Wireless Laptop Can See Other Wireless PCs But Not Wired Ones?

Aug 11, 2011

I have three PCs that connect to my home network wireless and two others that connect wired through a hub. Periodically one of the wireless PCs will see the other wireless devices but not the wired ones. This morning I installed some Win 7 updates and after the restart my laptop can't see the wired devices. My wife's Win 7 laptop sees everything. So the problem is intermittent. I have fiddled with Advanced Settings in Network Sharing, such as turning Network Discovery off and back on again. I can't seem to find the silver bullet that will cure this problem when it occurs.

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Laptop Cannot Connecting To Either Wireless Or Wired Networks?

Aug 10, 2011

I have had a Acer Aspire 5742-6814 for a month or so now. Yesterday it suddenly would not connect to the wireless network in my apartment and won't connect to a wired network either. It says that the wireless drivers are up to date and it just stopped working out of nowhere. I tried connecting to my school wireless network and that would not work either. I have tried some of the solutions that I have seen including: Resetting modem in apartment. Checking "Connect even if network is not broadcasting its name (SSID)" (which seemed to work for some people with similar problems). I really have no idea what is wrong or if it some kind of hardware issue. I can provide any further details.

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Wireless Laptop Connect To Wired Desktop?

Mar 27, 2011

My Desktop is connected to a NetGear Router and is on a DLS line to internet. My wireless laptop picks up signal ok and goes online, it also "sees" desktop name, but I can't connect to it for file and printer sharing.

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Wireless Laptop Unable To See Wired Devices

Dec 6, 2011

I have a new Windows 7 (HP) laptop normally connecting to a Netgear WNDR3700v2 router wirelessly. There is also windows XP-Pro file server, an XP thin client (running phone system) connected to the router via Ethernet. Finally, there is a 500GB USB drive plugged into to the router's USB ReadyShare port.

When the laptop is connected via Ethernet it can see and communicate with all Ethernet devices and all Ethernet devices can connect with the wireless laptop including the routers ReadyShare USB storage. All connectivity appears normal and shares are valid and recognized.

When the laptop is connected wirelessly, all wired devices continue to recognize it normally but can NOT communicate with it. The laptop sees nothing but the router's gateway. It does not recognize any other device connected to the router wirelessly or via Ethernet and does not recognize the USB storage connected to the router via ReadyShare.

It should be noted that the Netgear WNDR3700v2 router does see all wired and wireless devices. Also note that network discovery and file sharing is enabled on the laptop.

Netgear has assured me that all is well with the router (and I agree). I believe the problem is with Windows 7 wireless settings but this is the first Windows 7 device we have and I just don't know enough about the OS to know where to look to correct the problem.

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How To Transfer Games From Laptop To Ps3 Via Wired Or Wireless

Mar 17, 2012

how to transfer games from laptop to ps3 via wired or wireless? and also tell me how can i transfer the primary set up files for ps3 because i followed some tuts. but the won't work. i put primary data into my pendrive and connected with ps3 but i was unable to see anything in usb drive also no data to update. so tell me the easy and neat way to do this work done. and also mention the way by which i can connect my usb pendrive with ps3 to transfer primary setup files.

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Wireless Laptop ( WAP ) To Wired Desktop ( ADSL Router ) LAN

Aug 15, 2012

i have desktop with internet connection via cable to ADSL2+ Router and 2 laptop with internet connection via wirless to Wireless Access Point which is connected to the ADSL2+ Router

Uploaded with [URL] how i share files between desktop and one of laptops or between the two laptops

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No Wireless/wired Net Access?

Jun 22, 2010

I've been using wireless internet for months with my new computer which has Windows 7 64-bit. Today I disabled the wireless security for a bit, then tried to enable it, now I can't connect to anything. The problems are: 'The DNS server isn't responding' and 'Local Area Connection doesn't have a valid IP config'. My wireless icon keeps switching between a yellow exclamation point icon and a circular blue loading icon. It says it's connected but I cannot browse the net, I can access my router information though. My router/modem are definitely on and connected. I've done many power cycles on those and my computer. My modem is Comcast and my router is a Netgear WPN824 V2. The router has the most recent firmware.

