Maintenance :: CPU Throttle On Windows 8 During GPU Intensive Applications
Mar 16, 2013
I have recently upgraded to Windows 8 from Windows 7. I experience CPU throttling whenever I run GPU intensive activities. For instance when running Crysis 3, I have a constant fps of around 40 and then after a few minutes there is a barely noticeable black screen flash after which my fps drops to around 4fps. On MSI afterburner my GPU usage stays constant at 99%, but my core clock, shader clock and memory clock drops significantly:
This is not due to temp. It stays constant at around 70. I have also tried changing the power options for the processor (Min Processor states). No change. I have also used throttlestop to disable the BD PROCHOT, EIST, C1E. Still no change.
Everything was fine on Wind 7. System specs:
I also have a Toshiba Dynadock usb 3.0 which underperforms w.r.t responsiveness. It uses Displaylink drivers. I have removed all the Dynadock's drivers and unplugged it. No change. I have also updated my Nvidia drivers. No change.
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Apr 16, 2013
I have noticed that applications that are launched from the Metro IU load and run much faster than the same applications launched from IE under desktop. I have even created Metro tiles for applications I normally run as they load and run much faster than launching them from the desktop. This site (Windows Eight Forms) would not load from desktop IE but loads immediately from a Metro tile I created.
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Jul 7, 2013
So today I came through this situation. there are duplicate processes created by applications. Like google chrome, norton's executable files.
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Jun 11, 2013
I upgraded to Windows 8 about a month ago, and quite frankly I have never had so many problems on my previous operating systems (95, 98, 98SE, 2000NT, XP Home, XP Professional) as I have on this.
I have had to completely reinstall Windows 8 three times now due to things going wrong, such as;
1. 'Change PC Settings' became inoperative after a few days, nothing happens when I click on it.
2. The 'Desktop' Tile all of a sudden disappeared from the main start-up apps.
3. Some of my Desktop Shortcut Icons have turned blank just showing just a 'White Paper' Icon.
4. Some programs when I launch, say the I don't have Administration Rights to access the program, when I do have admin rights.
I notice looking through the posts in the forum that these problems come up very often, I have tried to fix them following other users advice but no joy.
I have the latest drivers, this includes my Graphics Display driver which is the latest version.
So whats going on with Windows 8, its the worst version of windows I've came across, when are the techies going to do something about these common problems, as I'm defiant to reinstall it all again which takes me all day due to the amount of software I have to reinstall.
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Mar 18, 2013
My principal problem with my new Windows 8, and which never occurred with XP, Vista or W7, is that if I am streaming a radio programme through Chrome, then wish to work, with Word for example, the radio cuts out until I return to Chrome. How can I make both radio and Word work simultaneously ?
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Jul 27, 2014
In windows 7 there was a key command to see all the oppened applications in your computer that command was so useful and i dont know that command in windows 8
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May 14, 2013
My problem is an old one, but still present in 8. Which is the hotkeys I define for elements in the start menu folder or desktop don't work when a program is in fullscreen mode. For some reason windows disables them in this occasion. Is there a way to change this behaviour?
(It got a little bit better though, because in 7 the hotkeys stayed disabled for a minute or so...)
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Aug 16, 2014
This may be related to the recent Windows update.
Just recently, I noticed that, sometimes, I had to click an application twice to start it.
At first, I attributed it to typos, but when it happened quite a few times, I investigated.
I saw that Task Manager showed the application running, but there was no window on the desktop.
The application doesn't matter and it's not easily reproducible - happens once or twice a day at random.
I'll be a bit more vigilant now that I noticed it and see if I can track it down better (32-bit or 64-bit apps, for example). The last one was a 32-bit application. And I started two applications in rapid succession.
(I'm on 64-bit 8.1).
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Dec 31, 2012
I installed win 8 about 3 months ago. At the first month everything was working great and i was satisfied . But somehow, the apps on the start screen stopped working . I mean, I click them and they wont open . And ONLY when I hit the store app , there's that startup screen of the store (you know , that animation when u enter the app) and then crash).
