Get Past Password Protected Startup?

Sep 16, 2012

I have a used desk top that has a login password. How do i get past this so i can do a ful system restore?

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How To Get Past Password Protected Startup

Jan 13, 2012

bought a used dell inspiron laptop w/windows 7 but it is protected by password at start up / what can I do to get past that?

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Can't Get Past The Startup Password On Laptop

Apr 11, 2011

getting past the windows 7 startup password on my laptop. It wasn't there before, but this morning I tried getting on and it won't let me enter safe mode or the boot menu. It's a black screen with a blue rectange that says "enter current password" I have tried doing the ctrl alt delete thing and F2, F8 and F12.. But nothing works!

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Access The Account Which Is Protected By Password When Password Is Lost

Jan 5, 2013

how to access the account which is protected by password when password is lost.

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No Getting Past Password On Network?

Jul 25, 2011

My windows 7 laptop can see all the other computers on my network but when I try to access the files on pc running xp or vista, I am asked to give a user name and password. I have never set up a password or user name and I can not put anything in the box to get me access. I have tried my user name on the laptop and password that I would use . Nothing works and I have never set up a password.

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How To Get Past Administrator Password

Aug 21, 2011

how can i get past my administrator password? we couldn't find my disk and i don't have Usb flash drive help me

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Can't Get Past Startup Repair

Oct 13, 2011

I really need some help with something and I'm at wit's end with this thing. My Windows 7 Dell laptop refuses to boot up past startup repair. When startup repair finishes, it says it can't fix the problem automatically. Upon reading the logs of startup repair, it says file d: ci.dll is corrupt

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Can't Get Past Startup Repair

Oct 10, 2012

I was on my computer when out of nowhere it shutdown and restarted with the satrt up repair. It says it can not fix the computer automatically and says this in the details window

problem event name: startup repair offline
problem signature01: 6.1.7600.16385
problem signature02: 6.1.7600.16385


I tried to run a scan in the command promt window but it said that another repair was running and the computer needs to be restated which i did and the whole thing just starts over again. I dont want to lose any of my pics so i dont want to have to reinstall anything

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Cannot Get Past Startup Repair

Sep 9, 2010

My boys PC is running windows & and is stuck at Startup Repair, it runs, then comes up with "Sratup repair cannot repair this computor automatically" He did have that wonderful AV suite virus on there which i managed to get rid of, then this happened. A few people have said do a fresh install of W7 but he has loads of pics and music on there that i dont want to lose. Can i do an reinstall without losing data? ah, but, plum of the day award could go to me as the problem could be hidden in one of those files??OR do i take his HDD out and back up only the necessary files he wants to keep, then put it back and do a custom install from there?

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Can't Get Past Through Windows Startup

Apr 18, 2012

It's a newly built computer with a fresh copy of Windows 7 64-bit. I'm running a:

-Radeon HD 7970
-i5 2500k
-2tb hdd
-asrock extreme4 gen3 p67 mobo
-16gb ddr3 ram dual channel
-1200watt psu
-nzxt phan-002 green case with all working fans

The problem I'm having is that whenever I boot up my computer, I can't make it past either the Welcome screen on the Windows login or past the actual Windows startup itself. I'll either get a black screen directly after the Welcome screen or my desktop will load, but I will find that if I click on anything, everything freezes up and I'm forced to restart. It has been intermittent at times, and I have actually had "good boots" where I could use my computer as if nothing was wrong... But that seems to be very random. This problem has been plaguing me for about 5 days now. And after much persistence, forum-browsing, and troubleshooting, I'm coming here to seek advice.

It all started when I uninstalled my ATI 12.2 video card Drivers and the ATI Catalyst Control Center. I intended to reboot my computer and install the new 12.3 drivers. The login/startup problems all started from there. I tried a multitude of things:

-restarting my computer.

-unplugging everything and plugging it back in (all the cables had worked flawlessly for over a month for moderate-heavy use per day)

-reseating my video card

-trying another video card in my computer

-in fact, an nvidia card, and had gotten the nvidia drivers (which are now totally uninstalled and swept clean with Driver Sweeper) to work, and had a couple good runs... But even then, it wasn't a for sure deal as the startups were sketchy then. and upon reinstalling the hd 7970 and new drivers, also a few good startups, but the problem persists.