Here is my ipconfig data:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Windows IP Configuration


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Wireless Connects Wired Won't

Apr 11, 2011

I bought a Windows 7 machine today. I went home and plugged the ethernet jack into the computer - it finds the connection, but won't connect to the internet. The wireless works fine. The wired works on my old vista machine. I went over the a friend's place - same deal, and their new Windows 7 machine doesn't work in the wired connection either. We are both Shaw cable subscribers in Western Canada.

I have tried restarting, disabling/re-enabling the drivers, updating the connection drivers. I can't think of anything else - suggestions?

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Connecting A Wired Win 7 With A Wireless Xp

Nov 26, 2009

Just bought a Lynksys router wrt160n to use with my wired windows 7 desktop and my wireless windows xp notebook. The notebook pickup up the signal, but we could not get past the authentication point. It wouldn't connect. Router worked fine wired with the windows 7. Any simple worded help for a beginner?

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Download From Wired Pc But Not Wireless?

Jan 11, 2012

i have a pc running xp wired to my modem. i have another running windows 7 that connects wireless to the router. i can connect to the internet from the wireless w7 pc but as soon as i try to stream or download i lose connectivity.

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Wired Or Wireless Network Perferred?

Aug 10, 2011

The output of the "print route" command on my Win7x64 system is shown below.The wireless adapter has been assigned to by the router and the Gigabit wired connection has been manually assigned the static address strange thing is that the gateway metric which I believe is used to decide which connection to use is 25 for the wireless connection (i.e. fast) and 276 (i.e. slow) for the gigabit wired connection. But I expected this to be the other way around. Why does it think the wireless onnection is faster? Does this mean that network traffic is generally routed thru the wireless adapter? Is there a way for me to tell which adapter is being used to route traffic?Should I believe its reported speed, or should I force the metrics so that the wired connection is used by default. If so, what commands are used to force this priority, and do these commands need to be repeated after every boot, or are the permanent?


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Need Wireless And Wired Network Running Together

Mar 24, 2011

The title suggests i need to setup my networks so that they are both working harmoniously together.The reason i need this is because on the wireless side i need to connect to my router for internet access.On the wired side i need to connect to my NAS. I have tried connecting the NAS box to the router and it works but it is too slow.

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Switching From Wired To Wireless, Need Router?

Nov 26, 2011

I need to switch from a wired network to a wireless network. Santa is bringing a new laptop. I guess the best way is to change routers. Not sure what to go with.I currently have 2 desktops, PS3 and a TV on the wired network. Ive looked at and read the reviews on a Linksys-Newegg.com - LINKSYS E3000 Wireless Router simultaneous Dual Band Gigabit 802.11a/b/g/n 2.4GHz / 5GHz up to 300Mbps with USB Built-in UPnP AV Media Server and an Asus-Newegg.com - ASUS RT-N16 Wireless Router 802.11b/g/n up to 300Mbps DD-WRT Open Source support with USB Storage, Printer And Media Server.For the most part the reviews are good but there a bunch of bad ones. Just wondering if any one brand is considered more reliable than the others. I don't know anything about open source firmware. Its mentioned quite a bit in the reviews.

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Wired And Wireless Computers Won't Connect To Each Other

Mar 12, 2012

I've been trying to create a homegroup which my laptop (wireless) and my computer (wired) will be part of. They are both connected to the same router. My wireless is called "BuckleyWireless" and my wired computer is connected to something called "VirginMedia478xxx". I'm not sure whether these have to be the same name for it to work so I thought I'd post this anyway.I've checked the subnet mask for both computers and they are the same.I've tried turning off the firewalls on both computers.I've gone into advanced settings so that both computers are "visible" within the network.My laptop is now visible on my wired computer but it can't actually be accessed for some reason.

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Networking Wired 64 Bit Computer With Wireless 32 Bit

Dec 8, 2009

I have a new Desktop running Win 7 64 Bit and a laptop running Win 7 32 Bit. The desktop is hard-wired to my router and the laptop is connected to my WI-FI network, along with my printers and back-up drive. I would like to set up a homegroup so I can share files between them and hopefully synch my two Outlook Contact files and back both up on my Buffalo back-up hardrive. How can I enable the two computers to see one another? Also how do I change the name of my laptop?

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Bridge Between Wireless And Wired Network?

