Win 8 Lenovo Laptop - Phantom File When Running VB6 Program
Jun 3, 2014
I have a Lenovo laptop running Windows 8.1. I run a number of VB6 programs. One is an estimating system that makes use of .dat files. When I first install the program and the files, everything works fine.
The problem comes when I 'over-write' a .dat file with a newer version, with some basic cost changes (the file updated on a different computer which contains VB6). As I 'paste' from a USB stick it asks if I want to over-write, which I obviously agree to.
However, as I run the program, I still appear to be using data from the previous file! The latest update figures are ignored.
To check this out further, I have even deleted (removed completely) the .dat file from the appropriate directory, but when running the program it still inputs data from the original file.
This leads me to believe there must be another copy of the file open somewhere (hence the phantom!), possibly as a 'last used' reference.
I have been on to the taskbar and ensured I have unchecked the two boxes about retaining files etc.
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Mar 8, 2013
I'm having trouble keeping my lenovo laptop (running windows 8) connected to the internet. I have been able to connect successfully to multiple wireless networks and access the internet until I tried to connect to the new network.
Initially everything is OK - I can connect to the network and access the internet. However after a short period of time (anywhere from a few seconds to 20 minutes) the network connection will change to limited, without internet access. If I simply disconnect and reconnect to the network the internet will immediately be working again (at least for a few seconds/minutes).
Alternatively, if I run the troubleshooter, I always get the message that the default gateway is not available, which has been fixed by resetting the wi-fi adapter.
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Feb 4, 2013
I have a Lenovo Z580 running Windows 8 on a 256 GB SSD, which was cloned from the original drive using Paragon cloning software. I got the computer up and running about a month ago, and I started personalizing it by installing programs and such. At the beginning of today, I probably had around 25 GBs left of storage, which may not seem like much but it will last me until I need to be done with this computer.
Today I went to download a 5 GB zipped folder used to install MATLAB via a licensed, legit website (student license). I check after it downloads and I have roughly 20 GB left on my disk. Note that every other program I have installed has had no trouble with Windows 8 (including Mathematica), so I assumed MATLAB wouldn't either. I hit the setup button, and nothing seems to come up. I hit it again and this time it says something like "not allowed to create destination." So then I tried cutting and pasting it to the desktop, but there was some error with that too. I tried to use the setup application in other ways, and it still didn't work.
I then checked my free disk space and I had 100 MB of free space left. Uhm WHAT?! What the hell just happened?! I search through pretty much ALL my file folders to see what was newly written and see if I could find a TWENTY GIGABYTE folder that was created today. I couldn't find anything. What I think happened was that the setup application unpacked a bunch of files from the compressed folder SOMEWHERE on my disk, EACH TIME I hit setup. THEN it would hit a snag, for some reason, and stop the setup, and NOT delete the temporary files.
SO my next step was to use the "Disk Cleanup" option, to see if the theoretical temporary files could be deleted that way. It gets to the list and I discover that the "Temporary files" option is an INCREDIBLE 98.6 GB size. UHM WHAT?! How is it possible that my OS thinks it can safely delete nearly 100 GBs of data off my 256 GB hard drive?! What is it deleting exactly? Let's assume that 20 GB was in there; that still means it's deleting almost 80 GBs. I couldn't believe that. So obviously I haven't deleted that yet, because I fear that it thinks some of my programs, or maybe even the OS itself, is a bunch of temporary files. I don't even know. I do have a 30 GB recovery partition, so maybe that 30 is included in that, but EVEN THEN 50 GBs is a TON to be in temporary files.
My question: is there any way to check what will be deleted in the option "Temporary files" and why is my temporary files 38% of my entire drive? Also, what happened with the 20 GBs?
I labelled it urgent because I need to install MATLAB to use it for HW, but I can't. Well I think I can find another way to use it, however I still need this problem fixed ASAP because I need space on my computer to do stuff in general.
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Mar 23, 2013
Each time I run my backup program (SynchBack SE) I get the following message;
"Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer",
which I always say 'Yes' to.
Now, I understand this is a security feature, and I think I can probably inhibit this by changing the User Access Controls (UAC). However, what I really want to do is to confirm this program can run, and not be asked again, whereas I think the UAC is a more global setting. Is there a solution to this that won't mean tweaking the UAC level?
The reason why I am wary about tweaking the UAC level is because I 'think' this will be system wide, and I don't want to reduce security for all users on my PC.
