Detailed Note States "Restore Skipped Restoring The C:Locationfilename"?

May 3, 2011

My neighbor uses Windows 7 Backup & Restore. We tried to restore a file, but it will not restore the file. The detailed note states "Restore Skipped Restoring the C:Locationfilename" It gives no reason and wonder if we are missing something?

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Restoring Old Files With System Restore?

Dec 16, 2011

I recently lost some files, so I did a system restore to a date that the files were intact to retrieve them. However, while the programs on the computer are now correctly set back to the system restore date, the files in question are still missing (at least partially). I'm curious is there exists a way to restore not the applications and system settings, but simply to restore old files, or if it's too late at this point. I suspect if I went to a professional they would be able to work some magic to restore the actual files, but it wouldn't be a standard procedure, and I don't have the funds right now to do so.

In more detail: I had XAMPP installed so I could do local testing before putting websites I was working on online. As such, the folder in which I kept all my local data for web development work was within XAMPP's 'htdocs' folder, which is where the local files needed to be stored so that apache and php could utilize them. However, since the install of XAMPP, i'd been having issues getting Apache to run - it worked occasionally, but would usually quit after a second of running each time I started it (that's a whole other issue though). In any case, because I couldn't figure out why Apache wasn't working in my XAMPP install, I decided, 'screw it, I'll give WampServer a try instead, and proceeded to uninstall XAMPP then restart the computer to get a clean slate before installing WAMP. Of course, I foolishly spaced the fact that all my local web development files were stored in the XAMPP files, and they were all deleted during the uninstall. So I proceeded to do a system restore to about 24 hours ago (the most recent system restore point). It seemed fine at first, until I tried to get my old web dev files back: I went to the htdocs folder in my now-restored XAMPP folder, but the old files were not intact! It seems that while XAMPP is back on my computer, all the files that were deleted during the initial uninstall were not restored. Specifically, and I can't for the life of me figure out why this would be, but the only parts that remained were the file structure (all the old folders where there, but not many of the files within them), Javascript files, and favicon image files. Everything else is still missing.

is there a way, within windows, to actually restore all those old files? Or due to the sequence in which the uninstall of XAMPP then the restore went, is it too late?

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Restore Points After Restoring Whole Computer

Feb 24, 2011

My friend just tried to run a restore on his computer (against my advice) and he somehow uninstalled all of his programs and reset his rights to standard user. I know for fact he didnt have any restore points on his computer (company computer, they dont have it turned on) would this restore go back to his fresh install? I'm trying to figure out where to go from here.

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How To Restore Windows 7 Without Restoring System32

Mar 14, 2012

So I recently reinstalled a clean copy of windows and kept a full backup of my old one on a seperate hard drive, I reinstalled windows because of driver issues, and I was wondering if it was possible to restore back to my old one without ALL drivers. I would reinstall motherboard and graphics drivers after if this is possible.

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Restoring Windows 7 Without A Restore Point?

Jan 5, 2013

Before I had my current PC I used a cheap little Acer I got at Best Buy that served me well over the years. It's got some age on it though and it runs very slowly by now. I wiped it clean as best as I could, running antiviruses and ad aware, but it still feels very slow. With my new PC I bought a copy of Windows and I was wondering if I could use this disc to help me restore my Acer to it's original state. I know I can't actually format the drive and use it to install a fresh Win 7 on it, but can I just perform a restore with it?

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How To Restore Only Few Selected Files Without Restoring All ?

Sep 16, 2009

I have created a backup of files and folders and of system in Windows 7 using the built-in backup program. How can I restore only a few selected files without restoring all. I note they are zip files so i can't identify which files i want to restore.

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Restoring/Wiping Laptop Without Restore Disk Or Windows 7?

Sep 22, 2011

My laptop which is a Asus GXG72 came with restore disks surprisingly, I guess it was right before they stopped putting them in the box. I never needed them till my harddrive started making noise. At first I didn't realize I had the restore disks, so I tried making my own using the program my computer had. It would always fail at the end. I Ended up making a image of my harddrive through windows not realizing I actually need a copy of windows to reload it. I ended up finding my restore disk and figure my worries were over.... Apparently it was corrupt it only partially loaded windows onto the machine, I managed somehow to tweak it enough to recognize my usb drive so that I could restore my computer to the old image. From then on it blue screened every once in a while, but it worked. I am having problems with games now and I'm not sure if its hardware or software related. I wanna try restoring the computers main files and see if that works if not just wiping it completely. Problem is I don't have working restore disks, can't make them and have no copy of windows 7. Is their anything I can do beside buy a copy of windows 7? Which I feel is retarded considering I have one technically.

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Restoring Windows 7 By The System Restore, It Say's It Was Disabled For Security Reason?

