Become Permanent NT Authority/SYSTEM Or Other Nt Authority User?

Dec 8, 2012

Is possible to become permanent NT Authority/SYSTEM or other nt authority user? I think nt authority is something like domain and by hacks there are ways to be system but not permanent.

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Computer Sluggish After Installing ScriptLogic's Desktop Authority?

Aug 11, 2011

I recently installed ScriptLogic's Desktop Authority on my work computer (Windows 7 Professional 64-bit) thinking that it would help me with some stuff that I am doing here. Immediately after installing the product, my computer became super slow on the most simple tasks. Booting up and logging in now takes 10 minutes or more when it took only a couple minutes previously. Opening a program (mostly MS Office programs & IE, but not limited to) takes forever and appears to freeze at first. Installing a program takes minutes longer to simply show the initial install screen. Saving a file is also prolonged. Even opening a new tab in IE freezes the program up for a minute! It seems that most network related tasks are the ones effected. However Google Chrome and Firefox don't seem to be effected.

I've since removed the program which didn't make a difference. I've even started Windows in the minimal configuration via msconfig and it's still slow!!! WTF? I don't get it. I don't see anything in the Event Viewer to denote a problem. I just don't understand it. I'm at the point where I'm thinking I'll have to wipe and re-install Windows!

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Make The Settings Permanent By Switching User Controls Off?

Nov 21, 2009

This is a very useful graphic viewing program, no longer in production, but which works fine under Windows 7. The problem is that setting it up requires the program to write some things to the registry, which apparently is being blocked, so I have to go through the settings every time I load it. In Vista I could make the settings permanent by switching User controls off while I set the program up. With Windows 7 I find that even with it set to minimum, Ember can't write the values.

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Set Permanent Variable In Cmd?

Jul 18, 2012

I am trying to find a way to set a variable in the cmd that is "permanent".What I mean is that I could set the variable %message% to "hello", and I could close the cmd, open it up a week later and if I typed this: Code: echo %message% This would be the result Code: hello Using the normal SET command will only set the variable for the time the cmd is open. I need to set the variable within the system so that it will stay if I close the cmd.

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How To Make Font Setting Permanent

May 27, 2012

Twice now I have "done" 'adjust clear type text' to improve legibility of font in parts of Google Earth and Chrome. But THAT text is hard to read AGAIN, suggesting that the 'clear type text' setting does not survive rebooting. How to fix in Win7 Ultimate ?

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Get The Cursor Change To Remain Permanent?

Aug 10, 2011

My cursor wont stay as selected in windows mouse pointer configuration settings. It reverts to a gray box with a black border, blue up-down arrow in the upper right corner, and a portion of a finger in the lower right corner. I can't find a cursor file that is associated with this stubborn cursor, and I need to find out what the file is that is associated with this so I can DELETE it.

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Changes On Drop Down List Not Staying Permanent

Oct 9, 2011

I'm having a problem when I try to make changes, computer will not let me save or apply the changes.Ex-I try to change the volume and bounces back to the same position it was in as soon as I move the mouse.I try to use any drop down list and and whatever I click on it does not stay

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Windows 7 Desktop Permanent Banner/message?

Jun 12, 2012

I need to permanently display a massage ( a static one line ) on windows 7 desktops (in the computer lab) , to appear all times on top of any running application. I should be able to change the text and banner size. what do I need to do that? Or how do I do that?

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USB Flash Drive Formatting Permanent Error?

Oct 10, 2010

I was doing some programming for school and then the IDE stopped working and so did Windows, itself, but I had to get somewhere, so i forced myself to pull my 1 GB usb drive out without safely removing it. Still it was acting weird, so I just shut it down. Now I put the usb back in, and apparently I have to format it. I don't want to because I didn't back up recent work but eventually I had to choose to format it.

Initially when I went to format it, the format size was still at "0.98 GB" but now, it changed to "8 MB"
even if I try to format it at 8 MB.
Quick format provides a "Windows was unable to complete the format".
Normal format provides a similar error.
Diskmgmt formatting provides a similar error.

