Adding Folders & A Drive To "send To" Folder?

Jan 29, 2005

I have added some folders & a drive to the "send to" folder and they are listed.But when I right click on a file or folder they are not listed in the options in the drop down box.I right click and drag the folder and drop it in the "send to" folder and select to copy and/or shortcut and it puts it there. What am I doing wrong? That's the way I did it in 98.

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Send Multiple Files To Different Folders - Alphebeticaly?

Jan 31, 2006

Is it possible to select a large number of files and quickly organise them into folders say alphebetialy. eg Select>Send> aardvark.txt goes to folder named A ,zoo.mp3 goes to folder named z.

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Send To Folder Is Not Allowed - Still Can

Dec 23, 2006

XPpro/SP2/IE7 I have a DVD r/w drive and a CD r/w drive At present the Send To function only identifies DVD r/w Drive (E I want to add CD r/w Drive (F

1. Went to the "Send To" folder, opened browser, selected CD r/w Drive (F and it came up with just F:/
2. Tried to rename it as as CD r/w (F but ":" is not allowed so called it CD Drive (F)
3. Then tried sending a file to to this new shortcut and it came up with "this is a read only CD" (which is not true as I can load normally from the DVD drive)
4. On further investigation it is suggested that the following registry keys (2) be changed from 1 to 2.

HKEY_CURRENT USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionExplorerCD burningDrivesDrive Type But this did not change anything: I still cannot get the Sent To CD to work properly.

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Adding An Item To Folder Context Menu?

Jan 6, 2008

Usually when I double-click a folder icon, the same window is used to open it, which is exactly the way I want it (I have set the folder options to do this)
But occasionaly, it is desirable to open the folder contents in a new window. For this one has to start again from 'My Computer Is there a registry hack that will add a 'Open in a new window' item to the folder context menu ?

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Full Temporary Folder Unable To Send/Receive Emails

Oct 2, 2005

Unable to send or recieve email due to error telling me that my temp folder is full or corrupted. I have emptied the temp folders with disk cleanup and have also run ScanDisk. I have a temp folder with a path of (c:) Is this correct. I do not have a temp folder with a path of c:windows.

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Adding Second Internal Drive In SP2

Oct 24, 2007

I have a Dell Dimension 8300 desktop with 80GB hard drive and 3 GB RAM. Dell do told me I can have only a total of 120GB hard drive on my machine. Dell forum said that is not right. The Dell manual states there is are 2 bays for 1" high hard drives and it gives installation directions for adding a second internal drive. I have 3 external hard drives for backups, photos and much of what I don't need or want on the C drive. I need to install more programs for photography since they can not be run from an external drive according to those I have asked.

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Random Unexpected Errors / Send And Dont Send Buttons

Mar 11, 2006

All the programs on me computer randomal, every now and again (3 times an hour) decide to close with the same lovely error popping up every time about an unexpected error with the 'Send' 'Don't Send' buttons.think I may have two explanations, The RAM, a corrupt system file or a corrupt hard drive.Does anybody have any idea about why this is happening and if so, a solution?

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Click On File Show Send Report Without Send Buttons

Feb 23, 2007

I am in a bad bad situation. Whenever I go to my computer/win explorer and try to right click on any item, i get an error in Windows Explorer with the send report and dont send option buttons. Im not able to do many things due to that. and this is not a virus or something I guess because I have a good AV software and I was using my PC throughout till yesterday evening when I shifted it from 1 room to another. And thats when it happened for the first time.

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Adding A Hard Drive Using A USB Enclosure?

Jul 31, 2005

I'm trying to get XP Home SP2 to recognize a new HD using a USB closure with a brand new seagate Barracuda 7200.7 I've tried every combo of jumper settings different usb ports no good.I get the message that a new USB device is found but then I get "USB Device Not Recognized"

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Adding A Third Internal Hard Drive

Jan 27, 2006

I am interested in adding a 3rd internal hard drive to my computer. All the connection are in use, so I need a way to connect the third hard drive. Is there a device i can buy that will allow me to conect the 3rd hard drive?

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Adding Floppy Drive :: Internal Or USB?

