.exe Named Skypeout - Manually Delete Off Of Harddrive

Jun 17, 2005

I downloaded a virus when I downloaded skype off of a third party website. Now I've got an .exe named skypeout on my desktop that doesn't want to move. Windows XP won't let me delete it because it is in use by another program. I could manually delete it off of my hard drive? I can't move it anywhere or delete it, it is alo probably logging keys too.

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Unable To Delete Virus Named Hboth07 ?

Dec 26, 2006

this virus named hboth07 cannot delete has tried several programs but because he never backed up his hard disk cannot afford to lose all data after all this time. i cannot find anything on this name

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Task Manger Can't Delete Registry Manually

May 10, 2006

I downloaded a bunch of spyware by mistake this morning from a link my friend gave to me, he was unaware as well. I was able to get rid of the majority of it, but there are a few things in my registry i am unable to delete, i used spy bot to get rid of most of the spy ware but for some reason it is not detecting the rest, also ad aware detects it but is unable to remove it since it is running in the background, i am unable to find the processs from task manager and end it so i cant delete it from the registry manually. What it is doing is bascially spamming pop ups on my pc every so often, here are the suspected names of the infections : mpise.dll , h22o0cf3ef2.dll , h62o0gf3e62.dll.

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Frustrating IE - Empty TIF - Manually Delete Cookies

Nov 20, 2005

I've been messing with these issues for over two weeks now and nothing seems to work.The following settings are in place and always have been: Internet OptionTIF settings: look for new content on every page visit Advanced: empty TIF on exit History: one day only....manually delete/clearI have manually emptied all TIF folders and using the %temp% command at the run line to bring up the truncated hidden Content.IE5 folder emptied that as well.I have manually deleted all cookies in the folde

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Safe To Delete Older Profile Named / Administrator From System Properties

Jun 13, 2005

is it safe to delete my older profile named Administrator from System Properties Advanced tab>under User Profiles>Settings? as i already have a new administrator account. it all happened when my Pc crashed & i had to create a new administrator account.also i booted it twice so it created two additional folders-Administrator.username & Administrator . Also it gives me an option to delete the old Administrator from above path.

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Unable To Delete An Icon Named "crack22a"?

Aug 28, 2005

there is an icon on my desktop called "crack22a", and when i try to delete it a message comes up saying "it is being used by another person or program. close any programs that might be using it and try again". i dont know what program is using it. i scanned it with antivir, so its not a virus. if i double click on it, an error message comes up saying ".../crack22a.exe is not a valid win32 application". i think i was downloading it, and firefox crashed. so it never downloaded all of it.

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Getting Virus Named As "Surfsidekick 3" / Unable To Delete ?

Jun 29, 2006

I'm having some serious problems with malware and something called Surfsidekick 3.It won't let me remove it with Ewido or hijackthis or spybot or anything, I don't know what to do. I tried removing it manually and I get a message saying it's in use. The computer is locking up and I dunno what to do.

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Harddrive Is Split In To Many Drives - Formatting Harddrive

Aug 29, 2006

I know what to do but i am bit curious on the formatting bit. I have 2 hard drives, Harddrive "A" has all the window/program files as well as other programs like games and documents. Harddrive B is where i keep all my big files like videos and movies of course i want to format harddrive A but the thing is that harddrive is split in to 3 drives (C:, G:, F. I dont mind formating the c drive since it is all windows/program files but i dont really want to get rid of the G/F drive. I kno you can format the harddrive through the installation process of windows but i was wondering if it is possilbe to just to format the C: during that process or does it only format the whole harddrive

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Reformated Harddrive - HardDrive Possibly Dying

Jul 30, 2007

I reformatted my hard drive due to OS issues, I was running a trial version of Server 2003 along with XP Pro, and I had to get rid of Server 2003 because it was conflicting with XP Pro, and so the only way to do that was by reformatting both hard drives including XP Pro because Server 2003 was acting as the dominant OS, so I backed up all my ****, and reinstalled XP Pro, but now I get this hard drive problem that it says only 51 Gigs are remaining on a 250GB Hard drive, when the only thing installed on that hard drive is XP pro and maybe 15 applications, I tried using every program I can think of to find hidden files that equal a huge size but nothing shows up

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Data Disappeared From HardDrive - Harddrive Partitions

May 26, 2008

My computer operated windows XP sp2, and have 3 hard drives conntected
1. HD 0 is 160 GB divided into 2 partiotions, one 20 GB containing the system the other 140 Gb containes data directories and film directories2. HD 1 is 120 Gb connected through mobile rack and also contains data directories and film directories3. HD 2 is 200 Gb connected through mobile rack and contains only film directories.Untill thursday night everything was perfect, but when i I opened my computer friday morning i found the following1. HD 0 second partition all film directories completly disappeared and the free space is 40 Gb instead of the original 50 Gb

