Windows 7 Will Not Boot Properly On 1st Try / Fine On 2nd?

Feb 29, 2012

Working on a a New Dell Inspiron Desktop (Dec 2011) with Windows7 All was we'll until about a month ago, when it would not boot up properly, it would get to the windows logo and freeze, or take a tremendous amount of time to get to desktop. I minimized msconfig start up programs, ran a CHKDSK, start up repair, system restore, everything, still no real luck, however once started it would run fine. Finally I did a complete reinstall, and all was smooth for a day, and boom once again, it will not boot properly on 1st try, then if I power down and immediately reboot it will start and run fine, I am puzzled, could it be a HDD issue? Even though when once past starting up session it runs fine. Usually in my experience if a hdd is the culprit it will run bad in more than just the start up session.

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Installs Fine, Runs Fine, Reboots..not Fine

May 20, 2009

so i finally decided to install Windows 7 x86 - everything went well - put all the standard stuff on there etc - i rebooted many times because of installations and updates

on my last reboot it just got stock in the bios screen (verifying dmi pool data..success! etc)

so i rebooted, same thing, took the disc out, same thing - turned off boot devices same thing

tried to use window's useless repair tools (whatever happened to repair install?) which didn't help - so i decided to format and reinstall - then it says it was unable to do that (partition error or something)

the annoying this that this EXACT..i mean EXACT same thing happened when i installed vista sp1 from scratch - this happened - and to fix it i had to leave my pc open overnight with the hard drive cables all the morning with my fingers crossed i tried the installation again - and it worked.

my d: always disappears (single hard disk sata 233gig (250)) - sometimes it'll vanish from my computer and stuff - but this can't be the problem because the d: is a single drive on its own - my c: is a25gig partition from my e: - so it's completely unrelated.

does it matter how i replug the sata cables (2 of them) into the mother board? - they're both being recognised anyway

this is really annoying though - mostly because there isn't really an explanation - and because this random stuff always happens to my pc! - is it my hard drive because that's the only thing that would half- make sense

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New Windows 7 Install Won't Boot, Installed Fine?

Sep 28, 2011

I recently built a new machine. I installed Windows to my drive, a 1TB Western Digital. Installed worked fine, but at thestage 'preparing your desktop', it just says 'shutting down' then 'logging off', and then starts rebooting up to the point where it would load the OS, then reboots again.What gives? I tried re-installing the OS, same exact thing happened.

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Windows 7 Will Restart Fine Once Running, But Will Not Boot

Oct 12, 2011

So, upon receiving a new Asus G53SW-XN1 laptop, I promptly put in a smallish SSD to serve as a Windows/common apps drive, moving the HDD to the other hard drive slot.

Fresh install of Windows 7, etc. At the moment, Windows will not boot up - no splash screen, no opportunity for Safe Mode, etc. But Windows is perfectly happy to run - if I boot off a CD, then hit 'Restart', everything starts up fine. The Repair Windows Installation option on the CD sees the Windows installation okay, and when asked to repair says 'no problems are found', and happily reboots. Some sort of MBR/partition issue that the Repair doesn't detect?

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Dual Boot Windows 7 And Linux Ubuntu - Fine Or Terrible Idea?

Oct 22, 2012

I would like to install Linux Ubuntu on my laptop alongside Windows using dual boot. However, people keep telling me that it is not a good idea this to be done on a laptop because of driver comparability and stuff like that. So is it OK if dual boot Ubuntu and Windows on a laptop or it is a terrible idea?

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot Properly?

Jan 12, 2013

Running WIndows 7 Home Premium on a Lenovo Ideapad z585 This is a brand new unit.Started having problems after I turned on and started installing Microsoft updates. Did not even have a chance to make any recovery disks.The system does not load properly. No Windows splash screen. Only shows all the program scrolling as it loads.I am getting these two error messages:System Restore Failed: 0X1FSystem File and integrity check and repair Failed 0X490

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Windows 7 Cd Doesn't Boot Properly

Jul 3, 2011

The windows7 cd doesn't boots properly, i mean the first process of windows loading files is good and then starting windows, but then its just the backgroung of windows7 and no installation window pops up.I burned the image using ultra iso at 4x speed.I had a different CD and used that too but same prob appers again.But the problem doesn't ends there, now when i thought to install other cdburning software i get this "Windows cannot access the specified device,path, or file. You may not have appropriate permission to access the item."and its not that, anything i try to install, gives me this problem.Have this problem occured due to previous failure attempts to install windows7,although tecnically the installation never started.

