Setup Installation :: How To Manually Download Updates For Windows 8.1 64 Bit
Jun 23, 2014
For a project I have to install Windows 8.1 64 bit on several machines including updates.
As you can imagine updating each machine individually can be extremely time consuming. I was wondering if there's a way to manually download all the latest windows update files and put them in the Windows 8.1 ISO, so that once Windows is installed on the machine it will be up to date. if I haven't explained myself correctly
I have successfully upgraded 2 Windows 8 pro media centre PC's, a desk top and a netbook, but the 3rd, gets stuck in a continuous loop.
After initiating the upgrade from the store, the download bar slowly works its way up to 50%, the installation process starts, and as soon as it gets to "getting your PC ready" the download process starts again from scratch. This is a very common problem, but Microsoft are still silent on the issue.
It is bad enough that I have to download the file 3 times, rather than just download one ISO, but this one download has now happened at least a dozen times.
All Windows 8 updates had been done and I have cleared the Windows Store cache.
The setuperr file gives
MOUPG SetupMgr: Error reading Store SQM registry data. Data = [StoreSetupDownloadPause], HRESULT = [0x80070002] 2013-10-20 07:23:30, Error MOUPG
I am on a limited speed line and Windows 8.1 has started to download the update. I now find that is it is some 3G in size and that will take days. How can I stop the download?
How can I stop the download of Windows 8.1?
Effectively I cannot do any online work until I can stop the download hogging the limited bandwidth.
Somehow i incidentally downloaded Windows 8.1 ( which i do not want to be installed to my Sony Vaio Laptop) but i thought that i will just download it , and NOT INSTALL IT ......and i DID NOT INSTALL IT , since after upgrading , it asked me if i wanted to install windows 8.1 , and i selected NO ..... my laptop turned off , and when i turned it on , now a black screen appears with the white cursor moving around the screen..... I click the Assist button , and i can't get a sony vaio care menu ..... Basically nothing displays , no configure ... I am stuck and can't use my laptop anymore
I have clicked on the download button in the App Store (used a link obtained from the Verge article). My screen just jumps to the main App Store screen, and I see no indication that anything is downloading or in progress.
How can I verify that a download is in progress?Do I have 2 downloads going now that I did this twice?
Originally had Win 7 Home Premium. Used the Win 8 Upgrade Assistant to upgrade to Win 8. (I have a Windows 8 key.) Installed the 8.1 Preview
I'm having trouble with installing Java. My PC mentioned that my java version is too old and that i need to download and install the latest version, but when i do. it reports an error of being unable to download it.
Here is what it said, unable to download [URL] .... for installation.
My new PC should arrive today(7/3) or on sunday(7/6),i want to install my OS(Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64bit) on it.
I just don't want to spend time downloading & installing all the Windows Updates,so any way to copy my current OS at it's updated state so i could install on new PC?
If you have, say, two laptops both running Windows 8.1, and it gets to the monthly Microsoft update Tuesday it seems crazy to have both machines independently downloading the same set of updates totalling around 300MB as was the case yesterday. Is it possible for one machine to run the updates, and then share the download files with another machine - whether via the local network (LAN) or via a usbkey or other media?
Certainly on my linux machines I have one machine run udpates and I then share the update package cache with all other machines saving considerable bandwidth on my home broadband connection. It would make a lot of sense to be able to do the same for Windows machines running the same version of Windows. The saving would increase even more if there was more than two machines in the same household such as if all members of the same family had their own machine.
I have check for updates set to Never. Occasionally I manually check for updates. Thing is, after 10 minutes I get the same 40 important and 2 optional update descriptions. Is there some way to set the high water mark so that I only get new notices without installing any updates? It's not exactly intuitive.
I've downloaded a legal iso from MAPS, i ve slisptremed all latest updates into it with Windows download integrator (it uses dism afaik) , then the problems comes in - i cannot use USB as my install.wim is 4,8 GB. I ve burned a Dual layer DVD with Windows 8 stock recorder and the PC doesnt see the DVD drive as bootable. When using stock it boots uefi from pendrive without any problems. How to make this updated iso boot into UEFI mode ?
It seems that Windows 8 will only install some updates after a restart. No surprises here. However, since the Windows 8 "user" shutdown is not a real shutdown, but a hibernation (hence it will not be followed by a restart, and will not install updates), Windows 8 forces us to an extra restart/reboot. Is there a a way to simulate the logical behaviour of all previous Windows editions? That is, when updates that require a restart are installed, if the user shuts down, the updates get installed and the pc shuts down...Currently, my only away around this, is to select restart, wait... then enter the BIOS and turn off the pc there... Not intuitive.
I was installing Windows 8 at my desktop pc.Suddenly power cut occured and it caused the compute to shut down.Then when I restarted my pc again a messege appeared saying that the installation has been corrupted and it can't be continued and it doesn't log on.After that when I tried to re-install Windows 8 the setup got stuck at the "setup is starting" window.I waited overnight for it to go and the installation to start.But it doesn't happen.I have tried to re-install several times but the same problen happens again and again.So neither I can log into my computer now nor I can re-install windows.I don't know what to do.
