Esata Drive Not Shown In Windows 7?

Dec 30, 2009

Ok i have a Seagate freeagent pro 500g external HDD. Was running usb but new MB has esata so i wanted to give it a go. Well not so easy as i thought.

If esata drive is hooked to port when computer loads ,Bios sees the drive but wont get past the windows load screen.

Unpluged from port and windows loads fine. So i plug it in and windows makes the normal noise but nuthing shows up. Wait 7 mins a drive apears but will always cause page to stop responding. Usb still works fine jus rather esata due to larg files

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Windows 7 WD ESATA Hard Drive Crash NTLDR Is Missing

Jan 13, 2012

Had a dual-boot system (Win 7 on drive 1, XP on drive 2) installed. Got an NTLDR is missing error on the primary WD drive on which Win 7 was installed. XP wouldn't boot either because the MBR is on the primary drive. So, I had to reinstall XP and all the software on the 2nd drive and test in original and another computer. Worked fine. When plugged into the motherboard, the Win 7 eSATA drive is not recognized by either of the 2 computers in the BIOS. It won't boot and I can't even look at the drive to see the contents - it's a non-entity as far as Windows is concerned. I plugged it into a Mac with an external eSATA to USB adapter and the Mac saw the drive but said that it was unreadable and asked if I wanted to format the drive. Since I thought I might want to try to recover files, I didn't. Anyway to see the contents of this drive with Windows and recover them or does it seem to be dead from the description?

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ESATA Drive Not Detected?

Jun 28, 2012

I plugged in my eSATA drive while CrystalDiskInfo was running and the computer froze. There was no way to regain control of the computer so I restarted.So now this eSATA drive is not recognized by the computer. The eSATA drive works in another computer.What's really weird is that another eSATA drive I have works in the computer where the crash happened.I've tried uninstalling all drivers (both hidden and visible) in Device Manager that relate to the drive.

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ESata Drive Goes To Sleep

Jul 19, 2012

I have Windows 7 x64 and have a hard drive attached to an eSata port on my PC. When I have not been using my PC for a few minutes the attached drive seems to go to sleep, and if I copy large folder (>20Gig) from my main (C) hard drive to my eSata drive the speed starts okay then slows to virtually nothing after 20 minutes. If I try to access the drive in explorer it takes a few seconds after I click on the drive to show the contents, this does not happen if I click on my C: drive. I have my Power settings set to High Performance and my Hard Drive "Sleep" settings set to Never.

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ESATA Drive Goes Missing

Jul 19, 2009

I've got window 7 up and running all my stuff - lots of audio and video editing - the only issue is that when my WD My Book Studio Edition spins down after some time of inactivity, Windows looses the drive. I've searched through my BIOS for eSATA setting and there was no help there that I could find.

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ESATA Hard Drive Not Detected

Feb 22, 2011

I have a sata to esata adapter installed on my desktop but its not spinning up or working my hard drive. The hard drive has 3 ports

Usb to usb
Usb to dc power
Esata to esata

Over usb it works fine but when i use the esata and power cable the hard drive makes a constant ticking noise and isnt detected on windows. Ive double checked inside my motherboard that its plugged into my sata ll port not sata lll. It isnt detected at all by the computer even when i search for new hardware.

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External ESata Drive Stopped Being Detected?

Feb 26, 2011

I'm a bit kind of desperate now. I purchased a 2TB Western Digital Sata drive (WD20EARS) and an enclosure with USB2 and eSata interface (independent power supply).Everything was ok for almost 2 months till today it just suddenly stopped being detected at all.I wasn't doing anything in particular when this happened. I remember I restarted my laptop around the time this happened (I do not remember if it happened before or after this)When I attach it with the eSata cable, nothing happens. With USB, I hear the beep that "something" was attached but then again nothing. Nothing at all in Device Managre or Storage Management.

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Connect A SATA Drive To An ESATA Port?

Dec 25, 2011

I bought a cable with ESATA on one end and SATA on the other end. What am I supposed to do with it? I connected a standard SATA drive to one end and the other end to the ESATA port on the back of the computer, and used an external power supply for the drive. The BIOS does not see the drive. Suspecting the drive needed to be powered from the same power supply as the computer, I plugged the drive into a normal power connector in the computer, but used the new cable to connect it to the external ESATA port. Still the BIOS sees nothing. The drive works perfectly as a SATA drive in the normal SATA connection.

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CD-ROM And Virtual Drives Not Shown In Computer But Is Shown In Disk Management?

Oct 4, 2011

I have searched google for ours trying to find a fix for this but to no avail.CD drive and virtual drives dont appear in my computer and whenever i put in a dvd nothing comes appears in device manager and disc management however so i know there is nothing physically wrong with the optical drive. Under disc manager i can see the details about the dvd such as dvd name, size etc.i tried changing drive letter and path but unfortunately that doesnt fix it. the letter "applies" for a second then disappears again.