Jan 17, 2010

I recently bought myself a new Netgear Stora MS2110 (network storage), my network situation is a bit strange. I've got my computer connected to a wireless network with internet access, and the Stora now connected to the computer by a wired LAN without internet. I just now discovered that I needed to have internet to setup the Stora, so my question is this - Can I somehow Bridge the wireless network onto the wired network through my computer? giving the Stora internet access and access to the wireless network.

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Connecting Wireless Printer To Wired PC?

Mar 1, 2012

Can a wired pc and a wireless pc both be connected to a wireless printer

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Wireless Works - Wired Internet Connection Does Not

Jan 15, 2012

my buddy has a laptop issue when its a wired internet connection. when its wireless, it has no problems with the internet, everything works fine. but when its wired, webpages will still load, but Internet videos wont work, anything that consists of streaming doesn't work, and he cant even use logmein. i have connected other laptops to the same cord and there is no problems. so i know its not the cord and i imagine its not the router since everything still works fine with other computers.

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Get Both Wired And Wireless Icons In System Tray?

Mar 23, 2011

I have Windows 7 SP1, 32bit on my laptop. I have both wired connection, and wireless connection. It may not make much sense to have both active, but at times I do.

When I have both wired and wireless connected, why do I not have both the wired and wireless icons in the sys tray?

Is there any way to "turn on" these icons? In the taskbar properties notification area, I have "always show all icons" checked.

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Connecting A Wireless Router To Wired Network?

May 5, 2012

I have a wired linksys router that works fine. I'm not using DHCP on it, its setup at My pc which only has a wired NIC, connects with no problems.I recently bought a tplink wireless router. I changed it so the ip is now (it was originally which meant I couldnt access settings to change from the default password, SSID).

I got the tplink wireless router, so I wouldnt have to be tethered with a wire on my laptop for internet. However, I've wasted time with tech support which I can barely hear or understand.I'd like to get this working, otherwise I'm sending everything back, wireless router and laptop.I can ping both the linksys and tplink from my laptop with no problems.I can get connected to the tplink wireless router without a problem but I cannot get to the internet.

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Wireless And Wired Network Connect Simultaneously?

May 17, 2012

I have windows XP mode installed on Window 7 Enterprise and running Windows XP ofcorce. I need to connect my laptop to wired network and in some time to connect wireless for XP mode using. What I mean : I want to use wired internet for my Windows 7 and in same time wireless network for windows XP in XP mode that is running. This I need because those two windows need to be connected in different networks.

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Cannot Get Wireless Or Wired Router Connection To Work

Jun 19, 2012

I have been trying to set up a router at my girlfriend's apartment. I first tried a Linksys router that I had brought from home. I hooked it up from the wall port, to the router, to my computer. I was able to access the normal Linksys wireless setup page at and set up a network fine. I then unplugged my ethernet cable and attempted to connect to the network and was not able to. If I recall, it 'connected' but there was no internet connection.

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Laptop Won't Recognize Wireless Usb Cos Sierra Wireless Is Preventing

Apr 12, 2012

my new laptop will not recognise telstra broadband usb wireless! i have gone into device manager and then network adaptorsand it has an explanation mark on sierra wireless!!

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Create A .bat File To Disable Wireless When Connect To Wired

Jan 9, 2012

I currenly work in an IT department and have given this 'project'.

We have a number of users who have been given 32bit Windows 7 laptops for remote, home and office working.

I have been asked to create a batch file so that as soon as the user comes into the office they plug the laptop into the network and it should use the wired connection automatically to access the corporate LAN. As soon as they work away and need to access the corporate network remotly they do not need to press the wireless button on the laptop, when the laptop is switched and logged on i want the laptop to know that it is not on a wired network and for the wireless to kick in.

I have created two bat files -

netsh interface set interface �Wireless Network Connection� Disable


netsh interface set interface �Wireless Network Connection� Enable

these have been placed in task scheduler under create a basic task. I have tried both of these in cmd prompt but they still don't work.

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Wired Computer Doesn't See Wireless Computers On Network?

