Windows 8 And Yahoo Mail - Error 8
May 10, 2013
I just got a laptop with windows 8, and i can log in into my yahoo mail, but when i click on my email to read it, i get error 8, I followed the steps provided to fix it but nothing happend, i still get the error, i contacted yahoo support over two weeks they told me to wait till a technician contact me, but i still can access my yahoo mail from different computer running windows 7....!
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Mar 15, 2014
Appears browser related as problem is only in IE11. Have googled issue and can find no definitive answer. Clearing cookies, etc and resetting IE11 does not work.
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Dec 21, 2012
Below are the steps to get Yahoo Mail/Gmail on Windows 8:
1. On Windows 8 Mail App, move your mouse to either top or bottom left corner to access the sidebar
2. Click Settings >> Account to retrieve the list of active accounts
3. Click Add an Account >> Other Account
4. Choose IMAP from the drop-down and enter your yahoo mail/Gmail id and password.
5. Windows 8 will configure the rest for you
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Aug 5, 2013
So, yahoo web mail's giving me grief on both this Windows 8 machine and my vista machine, which I'd done a fresh zero out and software reload on, neither machine will load yahoo messages, keeps spitting up error code 45s...
I saw they had a yahoo for windows 8 app available, lets try that! no such luck, yahoo mail Windows 8 app is doing the EXACT same thing.. sans the error code 45s.. Getting grief from their yahoo email?
The snapshot below is what it HAD been tossing up nonstop before the error 45s started saying hi.. as you can see..I had alot of mail tabs open on the mail screen..they were all spitting up errors.
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May 24, 2014
I am running Windows 8 and use Yahoo mail. Is there anyway to completely stop all those advertisements from reaching my email address without having to pay for software? I am using Avast, SpyHunter, CCleanner to protect my computer and routinely backing up my hard drive. I see Yahoo Mail offers something to block all their ads, but what a shock, I would have to pay them for a subscription.
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Apr 26, 2014
There is this peculiar problem I'm facing with MTU settings.
I'm using PPPoE with wifi enabled on Windows 8.1.
Couple of months back:
ADSL MTU setting was promptly set to 1492 (8 bytes for PPPoE header discounted).
All of a sudden, yahoo mail was not accessible.
When I tried
Code: ping -f -l 1464 needs to be fragmented but DF set. Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.
Packet size of 1464 (MTU:1492 - 28 bytes for adjusting different header size) is big. So decided to change MTU.
I checked for various packet sizes; First ping was OK for packet size of 1452. So MTU can be set at 1480.
I changed the MTU to 1480 in modem setting and restarted.
When connected, I tried yahoo mail again - and again failed.
I checked the MTU which is set at 1480. I tried ping with packet size of 1452 and got surprise. I got "Packet needs fragment" again. The same size was working earlier.
I repeated the process. Now the MTU came to 1460. I set the MTU again in modem and restart and try yahoo mail again to get the same failure.
Again I ping with packet size 1432. Nope. Got "Needs fragment" error.
Changed MTU setting in Modem to 1400 - retry cycle - same issue.
Changed MTU setting in model to 1300 - retry - same issue.
Then I came across setting MTU for interfaces in PC. So reverted the MTU to 1492 in modem.
Set the PC interface MTU as below. I set it for WiFi interface as I was using wireless Internet access.
Code: netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Wi-Fi" mtu=1460 store=persistent
This solved the problem.
Today I couldn't access yahoo mail. Checked the MTU setting for PC wifi interface. It has been reverted to 1500 (default). May be some windows update did that.
I set it back to 1460. Tried to access yahoo mail. Still not accessible.
Checked the ping with size of 1432 (for MTU 1460). Got "Needs fragment" error.
Checked ping with packet size 1400 - OK - change interface MTU to 1420 - Still couldn't access yahoo.
Checked ping with pkt size 1400 - now not OK.
Checked ping pkt size 1360 - OK - Change interface MTU to 1300 - still couldn't access yahoo mail.
Checked ping pkt size of 1360 - now not OK.
This seems to be vicious cycle. What is happening?
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Aug 23, 2013
I just sent my computer in to be worked on a month ago. I had this working before then
It was factory reset so this is a computer/browser issue, nothing with the restore
I had Yahoo Email set as default. For each of my previous computers, I did too.