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Why Won't External Hard Drive Work In IDE Mode Through ESATA

Dec 18, 2011

My motherboard is ASRock m3a770de. I built my machine 3 days ago. I have one Hiatchi 500gb internal HD, and one 1TB external HD.I am running Windows 7 x64 Ultimate Edition.After building my computer three days ago, I installed windows, and my external was not being detected through eSATA in the BIOS or in Windows "Probably need to install drivers" I said.So I put in the CD that came with my motherboard, and installed the AMD All in One Driver that was on it. Restarted, and hey, my external was showing up.Today, after installing SP1 (not sure if thats what did it), my ext hd was no longer showing up again. I reinstalled the driver on that CD. Now, I'm not sure if it even installed the first time, because it said it was currently uninstalled through the ATI catalyst installation program. But it didn't work this time. I'm not sure what got it to work the first time. But my eSATA drive was being read in IDE mode for three days. When trying to get it work the first time, I did plug it in via USB to see if it would work, maybe that had something to do with it working the first time?

Anyway, I changed my registry to start up in AHCI mode, and then went into my bios and changed my storage config to AHCI. Upon booting, windows would not load with my external HD turned on (anybody know why?), but loaded once I turned it off. Windows then installed AHCI drivers, and upon restarting, both hard drive, external and internal, were being detected as removal storage.Why can't I get my external HD to be read in IDE mode through eSATA? IT doesn't get read through the BIOS or Windows, even if i scan for new hardware.EDIT: sigh, now when I just went to reboot, it wouldn't load windows when my external hard drive was plugged in. Windows loaded when I unplugged it. Windows detected it when I plugged it back in.

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Hard Drive Shown In BIOS Not In Windows

Aug 29, 2009

I just installed the RC last night and everything was going okay until I restarted my computer and my backup drive disappeared. It was accessible until I restarted, I didn't install any new drivers.

It's an IDE drive.. it doesn't show up in Disk Management either so I'm kind of stuck at what to do. Any ideas?

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ESATA Drive Shows Up Empty And As Four Removable Disk Drives

Jan 31, 2012

I have an eSATA drive that has stopped functioning properly. I was trying unsuccessfully to install some completely unrelated software when I noticed that my eSATA drive was presenting differently. Under My Computer it now said that the drive was empty and there were four drives that appeared that said "Removable Disk (G)", "Removable Disk (H)", "Removable Disk (I)", and "Removable Disk (J)". When I select my eSATA drive, it says 'folder empty'. When I select one of the removable disk drives it says "Please insert a disk into removable disk (?). Whenever I reboot the computer with the eSATA drive disconnected, all five disk drives go away. I don't remember changing any settings or anything like that. One thing is odd that in device manager, the eSATA drive comes up as a SCSI drive. The device manager shows it as "WDC WD10EADS-65M2B1 SCSI Disk Device", but it is actually a "WDC WD500F032".

[System Summary]
Item Value
OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name HOME


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USB Drive Not Shown/loaded After Plugged In?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a 120Gig USB drive that plugs into my pc (Win 7) and works fine. I gave it to a friend as it is surplus to requirement, but when i plugged it into there laptop which has also has Win 7 on, the light on the drive lights up but it doesn't actually connect.

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Difference Between Usb And Esata?

Aug 20, 2011

i just want to know what is the difference between usb and esata

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Why Is My ESATA Port Slow

Aug 2, 2009

I installed Windows 7 and the transfer of data between my

WD MyBook II (My Book Studio Edition II 2 TB Hard Drives ( WDH2Q20000 ))

is really slow.

Transferring around 30 MB/s

Is there a driver or something to correct this?

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ESATA To SATA Cable - HDD Not Detected

Jan 15, 2013

I'm trying to connect an internal, powered SATA HDD to the eSATA port on the back of my motherboard.To do this, I bought an eSATA to SATA cable.Unfortunately, no matter what I do, the drive is never detected, not even by the BIOS.So, I bought another cable. Same problem.Finally, I tried moving the drive and the cable to another computer. The HDD is not detected there either.So, either I am making the same mistake on both computers, or both cables are faulty..

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Windows 7 64-bit Fonts Not Shown

Sep 11, 2010

I received my laptop yesterday - Core i5, 4GB RAM, Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. I proceeded to install some apps from Microsoft and Adobe. Installation went fine and the apps started without problems. As soon as I saw the long list of fonts in Word, I wanted to remove as many of them as I possibly could. Brought up Fonts panel. Only 10 fonts - 10 ancient, bitmap fonts. What!? I saw and selected many fonts in Microsoft and Adobe apps. The fonts are indeed there, but they are simply not shown - no Segoe, no Cambria, no Corbel, no Constantia, not even Arial and Times New Roman, nothing.I got nervous and decided to restore Windows all the way back to the starting point.Today, I created the recovery DVDs from the factory partition. Rebooted from the DVDs to re-image C drive. Set up Windows and created my account. Windows 7 came up fresh. I went straight to the Fonts panel to check. Horror - the same 10 bitmap fonts, and nothing else.The factory-installed Windows 7 has problems showing fonts? What should I do now?

