How I have my phone set up:
Phone is Nokia Lumia 520 - ATT
I have 2 groups of contacts, which are 'family' and 'common contacts'. I pull all contacts from outlook online and facebook, in addition to the phone itself. So family and common contacts do not have all my contacts listed in them, because there are quite a few.
These contact 'boxes' tell me who has texted me in the past, by saying 'New Message', etc. Also, my lock screen tells me if I have missed texts, calls, etc.
Pic of Contacts box:
Pic of lock screen
I have more than 7 messages listed on the lock screen that I cannot find the source to. They aren't in my family or common contacts or it would display 'new message' in the green box, so they must be from someone else in my address book. Also, whenever someone who is not a family or common contact messages me, I get the message, but no notification except on the lock screen (which says how many new messages I have, but not who from).
I've just upgraded to brand new HTC 8X Windows Phone 8 but I've had to continue using iPhone as my Audi Car Phone System does not see contacts in its Phone Book when connected via bluetooth with my new phone. Phone book access works fine with iPhone4
I run the Cleartype text tuner wizard and chose a thicker text setting but it only works on IE, the rest of programs are unaffected, is there a way to make that wizard work for ALL programs
I've tried re-indexing, some of the XLS sheets are found, but not many, so I know the directories are included. Pretty sure it was all good on v8. I've switched the Bing search off, and if I let it search everywhere after a bit it gives up and says it's taking too long. It finds files based on the file name and seems to be fairly successful searching PDFs but XLS no good. I'm running Office 2003 so whether it's forgotten how to read old app stuff I don't know...
I'm running Windows 8 at the moment and I am trying to get 8.1 installed.
I go into the Windows Store......and I get no option at all to download and install 8.1. Windows updates are on, not sure if that even matters though. Windows Store is just not giving me any option to install it, or even tell me that its available to download.
Now, I'm in the UK, but as I understood it, Microsoft's release of 8.1 was global. I have also done several reboots of the PC, no change.
How to have my ink levels show when I am printing. I am using the same printer, HP.. and they used to show up on XP. or even if I could find the level..period.. Ive looked under preferences under printers..can't find....
I have an acer aspire computer with corrupted key windows files. So i am unable to even boot windows. When i start windows i get a BSOD.
What i am trying to do is retrieve my product key from the BIOS with a program that is bootable outside of windows. Like from a USB for example.
My intention is to restore my computer with a clean install by downloading my windows 8 version on another computer to a usb through the windows website after i retreive my product key. Then use this usb to install my windows 8 version back onto the BSOD computer. But as i have stated, i am unable to use the conventional product key finding programs since i cant even boot windows 8.
I have found myself more addicted to my laptop since I installed win 8 on it. Everything I read in the past about win 8 being more for touch screens I was like well I'm not going to upgrade my pc then but now that I have it i'm actually really liking it.
I like the whole metro side of win 8, I mean it really has me thinking. If I can have the same on all my devices I just may dump my Iphone and ipad. I'm assuming the apps on the desktop will be the same for the win 8 phone right? If that is the case, see you later apple I never cared for you much any way...
I have to be honest I don't like switching back to the desktop, I'm sure the desktop will be gone by win 9 or 10 once win eight takes off and third party software goes to the metro side.
One last thing I like to note is if Microsoft promotes win 8 for the phone, tablet and pc all together instead of saying win eight is for touch screens they blow this thru the roof!
I have windows 8.1 and when i plug in my nexus 4, it appears a small window that asks me what i want to do with the device. When i click on it , the only option i have is "take no action" and doesn't open it. my pc sees the device but it doesn't open it.
Our effort to build great software never stops. That's why we periodically release updates for Windows Phone 8 to add new features that maximize your phone's performance. Below is a summary of what we've included in each update so far. The most recent update is listed first. The longer number refers to the Windows Phone operating system (OS) version.
Updates to Windows Phone 8 are cumulative, so when you install the latest update, you'll also get all the previous updates (if your phone doesn't have them already). Only updates that apply to your phone will be downloaded and installed.
When it's available, we'll also pass along software from phone manufacturers that improves the performance of specific phone models. If you have questions about what's included in a phone manufacturer update, contact your phone manufacturer.
See How do I update my phone software? to learn how to install updates or check if there's an update available for you to download.
