Windows 7 Start Up Repair Or Clean Install?

Jun 1, 2012

I want to do a start up repair but only have a upgrade disk. When I try to do the start up repair and pick the OS on the hard drive it comes up with a error saying the os is not compatible even tho the upgrade was done from this disk. Can I do a start up repair or clean install without losing any software or personal files?This computer has no back up's.My reason for wanting to do a start up repair is yesterday when I woke up my computer from sleep mode the hard drive kept and is always accessing but the CPU was not really doing much so I had to wait and wait and waitIt will say a software is not responding then after a long wait time the file will open or a program will respond.To just open folder takes 5 min, open files 5+. re starting or starting from the off position takes about 15 min

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Windows Failed To Start After Clean Install

Dec 30, 2012

My computer was having some problems every time I booted it up. Upon start up, I would receive an error message saying "windows failed to start, a recent hardware or software change might have caused the problem" and would give me some options to pick from like Safe Mode options and Start Normally. I would click "start windows normally" and my computer would boot up normally and run just fine. But every time I turn my computer off, I come back the next day with the same error message. I tried running the windows repair option but it would never find anything.

I decided I would just perform a clean install and just be done with it, but after doing that, I tried booting my computer to have the SAME error message. Same thing happens, I just click start normally and it works fine. It's just a total hassle to have to deal with this error message every time I try turning my computer on. Since I performed the clean install, I have very little things re installed to the computer like Java and what not. I wouldn't think it would be Java because I have had that the entire time I have owned the computer and only recently got the error messages.

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Windows Will Not Boot Even With Clean Install, Windows Repairs Fail, Repair Disc Won't Work

May 23, 2012

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-NW270F 15" laptop with Windows 7 (64 bit) Home Premium. 320 gb. Oh i'm also out of warranty.Computer always freezes at the point where it says "starting windows" and stays frozen. I even left it for alone for 24 hrs and it stayed on that screen.

Things I've tried:

1. I used safe mode to repair windows = just restarted in normal mode and froze at "windows is starting"

2. Used safe mode to restore to earlier point = could not to restore message

3. Created repair disc from another Vaio win 64 = froze at "windows is starting"

4. Used registry clean and malware bytes in safe mode = malware bytes found nothing & reg clean did nothing

5. Fresh install of windows 7 = windows bar loaded then froze at "windows is starting"

6. Reformatted hard drive & performed fresh install = windows bar loaded 7 froze at same point

7. Bought new Western digital 320 gb SATA Hard drive & tried install of win 7= same results

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Start A Clean Install Of Windows 64bit Over 32bit

Apr 13, 2012

how do I do a clean install of 64 bit windows 7 replacing 32 bit windows 7? I purchased a separate 64 bit disk. Before the Windows 7 32 bit, it was vista 64 bit, so the system is a 64 bit system. I just need to know how to get it going. When I insert the 64 bit disk, all it says is that it is incompatible. So what do I do?

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Windows 7 Clean Install Stuck On Start-up Screen?

Dec 4, 2012

So I had finally got my first build ever running a few hours ago. Was so excited. I used the program wintoflash to copy my windows installation cd to my flash drive. Popped the flash drive in my new rig and booted it up. It went to installation and took a bit of time to completely install. As it restarted after install the windows startup came up and was continuously going for quite some time and never stopped. So where I am at is that I cant get past the start up screen.

I have tried so much. I pulled out the second stick of ram, the gpu.. ran memory check with no errors, tried re installing windows in many ways (different partitions).I tried running in safe mode but it just gets stuck at disk. The only thing I knoticed is that windows 7 installs faster the second time around, even after deleting all the memory on the hard drive (advanced option during install). I have browsed the web and nothing has helped. Just got a new mobo after replacing the last defected one today, so that cannot be the problem. Completely and utterly frustrated to be presented with another speedbump after all this hard work to get it running.

My rig:
Intel i-5 3rd gen.
Kingston hyperx 2x8gb
AsRock b75m-dgs motherboard.
nvidia gt 440
Western Digital Caviar 250gb 7200.