I wanted to upgrade it manually to windows 8.1, so i used a usb keyboard to access bios settings and I disabled uefi. After reboot, i got a bootmenu which didn't booted in my usb installation. I messed up then with the bios, and after rebooting i couldn't even use the keyboard anymore. I am stuck now at the boot menu.
How do I perform the above subject while in Windows File Explorer in Windows 8. In Vista and other OS'ss I could easily find where to add a shortcut to the list of ALL PROGRAMS.
I realised you cannot search your computer with Windows Search disabled in Windows 8/8.1 Metro, I have looked for the entry in the Windows Features / Services but could not find it. (I previously turned it off, now I cannot see the entry).
the new Task Manager I started to care about it after installing Windows 8. Normally my internet speed is only about 1 mbps (~8 mbit). Because of that, the task managers' "Network" bar shows wrong percents. I assume that that is because Windows reports wrong wired internet speed (100 mbps).
Is there anyway to change it so hopefuly I can see meaningful data?
I ran into a problem today where I entered in some details incorrectly to a hidden wireless network profile and then discovered that MS have removed the Wireless Network Manager so I couldn't delete or correctly configure that network as it would not get listed in the metro wireless interface.
After digging around on my machine I've discovered the wireless profiles are stored in
C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWlansvcProfilesInterfac es
Where the first sub folders list guides for respective wireless devices on you machine which contains xml files pertaining to the wireless profiles for the respective wireless devices. it seems same to manually delete the files or edit.
I have purhcased an Asus N550 Laptop with Windows 8 installed already (so I have no CD) merely yesterday, and I believe that I have slipped up somewhere and made a fatal mistake.
Since it was new, yesterday, on the day of the purchase, I decided to update some drivers to keep them up to date, and I updated my Graphics Card (NVIDIA 745M) manually from the device manager. I proceeded to perform a restart and all went normally. This evening, I had to perform a restart because my McAfee AV had requested a restart for an update, and was I went to the restart button, I noticed that some Windows Updates were available, so I restarted. Upon startup, my laptop encountered an error with the updates, the error was along the lines of "video_dxgkrnl_fatal_error". From then on, whenever I started up my laptop, my Windows startup page (the metro screen), would not appear, and all I would get was a flashing screen at 1-2 second intervals, and my cursor would sometimes appear. Meaning, I can not get to my windows startup page.
I then restarted again and was introduced to the repair page, and tried to perform a system restore which for some reason, failed since it lasted almost an hour and a half - which to me, seems very abnormal for a laptop that was not older than 24 hours, so I performed a hard reset. After a while, I was reintroduced to the repair page, and this time, I have gone for a 'Reset' option so everything is restored to factory settings, and it is in the process of doing so as I type this. I am not sure what the outcome will be, but I hope that it can be restored to the point where these updates were not installed - as, like I stated earlier, my system restore failed.
I purchased a new ASUS LAPTOP which came with windows 8 installed. When i tried to restart after installing Gtalk i got this message.
"Failure configuring windows updates. reverting changes. do not turn off your computer ".
I got this on last friday i.e the 6th of june, ever since i am not able to do anything with my laptop. I don't have windows 8 dvd as well. How do I reboot it?
Model number : Asus 15634 Laptop Intel Core i3 .
I also tried pressing the power button for 15 secs , still no luck. Tried f8 f9 and windows + r and windows+ X keys no luck.
I do a lot of AV system programming, which generally involves having to set my IP address for either my Ethernet port or WiFi card to manual IPs temporarily. I am having an issue on a relatively clean install of Windows 8 Pro that after I change my IP, when I go back into TCP/IP v4 to change it back to DHCP, it is already set to automatic... but if I right click on the connection icon and go to Status, it still has the static address. I tried to set it to another manual address and to hopefully go back in to revert, but that doesn't work.
The ONLY thing that seems to work is removing the NIC from Device Manager and then re-scanning for hardware changes where it will be automatically detected with DHCP enabled by default.
WiFi card is Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 AGN.
Ethernet NIC is a Broadcom NetXtreme 57??.
I've got the latest available drivers, and using generic ones doesn't work. It's also on both NICs so I don't it is a driver issue.
I've recently got a new laptop with windows 8. I am in the process of trying to upload my cd collection to my computer. Some of my cds are old mix disks that when ripped by windows media player do not have all of the information properly loaded such as artist/album/etc... So I started manually entering the data and renaming the files, this is where the problem comes.
Sporadically the laptop will erase/forget the information I've entered into the song files and will reorganize them into a different folder. It likes to send them to an "unknown artist" folder.I am entering the data by right clicking the file, selecting properties, and in the details tab is where I type everything in.