Browsers/Mail :: Yahoo For Windows 8 Cannot Load Messages
Aug 5, 2013
So, yahoo web mail's giving me grief on both this Windows 8 machine and my vista machine, which I'd done a fresh zero out and software reload on, neither machine will load yahoo messages, keeps spitting up error code 45s...
I saw they had a yahoo for windows 8 app available, lets try that! no such luck, yahoo mail Windows 8 app is doing the EXACT same thing.. sans the error code 45s.. Getting grief from their yahoo email?
The snapshot below is what it HAD been tossing up nonstop before the error 45s started saying hi.. as you can see..I had alot of mail tabs open on the mail screen..they were all spitting up errors.
Appears browser related as problem is only in IE11. Have googled issue and can find no definitive answer. Clearing cookies, etc and resetting IE11 does not work.
I just sent my computer in to be worked on a month ago. I had this working before then
It was factory reset so this is a computer/browser issue, nothing with the restore
I had Yahoo Email set as default. For each of my previous computers, I did too.
I cannot find the link telling me how to do it: I remember seeing it could be done with a particular version of Yahoo toolbar And I saw one that would install the mail plugin with Yahoo Messenger
Neither has been there when I installed several versions.
Anyway to transfer back to the old Yahoo Classic ?
I have "googled" the issue but most possible solutions are outdated. One older solution was changing the screen resolution which supposedly transfers back to the Classic but this did not work.
I personally have not experienced any issues with the new Yahoo Mail as stated below, but just prefer the Classic format.
Anger explodes at Yahoo Mail redesign disaster: Key functions removed or broken | ZDNet
Basically I have about 15 messages in my outbox that won't send and whenever I try to send a new message it just goes to the outbox. This has been going on for about a week (unfortunately I only noticed the day before yesterday!). (I'm using Windows 8 and Windows Mail - my account is a Gmail account)
Is there a way to change the font size in incoming messages? I don't mean by using a screen magnifier or anything like that, but by setting an option that presents all incoming mail in the selected font.
Kept ignoring prompts to upgrade to 8.1. Finally went ahead and did it and now neither IE or Chrome will load web pages. The programs themselves open but nothing happens. Not even a "can't load page" message. I am connected to the internet and I tried a few apps that seemed to work as normal. I've found this question online and followed a few instructions that didn't work. One worked for a minute but it went back. I'm not super tech savvy so I don't even know what it did, just followed some command prompts. I contacted Samsung support and they had me turn off IE under "turn windows features on or off" and turn it back on. It worked. For about two minutes. Now nothing again.
I have a problem with my new laptop i have recently bought. Dell Inspiron 7537 15inch OS 8.1 (after upgrade from 8.0) 16gb RAM, Samsung SSD SM 841 256gb. Lets go to the point - When i try to load a page, usually i have to refresh that page, because i get an error like "No connection" or sometimes it loads only HTML code. Almost always i cant see any pictures in Facebook, only broken links. Same is happening to the ads(if i am lucky enogh to see anything except html code). Its happening with all browsers i have: IE, CHROME, MOZZILA. I will upload pictures if needed.
Things i have done: I installed a malware anrivirus, and performed a cleanup. I disabled all "Startup" features from Task manager. I started the laptop in Safe mode with network - it didn't work. I updated the WiFi drivers, from intel website. I reinstalled the browsers, and cleaned all ( history, cache, cookies, etc ).
I've mentioned the model of the laptop because i saw that many users from Dell and Samsung were claiming about same issue. I didnt notice if the browsers were working fine in OS 8 because i updated it immediately. I think a software or other is corrupting the connection. I have a phone and other laptop, and they are working fine with my home WiFi.
I forgot to say that i bought the laptop with OS 8 installed and i dont have a windows disc for repair. Is it necessary that?
I am using Windows 8. Often a web page will not fully load and I have use "refresh" one or more times to get it to load. Is there something I am doing wrong or a setting I can change?