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Cannot Install - Infinite Repair Start Up

Sep 1, 2012

I got the "infinite repair start up" sequence on my laptop. I googled and tried all the fixes, but none seemed to work for me. So, I got a fresh download of Win 7 (it's the free trial version) and am trying to install it.It seems to go fine, but then it says it cannot find the drivers for my dvd drive. I have the Dell drivers disk (not sure if the driver is even on there... never used it before) but it doesn't seem to find anything on it.


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Start Clean Install From BOOT UP OR DESKTOP

Oct 24, 2009

Can you load 2 family computers man & wives in one house and the third one (Fathers) in a second house ??

These Computers are all running Vista.

Thats 3 licences total & 3 family members.

I understand these are all Upgrades 3 The question is do the computers have to all be in the same house?

That seems stupid to me but who knows?

Also a clean install to me is loaded from the computer startup is Win 7 doing a clean install from Windows desktop?

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Start Menu Items Missing After Clean Install

Jun 19, 2011

After a new (clean) install of Windows 7, the start menu is empty - all installed programs and other items usually posted by the installer are missing. Is there a fix (not a workaround) for this problem? There have been a lot of postings for this issue over time throughout the Internet, but I cannot find a real fix (like a patch from Microsoft) for this problem. When I install Windows 7 with a newer release of Windows 7, the start menu is populated as expected, so I can only infer that Microsoft knew about and fixed the problem in later releases, but did not post a fix. Unfortunately, I have a couple of systems that have recently been built with an earlier release of Windows 7, and subsequently, have the problem.

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Zoostorm Freedom - Stuck In Start Up Repair Loop And Can't Re-install?

Jun 25, 2012

has a zoostorm freedom which was working fine and now it's not!! It is stuck in a start-up repair loop. My husband has tried to follow solutions suggested on this site but no joy. Have also tried to re-install windows 7 but no luck either. Took it to PC world and they can't h

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Windows 7 Failed To Start - Repair Or Start Normal?

Dec 28, 2011

Last night I was on my computer and then I shut it down. Today when I came home from work it keeps saying windows failed to start. I tried hitting f8 and loading to the last good configuration doesn't work, safe mode same thing, repairing nothing, so my last resort was my windows 7 cd. So I went into bios and made my configuration boot from cd/dvd popped it in and restarted, a black screen came up saying windows is loading files, then the windows 7 menu came up, picked my language, next, and first I tried repair my computer, I get the little circle meaning its loading for like 5 seconds them it does nothing, rebooted again but this time I chose, install and I've been on the setup is starting for like 20 min. And forgot to mention, when it boots seem like it does good then comes to the screen where it says windows failed and gives me two options repair our start normal, if I pick repair it just reboots and start normal takes me to like the pick your user screen but its just blank no users, so I can't even restore our access the computer.

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Windows 7 Hangs On Start Screen And Cannot Run Start Up Repair

Nov 3, 2012

My dell n5030 laptop isnt getting past the windows start up screen. It boots up fine up to the part where the four balls become the windows logo, but then freezes there everytime. When i try to select the windows start up repair it blacks out the screen and I cant do anything.

I know its not a faulty hard drive because its newly fitted and this problem occured previously on a different hard drive aswell.

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Can't Start Start-up Repair, Keeps Starting Recovery Management

Sep 3, 2012

I have an error that system32/hall.DLL is missing so I put in my windows 7 DVD ( I Have 4 DVDs for my windows, gateway, I always put the first one) so I could start start-up repair but when the windows files is loaded it keeps starting recovery mangment which gives me options to recover my hard drive to factory defaults (ie delete files on c and reinstall windows) ,why I don't get options to choose startup repair, how can I get it to start start-up repair?

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Windows 7 Does Not Start - Cannot Repair

Jun 3, 2011

When I turn on my laptop (gs60jx) win 7 does not start. System repair window runs, says it cannot repair.

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Windows 7 Start Up Repair?