Mar 23, 2005

I'd like to add a floppy drive to my newish XP based desktop (which came without), and am debating whether to put in an internal drive or get an external USB drive. Since I don't expect to be using it a lot (mainly to read floppies from previous systems), I'm leaning toward the USB drive for reasons ranging from convenience to leaving a free bay for another hard drive,

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Adding 2n HD Effects Drive Letters

Jul 15, 2005

I want to add a 2nd sata hd (200g) in xpsp2 w/ media center. I have in my system now one sata, dvdrom, dvdrom, card reader. My question is when i add the 2nd HD what effect will it have on the drive letters that are already in use? Will the letters change and if so, how will this effect applications / programs that points to them now.

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Program Not Responding With Two Option Send Report Or Don't Send It

Mar 22, 2005

I have a probleme, lately I figure out that when i log on ot the internet, I got this message " program not responding " and I have two option send roport or don't send it, then I have to start over, and the same thing keep going on.

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Adding A Slave Hard Drive - Upgraded My PC From Win98SE To Xp

Jan 12, 2005

I've upgraded my PC from Win98SE to XP, and installed a second HD (as a slave) using an old Samsung SV3002H i had laying about. Bios detects it, and it shows in my device manager, but aside from that, i can't access it to either format it/see it in "my computer."

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Adding / Making "My Videos" Folder To Newly Installed XP?

Jan 12, 2009

I just installed XP professional on my new computer and I'm transferring all of my files, problem is I need a shared video folder(I have a 360 and you need to place videos in the my video folder). how would I make a My Videos folder?

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Adding Own Icon To The Existing File And Folder Icon?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm going to ask a question which is something related to programming in windows.. Is there a way that i can add my own icon to the existing file and folder icon like dropbox.Changing desktop.ini is the only way for changing folder icons??How can i add my own icon to the existing file icon(like a tick on below every file icon).

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Unable To Send Files Through Send To?

Jun 26, 2005

I would like to send files to my own folders using "Send To". It seems my choice for send to is very limited.When right clicked on a file, I can send only to Desktop, Mail Recipient, and My documents. It did not work either. Could someone advise me to how to increase the target for "Send To" (e.g., D:Important personal folder)?

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WHen Exiting Overlord Send/Don't Send Error With Modname "ntdll.dll"

Jul 14, 2009

Every time I exit Overlord I get Send/Don't Send error with modname "ntdll.dll". A mate of mine has the same error.
ps: is is normal that Windows XP has so many errors?

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Folder Options Can't Unhidden Folders

Jul 8, 2008

When I enter Control panel and choose Folder Options, if I choose to UNHIDE the hidden folders and APPLY, when I re-enter thesame option Window, it is back to Hide.

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Folder Opens - Cannot Delete Folders

Mar 12, 2007

I was trying to change the icon of my file folders to something else, and somewhere it said that I could do that at the file types tab of folder options in the control panel. I tried it and it didn't work (not important). However, whenever I opened a folder, it just opened search. I went back and looked at the actions and I didn't see open in there, but find was there (not in bold or anything), so I guessed that it was "find"ing instead of opening. I added a new action called "Open" that used explorer.exe and set it to the default action, but now every folder opens in a new window. I can't delete the action at all and have no idea how to change it. I'm new here and am not sure if this thread is where it belongs. (First post btw).

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Synchronizing Folder Views For All Folders

Apr 9, 2005

I am running Windows XP Home SP2. I was wondering if there is a quick way to make my folders view the same way. Instead of having to go into each folder and right clicking, then choosing "arrange icons by" or "view" is there a way to do it from control panle or elsewhere so I can apply it to all my folders?

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Folder Views Not Applying To All Folders

Aug 24, 2005

After upgrading are users from 2000 to XP the users will change the folder view from tile to details and click the apply to all folders. The setting will not apply to all the folders.

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Partitioned Drive Lost - D Drive Missing Files / Folders Won't Open

Aug 13, 2005

XPpro with two HDs, CDr/w and DVDr/w.(D AND (E are (were?) a 20G drive which I partitioned over a year ago. This morning I came across a 4G drive in an old box. (really). Being a curious type I pulled the power and ribbon leads from the DVD and plugged them into the 4G HD, after setting the jumper to slave.Then switched on. A dos line appeared saying 'automatically configuring an F: drive' After which Windows appeared to boot up normally. Except that 'My Computer' showed no (D The 4G (F drive showed as not formated. So... I removed the 4G and replaced the leads back to the DVD. My Computer' shows 3.5 floppy Local Disk(C FRSTHAFOLD(D 9G abt Notice NO (E

Not only that but my D drive is missing lots of files and folders wont open. It seems that the partitioning has been forgotten! I have checked what bios settings there are (not many on Compaq 5000) And the bios sees my main Crive and only one 20G disk I have a bad feeling about this Is there any way to get things back to normal?