See: Windows Phone 8 update history | Windows Phone How-to (United States)
Tip How to Check for and Install Windows Phone Software Updates
i have a windows 8 laptop and was woundering why i cant use a app like Pandora for my laptop . its in your windows phone app sotre but not for the laptop store? i don't understand why. both are the same . or is it the app itself only going for windows phone? i would love to get all access to all apps on windows phone for my laptop. ty
Ever since the latest WP update (currently on WP8.1 Update, firmware 3051.50009.1424.0003) my Windows 8.1 PC doesn't detect my Lumia. I get "The latest device malfunctioned and Windows does not recognize it. There is also Unknown USB device (Device descriptor request failed) listed under Universal Serial Bus controllers in Device manager. Nothing under Portable devices section.
What I have tried: - replacing usb cable (using original one) -> no luck - soft reset phone -> no luck - turning the phone off and plug it in -> no go - manually uninstalling the device from device manager, restarting the PC and try again -> nope - plugged brother's lumia 930 -> works like a charm
I've got access to laptop, plugging my phone there and the same problem happens at first - the device can't be recognized but a few moments later somehow it gets recognized and connected. The problem seems to be on my PC, need to completely removing all the Phone drivers (including registry entries) so I can install them fresh?
I saw the other thread here about "Windows 8 Pro Randomly Freezing," but I think I'm seeing something slightly different. In my case, I'm getting random, repeated instances of various desktop applications temporarily "locking up" and displaying a "Not Responding" message in the title bar of the effected app.
I see this most commonly in Firefox (32-bit version, v17.0 release). These lock-ups last roughly a minute. It seems to minimize the Firefox window (yes, even when not responding, window controls are operative) and then restore it. It will still display the "Not Responding" message, but this seems to clear within 10 or 15 seconds. Not sure this is a fix, and it could be coincidental.
While I initially thought my problem was Firefox, I'm seeing it in other apps, including Evernote and Windows Explorer. I think on a couple of occasions I actually saw this "Not Responding" message appear in dialog boxes.
I really like Windows 8, but I have a problem with the app that controls messages. It's linked with Facebook, so whenever one of my friends is messaging me, I'm can answer from the app. Pretty smart, I think.
However, I have a problem. I have to friends with same name and last name.
My problem:
Friend number 1 is chatting with me.
Friend number 2's profile picture appear in the app.
Sometime friend number 2 recieves the message I'm sending to friend number 1.
Another problem is that the app doesn't seem to figure out if I already read the message on Facebook.
I have a folder that contains a bunch of files that contain craft shows. If I want to search for a file that contains a specific show I'll open the folder then in the search field in the top right corner I'll type in "Christmas Carousel Craft Show". The problem is that every single file containing the word "christmas" or the word "carousel" or the word "craft" or the word "show" pops up! I just want to find the file with the phrase "Christmas Carousel Craft Show".
I just got Windows 8 a week or so ago and I left it on today. I came home and my internet suddenly couldn't find any networks. I googled how to get it back, but when I go to pc settings there is no Wireless tab. I cant turn it on, I've tried reinstalling my wireless card LAN driver, restarting my PC and doing a system restore to the last recommended time, nothing works.
When I use Explorer on Windows 8.1 to copy multiple FLAC files to a folder on the SD card of my Nokia Lumia 625 (running on Windows Phone 8.1) via USB, a dialog window pops up in Explorer, asking me to choose between converting and just copying. If I choose to just copy, a progress bar appears, and it always gets stuck at the end of the first file transfer so I have to cancel or close the progress window, and, as a result, only the first file is transferred. If I copy a single FLAC file instead of multiple ones, the same thing happens at the end of the file transfer. So I am forced to copy the files one at a time, and I have to close the popup window for each of them. Is there any way to solve this?
I have problem with USB 2.0. The problem first begin with app called (zadig.exe) under options i click List all devices.
I think by mistake i change of the drives after that the USB 2.0 stop working. I have USB 3.0 and its fine. The USB 2.0 can charge my phone and the mouse can work in BIOS ONLY. After going to Win 8 is stop working but it will charge my phone.
So, yahoo web mail's giving me grief on both this Windows 8 machine and my vista machine, which I'd done a fresh zero out and software reload on, neither machine will load yahoo messages, keeps spitting up error code 45s...
I saw they had a yahoo for windows 8 app available, lets try that! no such luck, yahoo mail Windows 8 app is doing the EXACT same thing.. sans the error code 45s.. Getting grief from their yahoo email?
The snapshot below is what it HAD been tossing up nonstop before the error 45s started saying hi.. as you can see..I had alot of mail tabs open on the mail screen..they were all spitting up errors.