Adding Program To (Open With) Menu In Windows 8

Jul 14, 2013

How can I add a program to my open with menu In windows 8.

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How To Delete Program In Open With Menu

Sep 20, 2013

I've just uninstalled RealPlayer on Windows 8, but I am unable to remove the link from the list after clicking "Choose default program" from "Open with". I've already gone through this: Open with - Clean Up and Remove Programs - Windows 7 Forums, but it still wouldn't work. How to remove it?

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How To Remove Items From Open With Menu Without Having To Download Program

Aug 23, 2014

I was wondering how I could go about removing items from the Open With menu without having to download any programs for it. Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about. I would like to remove Photos/Paint as I never use those 2 items.

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Windows 8 - Adding Own Tiles To Start Menu

Nov 4, 2012

After days of looking for a fast and pretty way to shutdown,restart,sleep and lock my computer in windows 8 i came up with this solution.

I have created very simple batch files with commands to shutdown,restart,lock,sleep that are simple to create and use a simple tool to add your own tiles to the start menu called OblyTile(freeware) .

Download my Batch files and icons here Also includes OblyTile

If you don't want to use my Batch files for security reasons its easy to create your own. Make a new txt file copy each line in red from below into the body of the txt file.

To Lock type "C:WindowsSystem32
undll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation" then save as Lock.bat

To Shut Down type "C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -s -t 00" then save as Shut Down.bat

To Sleep type "C:WindowsSystem32
undll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0" then save as Sleep.bat

To Restart type "C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -r -t 00" then save as Restart.bat

OblyTile is very self explanatory, But for the 30x30 icon just use the 256x256 Windows 8 will re size it ...

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Adding Entries In Boot Menu

Jan 30, 2013

I made two install of win 8 : one is enterprise , the second is pro with the free mc key and one of kubuntu that are well working . i used a drive with every os , with the others not connected to prevent errors and be more easy to select the one i want to boot .

By now I would like to clean my efi boot partitions because after testing ubuntu and removing it for kubuntu , I have two entry for them while one is no longer valid . I also would like to select between the two win8 without having to get in the bios . One thing that is weird with ebcd, it does not see my two windows 8, may be because they use the same loader name or file .

At last, how to turn win8 vga menu selector to the text one used by win7 . i ll be glad .

Here is a 4 x 1440 x 900 : [URL] ....

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Windows 8 Errors When Open Any Program?

Mar 17, 2013

I've been getting errors everytime that I open a program (ANY and EVERY program). When booted into safe mode I'm not getting any errors. Here's some pictures of me opening google chrome, skype, and Windows Media Player.

It seems to be the exact same error for all of them and the only program that DOESNT seem to give me the error is paint. As soon as I click "ok", the program opens like normal but this is incredibly annoying.

This error started immediately after I installed Windows 8 from Windows 7, I might add.

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Windows 8.1 - Double Click Does Not Open Default Program

May 11, 2014

I have Windows 8.1 and on my desktop are several PNG files and shortcuts. When I double click on any of them the program that opens is Directory Opus (I use this instead of Windows Explorer). I checked the defaults and it is NOT Directory Opus.

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8.1 Windows Taskbar Takes 10+ Seconds To Open Program

Jul 7, 2014

brand new computer, i installed my normal program (office 2013, 2013, sql developer 2014, stardock start 8 and some other basic stuff etc)

i have this computer and google chrome pinned to the task bar.

if i left click either of them, they take 10+ seconds to open. I can run either from a short cut on the desktop or anywhere else and they both open instantly.

i can fix this behavior by right clicking the task bar and clicking lock the task bar. now both chrome and this computer open instantly for about 1 min. eventually they both go back to 10 seconds. i can then right click and do unlock the task bar and it fixes it for a min etc.

i think it might have something to do with office. i'm going to try to uninstall that and reinstall and see if it works. the little pop up messages in the upper right corner for "you have an email" are also very slow when i click on it to open the email in outlook.

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Can Make Just Certain Files Of A Type Open With Specific Program In Windows 8?

Jan 25, 2014

The thing is, i open java files with Eclipse by default. Today i wanted to take some notes about Java the programming language which include text and code. I used Notepad++, and with it you can save the file as a wide variety of types, among them java file. I chose this, but since they are associated with eclipse, it makes opening them with Notepad++ tedious. I want to ask if there is a way to set the default program for some java files Notepad++ and leave Eclipse for the rest? This would be a useful feature for few other types too.

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Windows 8 Start Menu - Open It At Half The Size?

Jul 10, 2013

One of the biggest complaints about the Windows 8 start menu/screen, is the fact that it takes up the whole screen, unnecessarily blocking everything a desktop user is currently working on.

I've been playing around with Windows 8.1 Preview, and am getting used to snapping the start screen to the left side, like you can with metro apps, using Win+Arrow.

Because Windows 8 treats the Desktop like an app, it can be displayed on the right half of the screen, while the start menu is snapped to the left half of the screen.

So I'm just wondering whether there's a way to force the start screen to always open at half the fullscreen size? In other words, always snapped to the size.

