BSOD On Bootup After Windows Starts, After 3 BSODs It Is Fine?

Sep 2, 2012

I have a strange issue with my PC, I keep getting BSOD whenever I power my PC on. It BSOD's a few minutes after booting Windows or sometimes half way through loading with different error messages and usually repeats the same process about 3 times, after that all is fine. The PC will not crash at all, and would be on for hours on end, either idling, playing media/gaming/browsing etc. BSOD Error messages are often; driver not equal or less etc, USB Bug code, non page area etc.I have attached a few days worth of Minidumps that have been created (most recent).Please note, iv'e tested my memory (which most always suggest) and Memtest found no faults on a full test. And I know for sure it cannot be that otherwise it would crash whilst doing something that requires much more memory use.Iv'e took every USB's out of the ports and the problem is still there.It must be a corrupt driver of some kind or a problem with bootup/system files?


Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 @ 2.66GHz
Memory: 2x2GB DDR2 Samsung 800Mhz Dual Channel Ram
Hard Drive: 640GB + 500GB + 300GB Sata II & 300GB IDE
Video Card:XFX ATI Radeon HD5770 1GB GDDR5 DX11 Single Slot
Monitor: BenQ G2220HDA 1080p 1920x1080 (16:9)
Sound Card: TerraTec Aureon 5.1 Fun Card (2.1 PC + 5.1 Optical out)
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) SP1
Motherboard: Acer MCP73PV MicroATX Motherboard

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BSOD On Bootup After Windows Starts, After 3 BSODs It Is Fine

Sep 2, 2012

I keep getting BSOD whenever I power my PC on. It BSOD's a few minutes after booting Windows or sometimes half way through loading with different error messages and usually repeats the same process about 3 times, after that all is fine. The PC will not crash at all, and would be on for hours on end, either idling, playing media/gaming/browsing etc. BSOD Error messages are often; driver not equal or less etc, USB Bug code, non page area etc.I have attached a few days worth of Minidumps that have been created (most recent). [URL] iv'e tested my memory (which most always suggest) and Memtest found no faults on a full test. And I know for sure it cannot be that otherwise it would crash whilst doing something that requires much more memory use.


Quote :Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 @ 2.66GHz
Memory: 2x2GB DDR2 Samsung 800Mhz Dual Channel Ram
Hard Drive: 640GB + 500GB + 300GB Sata II & 300GB IDE
Video Card:XFX ATI Radeon HD5770 1GB GDDR5 DX11 Single Slot
Monitor: BenQ G2220HDA 1080p 1920x1080 (16:9)
Sound Card: TerraTec Aureon 5.1 Fun Card (2.1 PC + 5.1 Optical out)
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) SP1
Motherboard: Acer MCP73PV MicroATX Motherboard

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Windows 7 Starts Fine Unless Restarting / Rebooting?

Dec 12, 2011

I've recently installed a copy of Win7 on a build. The oddest thing has occurred ever since the installation. From a cold start the PC boots up perfectly and Windows runs smoothly. But if you try to restart or the system does a reboot, the system never comes back..

It just turns black, no bios screen, nothing. I've tried installing and reinstalling the video card driver, but I can't think of anything else.

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After Update Windows 7 Starts Up Just Fine But No Programs Work

Dec 15, 2011

This may be difficult to troubleshoot because I have very few details about the computer in question. A friend called me because I am fairly good with basic computer problems. I'm not sure of the hardware specs, but it's a 2010 or 2011 model PC with Windows 7 installed. They did a Windows Update, and let it update just fine - they did not restart or shut down at all during the update. Once the update completed however, they can't open anything up.

Every time they try opening a program, they get an error message. Also, he mentioned that at first after the update, it wouldn't even boot up. He would get a message saying that he needs to restore to system defaults. Somehow, they got the computer to boot but it wont open any programs. How do you reset a Windows 7 computer to factory settings?

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Windows 7 Always Freezes On Restart But Starts Up Fine After Shutdown?

Jan 4, 2011

I just built a new system today, and I have been running into some significant issues whenever I try to reboot. Basically, the system hangs up on the Starting Windows screen at the exact same instance whenever I reboot. This has been happening since I installed Windows 7 64-bit edition. After I booted and installed off of the installation DVD, it froze up on the first restart. I then tried to install Windows again. That worked, but it then again froze on the first reboot. I then had to manually shut down the pc and start it up again. Fortunately, it picked up where I left off and finished the Windows 7 install.After I installed Windows 7, I have had no problems whatsoever expect for when I restart, as the system freezes at the point specified on the image above. However, if I shut down my computer and then start it up, everything loads fine.

