Browsers/Mail :: How To Transfer Back To Old Yahoo Classic
Oct 14, 2013
Anyway to transfer back to the old Yahoo Classic ?
I have "googled" the issue but most possible solutions are outdated. One older solution was changing the screen resolution which supposedly transfers back to the Classic but this did not work.
I personally have not experienced any issues with the new Yahoo Mail as stated below, but just prefer the Classic format.
Anger explodes at Yahoo Mail redesign disaster: Key functions removed or broken | ZDNet
Appears browser related as problem is only in IE11. Have googled issue and can find no definitive answer. Clearing cookies, etc and resetting IE11 does not work.
So, yahoo web mail's giving me grief on both this Windows 8 machine and my vista machine, which I'd done a fresh zero out and software reload on, neither machine will load yahoo messages, keeps spitting up error code 45s...
I saw they had a yahoo for windows 8 app available, lets try that! no such luck, yahoo mail Windows 8 app is doing the EXACT same thing.. sans the error code 45s.. Getting grief from their yahoo email?
The snapshot below is what it HAD been tossing up nonstop before the error 45s started saying hi.. as you can see..I had alot of mail tabs open on the mail screen..they were all spitting up errors.
I just sent my computer in to be worked on a month ago. I had this working before then
It was factory reset so this is a computer/browser issue, nothing with the restore
I had Yahoo Email set as default. For each of my previous computers, I did too.
I cannot find the link telling me how to do it: I remember seeing it could be done with a particular version of Yahoo toolbar And I saw one that would install the mail plugin with Yahoo Messenger
Neither has been there when I installed several versions.
'How to Backup Your "Mail" App Email Messages in Windows 8 and 8.1' at Mail App - Backup Email Messages in Windows 8. Unlike the path in the screenshot that ends with 'Mail', however, mine ends with 'People' as shown here:
I want to transfer the contacts from a vista pc. the vista pc uses office 2007. I want to export or transfer the contacts from that pc to a windows 8.1 pc that has outlook 2013 installed. I tried WET, but that doesn't work with 8.1 from vista.
I just noticed today that my windows 8 mail app (the standard one from ms) was no longer showing me notifications when email arrived. I went over to the app and noticed that the google syncing had changed and required me to re-authenticate my google account to it. That went fine. Then I noticed that my exchange account is now missing from the app (not in the mailbox view, nor is it in the list of accounts). However, when I try to add my exchange account, it says "You've already added this account". Is there anywhere else I can remove the exchange account or somehow get it show up again in the mail app?
Wasn't there supposed to be the swipe back option for the desktop version of IE11? I tried finding an option to turn in on in the advanced settings, but don't see anything there.
I don't get it. I'm on a page. I click a link. I only stay on the new page for maybe 5 seconds. I click the Back Button. I get "connecting" like the word will change in 5 seconds? There's like zero efficiency. I think there should be a setting.
I'm currently on Waterfox 24.0. Pretty nice browser. But it's bizarre that something built for speed makes you wait on every Back Button press.
On the desktop version of internet explorer I can right click on the back button and choose which page I would like to go back to. I can't find this option anywhere in the retro version.
right clicking on the browser back button doesn't achieve anything - I'm really used to it popping down a list of the previous pages so I can hop back for example to the search engine results list page which I had about four pages ago etc.
I Google a subject and get a list of sites, select one and read. To return to the list I click the back-button, the screen goes blank and I have to press the 'windows' key and select Google again which brings the list back on screen. Frustrating waste of time. How can I activate the back-button?
I just got a laptop with windows 8, and i can log in into my yahoo mail, but when i click on my email to read it, i get error 8, I followed the steps provided to fix it but nothing happend, i still get the error, i contacted yahoo support over two weeks they told me to wait till a technician contact me, but i still can access my yahoo mail from different computer running windows 7....!
There is this peculiar problem I'm facing with MTU settings.
I'm using PPPoE with wifi enabled on Windows 8.1.
Couple of months back: ADSL MTU setting was promptly set to 1492 (8 bytes for PPPoE header discounted). All of a sudden, yahoo mail was not accessible.
When I tried
Code: ping -f -l 1464 needs to be fragmented but DF set. Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.
Packet size of 1464 (MTU:1492 - 28 bytes for adjusting different header size) is big. So decided to change MTU.
I checked for various packet sizes; First ping was OK for packet size of 1452. So MTU can be set at 1480.
I changed the MTU to 1480 in modem setting and restarted.
When connected, I tried yahoo mail again - and again failed.
I checked the MTU which is set at 1480. I tried ping with packet size of 1452 and got surprise. I got "Packet needs fragment" again. The same size was working earlier.