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Lost Half Harddrive - 300GB Harddrive

Oct 1, 2009

I got a trojan that attached to my browser. I managed to get rid of it by system restore.A few days later I noticed I only had 127 GB of my 300GB harddrive showing.I did manage to find the missing space though Disk Management. It was showing 170GB as unallocated space. I named it E: and formatted it.It now shows in My Computer as New Volume E: When I open E:I get 2 folders, Recycler and System volume Information. SVI will not open. It gives me an error, ESystem Volume Information is not accessable, access is denied.I am trying to find a way to either resize E: to 1GB or smaller and move that 169 GB back to C: or get rid of E: altogether and put all the missing space back on C:

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Formatting Harddrive - Partitions Harddrive

May 23, 2005

about two yrs ago my dad made a massive mistake of making two partitions on my laptop, and giving the C: only 2gigs of the partition, and the D: 28-29gigs. I wanted to format my computer completely anyways, and would like to know how i can format my computer and merge these two partitions. I have the formatting disks, but it never goes to a screen asking me about my partitions, it just formats everything on my C: (my default drive), but keeps everything on my D: intact (games, files, etc.).

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Replaced 5gig Harddrive With 20 Gig Harddrive

Feb 19, 2005

Recently upgraded my laptop to windows XP from ME. I first replaced my 5 gig hard drive with a 20 gig hard drive. I added another 128 memory module for a total of 256. For an old machine it really hums now. Three minor problems are bugging me though. 1. I lost the sounds from my modem. The modem works fine except for no sound. I assume that the sound is from the unimodem half-duplex audio device that is located on the Lucent winmodem. I have checked everything. The system says that it is working correctly. I cannot even find the driver for this on microsoft . I thought if I could load a new driver it might work. No such thing. 2. System restore didn't work until I erased all the memory points and reloaded the program. Now if I open siystem restore and click on "settings" or "help" System restore shuts down. I assume it is corrupted and would like to reload it.

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Install Sys Drive Named H

Oct 21, 2009

Installed WinXP Pro to new HD Disk this new disk was only hard drive connected to computer but pro set up named it H:, this is the system drive I am sure it will cause problems down the road .How do I change it to C: drive

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Folder Named ProgramrenametoPrg_1?

Mar 22, 2007

Program has encountered an error - There is a folder named Program, rename to Program_1 ?

Question: AppName : Program AppVer : ModName : Program

ModVer : offset : 0004a2b0



this error includes information regarding the condition of program when the problem occurred.

the operating system version and computer hardware.

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Can Save Just A-k Named Files?

Dec 19, 2008

To make a backup, I want to do this: robocopy g: i:BU_G /s /xo /purge /xf pagefile*.* /w:1 /r:1 BUT *only* on files whose names start with 0-9 or a-k Is there a way in batch files?

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Process Named WC72F4.exe

Jun 22, 2006

I have a Dell Latitude D610 Laptop, running on OEM Windows XP Pro SP2.I am a web developer, and naturally I would have development tools installed in my machine, including Microsoft Visual Studio (2003 and 2005), and Sql Server (2000 and 2005) and I have noticed an increase in my startup time. So i decided to set Sql Server to not automatically load its services on startup, so I can simply fire them up when I need them. As a result of this, i was able to decrease the startup time of my machine.However, lately although I haven't installed any other softwares, I noticed that again the startup time increased. I'm looking through the processes running in my machine as soon as I start up, and I found out that the processes are mostly "legitimate" processes (with the help of the Internet, as I've researched on each and every process). I have however found one process that ran by the SYSTEM, with the name WC72F4.exe. I have searched the internet and found no info on this. Even the mighty google doesn't have info on this. Anybody who can shed some light on this?

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Making Shortcuts Without Them Being Named

Jun 10, 2006

want to know if anyone knows how to make a shortcut to a file without it being named "shortcut to..."Other than renaming it and removing the "Shortcut to" bit, is there some way to do this? The reason I need to know is because I have 600 files spread out in many different folders, on several different hard drives and I want to make shortcuts to them and place the shortcuts into 1 folder. I don't fancy renaming 600 files just to remove the "Shortcut To" at the beginning of each filename.