May 16, 2011

My dell inspiron n5110 is having issues starting up!I was using the computer when all of a sudden it turned off and restarted itself. as it turned on a window popped up named "windows error recovery" with in that it says "windows failed to start. a recent hardware or software change might be the cause.IF windows files have been damaged or configured incorrectly, startup repair can help diagnose and fix the problem. if power was interrupted during startup, choose stat windows normally." The two options i have are launch startup repair or start windows normally. if i do start windows normally it restarts and goes back to this screen. when i did launch startup repair it did its thing and once it was done it said "Startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically"then i clicked on show problem details and this is exactly what it saysProblem signaturei


tried doing a system restore but it got an error. Once that happend i went and tried doing a dell datasafe restore to factory settings from a image file. once it was finished a restart button popped up. once i restarted it the computer still said windows failed to start and it took me to the startup repair option again.Please help me out, this computer is not even a week old. i can't bare tell my mother it already isn't working!edit before i did the dell datasafe factory restore when i would enter the system recovery options it would ask for my user name and password that i had on the computer now that i did the dell datasafe restore it automatically puts "administrator" as the username and nothing as the password and it lets me go to the recovery options. so this makes me believe that it was successful in being restored to factory settings, yet i still have this problem?edit edit- i forgot to mention there is a blue screen that pops up real quick before it restarts and gives the two options. there was a stop code on that screen

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Cannot Start Windows 7 After Clean Installation

Mar 18, 2012

i tried many time to reformat, then re-install win 7, pc re-started and stopped at the black screen with mouse cursor, i have tried F8 and start up repair, nothing helps.

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Windows 7 Won't Start, Repair Or Restore

Sep 28, 2012

Problem: This morning I had a brief 1 second power outage while I was using my computer which forced it to shutdown. It just stood there shutting down for about 15 minutes when i decided to click force shutdown. After restarting, computer ran checkdisk and startuip repair because windows was not loading.

Issues; I ran chkdsk a couple times, lots of bad sectors./index files repairing recovering, but it ends up hanging at stage 4 at a certain spot. I left it running at that spot for over 5 hours and just stood there(I went to sleep and woke up at same spot). I booted with windows 7 cd and tried startup repair, the first 3 times it said it couldnt repair. It only showed 2 restore points available and both gave error messages saying they couldnt load. I ran a checkdsk /r again and was fixing a lot of stuff and hung at same spot again. Tried another startup repair, this time it said it worked but still the same problem, windows isnt loading. However, I am able to get to the login screen now after waiting about 10 minutes at the windows logo however my kieyboard/mouse functionaility seems to be gone so i cant even type my password to login at that point. I ran a diagnostic in the boot menu, when checking the harddrive it gave me an error. Ive tried booting to every option available, safe mode, safe mode with networking, safe mode with command prompt etc, nothing works. It brings me to logon screen after a long time but keyboard./mouse dont work at that point. Now, like i said i dont want to reformat my computer and lose all my files. My keyboard/mouse work with the windows 7 bootup cd doing those menus but not when it gets to logon screen booting the normal way. I was thinking of buying an external drive and installing windows on there and booting from there but im not sure if my computer would recognize it since it wont recognize my keyboard and mouse at login screen.

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Windows 7 Will Not Start...startup Repair Does Nothing

Sep 3, 2012

I have a Toshiba Satellite that started freezing up after some windows updates. It would run fine in safe mode but now it gets stuck on the windows startup screen. If I choose startup repair it just keeps searching. I had tried to restore when in safe mode but the computer old me it. Could not find restore point. I have been trying to backup files that I needed before doing a factory restore but now I am lost...

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Cant Start Windows 7 Up Nor Do Startup Repair?

Jul 29, 2011

K I have a serious issue right now.. I just put in a new mobo and cpu into my pc...My pc was running oem windows before the upgrade now i cant start windows up nor do startup repair... (im on my laptop) so my main concern is how am i going to get my pc up and running with little to no pain.