I installed win 8 32 bit from this site and download :
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Oct 5, 2011
I have installed the ioWin8 Dev Preview on a HP Mini 210-1000 (twice) and it appears to install without issue but from the Metro UI almost all of the applications cannot be launched. Windows Explorer and Control Panel are the only ones that will launch, though the others do react visibly to being clicked on and they can be manually rearranged using the mouse and dragging.
Is there a Service that needs to be started or a configuration setting I am missing??
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Aug 24, 2013
Create a Client Hyper-V Virtual Machine for Windows XP, I showed you how to create a virtual machine in Windows 8's Client Hyper-V designed for Windows XP. Using this technique, you can run Windows XP applications from your Windows 8 system by switching over to the virtual machine. However, since that article was published, I've received email from readers wondering if there was a way to run Windows XP applications in Windows 8 like you could with the Windows XP-Mode feature in Windows 7.
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Jun 9, 2014
I've searched the internet extensively for information on how to create an app for my windows 8 computer, but haven't found diddly squat. I see self-made apps in the store, but none of them are what I'm looking for so I decided to try and make my own. It's purely informational, with lists and links between pages inside the app.So how do I make an application?
Preferably, I'd like do it all with free stuff, because if I had the money to buy software, I'd just buy a smartphone and make an app for that. But the app I want to make is literally just a bunch of informational pages linking between each other for easy navigation. Like a PowerPoint, but as an app.
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Jul 3, 2013
I only see a small amount I guess, how can I see the lot?
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Sep 26, 2012
This is how I have come to best like displaying the Applications folder I keep on my Windows8 Desktop Taskbar. Listed in alphabetical order it's how I can pull or access anything I may want @ any given moment w/out leaving Desktop to look for something. I simply scroll up & down for the desired item & it saves changing screens to go get something. A few, like Weather, Calendar, News I'll usually keep sitting on the APP Bar @ the top-left of the Desktop.
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Nov 23, 2013
i have a problem with my windows 8 . all my apps on my start screen cant open.. Its say that This apps can't open check window store for more information and gt a little X at the top right of the all apps..
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Nov 11, 2013
Recently upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1
I have a Synology NAS, Mapped as P: on my computer.
I can see the P: in Windows Explorer. However, in several applications. Most notably Photoshop CC, After Effects CC and 3ds Max 2013. The P: is not accessible from the open dialogue box. Nor can i enter the path manually.
Windows Explorer:
Photoshop CC:
3ds Max 2013:
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Oct 19, 2013
Attempted to update to 8.1 yesterday and the store just won't open. Every time I click on the Store tile it doesn't get past the green introductory screen before just disappearing (crashing).. Have restarted several times and used the link-through on the Windows 8.1 site. Also, I have since discovered that all apps won't open either (such as news and sports).
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Apr 20, 2014
Windows store apps don't work after a restart and shutdown. surface pro 1.
I have tried ms fixit file which said display driver might be out of date but couldn't fix it, device manager says display driver is uptodate and offers no way to rollback either.
Uninstalled the apps but windows store also doesn't work so I cant redownload them.
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Apr 27, 2014
Win 8 fails to load 2 apps on initial start up. Razr Game Booster and Acronis Scheduler.If I do an immediate Re Start both apps will load correctly. SFC tells me no problems. Event log says Acronis failed to start, nothing listed for Razr app.
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Oct 3, 2013
I recently purchased a game from the Windows Store. It said it was installed. I went to the start screen to find it and it is not there. I did a search and it does not show up. I went back to the store to re-install it but it says I own the app, how I can sort this out. I am running Windows 8.1 Preview.
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Nov 8, 2013
All of a sudden my Windows 8.1 Dell Latitude 10 tablet cannot access most all of the Win32 applications. I go to access an item in windows explorer or say device manager and get a message system could not access or may not have permission. Most programs seem to be working, but a lot of services are not such as WiFi, sound, network etc. since I cannot access win32 applications I can not get into services.