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Program Named Sample Is Not Responding

Dec 9, 2004

I am having a problem with my computer. Recently, a friend went on my computer and installed some games. He might have done some other things cause ever since that day, any time I try to shut down windows, a message comes up telling me a program named "Sample" is not responding. I have to click the "End Now" box at the bottom and another identical message pops up. I click the button again and then everything shuts down normally. Does anyone have any clues on how to fix this problem?

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Window Named COMMON With Folder Bin

Jun 26, 2005

Everytime i start op windows XP, it shows a window named COMMON with the
folder BIN How do i deal with this problem?

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Turning Off PC Results In Appearing Program Named WMS.Ile ?

Oct 4, 2007

when i'm going to turn off pc i have a kind of end programm the name of this program is WMS.Ile

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Files Named - Fnd And Save SEARCH Results

Jul 13, 2009

Files named regex.fndIs there a way to save the results of a search, not just the "arg" of the search? If not, is there a 3rd party software for this, hopefully freeware?

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Processes Named Svchost.exe Run On Startup: High CPU Usage?

Feb 17, 2006

I have asked this before, but on startup, I have several processes named svchost.exe that run on startup. One of these is a network service and every time, this particular one uses 50% +/- CPU. Apps will not open, nothing will function correctly until this is terminated.

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Unknown Running Processes Named As QBDAgent.exe And Mrtmngr.exe?

Mar 15, 2005

My task manager shows two running processes that, to my knowledge, i never use: QBDAgent.exe and mrtmngr.exe. I believe that QDBAgent has something to do with quick books and i'm not quite sure what the other does. I'm pretty sure that they aren't spyware, but even in that case, i don't want to have them running if they don't need to be. I know i wasn't having problems before they appeared and i'm not really having problems now

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Removed Un-named Installer : Unable To Open Any Program?

Feb 3, 2006

Tried to open Control Panel to uninstall and start using Office XP Small Business -- message: "error occurred while windows was working with...CoPM.cpl in System 32." Microsoft tech suport referred me to start/run appwiz, and remove Visual IP InSight -- but that file wasn't on the list of programs. I removed an un-named installer from the top of the list, thinking that was the culprit.Since then, Windows Installer dialog box pops up whenever I open Explorer or any other program. Microsoft tech support referred me to Article 261594 (Modify the Registry). Can now load Ofice 2000 without the installer popping up.

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Error Loading Named As DOCEOC16B1 After Booting System?

Mar 13, 2005

I get this error loading DOCEOC16B1 after boot along with an unwanted little winodw in the right corner above tool bar on desktop, it sat Search the Web on it. I have run the latest versions of spybot SD, ad aware, CW shredder, and also Counterspy 1.0. The boot takes much longer than normal now too.

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Pro Cd Pick It Up Manually ?

Nov 29, 2004

Im trying to find out how to reboot my computer.I currently had windows XP Pro and I deleted something I needed by accident and then restarted. That's when it stopped working all it does is bring up the background pic and no icons or start bar. I have a win Xp pro disc but it doesn't do anything it doesn't pick it up for nothing so i was wondering how to make it pick it up manually ?

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Cant Update Manually Through Website

Aug 13, 2006

Am running XP with sp2 . Never come across this problem till now. When I get onto the Microsoft website and try to add updates manualy, the site checks out my PC system to see what os system im running (i presume), then I get 2 options, 1 to install custom updates and 1 for download priority. If I click on either I get a bar with moving green dots in telling me itschecking for latest updates on my computer. It does not stop! And when I press the Back link or close it just about freezes my whole pc, even Ctrl, Alt & delete does not work

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Have To Change The Time Manually

Feb 20, 2006

I am running XP Pro, and whenever Day Light Savings time comes around I have to change the time manually. I DO have "Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes" checked. Where is the problem at

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HD Partitioned - Destination Manually

Mar 11, 2007

I use Windows XPpro with HD partitioned so that D drive holds all applications. Unfortunately some applications install by default to C drive 'My Programs' and there is no option to change the destination manually. Does anyone know a way around this?

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SP3 Wont Shut Down - Sprtcmd.exe - Manually End

Oct 3, 2008

I have a Dell XPS computer with Windows XP SP3. Just yesterday it started acting up by when I went to shut it down (and it does this every time now) it says "ending program "sprtcmd.exe" , then unable to end program, so I have to end manually EVERY DARN TIME. This just started with shut down last nite. I did a system restore and that fixed it, BUT then my McCaffee Antivirus program said it can not load due to an error, basically the antivirus program got all screwed up, so I UN-DID the restore. Now the antivirus works well but the stupid "sprtcmd.exe" problem is back! So I did that about 5 times picking different System Restore points each time and for some reason the McCafee screws up, so I had to undo each one.

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