Apps / Software :: Bad Sector - Can't Open Program
Nov 28, 2013
I have been using a program called Family Tree Legends for years now, but just recently when I try to open the program I receive the following message: "This program has been damaged, possibly by a bad sector of the hard drive or a virus. Please reinstall it." I have removed the program and reinstalled it several times and it still won't work. It's a family tree program that I used almost daily and now I'm concerned I lost everything. I even tried to open the program via the administrator function but it still won't work.
in Windows-8 when i try to delete folder i got the message: "The action cant be completed because the folder or file in it is open in another program" i check and close all program, i dont see it in the task-manager (if i reset the computer, and try again it will delete it)
another problem in Windows-8, when i copy, or delete folder - i cant see the action until i press F5 for refresh
I've been getting errors everytime that I open a program (ANY and EVERY program). When booted into safe mode I'm not getting any errors. Here's some pictures of me opening google chrome, skype, and Windows Media Player.
It seems to be the exact same error for all of them and the only program that DOESNT seem to give me the error is paint. As soon as I click "ok", the program opens like normal but this is incredibly annoying.
This error started immediately after I installed Windows 8 from Windows 7, I might add.
I've just uninstalled RealPlayer on Windows 8, but I am unable to remove the link from the list after clicking "Choose default program" from "Open with". I've already gone through this: Open with - Clean Up and Remove Programs - Windows 7 Forums, but it still wouldn't work. How to remove it?
How to make Windows 8 open pdf file with the message "how do you want to open this file?" Because I want to choose according to what program to use to open a file.
in Windows-8 when i try to delete folder i got the message:
"The action cant be completed because the folder or file in it is open in another program"
i check and close all program, i dont see it in the task-manager(if i reset the computer, and try again it will delete it) Windows-8, when i copy, or delete folder - i cant see the action until i press F5 for refresh
I have Windows 8.1 and on my desktop are several PNG files and shortcuts. When I double click on any of them the program that opens is Directory Opus (I use this instead of Windows Explorer). I checked the defaults and it is NOT Directory Opus.
I have a very frustrating issue with Windows 8 where my software disappears when I select to open an existing file from within the parent program. It is not minimized and it is not 'off' the screen. I open task manager, and it doesn't exist as a process in any state. The program is Xilinx's ISE for programming FPGA boards.
Before, I get the obvious response that it is an issue with the ISE gui and not Windows 8, I've had a similar problem in another program in Windows 8 in which when I tried to create a new folder in a select file dialog box to save a file, the program would disappear. (Though, I don't recall which program that was.) It's as the program closes completely! (I'm lovin' Linux even more now.)
brand new computer, i installed my normal program (office 2013, 2013, sql developer 2014, stardock start 8 and some other basic stuff etc)
i have this computer and google chrome pinned to the task bar.
if i left click either of them, they take 10+ seconds to open. I can run either from a short cut on the desktop or anywhere else and they both open instantly.
i can fix this behavior by right clicking the task bar and clicking lock the task bar. now both chrome and this computer open instantly for about 1 min. eventually they both go back to 10 seconds. i can then right click and do unlock the task bar and it fixes it for a min etc.
i think it might have something to do with office. i'm going to try to uninstall that and reinstall and see if it works. the little pop up messages in the upper right corner for "you have an email" are also very slow when i click on it to open the email in outlook.
I was wondering how I could go about removing items from the Open With menu without having to download any programs for it. Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about. I would like to remove Photos/Paint as I never use those 2 items.
I have a windows 8.1 64 bit PC with a program called 1stPage.exe installed.
When I right click a .txt file I get 'Edit with 1st Page' in the context menu and it also shows in the open with menu.
However HTML files do not show these options. I have checked the registry and it would appear that the program is set up on the open with menu exactly the same for both file types.
So it would appear that something is blocking 1stPage from showing against HTML files but I can't figure out what I need to change.
The thing is, i open java files with Eclipse by default. Today i wanted to take some notes about Java the programming language which include text and code. I used Notepad++, and with it you can save the file as a wide variety of types, among them java file. I chose this, but since they are associated with eclipse, it makes opening them with Notepad++ tedious. I want to ask if there is a way to set the default program for some java files Notepad++ and leave Eclipse for the rest? This would be a useful feature for few other types too.
I have been having problems on my primary hdd, and after doing a full hdd scan, I found that I had some bad sectors, which caused some windows hangs, problems, and some bad file reads.
After googling for programs to recover and fix those bad sectors, I have found HDD Regenerator, which did a wonderful job, on fixing and recovering all my bad sector by using a patented algorithm to magnetize again those bad sectors on my hdd.
But after that, I still have marked on my ntfs partition those bad sectors, even tough they are ok now, how to I reset the bad sectors on my partition, to mark them as good to use, Without losing the contents of my hdd?