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Sep 15, 2014
I built a new computer, and now have both a SSD and HDD setup. My intention was to have the SSD be only for Windows and use the HDD for everything else. I feel like that everything I download is going to the SDD and I am not getting any prompts for where to install applications.
For example, I just installed Office and was planning to install it on the HDD. I checked the SSD, and sure enough, there is a folder for Office. On a related note, the install setup everything for Office including OneDrive for Business. I don't need OneDrive for Business. Should there have been a prompt to select what Office applications I wanted to install?
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Sep 6, 2013
I don't seem to be able to drag and drop anymore in more than one application, so it should be Windows, not the applications.
I did restart the laptop, but it didn't work.
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Nov 14, 2013
sometimes when I type keys on the keyboard applications seem to appear. This happens quite a lot, I keep clicking control button and it eventually gets back to normal.
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Nov 11, 2012
The only way I've found to add app icons to the desktop is to go to the All Apps screen, right click, go to file location, then add a shortcut to the desktop from there. Is there an easier way?
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Mar 20, 2014
I have installed Windows 8.1 64 bit on a new motherboard using a Logitech K120 keyboard. After using the system for a few weeks I have decide to put on a better keyboard. After swapping keyboards the system runs fine until I reboot. At that time Windows starts up as if it has never run before giving the "Hi" and "Adding applications" messages and then going to the normal tiles screen but it can find no applications. Rebooting give the same results. If I change the keyboard back and reboot, everything comes up fine.
I have tried 3 different keyboards, 2 different Microsoft and 1 Dell, with the same results. As far as I can tell, Windows 8 only works with the keyboard that was used to install it and can never be changed.
The only software running was Start8 to actually make Windows 8 useful but I removed that and confirm that the problem still existed without it.
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May 19, 2013
I just installed Windows 8 a few days ago. It took some time to put together the partitions and programs I wanted to install on my new SSD and set up the external storage drive with my old hard drive, but it was totally worth the effort. I love the operating system and how it works with my desktop and hardware. It boots quickly, the themes are aesthetically pleasing, and access to everything is far easier to navigate.
However, I do have some issues with the Metro Menu / Applications. I have downloaded several applications, notably Twitter and Skype. Those two applications have been snapped into the left side of my screen. While they are useful and important to me, what troubles me is that I don't have a copy / cut function for either application.
Is there a way to add that feature to both applications? I would much rather avoid the clutter of a desktop Skype program or view Twitter via Google Chrome.
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May 22, 2013
I've noticed a problem over last few days.. I'm not able to open applications like task manager, registry editor etc.. I get the error message stating that "The service cannot accept control messages at this time".. What to do?
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Apr 2, 2014
My friend's Win 8 desktop refuses to open desktop applications maximized. I've done all the usual tricks that used to work, like maximizing them and cntrl-clicking or alt-clicking to shut them down, but they always reopen in a less than maximized state. I am referring to Internet Explorer, Outlook, Word, etc.
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Nov 24, 2012
I recently installed a virtual desktop application called Dexpot. Since then, I have noticed several unnamed applications show up in the Alt+Tab switcher. Most of them link to a metro settings page. One goes to search, another is called 'Immersive Background', and another called 'snapped desktop'.
So I uninstalled Dexpot and rebooted, but the apps are still there. I believe these apps are always running but are hidden from the regular Alt+Tab menu, and that Dexpot has messed up Z-orders or something. Here's a photo (Can't take screenshots with the switcher on) : [URL] ....
Windows 8 Pro.
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Jun 15, 2013
I have downloaded some basic games like Solitaire, Mah Jong, and Freecell. Every time I run them, the app tries to communicate with my Xbox. It just happens that I don't own an Xbox. Is there any way I can configure the games so they don't try this rather futile communication?
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