Or, maybe I have just got UAC all wrong, I am not clear TBH on all the in's and out's of UAC.
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Feb 6, 2013
I have windows 8 pro, my pc is very fast 4 gb ram dual core with very good graphics card, its a gaming pc.
I installed windows 8 and i mainly dj on it, so i run some programs (traktor pro) and even after closing them windows starts being so slow and sticky, windows explorer stops responding, start screen freezes etc...
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Aug 7, 2013
For the last couple of years I have used a security program (recommended by Bank of America), called Trusteer, by Rapport (or vice versa). Supposedly, its intent is to protect one's computer when visiting web sites (such as that of a bank for online banking purposes). One can also use the software to protect log-ins at other sites of one's choosing.
Recently, I have been blocked by Trusteer from downloading financial information from a reputable site that I have used for years. It is telling me that the IP address is not recognized, and that it is "substituting a known good address for that site." I can access the site, but I cannot download information. If I go to one of my guest operating systems (I use VMware) that does not use Trusteer, I have no problems.
On a Vista platform, I am able to go to START/All Programs/Trusteer where I can execute a file to stop/start/or uninstall the program. In Window 8, I go through Windows Explorer to Program Files (x86) /Trusteer to get to these files. But, when I click on the Stop Program file, the display tells me that it is an ICO file (obviously not an .exe file?), and asks me how I want to open the file. The software appears under Programs and Features in the Control Panel, but at this stage I do not yet want to delete the software - only cease it from running. How does one execute an ICO file?
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Dec 20, 2013
I have been trying to add a .exe file to my Startup files. But for some reason the file does not run at the start up.Take a look at the screenshot to see the setup. cW8oETE.png
The paths which I did use are:
C:UsersDyonAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsSt art MenuProgramsStartup
C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup
Is there another way to add files to the Windows 8.1 Startup files? I have done some research on Google but did not find anything.I have also tried adding a key to the register which did not work either.For the registery I have used both using the direct .exe and the .lnk file. wYMGhdU.png
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Jan 21, 2014
I've installed Quicken 2004 on Windows 8.1 in compatibility mode for Windows XP 3 to run as administrator. Everything seems to work well. All my data appears to have been restored including Home Inventory. I can download bank data.
Automatic backup works. I tested this by changing the system date to trigger the backup.
The infuriating thing is I cannot do a manual backup from the file menu. The dialogue box opens. I can complete the relevant fields but when I click OK the program freezes. There are no error messages.
Not sure if this is a Windows issue e.g. permissions or Quicken issue e.g looking for a file that doesn't exist. I have checked the 'Ready for archive' box of the folders, sub-folders, and files property boxes.
Are there any settings in Win 8.1 that I need to change to allow a program to write to a drive when it is running in compatibility mode for Windows XP 3 as administrator?
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Nov 29, 2013
So just few days ago i was playing with my laptop and it got really slow, I though it might be programs I've had opened or something but I just noticed something
My fan doesn't seem to work when my CPU needs it, i used core-temp and the temperatures are at something like 80C and it feels much hotter than usual, however when i use the battery management to clear out the dust, the fan seems to work
I tried to install tpfancontrol but it gave me a winio.sys error, after some googling, it seems this is the program that allows communication between the hardware and the system.
Im running on windows 8 on a lenovo laptop g500, and it seems my fan works, but can't communicate with my system when it needs it?
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Jun 17, 2014
I bought a new laptop Lenovo Z510 with 16GB of RAM already and it seems that I am dealing with tons of problems. I got it back to warranty they changed the RAM and the situation seems to have improved significantly.
But even with that I still have faced several BSODs and a lot of problems in the event viewer plus to random crashes for some some apps like firefox.
I attached the files hoping that we get this one sorted.
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Oct 14, 2014
I am fixing a customer's laptop Lenovo N585 and when I push the power button to turn on the machine, I will hear the fan spinning very low but no display. I already hook up a monitor to it but nothing happen. I pressed the FN / F3 buttons and still no display. I even removed the bottom cover to reseat the ram and still no display.
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Oct 7, 2014
I just purchased a Lenovo Laptop recently (specifically lenovo Z50-70). From the second day since I switched on the laptop, I began to get an error as follows:
"Your computer ran into an error and needs to restart. We are collecting some info, and then we'll restart for you"
I have done only 2 major changes to the laptop. Firstly, I updated windows 8.1. Secondly, I moved some space from local disk C to D. Why is this error caused.