Jan 28, 2012

I recently replaced my wireless router and Bellsouth DSL modem with a single Netgear DGN2200 DSL modem/wireless router. The problem is my desktop which is wired, cannot see the laptop computers that are on the network via wireless connection. If I start a homegroup with one of the laptops, the other laptop can join but my desktop cannot (no "join now" option). If I start a homegroup with my wired desktop, neither laptop sees it.However, if I connect my desktop to the network using my USB wireless adapter, then I can establish a homegroup with either a laptop or the desktop with no problem.I have checked that IPv6 is enabled and that all the services listed in other posts are enabled. I'm fairly certain the cause is some setting in my router security, but I don't see anything that would prevent my desktop from linking. I can also get on the internet with no problem.

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Wireless Internet Works, Wired Connection Doesn't Work

Dec 3, 2011

I formatted both my laptop and desktop computer. When i did with my laptop, everything was great. Wireless still worked. Of course i have my linksys router connected to get the wireless.

I then formatted my desktop. Its a dell. When i did this, everything seemed great. However, i noticed that if i remove my wireless router and just connect my cable modem wired, it works. However, when i connect my wireless router, then my wireless internet works but my WIRED connection does not work. It has this message that says can't connect.

I don't think this has ever happened before. I mean, there were many times where my desktop got formatted and my wired internet worked and i could not get my wireless connection to work. But never had i had my wireless work and my wired connection not work. The one thing i did this time was after i installed the drivers with my windows cd, i then deleted the old windows file that was about 25 gb.

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Internet Access Randomly Drops On Wired & Wireless Connection?

Jul 18, 2012

I've got an older Acer Timeline 4810t running Windows 7. We recently switched from Cox Cable internet to AT&T U-Verse, and I've started noticing that my internet connection will randomly go out when I am connected. This occurs whether I am on a wired or wireless connection. Specifically, I will be browsing the web and, randomly, when I try to pull up a website, I get an error indicating that I cannot connect to that website because I am not connected to the internet. When I check the status of my connection in the bottom right corner, it will show that I am connected to the internet. If I disconnect the ethernet cable (or disconnect and reconnect to the wifi network), the internet service is restored, although it continues to randomly lose connection.

I initially thought that it was a U-Verse issue, so AT&T came out and replaced the router. Unfortunately, I still got the random drops. I then thought it was a Windows issue, so I reformatted by hard drive and reinstalled Windows - still having that issue.My wife has an older Macbook and does not have this problem. We also do not have this problem with any of the tablets or phones that connect to the network wirelessly.I am beyond frustrated and do not know what to do. I also don't know if this is a sign that my laptop is at the end of its life, which would be unfortunate since I've only owned the laptop for about 3 years (my last laptop, a Dell, is on year 7 and still churning).

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Acer Aspire One Netbook Will Not Hookup To Wireless Or Wired Internet?

Aug 3, 2012

I just bought a used Acer Aspire One 10.1 netbook and I am having some issues. When I got it the pc needed 17 windows updates done. So I did that but I am not sure all the updates worked properly as the machine shut down but never rebooted after finishing updates. After I turned it back on I tried to connect to the internet through my wireless router (which is working fine for other devices), nothing. So I tried a wired connection, nothing again. The wireless is finding my router it is just not hooking up to the internet. I tried ipconfig/all in the cmd prompt and all it shows is that the media is disconnected??? Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going on? The compute seems to be functioning fine except for the internet

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Windows 7 On Wired Computer Prevents Wireless Connections To Router

Sep 1, 2011

Why does my HP LaserJet P2015dn not print? It says Printer Offline. I am using Windows 7 but this has happened before with other versions of Windows and I have had to have it fixed. There is another computer connected to the printer.

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Can Use A Wireless Router As A Wired Router

Jan 24, 2012

I am having problems with my wireless adapter Cisco Router Linksys X2000, can I use it as a wired router into my network socket on the computer?

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Convert A Spare Wireless Router To A Wireless Access Point

Jan 23, 2012

In a few days time I will be changing my ISP in the UK from Sky to BT.

BT are providing me with their newest wireless router free of charge as part of the deal and I'll be using that to set up my wireless network, which will consist of an HP Pavilion desktop, a Toshiba laptop, a Sony Vaio laptop, an HP wireless printer and a Samsung HDTV.

This means my Sky wireless router is surplus to requirements, so I was wondering if I could convert it to a wireless access point to improve the range of my BT wireless network.

I've read a couple of supposedly easy-to-understand articles on Google and have to say they left me more confused than ever.

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