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Can't Boot Windows 7 Laptop Properly

Jan 3, 2013

I cant get onto my computer i start it up and my computer is a acer windows 7 so it say acar in big writing and then keeps repeating it self

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Migrated To A SSD And Now Windows Won't Boot Properly

Jan 12, 2013

I recently cloned my HDD to my SSD. Then used some software (thinks its something like BCd something)Then I formatted the old HD, it was booting fine, byt as I've realised since iis it was still hooting from the old drive Now I cant run startup repair, I can login but it logs me into a temp user and nothing works, just a blank blue screen i can start CMD but thats it It says preparing your desktop and nothing happens PS I replaced my Optical drive with the SsD?

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Windows 7 Wont Boot Properly?

Feb 8, 2013

I have a windows 7 laptop which recently started booting to the BSOD, the starting windows screen comes up, but when the user login page should appear, its just black with the cursor.I can boot it in safe mode, and using the command prompt can run tools, oddly enough if I schedule a CHKDSK /F scan for when its restarted, it continues to load windows fine.I have scanned the whole laptop for viruses with malwarebytes pro, nothing found. I have run CHKDSK /F, SFC /SCANNOW. nothing found, I have a copy of the windows installation disc but there system repair tool doesn't work.

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Windows 7 X64 Will No Longer Boot Properly After Innstalling SP1

Jul 14, 2012

my 3 day old Win7 Ultimate innstallation on my 3 day old computer just crashed after trying(or maybe succeding) to innstall Service Pack 1.

This is how the screen looks when I try booting. [URL]

I have tried all safety modes, last known good config. Debugging mode. The Windows 7 DVD(tells me the chosen OS version can not be repaired), none of these options worked. What else can I try?

Could this be the punishment for not getting genuine windows and using a loader? Can it be saved?

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Windows 7 X64 Will No Longer Boot Properly After Innstalling SP1?

Jul 14, 2012

3 day old Win7 Ultimate innstallation on my 3 day old computer just crashed after trying(or maybe succeding) to innstall Service Pack 1.This is how the screen looks when I try booting.I have tried all safety modes, last known good config. Debugging mode.The Windows 7 DVD(tells me the chosen OS version can not be repaired), none of these options worked.What else can I try?Could this be the punishment for not getting genuine windows and using a loader?

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Windows 7 Boot Screen Not Properly Centered

Mar 27, 2012

I have a Philips 220VW 22" 16x10 monitor and till a year ago I had a similar 22" 16x10 Philips monitor(had to replace it since I had some problems with it). After using Windows XP for quite some time I decided to give Windows Vista a try (that was back in 2007). However, every time I boot up or restart Windows, when reaching Windows Vista boot screen (the one with the green blocks, not the log in screen), I had to wait about 10 seconds while the monitor was trying to center the Windows logo without luck since the logo ended up somewhere in the low right corner of the screen.

Unfortunately, this happens on Windows 7. I contacted Philips and they claimed that this is not a hardware issue but a software issue since everything else was fine. I was told that Windows 7 does not have a proper scaled loading screen for this monitor???. This also happens when, by any chance, I end up with the Windows fail options screen (the one with last goon known configuration, normal boot etc - don't know how it is called ). I know I don't spend too much time staring at the loading screen but is there any way to fix this?

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Windows 7 X64 Will No Longer Boot Properly After Innstalling SP1

Jul 14, 2012

my 3 day old Windows 7 Ultimate innstallation on my 3 day old computer just crashed after trying(or maybe succeding) to innstall Service Pack 1.I have tried all safety moodes, last known good config. Debugging mode.The Windows 7 DVD(tells me the chosen OS version can not be repaired), none of these options helped.What else can I try to get past this madness?Could this be the punishment for not getting genuine windows and using a loader?

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Can't Boot From CD And Boot Order Is Set Properly

Dec 19, 2012

Here is a rundown of what happened.

- My original hard drive in my dell xps m1530 crashed so I bought a new hybrid drive.

- I installed the new drive and went to install windows 7 back on the drive

- The windows 7 install hung forever so I canceled out of it.

- After I did that I went to try the install again and now when I start my computer all I get is "BOOTMGR is missing"

- I've set my boot sequence properly in the BIO's and I've checked that the CD i'm using is bootable as it works perfectly on another cpu

- I've even turned the hard drive off in the boot sequence and then the laptop tells me there is no bootable drives

I can take to get it to recognized the CD and boot from it?

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Can't Boot Properly From A Drive?