1. Is the error caused due to windows 8 (or) some driver files?
2. Is it because of some deleted windows files? (Although I have not deleted anything!!)
3. Can a simple re-installation of windows 8.1 solve this issue?
4. Is it because of some hardware issue?
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Jan 12, 2013
I have installed w8 pro with media centre on my LENOVO G560 LAPTOP. Its has a inbuilt bluetooth and wifi ... but I cant able to turn on shown in screen shot.. and sometimes same with wifi also...
Attached Thumbnails :
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Sep 15, 2014
I have windows 8.1 on a lenovo laptop. A week ago there was an update and I installed it. But after that I first noticed that there was no sound. The volume control has always a red cross and I can't adjust it. Whenever I go to control panel the window freezes. Same goes windows update/recovery/system restore and other pc settings. I think something went wrong with installing the update so i want to go back to a point before that update. But how do i do that when i cant go to control panel/windows update etc.?
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Oct 15, 2013
I've pressed it once before to restore my laptop to factory settings. It works great. It also restored Windows 8 to a fresh install without having to fudge around with installation DVDs.
I just had a few questions:
What exactly is this button and this process called?
Will this restore trusted/measured boot after one of Lenovo staff turn it off while I was on the phone with them ? (I forgot how they did it. I'm sure I can find out how on Google, but I'm nonetheless curious if it could be done with this button.)
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May 25, 2014
I have this problem where it takes approximately 5 minutes to boot up my Lenovo Y500 (Windows 8, 64-bit) laptop. I had this laptop for almost an year. It was fine in the beginning, took around 20 seconds to boot. However, over time when I restart my computer because of the windows update or defraging, I noticed that it took extremely long to boot, like 5 minutes. It would be stuck on the Lenovo logo with the spinning circle for 5 minutes.
After that there is no problem getting to my desktop. I assumed my HDD (1 terabyte) had a problem. I ran all different programs to diagnose the HDD but it all said it was in "OK" status. So, I did the chkdsk on the CMD and it prompted me that it'll start when I restart my laptop. So I did and now it's stuck on scanning and repairing drive (C: 27% complete for almost 12 hours.
I am not sure how long I have to wait and if it's going to be 27% forever. I have approximately 250 GB / 1 TB on my HDD. I tried doing recovery but it would not work either. If I tried booting through safe mode, it would continue to do the same thing, Scanning and repairing drive (C 27% complete and stuck there. So finally, I tried going for the recovery USB boot drive since I cannot use the recovery built-in the laptop nor have the recovery disc.
However, I was looking in Google how to make a recovery USB for windows 8 (64-bit) but it all looked like you have to be in Windows 8 in order to make a recovery USB drive, but I am stuck on the Lenovo logo screen. Is there an alternative solution to this? Is there a downloadable recovery drive so I can make it boot to the USB?
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Sep 17, 2014
My Lenovo G580 laptop won't start up. When I turn it on using the power button it goes straight to boot menu/app menu. There are various options there to choose from, but whichever one I choose, it keeps going back to boot menu. I've tried using the novo button, but it still doesn't work. Whatever I choose from the novo button screen, except "BIOS setup", keeps taking me back to the boot menu. My laptop won't start up.
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Feb 10, 2013
I was having problems getting to the boot menu of my Lenovo G580 laptop earlier.
I figured out how to get the boot menu - But my only options are hard drive, LAN v4 and LAN v6 boot - Nothing about a disc. So I went into the BIOS boot priority menu and set disk to #1 - It still booted to my hard drive!
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Sep 15, 2014
I just bought my first Windows 8 laptop, a Lenovo e540. Above the dedicated number pad is a key with a calculator printed on it. Pressing this key of course brings up the 'Calculator' program that comes with Widows. I however strongly dislike said program and have no intention to use it. Instead I aim to have this calculator key open up my preferred calculator, which at this point is SpeQ.
So I created a shortcut for SpeQ and in the shortcut panel of the properties window I set it to the calculator button (which says its "ctrl + alt + F" in the shortcut box). I then found the shortcut for 'calculator' and set the shortcut key to 'None'. BUT... even after double checking that the settings were as intended and restarting the computer, the calculator key still opens up the old program. Additionally, despite "ctrl + Alt + F" appearing in the text box next to shortcut key, typing this opens neither program.