I cannot find the link telling me how to do it: I remember seeing it could be done with a particular version of Yahoo toolbar And I saw one that would install the mail plugin with Yahoo Messenger
Neither has been there when I installed several versions.
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Oct 14, 2013
Anyway to transfer back to the old Yahoo Classic ?
I have "googled" the issue but most possible solutions are outdated. One older solution was changing the screen resolution which supposedly transfers back to the Classic but this did not work.
I personally have not experienced any issues with the new Yahoo Mail as stated below, but just prefer the Classic format.
Anger explodes at Yahoo Mail redesign disaster: Key functions removed or broken | ZDNet
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Jan 19, 2013
I just bought a new laptop with windows 8 on and I m a bit lost....
I installed the yahoo messenger for windows 8 and I noticed that everytime I open a chat window with my contacts, the video call and call button are disabled and it says something like the other person doesn t have the right settings to make a video call? I can still do video calls on yahoo. I also got skype but yahoo for windows 8 seems a bit more similar to the messenger for windows 7..
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Oct 4, 2013
I have yahoo messenger in Windows 8 but when i type smileys in chatbox I can see them but when send them there is nothinf to see.take a look at this :
I did the solutions below but nothing work:
1- Uninstall and install an old version
2- I enabled emotions in messenger-->preference-->messages
3- In inter explorer i checked all of the items in internet option-->advanced--->multimedia
4- I installed the latest version of flash player for windows and IE and firefox
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Aug 18, 2014
I accidently added the "Yahoo Toolbar" to my MIE-11.
I followed the standard instructions for removal.
I went to "Tools" then "Manage Add Ons".
The list of Add Ons appeared. When I click any other Add On in the list the "disable" button lights up.
When I click on "Yahoo Toolbar" the "disable" button does not light up so I am unable to get rid of the toolbar.
While on MIE11, I tried clicking on the "X" at the left side of the Yahoo Toolbar. Two choices appear :
(1) Hide Yahoo Toolbar temporarily
(2) Disable Yahoo Toolbar permanently.
I can Hide the toolbar but when I click on the option to permanently disable the toolbar I get a message that says "This action is restricted. Contact your system administrator".
Went to control panel uninstall software , couldn't find Yahoo Toolbar on the list !!!!
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Jan 16, 2014
I downloaded the newest version of Java, and now when I try to go to yahoo games,I am blocked. how do I get unblocked?
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Apr 11, 2013
In Win Mail I keep getting this error code every time I try to send in receive on just one of my mail accounts. It is a .rr. account. I can send and receive, but I keeps filling my inbox with the same emails over and over. Almost like the emails haven't "cleared the server" and the server keeps sending me the same emails.
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Jul 16, 2014
When you try to delete WLM messages you get this error
"An unknown error has occurred" and the message cannot be deleted.
People with this problem, often need to delete multiple messages or entire folders. That error appears because WLM only thinks it has that/those message(s), but actually that message is nowhere to be found in the the Windows email folders. The message exists no longer, but WLM still shows it as being in its own folders and you simply cannot delete it using the normal procedure.
For the easier way, one can drag the unwanted and non-existing emails to the Deleted Items folder, one by one. However, that is crazy when you have to get rid of hundreds or thousands of them (yes, I had that situation!).
This is how to trick WLM if you want to delete multiple emails giving you that error:
1. We try to simulate forwarding multiple messages. Select multiple emails by clicking on one and then using SHIFT to click and select multiple concatenated messages. Do that screen after screen (scroll down/up). Stop when you see the FORWARD button has become grey. That means one email is even more stubborn and doesn't even want to be forwarded.
2. Hold the SHIFT key and click the messages up and down until you find the culprit. It will be just outside your selection, when your selection manages to un-grey the Forward button.
3. With a lot of messages selected and concatenated, click on the Forward button. You'll get another error message "One or more messages could not be attached. Select OK to continue creating the note." Click Cancel.
4. Now something has unblocked those messages (or message information) and, with the selection on, you can Delete them by simply clicking the Red X (delete) button.
5. The message that made the Forward button grey, can now be deleted as well.
6. Keep doing that until you finish the bunch of messaged you wanted to delete when you got the initial error.
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Jul 9, 2014
I am using windows 8 in virtual box and having problem in IE.