-checked the bios to see if all my hardware was being detected properly

-checked for drivers for my motherboard

-checked ati's web site to make sure i got the right drivers

-used safe mode to do a LOT of troubleshooting, such as:

-scanned my computer with a complete scan with both avast and malwarebytes, and now also superantispyware. (found a few tracking cookies that were removed, but the bad startups still persist)

-ran system file checker tool and found no problems

-ran a chkdsk and came up with no errors

-uninstalled everything i installed that same day (two games)

-scanned the games setup files that i installed, thinking they were infected, came up clean.

-tried to uninstall the ATI drivers and attempt different fixes, but in safe mode, can't uninstall OR install ATI drivers, even with edits to the registry or via command prompts

-uninstalled the ATI drivers from the device manager and this seemed to help a little, but windows was still inconsistent

-used system restore to restore to a point BEFORE i uninstalled the drivers, but the problem persisted... That really threw me for a loop.

-the ONLY thing that worked, even momentarily, was when i tried Last Known Good Configuration after having installed the nvidia video card. it worked for a moment, but things were still loading slowly and wasnt standard operations. bad startups persisted soon after.

i've done lots of stuff to try to alleviate and see what the problem was... if i remember anything else i did, i'll let you know, but that's everything i can recall at this moment. for the first few days, i thought my computer instability was because of the ATI driver malfunction, which could be true... But now I'm thinking it's more because of an error lurking within either explorer.exe or the login process itself. because i could get sticky keys to pop up amidst the black screen of death earlier, and with zero input lag. got the sticky keys to pop up again when my desktop appeared on one semi-successful startup... but upon opening any folder, or clicking anything at all really, everything goes to *** and lags out till i have to restart. i want to avoid having to reinstall windows at all costs. i am not one for giving up unless ALL options are exhausted, and i feel i have yet to do that. I have a lot of information on my computer, most of my 2 tb are full of things. entertainment for the most part, but took a while collecting from various sources and dont want to have to rip them again and whatnot, as the hard copies are scattered about with friends.

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D: Ci.dll Is Corrupted - Can't Get Past Startup Repair.

Oct 13, 2011

My Windows 7 Dell laptop refuses to boot up past startup repair. When startup repair finishes, it says it can't fix the problem automatically. Upon reading the logs of startup repair, it says file d: ci.dll is corrupt.

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Cannot Get Past Windows 7 Startup Repair

Jul 12, 2012

So earlier on, my laptop wouldn't respond so I shut it down. When I went to turn it off again it came to a screen saying "Windows failed to start up, a recent hardware or software change might be the cause". There is two options: Start Windows Normally, or Launch Start up repair, which is recommended. When I click on Start Windows Normally, it loads for about 20 minutes then restarts itself and lands back at the windows failed to start up page. When I click on Launch Startup Repair, it says "Loading windows files" and loads for a few minutes before showing the windows loading symbol, and then it goes to a black page with a cursor pointer on it. I can move the cursor about, but no matter how long I wait, it doesn't do anything. There is no F8 option ever when I start up my laptop, even when it was working. I am using windows 7.

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Create A Password Protected Folder?

Jun 17, 2011

Can we create a password protected folder??? without any software...i ve figerprint reader in my laptop can i use it for password..

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How To Open Password Protected Excel

Aug 16, 2011

I cannot open Excel document. It is password protected.

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Can't Make Password Protected Sharing

Mar 7, 2012

I have an "server" with windows 7 ultimate running. Here I have earlier shared the whole hard disks and no protection everyone on the network could access them.

But now I would like to share folders to specified peoplecomputers. iv'e made user accounts on the computer and chosen to share only with them. But the problem then is that I cant access the server anymore, and I don't get an option to log in to the server, only an error message that I don't have permission.

The computers are part of an network run by an sbs 2011 with an domain. no log in over the network. When i find the server on an other computer and try to open it I only get an error message.

If I than share an folder with everyone alowed to se it, I can connect to the computer and see the shared folders, but cant acsess the ones with password only the one without and I still don't get an option to log in.

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Password-protected Sharing Won't Be Disabled?

Jan 9, 2012

I can't disable "password protected sharing" in Win7 (home premium, came pre-installed on new laptop, less than a week old). I can disable the setting in advanced network settings and save, and it stays saved when i re-open settings, but no matter what I change, whenever I try to open the network share from an XP machine it challenges me for a login/password.

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Cannot Locate Password Protected Files

Apr 4, 2012

Whenever I run a scan, my antivirus cannot scan about 40! files , because they are password protected.I have NEVER used password protection for any file on my PC, plus, I can't LOCATE those files?

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How To Check Password Protected Log On Windows 7

Jan 31, 2013

I am facing a problem with windows 7 ultimate. I am having a log which is password protected on windows 7. I want to check all files from that log. I have forgot the password. How can I do this.