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Oct 15, 2013
I just got a new Windows 8 laptop, a Lenovo Y510p, and I've been having several wireless issues with it. Pretty early on my computer froze up so I had to force it to shut down. After resolving the issue, I was unable to load any websites, however a flush of the dns cache fixed the problem right up. Fast forward a few hours, and suddenly I can't connect to the router in my dorm room-I just suddenly lost my connection and now I can't reconnect.
My roommate has a router set up for our room connected to an internet jack in the wall. It is configured as WPA2-PSK. I usually connect to this when in the room, but now I can't-windows just says "can't connect to this network". There is wifi throughout the dorm already, which I can connect to just fine, however the signal isn't as strong.
This is a link to my ipconfig : ipconfig -
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Jan 26, 2014
I have a Lenovo laptop that came with Windows 8 pre-installed. I decided I want to dual boot with XUbuntu.
I shrank my partition and left space for the linux distro. I installed xubuntu into the free space, and even set the bootloader installation to be in that partition as well.
Then after installation, I only get the GRUB bootloader. How to get Windows 8 back and I finally be able to boot into either OS.
However, I have lost the blue UEFI boot manager that Windows 8 should display.
So I get EasyBCD on Windows, try lots of options to regain an original boot manager. But instead of the typical blue UEFI screen, it created a black screen with my boot options (and the linux option doesn't boot from there).
So to summarise, my boot sequence is like this:
-Switch on laptop
-See GRUB, with default pointing to Windows. I am able to boot to linux from here.
-Click Windows and then see Windows Boot Manager (black) with Windows and Linux
-Click Windows and it boots. Click linux and get an error.
I have secure boot enabled, and I installed xubuntu in secure boot mode.
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Jan 24, 2014
I have a Lenovo Z710 laptop(see spec's)and want to make a recovery USB and also setup a backup system. This is a new machine and I don't want to make a mess of it.
I have a 32GB USB drive to make the Recovery on.Lenovo refers me to this method to make a Recovery USB :Methodology to create Recovery Media and reload a Lenovo Think system with Microsoft Windows 8 preload
Is this a good way to do this or is there a better way ?
I also need to setup a backup system, what is the best program to use for this, paid or not ?
I have a 1TB HDD in an external enclosure with 3.0 USB cable to use for the backup's.
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Apr 30, 2013
I want to make windows to stop open SRT files Using notepad. I do not want windows to be able to open SRT files I wish it will be unkonwn file and be unattach to any program. How can I do that?
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Nov 14, 2012
I am unable to save files to the desktop and every time I click it, I would get that error.
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Jan 21, 2013
in Windows-8 when i try to delete folder i got the message: "The action cant be completed because the folder or file in it is open in another program" i check and close all program, i dont see it in the task-manager (if i reset the computer, and try again it will delete it)
another problem in Windows-8, when i copy, or delete folder - i cant see the action until i press F5 for refresh
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Jun 3, 2013
I've had this problem for awhile, finding strange but not necessarily harmful files, and wondering which program created them, so I can determine if they're safe to delete. I would have to install a program that monitors/records all files written to the HDD. Unless there is another way.
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Feb 27, 2013
I have Adodbe Photoshop Elements installed on my Windows 8 PC. I am trying to upload some new actions to PSE and am being told to copy them into the Adobe file in the Programdata file. I cant find it anywhere.
I have clicked on the view/show hidden folders and still no luck.
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Oct 13, 2013
I have third party software that uses text files that have an extension of .mc. The originally were not set to open with any program. I accidentally set it so that a program called N1MM is now set to be the default.
How do I restore the register so that .mc files are not associated with any program?
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May 6, 2013
How to make Windows 8 open pdf file with the message "how do you want to open this file?" Because I want to choose according to what program to use to open a file.
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Dec 17, 2012
I am setting the first of several Window 8 systems. On my first unit, I have a phantom "Other User" user show up at login, that is not a current user that shows up in the User Administration. It is always the default user the system tries to log in to at startup, but since it isn't a real account, it can't be logged in.
How do I delete it, when it doesn't show up as a valid user to be managed? I also have a single local user (no Password) and an Administrator account (well protected), and after the "Other Login" user login fails, ? can go back to all user screen and select any other login and they work properly. .
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Jul 8, 2014
I accidentally set the file open of .bat files to Notepad. From a link in this forum (How to Restore Default File Extension Type Associations in Windows 8 and 8.1)was able to reset the registry back I think. The bat file not longer asks for notepad but instead opens "How do you want to open this file" and ask me to look for an app. The batch files still do not run.
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