I repeated the process. Now the MTU came to 1460. I set the MTU again in modem and restart and try yahoo mail again to get the same failure.
Again I ping with packet size 1432. Nope. Got "Needs fragment" error.
Changed MTU setting in Modem to 1400 - retry cycle - same issue. Changed MTU setting in model to 1300 - retry - same issue.
Then I came across setting MTU for interfaces in PC. So reverted the MTU to 1492 in modem.
Set the PC interface MTU as below. I set it for WiFi interface as I was using wireless Internet access.
Code: netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Wi-Fi" mtu=1460 store=persistent
This solved the problem.
Today I couldn't access yahoo mail. Checked the MTU setting for PC wifi interface. It has been reverted to 1500 (default). May be some windows update did that.
I set it back to 1460. Tried to access yahoo mail. Still not accessible.
Checked the ping with size of 1432 (for MTU 1460). Got "Needs fragment" error. Checked ping with packet size 1400 - OK - change interface MTU to 1420 - Still couldn't access yahoo. Checked ping with pkt size 1400 - now not OK. Checked ping pkt size 1360 - OK - Change interface MTU to 1300 - still couldn't access yahoo mail. Checked ping pkt size of 1360 - now not OK.
This seems to be vicious cycle. What is happening?
I am running Windows 8 and use Yahoo mail. Is there anyway to completely stop all those advertisements from reaching my email address without having to pay for software? I am using Avast, SpyHunter, CCleanner to protect my computer and routinely backing up my hard drive. I see Yahoo Mail offers something to block all their ads, but what a shock, I would have to pay them for a subscription.
I was using my Gmail account with the Windows 8 Mail App and it was all working fine until I updated it through the store yesterday (I haven't updated it before so I don't know what version of the app I am now using). Today when I try and access my folders I just getting a message saying 'no messages from the last 2 weeks', meaning I cannot access all those useful emails that I have kept on purpose without using gmail through chrome. I have looked through the settings and cannot find if there is a way to change this - is there? Or can I un-install the update and just go back to using the old version, and if so, how would I do this.
I recently bought a new Windows 8.1 computer to replace my old 8.1 laptop. I was going to use Windows Easy Transfer to transfer all my settings and files, but I accidentally (on my old computer) clicked "This is my new computer" and I cannot change it to old.
About half the time I use Windows Easy Transfer, it fails to transfer the setting in Outlook, which is a huge hassle... I back everything up, but I have problems with Outlook. I do the same thing every time and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't... very frustrating! No error messages or anything like that, it just doesn't put the account settings and folders back in Outlook...
I have Windows 8.1 n I can receive mail, but I cannot send any mail this happened after downloading the new updates Why? Oue local Postmaster rejects it Why?
When ever I click a mailto link in either Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera it opens up a new chrome browser window. Before I installed windows 8 I had it opening up Outlook 2010 new email, now it opens up a new Chrome browser window.
How do I change it in windows 8 to when I click a link in any browser to open up Outlook 2010 new email as it did before?
I have been struggling to insert a photo as part of a signature and was trying out various options when I found I could no longer try different pictures because the Single Photo option was suddenly missing from the top menu.
The Photo Album option still exists but where has the Single Photo option gone?
I need this because I insert a lot of photos in my emails.....
When I click on email links on websites, instead of my mail program coming up with the address in the "to" line, I get a mail sign in page. To avoid it, I have to right click and copy email address, then go to my mail program and paste it in.
My parents bought a PC last year running Windows 8. I set up there talktalk E mail accounts in the Windows 8 Native E mail client from the Mail tile at the start screen without any problem. All worked fine until recently when in order to download an app they had to register an Outlook E Mail address. Not sure if they had updates applied as well but they had to start logging on to the PC at boot up every time using a password. In an effort to resolve this they restored the PC to an earlier time which has cured the logging on issue (ie no password required) but when they access the Mail tile from the start screen it is an outlook E Mail account that comes up. I have tried without success logging into this outlook account and then adding the talktalk accounts. I even tried using my own account but could not add that either.
All they want is to click the Mail tile and get there talktalk accounts to come up just as before (no outlook or hotmail or anything else). Is there a way to reset the E Mail client/tile in Windows 8 back to what came with PC so that I could set it up just as I did when the PC was purchased. They are running Windows 8 and do not wish to restore back to factory settings as they have a few other bits and pieces of software installed.If they upgrade to Windows 8.1 will they be forced into using a password to log on every time ?
I am using the mail app in Windows 8 fine on one laptop (Windows 8.1), but on my other one the program has started to just close in the middle of reading a mail, or when I click the delete mail button.