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HP Laptop Wont Get Past StartUp Repair?

Dec 15, 2010

My problem is this; a freind has got a HP Laptop, 2gb memory, 80gb hard drive, Intell graphics and Win 7 Home Ed as his O/S.He lent his laptop to a freind who seems to have screwed it up as for some reason when it starts up, it wont now go beyond StartUp Repair. I have tried both system restore as well as command prompt to format the disk to no

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Computer Won't Get Past Startup Repair Screen?

Jun 25, 2012

Okay, so I woke up my computer from sleep mode yesterday, and it worked perfectly fine for all of five minutes before everything except my cursor froze. I waited for it to unfreeze or give me a "not responding" message for about twenty minutes, but when it didn't, I manually shut it down by pressing the power button, since I couldn't get to the start menu. But when I turned it back on, an error message appeared. I don't remember exactly what it said, but it gave me the option to either: "Launch startup repair (reccomended)" or "Start Windows normally". So I chose to launch the startup repair since it said that it would fix anything that had caused my computer to stop working, but it's been "searching for problems" for about five hours now! The blue bar just keeps scrolling past, but other than that, nothing's happening. Does anyone know how to fix this? Or should I call someone to check it out? Will I lose my files? I tried to "Start Windows normally" as well, but nothing happened at all... Oh, and it's an Acer laptop with Windows 7 on it

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Make A Folder Password Protected In Windows 7?

Oct 19, 2011

i want to put a password on my folders, but not want to loose them due to any problem with the software used to apply password on them...

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Cannot Find Password Protected Sharing Windows 7

Mar 1, 2011

I cannot find Passwor protected sharing in windows7 professional

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Formatting A Password Protected Hard Drive

Jun 6, 2012

I have a password protected h/d that i would like to format ,can i slave it on another pc to format it

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Setting Up Used HDD - Windows 7 Already Installed But Password Protected

Feb 2, 2013

I bought a used HDD on line and installed in my Dell Latiude D430. It has windows 7 pro on it. The problem I'm having is windows is password protected, how do I change the password so I can access windows?

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Laptop Wont Run Past Windows Startup Screen?

Jan 2, 2013

my laptop wont run past the start up screen! it freezes and then goes black. or if it restarts it goes to either lauch startup repair or safe mode. I have tried system restore, repair best last configuration. none have made a difference i am running it through safe mode at the moment as that is the only thing i can get on..i have no idea what else i can do!

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After Windows Update Found Password Protected Folders?

Feb 13, 2013

After a virus removal process found a number of password protected folders in PCusersdocuments.  Avast says that it was unable to access the folders.  Folders include Flashplayer 11?

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Windows 7 / ADL Uncompressor - Unzip Password Protected Files

Feb 5, 2012

Downloaded adl uncompressor to unzip password protected files didn't download right are there any other alternatives or where can I download a working copy.

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Password Protected User Documents Not Blocked In Explorer

Jan 4, 2013

I created a second user last night and found a few folders in My Documents for the 2nd user had come from a Users/Public folder, when they were made in My Documents of the first user. So I went into the Users folder and looked into my first user and was able to access any folder despite being in the 2nd user. In Win XP I'd be blocked from accessing that folder because the user is password protected; in Win 7 that seems to be a security flaw since I'm not blocked.

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Connecting To A Password Protected Share On ReadyNas Server NV+?

Mar 28, 2011

I recently upgraded from windows XP to 7. The problem is I can no longer connect to my shares on the server. Windows prompts me for a username and password and once I input this info, the same prompt shows up again.I have realised the domain it uses in the prompt (for username and password) is the same as the machine name and I have no field to input the domain manually.

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Machine Keeps Asking For Password On Startup No Password Exists?

Oct 11, 2011

Machine has Windows 7 Ultimate. I recently changed the hard drive. When I went boot, the screen displayed "Enter Password ". This machine has never had a password and I am at a loss as to what is wrong. This machine has previously been running well for over six months. Any HD that I substitute (I've tried four) has the same result.

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Password Screen After Startup Programs?

Jun 26, 2012

In windows 7 with one account, how can I get the password screen after complete login and all programs start? I want to create password for my computer but I usually have downloads on uTorrent (set to start on Windows startup) and when there is windows automatic update, sometime windows restart by itself and uTorrrent starntt downloading again.I want to create password for my account but if I did, when windows restart(at I sleep or when I am away), the computer will stay on the login screen asking for password and no startup program starts.

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