Dec 3, 2012

so i was on windows, on a website, when my computer formally shutdown and wouldnt boot. i checked the bios and there were no changes. tried every bootrec / command and nothing would work. i ended up installing windows on my second drive, making that the boot priority, then adding the primary drive's OS onto that boot menu. i tried moving the bcd using easybcd onto my primary drive then booting from it and still sum up, my computer now boots bios-->E:cd->C:Windows.i want to fix it because I need to unplug my E drive to plug in my DVD drive because my gtx 570 is so long it blocks 3/5 of my sata ports and i want to install skyrim again

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Computer Will Not Boot Properly After Powering Off During An Update

Feb 28, 2012

So I have a HP laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit that turned off during an update not to long ago. I have been trying to get it fixed but I have ran out of options. After a long boot time to the login screen and after I get logged in, I can do nothing on my desktop. It lags and freezes like crazy. Then when I try to get in via Safe Mode, it just restarts.

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Currently In Safe Mode As Toshiba Laptop Cannot Boot-up Properly

Nov 28, 2012

I am currently in safe mode as my Toshiba laptop cannot boot up properly. I get through the windows startup. All the icons on my desktop look normal, and then about 40 seconds later, a blue screen filled with information briefly appears before the computer shuts down and attempts to restart itself. It happens so fast I can't write down much of what was on the screen other than a data dump, with numbers counting down to 0 and then it does a restart on its own. I did a restore to November 20 and that did not help, so I did another restore for Nov. 9 and that too did not help. I did manage to open in safe mode and managed to find these errors in some event log :

c:usersjayappData empwer-582810-0.xml

Here is the hijack log :

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 11:06:07 AM, on 11/28/2012
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7601.17514)
Boot mode: Safe mode with network support


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Windows 7 Internet Not Working / OS X Works Fine Though

Feb 9, 2011

I have a mid 2010 iMac 27" 3.2Ghz i3 4GB ram 1TB hard drive space ATI HD4870.Running windows 7 x64 and OS X 10.6.6..I am using a wireless internet source from nearby, and the connection works great on OS X when I boot into windows the internet is completely un-responisive and when it does work its slower then glass (for those of you who don't know glass is technically a liquid)

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Windows Seems To Install Fine / Can't Even Get To Loading Screen

Mar 13, 2011

I'm trying to get windows 7 ultimate on a new WD SATA hard drive. I get through the installation process which recognizes the drive and lets me install on it and seems to fully install. When it automatically restarts and the windows loading screen should appear, the computer just restarts itself and doesn't even let me get to windows.I've tried messing around with some of the BIOS settings, but I'm no expert in that and I seem to be running out of options.I've tried installing the x64 and x82- both give the same problem.One potential thing I'm seeing is that after the initial screen showing my computer specs on start up, I have a RAID screen which AFAIK shouldn't really matter too much since I'm just using one HD, but it does not detect any drives. Going into the RAID setup I can't change anything either because it needs to install something (which I can't - no floppy) or it won't let me for this configuration. My motherboard is a Foxconn 915G7AC/P7AC (unfortunately not the best when it comes to drivers and support stuff, hey - it was cheap and had good reviews when I bought it!)4 Gigs of RAM.My cd/dvd drive is SATA as well, in case that matters (from what I've read searching around other drives being SATA or IDE had some sort of effect)

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Internet Not Working Fine On Windows 7 Platform

Dec 9, 2010

I recently switched from XP to Win7. Most things worked fine, except for the internet. At first the "Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller" didn't work. But I found a driver for that one. Now there are just two things left: the "PCI Simple Communications-controller" does not work and the "Intel H5 Express chipset LPC interface controller - 3B06" isn't working either. I found these problems in the Device Manager.

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Windows 7 Loads Fine But None Applications Will Load Up?

Sep 29, 2011

I have a weird situation: Just a normal day working on my pc while it messages me, system rebooting. It reboots without any errors. I log back into my system,everything seems fine. I notticed on my taskbar none of my applications loaded.Usually, MSN, my vid card, winamp...icons are loaded up and icons are in taskbar but not there! I performed many actions to no avail.System restore, safemode boot, selective services boot, sfc /scannow and so on.I checked in Event viewer and see 5-6 service that did not responde to the start or control in a timely fashion. Ex: acrobat, asus, bonjour, apple.... Got one I dint like: The server {06622D85-6856-4460-8DE1-A81921B41C4B} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.When i click on any applications mostly non-MS apps nothing happens. Not even the services starts up in task man. I tried to open the service lets say, Steam client and get the Timeout error right away.