I have Windows 8.1 - Google Chrome will not load pages at all.I bought this computer brand new about 1 month ago. Google chrome browser was working great until the day before yesterday - all of a sudden, will no longer load pages.- am overwhelmed with all of the posts about 8.1 issues.
When I start my computer (which is running win 8), yahoo messenger won't sign in, and certain websites won't load for me for about 10-15 minutes. So it's just for certain websites, and the yahoo messenger client. Skype and 90% of the websites load with no problems whatsoever. And it only happens after i turn on my machine, or after a restart.
The problem persists no matter what browsers i use. When i ping those websites, I get replies from them, everything looks just fine, but they just won't load. After 10-15 minutes, they just fire up, all at once and i get no problems whatsoever. It's not a problem with the internet connection, as I got another windows running machine, an iPad, and my gf's Mac, and none of them are experiencing this issue. Plus, it also happens when i'm using any other network from a different location.
I have flushed my dns, and have run antivirus solutions like dr. web, combofix and malwarebyes anti-malware, and still no joy. My windows updates are up to date.. Do you need any other info for a diagnostic?
I added classic shell and I actually have no problems with navigating and it feels fast. I like it. BUT, firefox and chrome will not load web pages properly and sometimes not at all.....I don't notice this happening on IE, but only fox and chrome. What happens is, when you're surfing web pages, suddenly, you get something like server doesn't exist or yahoo handler error, or the page will just load weird with blue texts. You can refresh and the page will sometimes load fully, OR you can just close, clear cookies and then everything is fine, then a few webpages later, it starts all over again. When the web pages do load, they load fast and as normal.
I've tried SEVERAL things from reading online. I did the DNS flush, I disabled d-bugging in the device manager under adapters, ran ccleaner to clean all history (even the past 24 hrs), I uninstalled both broswers and reinstalled. The only AD on I have on chrome and firefox is adblock, but it's not that because I removed This isn't happening on my windows 7 desktop
I have Windows 8 and no matter what browser I use, it takes a long time to load any page on a website. It had worked great until about a month ago. We have two other computers in the house (one with XP and one with 7) they seem not to have issues, so I don't think it is a connection issue. The XP is a laptop, the 7 is a desktop.
My internet is currently not loading pages properly since I starting using a Telsta modem that came with the internet bundle (T-Box and Modem set). My D-Link modem stopped working due to old age I guess and doesn't turn on anymore. So I set-up the Telstra modem (with the included filter that I was using on my old modem, the D-Link and pages were loading fine).
For example when I try to load Facebook sometimes or it does not load the page, sometimes only the text-based version on Facebook and but sometimes on Facebook images and video's don't load. But on Youtube it works fine and loads videos perfectly like my old modem does. But some / most websites don't load.
I think I am close to being capped (but not sure why that would allow Youtube videos to load in 720 / 1080p)
I used to have this problem long time ago, it disappeared, but it came back again. Basically, whenever I load up a webpage, via chrome, internet explorer or anything, sometimes it would fail to go to the website entirely and give me an erorror that the website is not found without even checking with the server (I know cause it happens as soon as i click enter with no query to the server whatsoever), when I click refresh or go again, it then loads. Sometimes webpages doesn't load properly, elements of pages go missing like pictures, layout messes up, etc.
This is not related to web browser only, as Steam also does those problems while browsing through the store.
My system:
Windows 8.1 Core i5 4670 MSI z87-G43 gaming motherboard Sapphire R9 290 8GB RAM Killer e2200 Gigabit NIC
I am using FF29. Since installing this, everytime I exit, when I come back even if hours later, it says FF is already running, and I have to Task Manager kill it.
I am not able to load any pages using Firefox or Internet explorer. I have tried resetting my windsock and itp and it still won't work. I've also tried deleting any 3rd party firewalls I had but that didn't work either. I just got this laptop a week ago too so ya.