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Unable To Start Up From Windows 7 Repair Disk

Dec 17, 2012

When I recently tried to boot up my system all I could get is a blank screen. Tried to boot up using Windows 7 repair disk but it goes into a loop at the "starting windows" screen consequently won't boot up for me.

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Windows 7 Crashed And Almost Unfixable By Start Up Repair?

Jul 9, 2012

i Have a PC with i7 Processor running Windows 7 Ultimate and one fine day a blue Screen dropped saying a lot of things like Windows has Crashed, Dumping Physical memory, And It isn't working since then , It says Start up repair Can't fix this Computer,Details:[CODE]

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Windows 7 Won't Repair Or Start - Error# 0x80070002

Jul 12, 2012

Last night before I went to bed there was a Windows update, and this morning when I turned the pc on, it just went to this screen saying that something was wrong and i needed to repair. I clicked the repair box, but it didn't wanna do that. So I went into the system recovery tool to go back to (the only restore point) which is yesterday, but when I try and do that, it says "Details: An unspecified error occurred during System Restore. (0x80070002)

I don't know alot about computers, and I'm currently writing this on my laptop, since I can't enter my computer in any way

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Windows 7 Always Go Into Automatic Repair Mode On Start Up

Jan 4, 2011

On my PC with gigabyte motherboard, quad core processor, 4gb ram 32 bit Windows 7 when I start up it goes into the windows 7 automatic repair mode. After running it's tests I'm told microsoft cannot fix this do I want to send the information to MS - (with no internet). I've tried inserting the program cd but no restore points are found and no repair can be completed. Nor are there any backups. Is there a way to run the install -I have an OEM version- as a repair so I don't lose any data?

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Windows 7 Will Not Start, Goes Straight To Startup Repair?

Aug 4, 2011

I changed explorer.dll in Windows 7. Then explorer wouldn't start when I tried to do so from task manager. So I tried to reboot. After also being unable to make headway in safe mode (using msconfig), as that also requires explorer, I launched startup repair using my windows 7 CD. Then after it said that it would reboot and fix any additional problems, it has kept rebooting and failing. I can't get to safe mode using f8 either, it just comes up with boot options 'Boot from CD' and 'Boot from HDD'.f I can get out of startup repair, that would be tremendous. At least then I can activate word from task manager and save my coursework!'m going to try using Ubuntu's explorer to change the files back. I'll post back any progress! I'll be checking this wall at least 5 times a day until a solution is found.

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Windows Won't Start/can't Do System Repair/won't Boot From CD

Aug 1, 2012

sony vaio PCG-71314L
on turning on, hangs at "windows is starting" for ever
F10 says "disc read error"
F8 says "no operating system found"
booting/repairing/reinstalling from CD hangs at "windows is loading" for ever

how could i get it to boot/repaired/reinstalled?losing all data on HDD is fine, just need to make it work again.

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Windows Is Loading And Start Repair Not To Fix Automatically

Sep 3, 2012

I have Dell Inspiron 1545,when I start laptop it says windows is loading,it takes sometime and runs start up repair, which fails to fix problem automatically and shutdowns the machine.It's windows 7 home basic 64 bit.I don't get complete system recovery option other than start up repair option.When I go for advanced boot up option - F8, all options comes but whatever option I take whether computer repair,safe mode,safe mode with networking,safe mode command prompt,restore to last known good configuration,it does the same thing loading windows and then run startup repair.In logs I see courrpted registry error message.I did diagnostic test, it passes all test, I have windows 7 professional iso DVD burned which I am using to boot, since my installation disc came with laptop is not working at all.I don't have iso for windows 7 home basic.

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Dell Laptop Is Not Able To Start Windows And Repair Itself

Jun 25, 2012

After window installed some new updates my dell laptop was not able to start. It will boot and go in the screen for Window failed to start. "A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. Launch Startup Repair or Start Window Normally." I tired both options but eventually leads back to this page. Then i tried to enter all the safe mode with no luck. I then tried "Last Know Good Configuration" but with no hope leading back to the same screen.

