Backed Up Files - HP Late Model

Oct 2, 2006

Hp late model with all the trimmings with windows XP.A while back my computer was screwing up so I backed up all my web pages and information into a file called File:///C/. I brought them over to my new computer, but how in the world do I get them back on line.

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Cannot Access Backed Up Files

Jul 22, 2009

I found some files and folders I was looking for from my computer backup but when ever I try to access them I get
Folder is not assessable access denied

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Formatting - Have Backed Up All Files

May 24, 2005

I want to format my computer. I have backed up all the files and I know I have to change the bios to boot from CD etc. When i insert the XP disc it says that the disc is an older version than the one on my computer. probably from updating XP on computer

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Backed Up Files That System Restore Uses To Restore

May 9, 2005

Is it possible to get rid of the backed up files that System Restore uses to restore. Is this confusing? Would just turning off System Restore and turning it on again get rid of the files System Restore uses as the 'old' files? What would work if thats not the case. Should I make myself clearer or do you get it.

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Clicking 'my Computer' Results In Opening Late?

Jul 3, 2008

When I click the 'my computer' icon in windows xp it takes a while to load, upwards of 20 seconds to display my hdds etc. I made some changes to services.msc last week in an attempt to speed up my machine, any thoughts on something I may have disabled which would result in this?

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System Late Boot Up After Select User Account

Dec 9, 2007

Hallo. Time going by, I have noticed I have installed quite some applications on my computer.I have Win XP SP2, Intel Pentium4 CPU - 2.8 GHz, 1 GB RAM (SSD), ATI Radeon X300 Series. I notice that booting is taking really long after I select my user account and I hear a lot of hard disk activity. I believe this can be because virtual RAM is activated, but, before going to buy some extra RAM (and SSD memories are not so cheap), I wondered if I could have fixed the issue through some start up software, or some better organisation of the user accounts (e.g. one account for gaming, one for video processing) so that only the requested processes would be loaded each time.

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What Info Should Be Backed Up?

Oct 3, 2005

On an XP-SP2 Home system, what XP files should be backed up to an external storage and how often should it be done? Can I use something like Backup4All which I use for none system info/files.

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IBM PC Camera Pro Max, Model XVP600

Mar 18, 2005

Not sure if this is the correct forum... I am looking for a free driver for my IBM PC Camera Pro Max, Model XVP600, it was a good cam and worked well under windows 98se, but now i have updated to Windows XP pro and am wondering if there are drivers out there which allow this cam to work with XP.

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Why Is Backup File Larger Than What Backed Up?

Jan 8, 2007

I got a WD "My Book Essential" 160gb external drive for Christmas, and as it does not come with backup software, I decided to try the Windows backup utility. I had to reformat the new drive from FAT32 into NTFS, and then I did a complete backup of the entire system. It asked for a diskette to create a boot disk, and then completed fine. However, when I looked at the .bkf file to see how large it was, it was 46 gb!! My hard drive on my pc that I backed up only shows 32 gb used. How could the backup file be larger than what was backed up? Is there some option/feature that I need to change?

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.BKF File Is Nearly Twice Size Of Backed Up Data

May 3, 2008

I just performed an ASR backup of my computer using NTBackup.ese and I have a strange problem that I haven't encountered before. According to Windows Explorer, there is 77 GB of data on my C: drive. However, the .bkf file created by the backup is 151 GB - almost twice the size. Now my external drive is full and I can't do any more backups. I've extensively explored my hard drive, including looking at System and Hidden files, but I am unable to explain this discrepency. Does anyone know what happened?

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Backed Up Hard Drive Folder Wont Die

Jun 18, 2006

I recently had to format my hard drive, and it created a backup folder for the old hard drive stuff for me. Now i realise that i dont need it, so i decided to delete it. I have been able to delete all of it apart from My Documents. Access is denied: make sure the drive isnt full or write protected.

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HP Pavilion 520w / Set This HP Model To Reboot From The CD-rom

Oct 8, 2007

Recovery System on this HP model allows you to correct a current copy of your windows without reformatting? and/or Can anyone tell me how to set this HP model to reboot from the CD-rom?How do I access the bios to change the boot sequence?

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HCL Core 2 Duo Desk Top Slim Model

Jun 17, 2010

I have HCL Core 2 Duo Desk top slim model it'm having ssssss sound whin system start what i have to do.i have check system fan is OK.

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Backed Up My Entire Hard Drive - Registry Corrupted?

Jul 9, 2009

I guess I have a few options (as I have backed up my entire hard drive before the problem started), including hiriing someone if need be.
System info: Win XP Pro. For security use KIS 09 and Webroot SpySweeper (henceforth, WSS). This is my desktop. Laptop the same except for Win XP home.
After I upgraded the WSS to their latest version ( I had problems only on desktop and only with MSWord. After two days of working on desktop problem I discovered it was the WSS upgrade, as no problems if WSS shut down or removed via Windows add/remove.

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System Wont Allow To Change Backed Up Data On Disc?

Jan 6, 2007

I am trying to back up my data on to a rw disc now windows lets me do this but it will not let me change or alter the data on the disc after it says its read only I have been into properties to try and change to archive but still it will not let me please can some one tell me what I am doing wrong.I can back up on to floppy and change data without a problem so why can't I do this on a cd.

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Ethernet Card Model And Manufacturer Detection?

Sep 21, 2007

I recently had to install XP on a michine that came with an in built ethernet card. I need to find out what ethernet card it is, so that I can install the relevant drivers to get it to work. I've tried to do some detective work to find out what ethernet card I to find the corresponding drivers. All I can come up with is from the Packard Bell website (the company from which the machine came). The only details I could find for the ethernet connection are something that says: LAN 10/100 (marvell 88E8039)

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Video Driver - TradeWin Model 903JS98M6H8PC40

Sep 16, 2006

I am working on a TradeWin model 903JS98M6H8PC40. I need a video driver for this PC. I am finding out that this is an odd PC to find drivers for

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Ethernet Card: Dont Have Drivers/ Model Not Recognized?