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Boot External Esata HDD From Thinkpad X200?

Apr 7, 2011

I am trying to boot from an external esata hdd through an esata express card. I can set the boot priority to ata hdd2 however it will not boot from it because it does not list my hdd id next to it. HDD 1 internal does however, show the hdd id next to it and obviously has no problem booting from it.

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Blacx Docking Station Esata Drivers

Jan 21, 2010

new install of win7 64bit, and updates current.

have added esata port via sata port on mob; but can't locate it in device manager.

because of this, I assume that is why I can't get the eSATA cable from blacx docking station to work.

The USB cable works fine.

driver issue is only my best appreciated,and I am hoping it is simple fix.

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Moving Files On / From External Hard Disk Using ESATA

Mar 20, 2012

I've bought a Toshiba STOR.E D10 Zwart 1,5TB so that I can use e-SATA to connect it to my laptop. I've got a HP Probook 6555b with Windows 7 64bits. When I use the USB connection (this hard disk has both USB an eSATA) all works fine, no problem at all. When I connect it with the eSATA cable I can find the external hard disc and brwose through the files that are on it. However when I try to move files from my laptop onto the hard disk (or the other way around) after about 10 seconds it slows down and stops half way copying. Next Windows Explorer is not responding.

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WD Passport Essential Partition Not Shown In Windows 7

Feb 18, 2012

my WD Passport essential 500 gb have three parition who is shown in mac leopard but when i switch windows 7 then only one part show and other 2 part dont show. where as part 1 and 3 are NTFS and part 2 FAT32 and these part also visibale in device in computer management. please help friends

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Using Windows 7 Disc To Repair, No Text Shown?

Oct 3, 2011

I try to use the Windows diagnostic tools etc, system restore, command prompt, memory test and when I choose say system restore, no text is shown in the dialogue box. Again no text is shown in other dialogue boxes that pop up.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - No Operating System Shown

Sep 16, 2011

Message won't boot - boot with Win7 DVD - go to repair - no operating system shown - do repair - reboot - same result.

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Windows 7 X64 Laptop Randomly Stops Responding With Busy Cursor Shown

Sep 16, 2012

The computer will stop responding, the cursor shows the busy blue ring (spinning, not frozen), and I can still move the blue ring around, but unable to click on anything. CTRL+ALT+DEL doesn't work, nothing works. Tried leaving it overnight but it didn't solve the problem. I had to force shut down by holding the Power button.This problem happens at random times, while using random applications, online or not, sometimes within a few minutes after turning on the computer, sometimes hours, but it happens almost every time. I have also tried turning on the computer and left it without using anything, and the same problem will happen.

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Install Windows 7 To ESATA HD Then Install To Another As Primary

Jan 20, 2012

Is it possible to install Windows 7 to an eSATA HD then install that drive internally to another as primary OS?

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Rest Of RAM Not Shown?

Apr 11, 2011

Well I had some RAM and it shown ONLY 2GB OF RAM. So went out and BOUGHT new RAM 4GB put it in then all i saw was 2GB! After doin' a bit of research I knew that the old RAM had 4GB (I got my computer tweaked so I didnt know) Is there a way to make this show or anything?

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DVD-RW Not Shown In Computer?

Oct 2, 2011

am having a problem with my computer and i can not find my dvd-rw icon when i open my computer.

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Less Memory Shown In OS?

Jul 13, 2011

24 GB RAM in the machine with 64 bit OS. but shows 3GB in the Windows. but shows 24GB in the BIOS

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Files In External USB HDD Are Not Being Shown

May 13, 2012

I have a Western Digital 1 TB External USB HDD.I have used it for some time.One day, I was copying files from my laptop to the USB HDD.It was taking for ever. So, I tries to cancel it. It wouldn't cancel. So, I disconnected the USB HDD by pulling the USB chord.From that day, it is not working.When I connect it will show it as a local-disk, but not show any details like size or name of the drive. It takes forever to open right-click menu and properties. Disk Manager takes for ever to show the list of drives. If I double-click on the drive, my whole system becomes slow and windows explorer hangs.If I restart my system in Safe mode, it will show the drive in Disk Manager as RAW and it gives me an option to format.Is there a way to recover the data and the HDD.

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Three Printers Shown In Firefox?

Oct 2, 2012

I have an HP Photosmart 5510 printer but in About:Config it shows three.The first is an old HP Deskjet we used to have which died and went to the skip. We were without a printer for a few months and then bought the HP Photosmart 5510 which I like. The third in the list is shown as a HP Photosmart 5510 (Network), obviously the same.The first needs removing, how do I do that please?The second is the current printer and is correct.I can account for the third entry. I've tried to set up a Home Group Network between PC and Netbook, without success, a suspect I may have changed the printer name for networking and perhaps gave it an IP No too.

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Windows7 Cursor Isn't Shown?

Mar 28, 2012

my windows7 cursor isn't shown nor working on a working on a webpage! why ?

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