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Cannot Install 0x80070714 When Try To Install Windows 7 Into Clean Disk / Installation Just Stops

Feb 13, 2013

I am getting an error "cannot install" 0x80070714 when I try to install windows 7 into a clean disk and the installation just stops..

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IDT Audio Drivers Won't Install - Windows 7x64, Clean Install?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm working on a re-install of all components following a complete corruption of the boot sector on my drive which could not be fixed with repairs. The last time I installed everything fresh, I had no issues. Between then and now, there have been no hardware changes on my system, but now I am having issues installing the IDT Codecs. I keep getting an error along the following lines: Quote: ExitError: Error=Device Object not present, restart the system and run setup again. Running under compatibility mode, and running drivers from both the motherboard CD and the manufacturer website both have the same effect. The CD, when booted, says "This OS not support!" and only contains 32-bit vista codecs. ECS' website download indicates the IDT drivers as being compatible with Windows 7. Both do not work. It is almost as if the hardware "disappeared," despite the fact that I was using the drivers quite successfully till just 2 days ago, when the boot sector went kaput.

Windows has installed its own default set, which do nothing to power the 8mm jacks which I use with my speakers, but instead put sound through the HDMI, which is useless because I use a dedicated graphics card. I have tried uninstalling this codec and re-installing IDT, to no effect. Windows replaces with its own default codec.I have referenced this thread here, but offered solutions do not seem to work for me: Intel IDT Audio Driver will not install

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Performance Difference Between Windows 7 Clean Install And Upgrade Install

Feb 3, 2010

Does anyone know whether there is a difference in performance between doing a clean install of Windows 7 vs upgrading Vista? Any better stability? I'm just wondering whether it's worth the trouble of the clean install.

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Windows 7 Won't Start Up, Startup Repair Faliure On Every Boot Up?

Nov 27, 2010

with my custom built desktop. My custom built has been acting up like mad only a month after creation. It worked perfectly at first, but then I suddenly found that half of my services were disabled randomly. As well, my computer kept connecting with limited access to my household wireless connection, quite simply meaning I couldn't connect to the internet.Eventually, after throwing all the solutions I could find on the net at it (sfc/scannow, system restore, enabling the systems manually through and elevated control panel and even upgrade installs (with the original OEM system builders disc), I gave up and did a complete reinstall, wiping everything on my hard drive and starting again.Unlike the upgrade install I attempted, this actually worked and my computer worked perfectly...until I updated windows. After downloading the 53 updates windows update thought I needed, when I booted up my computer the next time, the internet stopped working again, with half of my services stopped (including Diagnostics Repair).Now every time I boot up my computer, I come to a Startup Repair screen that fails every time.Here is the message I get: Startup Repair cannot repair this computer automaticallyProblem signature:Problem Event Name:StartupRepairOfflineProblem Signature 01:6.1.7600.16385Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385Problem Signature 03: unknownProblem Signature 04: 21200686Problem Signature 05: AutoFailoverProblem Signature 06: 3

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While Running Startup Repair After Windows 7 Starter Won't Start

Feb 5, 2012

I left my computer - which is an Acer Aspire One, that I purchased, refurbished, a few months ago from a local dealer and came preloaded with Windows Starter 7 - closed, but without turning it off, for a few hours while I ran out to a cafe with a friend (which I've done hundreds of times before. But, when I came back, it was frozen on the firefox tab I had open when I left. So, I figured, I'll just turn it off with the power button and turn it back on. When I did this, Windows stalled out while opening and wasn't going anywhere, and then the screen went black and it went back to the Acer splash screen and told me that Windows had failed to start and suggested I run Startup Repair. So I did, and, after about 5 minutes, it went to a blue screen with a white hummingbird and some curly bits behind it, and a slightly distorted cursor that moves on the screen when I use my keypad and hasn't moved since. That was about 20 minutes ago. I'm really stressing out, because I don't know what to do, and there are files on there that I need for work.

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