I never had a problem like this before (even when pulling out drives at time when it failed to respond) but I would still like to utilize the usb. Is there a way that i can retrieve the 1 GB back?

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Custom Cursor Change Won't Stay Permanent

Jun 22, 2012

I Downloaded An Custom Cursor, then i save. But when i Log off then log on again is isn't my custom cursor but Windows 7's Cursors

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Mouse Cursor Change Won't Stay Permanent?

Jan 10, 2010

I'm not sure what the issue is but I can go in and change the mouse cursors and everything works until I restart the computer. Then it immediately reverts back to the default Windows 7 Aero cursor. When I go back in the cursors settings it has my settings listed but I have to hit "Ok" and then it's fine again.

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Changes Made On Dropdown List Won't Stay Permanent

Feb 15, 2013

I'm having a problem when I try to make changes, computer will not let me save or apply the changes. Example: I try to change the volume and bounces back to the same position it was in as soon as I move the mouse. I try to use any drop down list and and whatever I click on it does not stay.

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Accidentally Changed The Permanent Default For .exe Programs On Desktop

Jan 20, 2012

I was trying to download a trial of adobe photo shop to do my homework and i am on my moms laptop. i went to open the program and a dialog box popped up asking what program i wanted to use to open this file, (i didnt notice the checked box at the time stating it was going to use this option for all files associated with this extension!) and the only available program that was listed was WINDOWS MEDIA CENTER and i needed to use the program so i clicked on it.... wish i wouldnt have. it changed ALL my .exe programs ie; google,firefox,system restore and now anytime i try to run anything the media center comes up!!

I have seen on the web that several other people have done the same exact thing. I was freaking out cause this is not my computer and so i went to accounts and made a new admin desktop, which is what i am on now. i have found involves doing something on the actual desktop that is messed up. but i cannot open any executable files on that desktop ie;command prompt,so i cannot do anything on there.

i know there has to be some way to reverse what i did, i just need someone to walk me through the process so i dont screw the computer up any more than i already have, i am able to open system restore in the new desktop, i but dont think that will have any affect on the change i made let alone have an effect on the other desktop from this desktop. I also went to the place on the desktop to change the default for programs and .exe is not listed.

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Permanent Change In Contents Pane Of Windows Explorer

May 31, 2011

I would like to make a change in the view of Windows Explorer (not IE) in Windows 7 OS. I click on View and then Choose Detail and choose Date. That changes what I see in the Contents Pane. I can see the Date of the files. But, when I change to a different folder, I have to do it all over again. How can I make this change permanent?

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Naming External Hard Drives With Permanent Drive Letters?

Apr 16, 2011

I am using 3 external hard drives and noticed a couple of times there drive letters have changed. Maybe I have had them unplugged for some reason I cannot remember, but it causes confusion with some files that use shortcuts. I would like to know if it is possible to give the drives permanent drive letters also change there names?

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Operating System For A Casual User?

Jul 16, 2012

im just wondering what you guys think is the best operating system for a regular user. I mean I would like to customize it well but dont want anything to confusing.

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Possible To Bypass The User System Completely?

Sep 20, 2012

There is only one user on my computer - me. So is it possible to bypass the user system completely or would that require a full re-write of the filing system? Seems to me that I have little if any control over where files are stored. For instance, every time I download a file, it is stored in downloads by default. I then have to fish it out from this directory to save it where I want it saved.

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Backup User And System Files

Jul 20, 2009

How to Backup User and System Files in Windows 7 ?

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User Name And Pw System Recovery Options

Sep 30, 2012

What is the user name and password for systems recovery options

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Allowing A User To Have Admin Rights On Their Own System?

Oct 6, 2011

I was kind of thrown into the issue of allowing a user to have admin rights on their own system, eg., download various programs like Firefox, Adobe stuff, and before I go in to muddle things up, I must ask how to do this.....

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Splitting 40 GB User File System Into Ten 4GB Chunks?

Jun 29, 2012

Is there an easy to "split" a 40 Gb user file area into ten 4 Gb "chunks", for the purpose of backing up onto ten DVDs? In other words, is there an easy way to copy a 40 Gb file area onto ten DVDs? Operating System is Windows 7 Enterprise (64 bit).