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Apr 4, 2012
how to import Outlook Express 6 mail and contacts into Windows Live Mail?
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Jun 12, 2013
I was using my Gmail account with the Windows 8 Mail App and it was all working fine until I updated it through the store yesterday (I haven't updated it before so I don't know what version of the app I am now using). Today when I try and access my folders I just getting a message saying 'no messages from the last 2 weeks', meaning I cannot access all those useful emails that I have kept on purpose without using gmail through chrome. I have looked through the settings and cannot find if there is a way to change this - is there? Or can I un-install the update and just go back to using the old version, and if so, how would I do this.
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Aug 12, 2014
I have Windows 8.1 n I can receive mail, but I cannot send any mail this happened after downloading the new updates Why? Oue local Postmaster rejects it Why?
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May 4, 2013
I have been struggling to insert a photo as part of a signature and was trying out various options when I found I could no longer try different pictures because the Single Photo option was suddenly missing from the top menu.
The Photo Album option still exists but where has the Single Photo option gone?
I need this because I insert a lot of photos in my emails.....
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Dec 17, 2013
My parents bought a PC last year running Windows 8. I set up there talktalk E mail accounts in the Windows 8 Native E mail client from the Mail tile at the start screen without any problem. All worked fine until recently when in order to download an app they had to register an Outlook E Mail address. Not sure if they had updates applied as well but they had to start logging on to the PC at boot up every time using a password. In an effort to resolve this they restored the PC to an earlier time which has cured the logging on issue (ie no password required) but when they access the Mail tile from the start screen it is an outlook E Mail account that comes up. I have tried without success logging into this outlook account and then adding the talktalk accounts. I even tried using my own account but could not add that either.
All they want is to click the Mail tile and get there talktalk accounts to come up just as before (no outlook or hotmail or anything else). Is there a way to reset the E Mail client/tile in Windows 8 back to what came with PC so that I could set it up just as I did when the PC was purchased. They are running Windows 8 and do not wish to restore back to factory settings as they have a few other bits and pieces of software installed.If they upgrade to Windows 8.1 will they be forced into using a password to log on every time ?
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Dec 31, 2013
I cannot remove my Windows Live email account so whenever I want to send email, I had to click on the "Gmail" tab first then compose email and I don't want this because it's somehow not efficient.
I use the default Windows 8.1 Mail client but I never used my Windows Live account.
Is there any ways to remove Windows Live email or at least make Gmail as the default email address on Windows Mail?
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Sep 15, 2014
I check Reliability Monitor from time to time. I was taken aback today to find Windows Mail creating a critical event and appearing as 'Stopped working' each day for the past six days. There are five listings on day one, five on day two, two on day three, one on day four, two on day five and two on day six. 'Check for a solution' provides no solution. I do have to close and reopen Windows Mail on some occasions when it is stuck at 'Connecting'. The second attempt usually results in Windows Mail receiving mail. That, however, has been a situation that I have lived with for a long time and I am unaware that it caused a critical event in the past. Now, it seems, a critical event is created each time I open Windows Mail. Please move this to 'Performance and Maintenance' if more appropriate.
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Sep 3, 2013
My Wife uses WLM (Desktop) installed on her PC to access her Google email address.
A friend installed a Google calendar on her Desktop which is not linked to her Gmail account except for login purposes, that is the Calendar is not available if you go to the Gmail account on the web.
Is there some way to sync the Google Calendar with the WLM (Desktop) Calendar?
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Sep 15, 2014
I have a question for all the wise ones here, what is the best email program to use besides the windows mail that is installed in windows 8.1 I really do not like it, also how do I disable that program from checking emails.
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Jun 3, 2014
In the last couple of days the JUNK folder for the Windows 8.1 Mail app has not received any postings. I can see the email in the Junk folder if I use Outlook or my iphone. Unfortunately an important email was sent to the Junk folder and I missed it until I located it using Outlook. I have not changed any settings, as far as I know, prior to this problem starting.
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Aug 10, 2014
Assume I have read a message to which I wish to either post a question or ask for information from the author od the message (whose e-mail address is at the end of the message. I click on the his e-mail address and I get taken to the screen shown in the image attached.
Please note that "Windows Live Mail" is NOT listed as one of the alternatives. Is there a means whereby I can either add Windows Live Mail to the list or to change what happens when I click on the author's e-mail address so that I am taken to Windows Live mail rather than this list of potential e-mail programs?