It always fails to Clone/copy my current hard that has bad sectors, to a new hard disk. My present HDD is a 320GB and its health is really bad. I bought a new 500 hard disk and tried to clone and copy the whole HDD. I tried Paragon HDD Manager, O&O disk image and other two Software. All of them failed to clone or copy my old hard disk to new one.
What is the best solution. Paragon, copied data partially and gave an error at 80%. I tried few times and the same thing happened
Hey, for like the 8th time now I've had to format my computer due to a blue screen error. The last error was HAL.dll missing or corrupted. My boot sector or whatever the correct name for it is, keeps getting corrupted and it will never repair, it just freezes at 2% and keeps looping. The drive I am using is the Corsair 240GB FORCE 3 SSD and I am not sure if the problem is due to SSD being bad or my motherboard being too old. I have the ASUS Striker II Extreme...
My second problem is, on my latest format, Windows 8 refuses to activate, it claims I cannot do a clean install and this is what I have been doing all the time. The other thing is that I cannot complete a Windows update, when it restarts, it says it has failed and rolls back the changes. I am not sure if this is because it wont activate but.
Now Windows has a problem with showing my real location, so I am getting the wrong weather reports and so on. One more thing I forgot to mention, I can't even check my system rating. Last time I did I check before the format my system was rated as 6.6, that was my lowest rated hardware and that was the SSD. Is that a normal score for an SSD?
I have Windows 8,W7,Wxp working well in multiboot. But i have Windows 8 instaled in C:but it is the 2nd partition.How can i move it to first partition ?W7 and wxp are probably on the 1st D: partition.
In w 8.1 If I open an app within seconds it loses focus. It makes it very difficult to type ie in e mail, the only way to get focus is to left click the mouse within the app and the cursor comes back for a few letters then the cursor disapears again. So any time I make an app active it becomes inactive quickly. To make it active again I have to click on it with my mouse.
I have put irfanview as my default image viewers of all types all over the system.
However, when I am using irfanview on a particular image, I want some other app to open the other images that I am trying to open. For that I have installed FastStone Image Viewer, so I want FSView.exe to appear in my RightClick - Open With defaults so that I can select it.
However I try, windows 8 is always showing Irfanview Microsoft Office 2010 Paint Photos Windows Photo Viewer in that open with setting.
I have selected Faststone viewer a dozen time through disk, but it doesn't stick to the right click menu. Those names are always coming.
I don't want even to see 1. Microsoft Office 2010, 2. Photos, 3. Windows Photo Viewer in that list, I just don't want to use these three programs to ever open any of my images.
So I want, 1. irfanview, 2. paint, 3. Faststone viewer to appear in my rightclick openwith list.
How do I do it. I have tried control panel - Default programs. I have downloaded and run Default Programs Editor.exe mentioned elsewhere in this forum, but they don't give any option to "delete" there options of rightclick menu that keep on appearing.
I found that whenever I open an app, such as 'Reader' they remain open even after I switch to something else. I know I could close them by swiping the upper left of the screen and select 'Close'.
Is there a way to have them close altogether when I'm done with them?
I've been using Windows 8.1 x64 version for a long while now and it was all good ..
until today when I was playing Football Manager 2014 for the first time and it gave me a BSOD during the first match ..
after restarting the windows logged into a "Temporary account" and my main account was corrupted by the problem ..all metro apps won't open .. even the "PC Settings" !they just "crash on startup"
I not used some of the Apps in a while and went to use the Music, Weather and News App in Windows 8.1 and they will not open and it says to check the Windows store. I checked the store and alll it says is i own these apps. I then next uninstalled these 3 apps and then re-installed them but i am getting the same and cannot open them.
I can't seem to open any off my apps from the start menu. When I open an app, the app closes back but is available at the sidewindow(?). It doesn't load or anything. When I click it, the app sort of minimizes to the sidewindow(?).
So I've been lurking around and one of the problems that I thought was happening to me is that I do not have the temporary internet files. C -> Users -> My Name -> AppData -> Local. I read that it should have a windows folder in the local folder and a temporary internet files in the windows folder.
I changed my local user to the microsoft account and then changed back to the local user using another username so that might affect these change in my pc.
I have a recovery partition and use it quite often if I encounter any problems which are very few.
I use CuteFTP to upload to a server but like all the programs, when I do a recovery the software is lost as well and I have to do a reinstall of them including CuteFTP.
There is only a certain amount of times that the program can be activated, (obviously to stop it being installed on multiple pc's), which is where my problems lay.
I want to install the program on a second internal hard drive or on an external hard drive so it doesn't get removed when I do a system recovery. What I don't know is how do I link to CuteFTP after the recovery has completed.
So to sum up, how to link to a program previously installed on other than the C: drive ?
Any way to automate program installation? For example if I have a fresh install of windows 8 and I have the installer for ccleaner, AVG and malwarebytes. Is there a way for me to take those .exe files and automate the entire installation process? I heard AutoHotkey might be able to do this but have not returned many search results.