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Folder Views - Arrange Sub Folders Content

Sep 8, 2007

I have created a folder, and inside this folder are a number of sub folders, each containing various text files, images, etc etc. I would like each sub folders content to be arranged in the same way. So have used VIEW/ARRANGE_ICONS_BY/TYPE/SHOW_IN_GROUPS

This setting places all .JPG, BMP, GIF, TEXT etc. in groups, and looks quite well ordered and neat. Probably not everybody's first choice, but it works for me. However, to achieve this layout I have to visit every single folder and it's sub folders individually, in order to make the necessary adjustments, and so that they all view in the same way. This can, and does, take hours. Is there any way that I can specify how I would like the contents of all sub folders within a main folder to be set up, without having to make the adjustments for each one over and over again? What's more, I have an external HDD connected to my P.C as additional storage, and when I transfer any folders to this external drive, whilst the contents remain intact, the settings for how each folder should view appear lost. So, back I come to the same old layout issue again.

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Random Folder Corruption - Folders Cannot Be Deleted

Mar 5, 2005

I am having great difficulty with my current hard drive, a Maxtor 160GB 7200 drive. About a month ago, several folders began randomly turning into gibberish, and when I click on the folder, the amount of data listed is in the Gigabytes, instead of Megabytes. The corrupted folders could not be deleted, nor could the programs be removed. So, three weeks ago, I reinstalled Windows XP and re-formatted the partition on which these corrupted folders were located. For three weeks, things have been just fine. Today, however, when I tried to use Corel Quattro Pro, it would not work. Sure enough, the entire Corel folder has turned into unintelligible goo, and can not be deleted. At first, I thought a virus might be causing this random corruption. However, I now I suspect that this constitutes hard drive corruption, possibly early signs that hard drive failure is around the corner. One bit of information that I think I need to relay is that, in addition to Windows XP, I also run Windows 98 on this computer. None of the 7 partitions are over 20GB, however, so I wouldn't think that Windows 98 would have any trouble recognizing the data.

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User Folders On Hard Drive - When Drive Is Swapped

Apr 14, 2008

My daughter's HP dv2000t notebook computer had a motherboard crash, apparently (won't turn on). I took the hard drive out and put it into a NexStar-3 USB drive enclosure to try to salvage the iTunes and documents. The folders all show up, but when I try to access her user directory, it says that it is "empty". The properties for the hard drive also say that it the drive is almost full, so the data is all there...somewhere.Is there some kind of security that is tying the user directory to my daughter's computer and dissallowing me to tread her files on another computer? I can see how this would be a good feature if it was stolen, but when I send it back to HP for repairs, they say that they will restore the hard drive to its original condition and wipe out her investment in music, etc.

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Get Explorer To Show Folder Sizes For Multiple Folders?

Aug 20, 2004

I know you can either hover over a folder in Explorer or right click, click properties and get the folder size - but what I want is a fix or utility that allows me to see multiple folders, ala Explorer, and see their size displayed - the way it does for individual files on the DETAILS setting

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Hidden Folders And Files / Password Protect A Folder

Feb 27, 2008

I would like to know how you HIDE folders or at least password protect a folder.

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Cant Unhide Folders / No Folder Options In Tools Or Control

Aug 5, 2005

When looking for some files, I tried to unhide a folder and it just made more folders disappear. I checked the Hidden folders option (in the properties window of the folder that contained the files I was looking for)
and the folder I was in became hidden. I cleared the box for hide folders but it is still hidden.

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Unable To See File / Folder Names In Specific Folders

Mar 20, 2007

I have had this problem for a couple of years now, even in a few different computers. I have a folder with files I am keeping, copying it from computer to computer when I change computers. In this folder I am unable to see folder/file names unless I mark them. This has irritated me to some extent since there are around 12-13000 files in this folder by now. I have asked around at computer-tech stores, and some of my more or less nerdy friends. One of wich is mostly always able to help me but not with this.

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Strange Folder Appeared On Desktop - Sub-folders Are Empty.

Sep 17, 2005

I have noticed a folder on my desktop titled %systemdrive% All the sub-folders are empty.

Would it be safe to delete it? I know it has something to do with the operating system.

I am running Windows XP

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