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Windows 7 Will Not Complete Install On SSD - Works Fine On HDD

Mar 6, 2012

New gaming PC project:
Asus Rampage Extreme IV
I7 3960x
32gb Gskill 2133 mhz
Sound Blaster Recon 3D
2 Corsair Force GT 60gb sata3
2 Corsair Force GT 120gb sata3
Windows 7 home 64bit w/anytime upgrade to Professional (Didn't know about the 16gb ram cap...)
9800 GTX video (ran outta money...)

The issue I'm having is everything seems fine till the first reboot, then I get errors about some random important file is missing or corrupt, please insert your DVD and repair windows or whatever the hell it says. The specified missing file is always different each install attempt (I have made about 30ish attemps so far in every drive configuration I could think of). Once it even said 'a system file' is missing or corrupt with no file specified. One attempt (120gb drives in raid0 with no other drives attached) did make it to the Windows 7 load screen, but then windows encountered an 'unknown error' and had to close while finalizing.

What I wanted to do was raid0 the 60's for boot and raid0 the 120's for games, but I can't do that because while this mb has 4 sata3 ports, only 2 ports are raid capable (Intel C600 controller) as the other 2 are on an ASMedia controller. As that is the least of my problems and only my fault for making assumptions before I buy crap, what I thought to do instead was install win on one 60 on the ASMedia sata3 controller in AHCI with OPROM enabled, use the other 60 for task file, and raid0 the 120's for game installs. At first I thought the problem was bad drives because it installs fine on my old HDDs, but all 4 drives DOA seems unlikely so I figure I'm doing something wrong.

There are multiple posts about issues with these drives on Corsair forums, however none of their solutions provide a fix. Currently I have Windows 7 installed on 2 seagate 160gb HDD's in raid0 on sata2 with both 60's on sata3 ASMedia and both 120's in raid0 on sata3 Intel C600 controller. I am convinced there is no problem with any drive as I have multiple games installed on the raid0 with task file on 1 60 and the other 60 is dedicated to ready boost. Honestly I have no idea what ready boost does, and with 32gb of ram it probably doesnt do much - but I can't think of anything else to do with the drive to see if I get any system hangs or issues.

After a week in this configuration I have had no issues whatsoever. I have run error checking from the properties tab in win for all drives, as well as chkdsk from command prompt and the disk checking utility in partedmagic which all came back no problems found. ATTO benchmark shows the the 60's around 475mb/s read/write and the 120's in raid0 are about 1100mb/s read/write. These SSD's are lightning fast. My HDD's are not - 275mb/s read/write in raid0 . Must needs faster boot.

I have tried installing win on each drive individually on each controller twice (16 attempts) and tried each set in raid0 a few times. Every attempt started out with a partition deletion and a secure erase using partedmagic AND sata3 controller in AHCI mode per Corsair forums. I have done Corsair's 1.3.3 firmware update to each drive. I have tried letting windows partition/format each drive during the install. I tried booting from my HDD's, then creating partition tables, allocating sapce, and formatting the SSD's from disk management, then installing win on the drives already setup. And a few other various things in different orders.

My steps for the 1 result that yeilded and actual Windows 7 loading screen after 1st reboot:
- 2 120gb ssd's on Intel C600 sata3
- Enter bios - change sata from raid to ahci - exit
-Boot with partedmagic bootdisk - deleted partitions both drives - system suspend for drive reset - secure erase both drives - shutdown
- Plugged in 2 160gb hdd to sata2
- Enter bios - change sata from ahci to raid - exit
- Enter raid setup utility - create raid0 on 120gb ssd's with 32kb strip - exit
- Boot win from hdd - create MBR partition table, allocate all avail space, format NTFS (not quick format) - shutdown
- Unplugged 2 160gb hdd
- Boot from Windows 7 install disk - install to SSD raid volume - 1st reboot yeilds load screen then 'unknown error', but I guess it was some-what better than windows failed to start due to whatever random file missing or corrupt.

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Net On Windows 7 Wont Stay Connected But Fine On XP

Sep 10, 2011

My computer - HP Pavilion P7-1010. Windows 7 64bit home edition..My Laptop - HP mini 1000 with XP I play this game, Trickster Online.. and they have a "stay connected for 100+hrs" event..On my laptop with XP, it will stay connected until I Disconnect it.On my PC, it will stay connected for like 5-20mins, then log everything out. EVEN if i am still using the internet.. (its not Idle!)

I've tried the following:

-Turned off "Disable this to save power"

-Turned all my Windows power settings to "never hibernate, no screensaver, etc" even no shutting off of the monitor.