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Aug 16, 2013
1. my win 7 laptop went "poof"
2. got new computer (but they only have windows 8) am using the desktop part of the computer & installed a start menu so it "looked" reasonably like windows 7.
3. installed windows live mail on new computer since windows 8 has a weird email program.
4. had win 7 computer backed up, so had all my windows live emails safely there.
5. copied all the old win 7 emails into the NEW win 8 live email program
6. everything worked great,, could get new emails & all the old ones were there.
7. worked around the NEW live mail, by changing names of folders, deleting some emails etc. so the folder list was NOT the same as when I moved them, ( I have tons of folders under my inbox 13 years of saved emails)
8. looked in windows explorer at the folder where the emails were supposed to be saved.
9. but,,,,,,,,,,,, nothing was changed,,, it still was all the old names etc.
10. for example, I changed a folder name (IN live mail)from dog to cat, & deleted cow.
11. but looking at windows explorer it was still dog & cow was still there.
12. opening live mail,,, it was the changed folders cat.
13. so I do not get it..
14. why didn't the folders in windows explorer CHANGE to reflect all my changes in windows live mail?
15. I need to keep backing up this folder , in case something else goes "poof" To use it for restore.
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Apr 13, 2013
I have two questions on the mail panel in win 8. It is sync with my hotmail. And I look at it occasionally, but preferred going to Outlook to do my email activity. However, I notice the deleted items have reached 137 and do not seem toperform any auto cleanup.
1.Is there a way I can set the deleted items to be erased after Xnumber of days?
2.Can I remove these deleted items as a bulk(more than one)?
How to remove these items is highlighting 1 per item and clicking CAs stated above, I am using as my primary mail activity.the delete option there is working fine. When I first configured my laptop, I sync my old Hotmail with the win 8 mail panel(front screen). It is here where I am having a bulk of deleted mail which Ican only purge manually. When I right click "deleted" name nothing happens. Is there a way to remove these deleted items in hotmail that exist on my front panel screen.
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Sep 15, 2014
An old Microsoft email account (xxxxxxxx@MSN.COM) from the days before Hotmail when you still could get addresses. Account correctly set up in Windows Mail App on Windows 8 machines, no issues. Account has one alias.
This was the only email address I have had without two step verification. Last week something happened which made to rethink my complete online / domain / email security. I both changed the password of this account to a very complicated one and set up the two step verification using the MS Authenticator App for Windows Phone 8. Tested the set up by logging out and logging back in with the new password and as it should be, asked for the authentication code. All was well and working.
Next step was to open Windows Mail App and change the account password there. As expected, the Mail App told me to check settings of this account, clicking the Check Settings link opened the credentials dialog. I entered the as email address, and the new password. Got an error message telling the credentials were wrong. Logged out, logged back in, tried again, could not get the app to accept credentials.
Signed out from Windows, back in, relaunched the Mail App, removed the account as nothing I tried with original or newer alias did work. From account settings I added a new account, trying both the original and the aliases. Wrong credentials tells the app and does not let me add the account. Trying the same credentials on web interface works, no issues in signing in.
Notice that I am absolutely sure that although my new password is really complicated, I have typed it every time right. I have checked it using the View password feature, #1 in below screenshot:
Short version: Can't add an email account to Windows Mail App, credentials 100% sure correct.
Additional issue: This might be impossible to solve: I would like to set my 20 years old original address again as the primary alias but apparently it is not possible:
It was the primary alias before the issues told above, has worked as an MS account to be used for instance as the login account for Windows 8.
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Sep 15, 2014
Is it possible to have multiple outlook accounts come through your mail application on Windows 8.1? I can't seem to make it happen. It will only display the messages from the Microsoft account I am signed into. For example: On my iPhone I have 3 different outlook accounts linked in my mail app to come to my phone.
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Dec 22, 2013
I've an issue with my Windows 8.1 Mail app: I've organized in folders almost all of the emails I regularly receive, but I can see notifications only for those miscellaneous emails which are not organized in any of my folder (so, they simply appear in the Inbox). I followed every single tutorial for similar issues, but any of them worked; and yes, I've selected to show notifications for every email in the Account options of the Mail app, but nothing changes.
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