Mar 15, 2008

Installed an ethernet card in a pc running XP home . Don't have the drivers for it . How do I determine what make card it is and what drivers I need and where to get them ?

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E Machine Model W3050 Showing Errors / Unable To Connect?

Aug 24, 2006

It started out as a error 633, and has worked its way around to error 797 after my doing things like destructive restore, uninstall modem, download modem from emachine site, re install, running antivirus, etc...and I still can not use my dailup to get online I can do anything on the puter other than dial up, to get online.

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Upgrade Home To Pro Shown Error Opening System Model

Aug 3, 2005

I'm the computer guy in a dentist office and we use shick CDR camera, after we upgrade from xp home to xp pro we started getting the error message "Error Opening Windows Model (WDM) device.

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Drivers For Ethernet Card: Make Or Model Of Card?

Sep 1, 2009

laptop has got the ZLOB virus and I am trying to get rid of it but I cannot connect to the internet because the drivers for the ethernet card are missing. There is no id on the laptop apart from the COA for XP and Z600 on a sticker underneath it. How can I find out what make it is so I can find the drivers. I don't mind paying for the drivers or a virus remover as long as they work.

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Changing OEM System Manufacturer And System Model Details?

Sep 20, 2005

I am a computer enthusiast and I assemble my own PCs. I wanted to know how to brand the PC with custom System Manufacturer and System Model settings. I am aware of the OEMINFO.ini file but that only changes information in the Computer properties page when you right-click 'My Computer' and choose properties.But when you use dxdiag,the System Manufacturer and System Model read "To be filled by O.E.M".Could anyone please tell me how to go about changing these settings ? Changing the OEMINFO.ini file does not affect these values.OEM manufacturers like Dell, Sony have changed the settings on their products, so I'm sure it's possible.

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Wireless Not Working: Model Of Wireless Card?

Jun 14, 2010

The wireless internet isn't working... I don't know what wireless card I have.. I should only have to install the driver, but I can't get online to download it.

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Can Music Be Backed Up As A "data" Disk Instead Of A "audio" Disk?

Apr 22, 2006

Can I back up all that music on 3-4 700mb disks as a data disk instead of making a 70 minute music disk?

I have Sonic RecordNow that I use for music burning and data backup. I'm just wondering if it is possible to back up 1/3 of it in a folder as a data disk, and do the same for the other parts.

Possible? Would this work?

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Default Program Wont Unzip .exe Files / Files Blocked To Protect System?

Jul 25, 2005

I'm using Win XP and, using the built in Zip feature,have zipped up 14 files that include one .exe file and one .bas file.When I try to Extract All files it extracts all except these two files.It says that the files have been blocked to protect the computer, then I can click on a link to find out how to unblock the files but the instructions to do so don't make sense.The instructions tell you to save the file, then right click/properties/unblock, but I can't see how you can save a file if it hasn't been unzipped.How can I stop the .exe and .bas files from being blocked

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Invisible Files On Hard Drive: Ome Files In The Volume Wont Defragmented?

Dec 29, 2007

Now however, my hard drive seems to contain approx 13GB of data which I am unable to locate, even when viewing the "hidden files" option. I first noticed this increased used space when I wanted to defragment the hard drive and noticed that there was only 45% free space available (there is usually 75%).I have viewed the properties of all the folders on the C: drive and they do not add up to the 20GB shown on the C: drive properties...The defragment report states that "some files in the volume could not be defragmented"

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Install Stops Copying Files- With Message The Files Cannot Be Copied

Jan 3, 2005

My system totally crashed. I reformatted the drive and reinstall XP. Well, everything seems to be going along just fine until I get to 70% finished with copying installation files and I get message after message saying that the files cannot be copied.

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Restore Registry Files: Copy The Files From The WindowsRepair Folder?

May 23, 2005

The registry on one of my computers is corrupt and if I try to copy the files from the WindowsRepair folder using the windows system repair tool, I'm told the files cannot be found. One possible solution I thought of is using the registry files from my other computer running Windows XP. I don't even know if this is possible, but if it is, how can I transfer the files. I would put them on a CD but the CD drive won't open when the system repair tool is running, and they're too big to fit on a floppy disk, even one at a time (the system and software files are both over 2mb.)

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Cleaning Out Temp Files - Show Hidden Files - Folders

Aug 6, 2009

I was just wondering if it is a good idea to clean out the :WINDOWSTempC:Documents And Settings(Username)Local SettingsTemp foldersperiodically.I know i have to uncheck the show hidden files and folders, Do i select all in each folder afterwards and delete everything?

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Explorer Wont Open Files In A Folder After Downloading Files?

Aug 1, 2010

when i download a file and then try to open it. i get an error that the specified file has encountered a problem and needs to close. if i cut and past the file to a location outside the folder i can then run the program.

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100s Of FILES WONT OPEN - Htm And Html, Jpg, Png, And Doc Files

Sep 22, 2006

Sometime over the past couple of weeks, I started having a number of files on my C:/ drive which would not open. I wrote another forum and got some advice, and did some studying, and for some I was able to take back permissions and found what looked like a phony user account hidden way down in Documents and Settings.

Today I found close to 2/3 of my files would not display, of the types, htm and html, jpg, png, and doc files. I went to check permissions and the security tab was not under Properties.
I have tried everything: I have re-installed Windows, I have run every virus and adware and spyware scan and repair known, and have constantly cleaned the registry and used HiJack this which did show two programs called Voodoo and Banshee which were not mine.

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