So after using google chrome for about a year and having no problems whatsoever, just today I encountered one where the initial startup takes a very long time about 10-15 minutes, and this is only on initial launch, as when I keep chrome open any new chrome windows I launch load normally which is nearly instantly. I have done every procedure here Google Groups though not separately and it still takes an incredibly long time for chrome to load on initial launch.
I just got a laptop with windows 8, and i can log in into my yahoo mail, but when i click on my email to read it, i get error 8, I followed the steps provided to fix it but nothing happend, i still get the error, i contacted yahoo support over two weeks they told me to wait till a technician contact me, but i still can access my yahoo mail from different computer running windows 7....!
How to fix Chrome as it is taking an unusually long time to load. It started just today a few hours ago when I logged into Facebook here in my laptop, I normally don't use it in my laptop as I just use it on my phone mainly and have a desktop at school where I submit my school files early to avoid submitting them on my laptop. But when I was forced to submit at home and use Facebook on my laptop to submit my files, Chrome then starts taking a very long time to load, about 10-15 minutes. It isn't an internet problem as were getting a pretty average 7 mbps, and strange thing is IE is working well and fine. Tried doing some research and some suggested it was a firewall issue but I doubt it, as I never tweak my antivirus settings. I tried this When Google Chrome won't start up | Computerworld Blogs but couldn't continue as I seem to be missing the debug.log mentioned and so couldn't make sure if I was having the same problem, so pretty lost at the moment.
After the 15 minute wait for chrome to open, and while I STILL have the browser open, opening new Chrome windows is then back to normal. But soon as I close my Chrome windows I then have to wait lots again. And it seems no matter how many shortcuts I try to open, I remember I clicked Chrome about 20 times it only always opens just 2 Chrome windows
I am running Windows 8 and use Yahoo mail. Is there anyway to completely stop all those advertisements from reaching my email address without having to pay for software? I am using Avast, SpyHunter, CCleanner to protect my computer and routinely backing up my hard drive. I see Yahoo Mail offers something to block all their ads, but what a shock, I would have to pay them for a subscription.
There is this peculiar problem I'm facing with MTU settings.
I'm using PPPoE with wifi enabled on Windows 8.1.
Couple of months back: ADSL MTU setting was promptly set to 1492 (8 bytes for PPPoE header discounted). All of a sudden, yahoo mail was not accessible.
When I tried
Code: ping -f -l 1464 needs to be fragmented but DF set. Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.
Packet size of 1464 (MTU:1492 - 28 bytes for adjusting different header size) is big. So decided to change MTU.
I checked for various packet sizes; First ping was OK for packet size of 1452. So MTU can be set at 1480.
I changed the MTU to 1480 in modem setting and restarted.
When connected, I tried yahoo mail again - and again failed.
I checked the MTU which is set at 1480. I tried ping with packet size of 1452 and got surprise. I got "Packet needs fragment" again. The same size was working earlier.
I repeated the process. Now the MTU came to 1460. I set the MTU again in modem and restart and try yahoo mail again to get the same failure.
Again I ping with packet size 1432. Nope. Got "Needs fragment" error.
Changed MTU setting in Modem to 1400 - retry cycle - same issue. Changed MTU setting in model to 1300 - retry - same issue.
Then I came across setting MTU for interfaces in PC. So reverted the MTU to 1492 in modem.
Set the PC interface MTU as below. I set it for WiFi interface as I was using wireless Internet access.
Code: netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Wi-Fi" mtu=1460 store=persistent
This solved the problem.
Today I couldn't access yahoo mail. Checked the MTU setting for PC wifi interface. It has been reverted to 1500 (default). May be some windows update did that.
I set it back to 1460. Tried to access yahoo mail. Still not accessible.