Nov 15, 2011

When i try restoring my win 7 (ultimate 32bit) by the system restore, it say's it was disabied for security reason. i re-enabled it, (with or without creating restore point), and after some days its disabled again.

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Can Get A Detailed Article On RAID

Dec 20, 2010

Can i get a detailed article on RAID. What is it? What does it need? What are its advantages? I think i have RAID enabled desktop(if there is anything like that !?!)

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Windows 7 Backup Completed But Some Files Were Skipped

Feb 17, 2012

I have Win 7 Home Premium SP1. For the past year and a half, I've been using the Win 7 backup about once a month without any problems. My hard drive is partitioned into drives C and D, and I back up onto an external hard disk, which appears as Drive I when connected. (The external hard disk is partitioned into drives G, H, I, but there is plenty of space on drive I).

In addition, more often, I back up my important data folders (using MS Synctoy) on a USB flash memory which appears as Drive F. Yesterday, I backed up to the flash memory. Then I did the Win 7 backup to my external hard disc, but I forgot to remove the flash memory from the USB port, which I always do. When the Win 7 backup finished, I got an error message from Windows Backup: "Windows Backup did not complete successfully. The backup completed but some files were skipped."

When I looked at "View Skipped Files", it said "Windows Backup skipped F:Music because it cannot be found on drive F:." (There is no "Music folder on drive F). So I took out the USB flash memory and tried Win 7 Backup again (twice). Same result. Then I shut down the PC for the night. This morning I turned it on again. Everything else seemed to be working. So I did Win 7 Backup with the same result.

I looked at "Restore all users' files" in the Backup Window, and there I see that I have only a folder called "Users" backed up from the C Drive, and only a folder called "Music" backed up from the D Drive. I have many other folders in these drives, and even these folders only show a small portion of the files in those folders on my PC. It also shows that there is an empty F:Music folder backed up. Just to remind you - there is no F Drive once I remove my USB flash memory.

Looking at "Manage Windows Backup Space" I see that on Drive I (the backup drive) I use 26.6 GB for Data File Backup, 95 GB for System Image, with 64 GB of free space on the drive. Since my C and D drives have a total of 74 GB used space, and I assume Win 7 Backup compresses files, these numbers look reasonable to me. Are my files backed up or not? Why the silly error message? My external hard disk seems fine, as best as I can tell.

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Skipped Files Error When Doing System Backup

Oct 30, 2011

It keeps skipping a Podcast file for some reason, i think related to Zune Media Player for my Windows Phone? Is there a way to solve that so backup completes successfully?

Antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials 2.116.0
Windows Firewall
Clean Install a few weeks ago

backing up to second internal drive, but i can move it to my External if needed Am Willing to uninstall and Reinstall Zune Player if needed Previous Antivirus was Avast 6.0 Free

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Restoring A Backup From Windows Backup And Restore

Aug 8, 2009

I currently use Vista Ultimate. I am preparing to move to Windows 7. Is it possible to restore files from Vista Backup and Restore Center to Windows 7 after a clean install?

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Windows 7 Backup Did Not Complete Successfully - Files Skipped

Feb 7, 2010

I keep getting an error when running a windows 7 backup. it backs up to a linux server on the network. network sharing is correct. At the very end of the backup it says some files were skipped. when i check on the linux server the hard drive is full of files so it has access so I don't think it is a network problem.

I had a look at the log files in "C:WindowsLogsWindowsBackup" at the file "Backup Files 2010-02-07 190008_error.txt". It says "Backup encountered a problem while backing up file C:WindowsSystem32configsystemprofileWebsites. Error: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x80070002)".

I have made a Library in my Library folder called websites containing website files.

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Says Invalid Descriptor Protection & Skipped The Operating System?

Jul 9, 2012

I have 2 hard drives from 80 GB on a secondary ide channel and the other of 300 gb on the primary channel. in these 2 hard drives are installed respectively in fat32 windows 2000 and the second hard drive windows xp, vista and other windows 2000 and so far so good ...The strange thing is that if I start windows 2000 or xp from second hard disk all right but if I start the windows vista (tried also Windows 7) happens to me that the partition of the hard disk starts saying MFT master file table and says invalid descriptor protection / sid correct ...... But I skipped the operating system

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Windows Media Center - PlayReady Step Skipped

Nov 9, 2012

I noticed while trying to get LiveTV to setup in Media Center that it totally skipped a Playready step. Is there a way to reinstall it or somehow update it. All the info I can find is from 2009.

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Getting The Box That States Stack-overflow At 115

Nov 1, 2011

I am getting the box that states stack-overflow at 115?what does that mean and how can I get rid of it.

