk. but it too was not running.
I'm using this for the first time to restore to a different computer. During the restore I'm getting a message to put the chipset driver on removable media.I've downloaded the driver and ran the exe to extract the files. There are a bunch of files and some of them are in folders. I get the impression that the restore program may only be looking in the root directory of the flash drive so I'm wondering if I need to take all the files from the folders and put them in the root directory of the flash drive. I don't want to put more than necessary in their because I have a lot of files already on there.
My motherboard is an ASUS P4V8X-MX with on-board audio, C-Media AC97 version CMI9761A. The latest version of the driver and operating software from the C-Media website is dated December 2004.I have two hard drives, both the exact same type (Western Digital WDC 3200JB, 320 GB), both with Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 installed. On my second hard drive, I continue to be able to play DVDs on any of my DVD player programs that I wish, with no problems. However, on my primary hard drive, I have run into problems. Some time ago, I don't remember anything about what might have caused it, both Windows Media Player 11 and InterActual Player 2.6 (http://www.interactual.com/) stopped playing my DVD's. I could still use InterVideo WinDVD or my ATI Radeon X700's DVD playing software, with no problems, but WMP and IAP stopped playing them. WMP would give me an error that, when I clicked "Web help," said it was related to my Sound driver. I went to Windows Update and downloaded the following update:
Windows XP C Media Electronics Incorporation - Sound - C-Media AC97 Audio Device Tuesday, August 21, 2007 Windows Update.But this only made the problem worse, not better-- now when I try to use WMP or IAP to play a DVD, my computer screen just up and suddenly goes dark and I hear the unmistakeable sound of my computer simply up and shutting down, and then it does a total system reboot. After the reboot I get a popup saying the computer has recovered from a Stop Error, caused when a Device Driver suddenly "stops" the operating system.This is a very serious problem because a number of my DVD's are specially optimized to work with InterActual Player and automatically start it up when I put the DVD in the drive. If I try to uninstall the program, then the next time I put one of those DVD's in the drive it absolutely absolutely ***ABSOLUTELY*** forces my computer to reinstall the software immediately.
I have been getting BSOD for about 2 months now and always when i play a game especially bf2 and cod
after every BSOD it comes up device driver error but all drivers are fine,I have changed RAM,PSU and mobo after last time i was pulling my hair out and now its started doing it again after nearly 2 weeks
I have 2 pesky errors that I would love to get rid of "ATI Advanced Desk Top Utilities failed to initalze because no ATI driver is installed or is not working properly." "ccRegvfy.exe- unable to locate componet......This application has failed to start because SYMSTORE.dll was not found. Re-installing this application may fix this problem."
I'm getting pretty frequent shutdowns with the below information. When the box re-boots, the message says device driver but never can point which device driver. Can anyone have a look at this and give me some advice?
PC with Windows XP Professional Edition 2002 SP2 has no sound.I tried installing Sound Blaster,but this is the error I got: That is the error message I get when I try to Install Setup.exe,which I need to use to install Sound Blaster.My PC won't let me install Sound Blaster without setup.exe it says the setup.exe I have doesn't work, which can't be installed without installing IIS.
Attempt to reinstall windows i have 2 striped drives, i need to reinstall my raid drivers but every time i try to install the drivers it always says that it can't read it, i finally got it to read but then it says this file caused an unexpected error and the installation fails and i'm back at my original installation of windows.
I just got a blue screen with the following information:STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x805677C4, 0xEF8C7D40, 0x00000000)I'm currently running Windows File Protection...but I don't know if there is anything else I should do.
I was informed today that our home computer has been freezing over the last day or so. I logged on and looked up some info on the error i was described, then perhaps fortunately, i got the vile BSOD. This is what was contained:Then it began a memory dump.It claims a device driver error, but i do not recall installing anything recently. the windows report proved less than helpful (surprise).
Every time I try to install the si3112 driver I get an Install key fail error followed by an install driver error. I have tried to install it off both a floppy and the nvidia cd and both give me the same errors. I have no trouble installing the si3112r driver (the raid) version' but I want to use it as my start-up drive. I have a GA-K8N PRO mobo and the drive is a WD3200ks. If I can't get it to run where can I download a replacement dirver from --with-out haveing to download a huge driver package?
Blue screen error caused by a device or driver You received this message because a hardware device, its driver, or related software has caused a blue screen error. This type of error means the computer has shut down abruptly to protect itself from potential data corruption or loss. In this case, we were unable to detect the specific device or driver that caused the problem.
iam running windows xp....ive been having problems with my pc forever and i can never seem to work out if its bad ram or a memory issue. Anytime my pc is running for a long period of time it seems to hang and give me the blue screen, if i try to run a media program or burn a cd or anything along those lines it hangs also....What could this problem be? do i need to let someone look into my system or can it be resolved at all. Ive had every error msg i believe...it seems to always tell me its a device error when it hangs or when i reboot it gives me that msg and then reports the proble
I am receiving an error as shown below: "C:windowssystem32xp-A59327F7" is not found ACPID driver error network controller driver error This system is a cloned. The original system I cloned is working fine. My OS is winxp.
When I want to install certain programs, there is a set of error messages that makes the installation fail.If I push "ignore" then this message appears:
"c:Windowssystem32autoexec.nt. The system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. Choose 'close' to terminate the application." I have a feeling that this is caused by a Norton antivirus program I installed couple years ago that I had a heck of a time removing. Could there be a chance that some parts of the program is still lingering to cause this? I've been having this problem for the longest times and threw away a bunch of software.