This would be a great way to meet the fullscreen-start-menu-haters half-way.

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Apps / Software :: Cannot Delete Program Thumbnails In Start Menu App Listing

Aug 20, 2014

I'm trying to delete the games listed here in my start menu programs list:

I've read online that you should be able to delete them by going into the program files folder for "Wildtangent games" but the problem is that I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THAT FOLDER PERMANENTLY, so now when I click on "open file location" I get this games window that I cant do anything with:

I already tried re-installing wildtangent games to see if that would somehow re-instate access to these games' files in program files, but to no avail.

Is there still some way to make it so they dont show up?

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Got Message File Is Open In Another Program?

Jan 21, 2013

in Windows-8 when i try to delete folder i got the message: "The action cant be completed because the folder or file in it is open in another program" i check and close all program, i dont see it in the task-manager (if i reset the computer, and try again it will delete it)

another problem in Windows-8, when i copy, or delete folder - i cant see the action until i press F5 for refresh

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How To Make Win 8 To Ask What Program To Use To Open A File

May 6, 2013

How to make Windows 8 open pdf file with the message "how do you want to open this file?" Because I want to choose according to what program to use to open a file.

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Apps / Software :: Fresh Install Of Win 8.1 Pro - Slow Program Launch From Start Menu?

Apr 8, 2014

I just did a fresh install of 8.1 pro on my computer with an SSD. When i click the start button and use the apps window(not metro) to launch desktop programs they load extremely slow. The start menu doesn't even close on its own when i click to launch a program either i have to manually close it then a few seconds later the program will launch. When i open the program from explorer it loads instantly but for whatever reason doing anything through the new start menu is extremely slow.

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Can't Open Menu Containing Task Bar?

Mar 18, 2013

Why can't I open the menu containing the Task Bar in the bottom left corner by touch on my touchscreen, but I can open it by right clicking with a mouse?

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Apps / Software :: Bad Sector - Can't Open Program

Nov 28, 2013

I have been using a program called Family Tree Legends for years now, but just recently when I try to open the program I receive the following message: "This program has been damaged, possibly by a bad sector of the hard drive or a virus. Please reinstall it." I have removed the program and reinstalled it several times and it still won't work. It's a family tree program that I used almost daily and now I'm concerned I lost everything. I even tried to open the program via the administrator function but it still won't work.

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Maintenance :: Got Message - File Is Open In Another Program?

Jan 21, 2013

in Windows-8 when i try to delete folder i got the message:

"The action cant be completed because the folder or file in it is open in another program"

i check and close all program, i dont see it in the task-manager(if i reset the computer, and try again it will delete it) Windows-8, when i copy, or delete folder - i cant see the action until i press F5 for refresh

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Fixing The List Of Open With / Choose Default Program JPG

Apr 16, 2014

when i right click on a JPG file i get open with then click choose default program at the bottom of the menu list.

and i get this

how do i remove the %1 i tried so many different things in regedit,


and removed stuff from here to no avail.

how i can get rid of the %1 ?

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Program Disappears When Select To Open Existing File

Sep 30, 2013

I have a very frustrating issue with Windows 8 where my software disappears when I select to open an existing file from within the parent program. It is not minimized and it is not 'off' the screen. I open task manager, and it doesn't exist as a process in any state. The program is Xilinx's ISE for programming FPGA boards.

Before, I get the obvious response that it is an issue with the ISE gui and not Windows 8, I've had a similar problem in another program in Windows 8 in which when I tried to create a new folder in a select file dialog box to save a file, the program would disappear. (Though, I don't recall which program that was.) It's as the program closes completely! (I'm lovin' Linux even more now.)

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Program Not Showing In Open With Context For HTML Files

May 18, 2014

I have a windows 8.1 64 bit PC with a program called 1stPage.exe installed.

When I right click a .txt file I get 'Edit with 1st Page' in the context menu and it also shows in the open with menu.

However HTML files do not show these options. I have checked the registry and it would appear that the program is set up on the open with menu exactly the same for both file types.

So it would appear that something is blocking 1stPage from showing against HTML files but I can't figure out what I need to change.

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Get Start Menu To Open On Secondary Monitor?

Dec 13, 2013

I just had to reformat my hard drive and when I did I went ahead and updated to windows 8.1. I have everything set back up the way I like but I can't get the start menu to always open on my secondary monitor. I can set it to open on whatever monitor I'm currently using, but I only want it to open on the one specific monitor that ISN'T my main display.

I've tried using windows key + shift + arrows and that moves the start menu to the right monitor, but only that time. When I reopen it, it just pops up on my main display.

I've tried clicking on the bottom left of the second monitor and opening the start menu, but when I hit the windows key again it opens it on the main monitor.

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Right Click Options Menu - Open Edit Print Missing

Feb 21, 2014

So recently I was switching my desktop background repeatedly, trying out a few images because i wanted to change it. I had been using the right click menu on images, using the available option to 'set as desktop background'. Then, for no apparent reason that option dissapeared, along with the bolded 'open', 'edit', and 'print' options. not only that, but it seems to have slightly rearranged the menu as well as added a few new 'options' that do absolutely nothing when i try to use them.