Checked the ping with size of 1432 (for MTU 1460). Got "Needs fragment" error. Checked ping with packet size 1400 - OK - change interface MTU to 1420 - Still couldn't access yahoo. Checked ping with pkt size 1400 - now not OK. Checked ping pkt size 1360 - OK - Change interface MTU to 1300 - still couldn't access yahoo mail. Checked ping pkt size of 1360 - now not OK.
This seems to be vicious cycle. What is happening?
My Windows 8 Mail app shows I have 3 UNREAD messages in my inbox, but I dont actually have any unread emails. I have gone through and opened every single email, but it still displays 3 unread emails. When a new email comes through, it goes to 4 unread emails, but when I open the new one it reverts back to 3. Its as though its stuck? How to fix this, aside from uninstalling and reinstalling the program, but then I have to remove a few apps with it (calender etc) and that will lose too much stuff....
I have an old Dell PC running Windows 7. I just bought a new Samsung PC with Windows 8 loaded. Both have Charter Security Suite loaded. Both access the internet via my WAN connection. I have three browsers loaded: IE, FF, & Chrome. On all three browsers, my old W7 PC loads pages faster. On the Samsung, the pages are slower to load and I have to refresh (hit F5) to get them to render properly.
Other than the OS, I cannot figure out what is the root of this problem. Evidently, a lot of others are having it too (based on reading several posts found using an internet search). The WAN is the same. All 3 browsers have the issue. The virus software is the same. I have nothing else loaded on this new PC.
I'd be happy to try some options and do further testing to try to fix this issue. It does not happen every time with every web page, but it happens much to frequently to ignore. Whenever I come across a slow page, I test it on the old computer and it pulls up quickly.
I was using my Gmail account with the Windows 8 Mail App and it was all working fine until I updated it through the store yesterday (I haven't updated it before so I don't know what version of the app I am now using). Today when I try and access my folders I just getting a message saying 'no messages from the last 2 weeks', meaning I cannot access all those useful emails that I have kept on purpose without using gmail through chrome. I have looked through the settings and cannot find if there is a way to change this - is there? Or can I un-install the update and just go back to using the old version, and if so, how would I do this.
I have a tiny wireless piece from realtek that my dad had bought. This piece was working fine up until recently. I had built my own tower and put the piece in there from our old one.. All has been working up until now. Now when I turn on my new tower the wifi connects but does not work. No browsers load and none of my services are working. It also messes up the wifi connection for the other devices around. My sibling will be using their laptop playing something like WoW and when I power up my tower the lag hits. From time to time it will drop my laptop's internet connection entirely. However, this is not the case recently. The router we use is a linksys e2000.
Every now and then the pages load but they are slow and blocky. My dad says it is usually caused by a loss of packets but I did the packet test in cmd and only had a 1% loss.
I have been struggling to insert a photo as part of a signature and was trying out various options when I found I could no longer try different pictures because the Single Photo option was suddenly missing from the top menu.
The Photo Album option still exists but where has the Single Photo option gone?
I need this because I insert a lot of photos in my emails.....
My parents bought a PC last year running Windows 8. I set up there talktalk E mail accounts in the Windows 8 Native E mail client from the Mail tile at the start screen without any problem. All worked fine until recently when in order to download an app they had to register an Outlook E Mail address. Not sure if they had updates applied as well but they had to start logging on to the PC at boot up every time using a password. In an effort to resolve this they restored the PC to an earlier time which has cured the logging on issue (ie no password required) but when they access the Mail tile from the start screen it is an outlook E Mail account that comes up. I have tried without success logging into this outlook account and then adding the talktalk accounts. I even tried using my own account but could not add that either.
All they want is to click the Mail tile and get there talktalk accounts to come up just as before (no outlook or hotmail or anything else). Is there a way to reset the E Mail client/tile in Windows 8 back to what came with PC so that I could set it up just as I did when the PC was purchased. They are running Windows 8 and do not wish to restore back to factory settings as they have a few other bits and pieces of software installed.If they upgrade to Windows 8.1 will they be forced into using a password to log on every time ?