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Why User's Name In System Info Differs From Login Name

Oct 9, 2010

I login as John (account type = Administrator) on my Windows 7 Home Premium. My computer System Name is HomePC.When I launched the "System Information" via msinfo32.exe, why does it show the "User Name" as HOMEPCuser instead of HOMEPCJohn

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Cannot Change User Password In System Recovery

Jun 14, 2011

I'm working on a Windows 7 laptop for which the user has forgotten the password. So, putting my windows 7 DVD in, I boot into System Recovery and go to a command window. I try to change the user password for "User X" as it displays at login, and the system kindly informs me "User X" doesn't exist.

Using net user, I see that the only two users that exist are "Administrator" and "Guest". So, I activate administrator using "net user administrator /activate:yes". Then I change the password of administrator.

Rebooting into safe mode, I find "User X" and "Guest" still my only options. I try the password I set for administrator (since User X doesn't exist), but that doesn't work.

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Restore Backup User And System Files

Aug 30, 2011

How to Restore Backup User and System Files in Windows 7 ?

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Advanced System Settings Performance To All User Accounts

Aug 28, 2011

I'm having problems changing the Advanced system settings to all the users on my PC. How can i enforce a certain System setting to all User Accounts without having to log them on one by one? And another one is how can transfer Personal User Directories to another Drive without removing the access permissions in them. (Example: C:\Users\Computer to D:\Users\Computer) Cause when i changed the user directory to D:/. That certain user directory can now be accessed by all Standard user accounts in my PC.

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Can't Move WindowsImageBack Or System & User File To A New Location

Nov 11, 2011

I originally backed up my System & User files using the Backup utility in Tools to a slave drive. That drive was full so I purchased a larger capacity drive and installed it in place of the original slave drive.

I copied over my data but have been unable to copy the file original "Backup" file (shows "0" bytes & empty) I created.

I also had a "WindowsImageBackup" folder (160GB) that had folders and files in it that I have also not been able to copy to the new slave drive.

I am saving my old "Slave" drive so I assume I can use it to restore my original image I created, eyh?

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User Files Will Be Deleted If Reformat System Partition?

Aug 4, 2012

I'm planning to re-install my OS and I'm backing-up my files. Right now my 'User' files (Desktop, Downloads, My Pictures, My Music, My Documents, and My Videos) are currently located in D: (I used the 'Location' tab in the properties to move each folder from C: to D: ) Now, my question is: Would my 'User' files that are currently located in D:, be deleted when I reformat and re-install my OS in my system partition (which is C:). This came into my mind because in my understanding of moving the 'User' files using the 'Location' tab, means that the files and folders are stored in D:, but still linked in C:

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Backup User And System Files - Create Shortcut

Dec 16, 2009

How to Create a Windows 7 Backup User and System Files Shortcut ?

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Backup User And System Files - Delete Backups

May 21, 2010

How to Delete Windows 7 User and System Backup Files ?

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Relocating No-system Contents Of User Folder To Another Partition/drive?

Apr 20, 2011

In XP, I re-directed My Documents to a Data partition. In my old computer with Windows 7, I think I used TweakUI (which worked) and Junction for my iTunes folder.In my new Windows 7 laptop, I read about this mklink feature (which seemed to pass me by). Before I got a chance to use this, I selected all of the visible (non-system) folders in c:usersmyusername and cut 'n' pasted them to d:usersmyusername.To cut a long story short, this worked. Obviously i know it didn't move system related folders but it works.Basically it looks like Windows has automatically changed the target of the folders I moved . Is this right?

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Customizing Standard User Accounts - Adding System Access Without Uac?

Jun 23, 2012

When I search for the words in the thread title I only get references to UAC.Well, I do not think I am interested in UAC.In Windows NT4 it was possible to take any existing account and modify/customize its access rights, per system function. As in allowing standard user Joe to be able to change date, whithout elevation. I could edit the account rights of Joe, giving or removing just about any system access.I need to be able to give some system rights to a local standard account, without elevation. No admin password, no UAC, nothing. At the same time that standard account should not be able to access local policy or computer management or similar, other, system features.

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