-Tried Wireless and wired, (Both same results)

-Reformating the computer to get rid of any rogue programs messing the net up

-Updateing drivers and Windows

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Can't Install Windows 7 64bit, Mobo And CPU Fine

Jun 27, 2011

I just assembled a PC with the following specs:

-AMD Phenom II X4
- Mobo Gigabyte GA-880GM-USB3
- 4 GB Kingston DDR3
- Good Quality PSU (Cant remember name)

This machine has been a total pain since I started working on it. Basicaly I cant install Windows 7 64 bits any version (no problems with DVD testesd on other machines beffore). But I could instal any 32 version, I guess there is something on the BIOS that i didnt did.

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Windows 7 Starts Fine Unless Restarting / Rebooting?

Dec 12, 2011

I've recently installed a copy of Win7 on a build. The oddest thing has occurred ever since the installation. From a cold start the PC boots up perfectly and Windows runs smoothly. But if you try to restart or the system does a reboot, the system never comes back..

It just turns black, no bios screen, nothing. I've tried installing and reinstalling the video card driver, but I can't think of anything else.

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BSOD On Bootup After Windows Starts, After 3 BSODs It Is Fine?

Sep 2, 2012

I have a strange issue with my PC, I keep getting BSOD whenever I power my PC on. It BSOD's a few minutes after booting Windows or sometimes half way through loading with different error messages and usually repeats the same process about 3 times, after that all is fine. The PC will not crash at all, and would be on for hours on end, either idling, playing media/gaming/browsing etc. BSOD Error messages are often; driver not equal or less etc, USB Bug code, non page area etc.I have attached a few days worth of Minidumps that have been created (most recent).Please note, iv'e tested my memory (which most always suggest) and Memtest found no faults on a full test. And I know for sure it cannot be that otherwise it would crash whilst doing something that requires much more memory use.Iv'e took every USB's out of the ports and the problem is still there.It must be a corrupt driver of some kind or a problem with bootup/system files?


Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 @ 2.66GHz
Memory: 2x2GB DDR2 Samsung 800Mhz Dual Channel Ram
Hard Drive: 640GB + 500GB + 300GB Sata II & 300GB IDE
Video Card:XFX ATI Radeon HD5770 1GB GDDR5 DX11 Single Slot
Monitor: BenQ G2220HDA 1080p 1920x1080 (16:9)
Sound Card: TerraTec Aureon 5.1 Fun Card (2.1 PC + 5.1 Optical out)
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) SP1
Motherboard: Acer MCP73PV MicroATX Motherboard

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After Update Windows 7 Starts Up Just Fine But No Programs Work

Dec 15, 2011

This may be difficult to troubleshoot because I have very few details about the computer in question. A friend called me because I am fairly good with basic computer problems. I'm not sure of the hardware specs, but it's a 2010 or 2011 model PC with Windows 7 installed. They did a Windows Update, and let it update just fine - they did not restart or shut down at all during the update. Once the update completed however, they can't open anything up.

Every time they try opening a program, they get an error message. Also, he mentioned that at first after the update, it wouldn't even boot up. He would get a message saying that he needs to restore to system defaults. Somehow, they got the computer to boot but it wont open any programs. How do you reset a Windows 7 computer to factory settings?

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Windows 7 Pro Loads Fine But Freezes At Any Program Launch

Dec 26, 2012

running in safe mode.anytime a try to run win7 pro 64bit any click freezes windows.have run all the troubleshooters, the one that i cant resolve is windows update. it has "probable corrupted files" (win update) wont run in safe mode.

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Windows 7 Low Memory Error - Everything Fine In Diagnostics Test

Jan 23, 2012

recently from past one month i am having low memory problem. i need to restart my laptop and every things ok for sometime. i have kaspersky internet security and also i did a malware check using malware bytes. nothing came up. i also notice that when playing movies in Internet or vlc the computer the video seems to freeze for about two seconds and back to normal. i am adding the dump files and also a screenshot of resource monitor. my laptop seems very slow for the past month as well. i did a windows memory diagnostics and everything was fine.

here are the specs of my laptop:
make: hp pavilion dv-3 2360ee
processor: intel i3 m330 2.13 ghz
ram: 3gb
system: 64 bit

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Why Laptop Works Fine Using Ubuntu Live Cd But Not With Windows 7

Nov 28, 2012

When using the installed windows 7 my laptop keeps crashing no matter what web browser I'm using, what antivirus I use etc. The 'not responding' thing always bugging me plus occasional BSoD and regular freezes. I tried clean installing using windows CD but that didn't solve my issue.

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