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When Press F1 It States Boot Up Failure

Jan 30, 2012

I have a raid (stripe) hard drive and it was working fine and i turned on my pc and it states floppy disk fail and when i press f1 it states boot up failure.I have tried all the recovery options and system recovery takes forever and does nothing and it does not even have my drive listed in the option box in system recovery so i dont know what to do i don't wanna loose my data.

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HP States CD Burn Successful, Cd Still Blank Though?

Sep 1, 2011

My HP Pavilion dv4 says that it burns a cd successfully, however, when I check the cd it's blank.It will read cd's, it never displays an error msg of any type. Does any one have any ideas as to what the problem may be and how to fix it?

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Display All Audio File Folders In Detailed File View?

Feb 20, 2011

How to force Windows 7 File Explorer to display ALL audio folder content as normal files in detailed view with file name/size/date and without title/artist/album.

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Does Windows Have Desktop Icon Save States

Nov 22, 2012

My computer has taken quite a beating last night, power went out 4 times sporadically, thankfully I have a voltage regulator. The funny thing is.. before the first blackout, I had rearranged a couple of files/folders, and desktop icons, and whenever I would turn the computer back on,everything was laid off the way it was before I arranged it, who is used to TPLINK wireless adapters, is it normal that whenever the adapter's driver gets outdated it will let you know with a BSOD?

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Constant Nonresponsive States When Doing Simple Tasks

Oct 30, 2011

Acer Support: Acer Aspire 5534 Notebook Specifications That has all my laptop information.My problem is my computer will go in nonresponsive states while playing games, browsing even when I run my virus scanner and disk defragmenter. Sometimes it wont happen for hours and sometimes it'll happen every 5-10 mins.I have no new installations besides windows updates and League of Legends no errors or anything pops up only shows that it's not responding can anyone help?Also my virus protector hasn't given me any signs saying I have a virus so im stuck at a standstill.

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Keep Getting A Popup Window That States Copy Of Windows 7 Is Not Genuine

May 21, 2011

I keep getting a pop up window that states my copy of Windows 7 is not genuine. It was preloaded on my laptop when I purchased it?

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Cannot Keep One Note From Being Indexed

Nov 8, 2010

Another index/search problem that I just can't seem to stop, ...and that is the indexing of Microsoft 2007 "Onenote". I've already searched for threads/and read many tutorials on this issue of the indexing & search and read many from Shawn (Brink) and they work for most objects when de-selected in control panel / index options, but with "OneNote", this stubborn sob, will keep adding itself back to the index once its opened the next time. When in the control panel/index options, their its sits all by itself. Its always listed by itself and is not buried in the users folders where the onenote directories & backup's are. When I un-tick "OneNote" in Ctrl panel / Index Options and then select rebuild, it remains unlisted, as its not even seen anymore in the list. But once I open "OneNote", and go to index options, sure enough its listed and checked again, and is being indexed. I've tried going into Local group policy editor "Search" and tried removing by the path to the OneNote Folders and Files. It was done so by path.

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Driver For Easy Note MX

May 18, 2012

I have a PB Easy Note MX, unfortunately I do not know if it is M36, M37 or M52 because the sticker is gone! I boughyt it about 4 years ago. How do I know which sound driver to download? I have recently installed Windows 7.

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Driver For Easy Note MX

May 18, 2012

I have a PB Easy Note MX, unfortunately I do not know if it is M36, M37 or M52 because the sticker is gone! I boughyt it about 4 years ago. How do I know which sound driver to download? I have recently installed Windows 7.

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Driver DVD For Hcl Note 54 Series Ec2?

Dec 18, 2012

give me hcl ec2 series54 ver 6 drivers?

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How To Import HTML Files Into One-note

Jun 13, 2011

How to import html files into onenote?I have so many html files and their folders and files.Is it possible to import these html files into onenote?

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Add New Sticky Note To Desktop Context Menu

Nov 24, 2009

There are a few things MS seem to be missing the point on in Windows 7. One is the ability to quickly stick a note on the desktop by right-clicking and going to "New->Sticky Note". I remember adding something to the "New" menu in XP some time back so I'm wondering if there's a way to do this.

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Does Microsoft One Note Stores All Types Of Data

Apr 24, 2012

i have installed ms office 2007. and i m using the one note there. i want to ask you that which type of data stored in one note back up files. means that is it stores all the information like cut copy paste or audio video data?

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Connect Samsung Galaxy Note Gt N7000 To Pc?

Jan 16, 2013

Free download software to connect samsung galaxy note gt n7000 to pc

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Unable To Play DVDs Message States Not Possible To Turn On Analog Copy Protection On The Output Display

Feb 5, 2012

Unable to play DVDs message states not possible to turn on analog copy protection on the output display.

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