Preview, rotate right, and rotate left do nothing whatsoever. Open would have opened it in an image viewer i downloaded and set to default, and edit would have opened it in Paint. Images aren't the only things affected. it seems to have happened to .txt files and video files, except the preview and rotate options don't appear.

I can still double click to open these files in their default programs, and use the newly bolded 'open with' drop-down menu to open image sin paint, but it would be nice to have my normal options back.

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Moving Program Files Folder To Another Partition Without Breaking Program Links?

May 2, 2013

I am running a Win 7 OS on an SSD and I have some programs installed on a different hard drive. And I want to move this program files folder on the same hard drive but different partition. Is it possible to do this without breaking the program links?

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Maintenance :: Adding RAM To Windows 8.1 PC 64 Bit?

Jul 15, 2014

supply the required information to allow me to increase RAM from 4Gb to 8Gb. My 64 bit PC has 4Gb of RAM made up from 2 of the 4 slots containing Samsung Size 2048 MBytes Max Bandwith PC3-10700 (667 MHz). I would like to increase RAM to 8Gb and would like to know if I can use spare slots 3 & 4 and add 2 x 2Gb Modules - thus making a total of 4 x 2Gb = 8Gb total. Or is it possible to use slot 3 only and add a 4Gb module? Would adding memory require alteration of the BIOS?

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Adding New Windows 8 To Existing Workgroup?

Dec 8, 2012

I have a home network set up by geeksquad. They have set up a filesharing where the public drive is on my only PC with a Vista Operating sys. They have a WORKGROUP called WORKGROUP. I connect everything else wirelessly. Have 2 Windows 7 Home laptops connected. A shared printer is also connected.

I now have a new laptop with Windows 8 and just want to add it in. I named the Homegroup WORKGROUP and I can see the other computers when I click on network, but I can't access them. When I click on the other computers especially the Vista PC with the public drive, it asks for a network user ID and password. I tried everything I can think of and it keeps telling me password invalid.

So my new laptopwith Windows 8 has yet to be added to the filesharing and printer sharing.

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Windows 8.1 - Adding App On Start Screen

Dec 9, 2013

Any way to add an app to the start screen, but I want to add it to the all apps view screen,not the main start screen in Windows 8.1 this i know how to do, it's pin to start screen.

What happened is an installed program does not show up in the ALL Apps view of the Start Screen. Is there a way to add it there? I only find info on how to add it to the main start screen,not in all apps view.

Tried reinstalling the program,no success...

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Change Program Default To Unknown Program?

May 8, 2014

I am having the same problem from here: [URL]

But now 10 years later on windows 8.1 ....

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Enable Confirm Window On Deletion - Stop Start Menu From Switching To Menu View And Change Taskbar Transparency

Mar 30, 2014

I've recently purchased a new laptop with Windows 8.1 pre-installed. First question is how do i enable a confirm window to pop up when deleting something? I don't like how i can just hit delete and it moves it (Only to the recycle bin, but i'd rather it didn't).

Secondly how do i stop the start menu from switching to that Windows 8 menu view? I did originally change it so that when you click the start menu (Bottom left in) it would actually bring up the start menu, but it seems to have reverted. On top of this how do i change it so that pressing the Windows button brings up the start menu rather than the Windows 8 menu view thing?

Thirdly how do i enable file details when in Windows Explorer. So in Windows 7 when you select a file it would give the size, name, author, date last edited etc in the details pane. How do i get that now?

Finally, how do i change my task bars transparency?

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How To Make Task Menu Launch From Start Menu

Jun 14, 2013

When you launch skype from the startmenu it is a huge square, when i launch task manager from the startmenu it is launched to the desktop.

Could there be a way to make the task menu launch from the startmenu to be a big square like skype is "phone eddition"

This would be useful because when im in games and the game freezes, i can bring up the start menu like SUPER FAST and it is visible but when i launch the task manager it is behind the game no matter what, so im always pressing the key stroke of the first letter of the game and pressing delete to see if i closed the game or not.

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Change Menu Background Color In Win 8.1? NOT Start Menu

Jun 22, 2014

I actually have no problem with the Win 8.1 Start menu, but the colors of the regular desktop environment are killing me. Namely, the weird, off-off white of the menus. The High-Contrast White option under Personalization gives me the right color for the menu backgrounds but everything else about the theme screams windows 3.1, so I'd rather not resort to using that.

Is there maybe a registry tweak that I can use to change this one little color? I've tried a few things but nothing so far has worked.

See attached pic to see what I'm talking about.

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Removing / Adding Folder From Windows Browser Library

Aug 11, 2014

I was not able to find the results I needed via Google keywords, I have all my personal files (music, videos, photos, documents) on a separate hard drive so the library folders are directed to the HDD. I was keeping my music specifically on another disc and have now moved the collection onto my files disc so you see the "D:" folder which is the missing music drive directory and I do not know how to delete it.

I need to add a Music folder into the library but do not know how...or change the name of the "D:" folder to "Music" and point it to my the files HDD.

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