Here are my specs:

AMD Phenom II Black Edition dual core 3.2 ghz CPU (all four cores unlocked, overclocked at 3.8 ghz)
HIS Radeon HD 4670 GPU
BIOSTAR T A870+ mobo
Seagate Barracuda SATA 7,200 RPM 1TB HD
4 gigs G.SKILL DDR3 240-pin RAM

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Windows 7 Always Freezes On Restart, But Starts Up Fine After Shutdown?

Nov 15, 2012

Windows 7 always freezes on restart, but starts up fine after shutdown

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Change Bootup From H20insyde Back To Windows 7 Bootup?

Jan 10, 2012

I went to boot up my laptop PC and I see H20Insyde asking me for a password. I have no idea where this came from. What could have caused this? I have always booted up and the only thing I see is my normal screen from Windows 7 that ask for my password.

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BSOD 1 -5 Mins After Bootup?

Jan 10, 2012

This has been ongoing for 1 year. Im finally sick and tired of it. I accidentally stumbled upon this forum and it looks promising! I get the BSOD randomly. Sometimes i'll let it boot up and not touch anything and BAM BSOD out of nowhereHere is my Spec:- Windows 7 Premium Home 64-bit from the original installed OS on the system? yes- an OEM or full retail version? OEM- What is the age of system (hardware)? 1 year (Bought in June )2011- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) reinstalled twice. the first day i booted up my new omputer, i got the BSOD.

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After Window Logo During Bootup BSOD Appear

Sep 13, 2012

After the window logo during bootup, BSOD appears.I find out that if i disable my Nvidia Display driver (in Safe mode), i could restart and get into windows. After which i update to the latest driver and i enable it, BSOD appeared after the window logo again.I have tried System Restore , but that is not working for me.

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Installs Fine, Runs Fine, Reboots..not Fine

May 20, 2009

so i finally decided to install Windows 7 x86 - everything went well - put all the standard stuff on there etc - i rebooted many times because of installations and updates

on my last reboot it just got stock in the bios screen (verifying dmi pool data..success! etc)

so i rebooted, same thing, took the disc out, same thing - turned off boot devices same thing

tried to use window's useless repair tools (whatever happened to repair install?) which didn't help - so i decided to format and reinstall - then it says it was unable to do that (partition error or something)

the annoying this that this EXACT..i mean EXACT same thing happened when i installed vista sp1 from scratch - this happened - and to fix it i had to leave my pc open overnight with the hard drive cables all the morning with my fingers crossed i tried the installation again - and it worked.

my d: always disappears (single hard disk sata 233gig (250)) - sometimes it'll vanish from my computer and stuff - but this can't be the problem because the d: is a single drive on its own - my c: is a25gig partition from my e: - so it's completely unrelated.

does it matter how i replug the sata cables (2 of them) into the mother board? - they're both being recognised anyway

this is really annoying though - mostly because there isn't really an explanation - and because this random stuff always happens to my pc! - is it my hard drive because that's the only thing that would half- make sense

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BSOD When Windows Boots Up - Computer Fine In Safe Mode

Oct 12, 2012

It started out of nowhere last week - computer restarted itself twice, then BSOD. When starting Windows normally, it would appear as soon as I logged in. However, computer ran fine in Safe Mode and also ran fine under normal conditions if the internet was unplugged. I eventually diagnosed that the issue was caused by an AVG module when it connected to the internet. So, I uninstalled AVG and verified that the computer ran fine while connected to the internet. I then reinstalled AVG, thinking I had solved the problem.

Now the BSOD appears as soon as I log into Windows (same as last time). Except this time, it appears even though I have again uninstalled AVG and disconnected the computer from the internet. It works fine in Safe Mode.

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Running Fine, Then Restarted, And BSOD On Windows Loading Screen

Apr 19, 2012

Well I will get right to it. Its a desktop I built about 4 mths ago. I was goofing off all day, ran perfect. I got my package from, yay new memory. I also bought a drawing tablet that came w/ photoshop ele 8 and artrage. I promptly shut down my system, installed the new stick of matching memory, Corsair DDR3 4g 1600mhz, in slot two and four, with the old stick. I was only running one stick due to an order error. I reboot. The system recognizes it, runs fine. I install photoshop ele 8 and art rage along with an update to java. So far no problems. I turn the system off to plug in the drawing tablet per the instructions it came with. When it goes to reboot, i get to the windows loading screen, the animation just starts to load when i get a flash BSOD then the moniter shuts off to no signal and the computer just sits there fans and all running. I am using Win 7 home premium 64. I can get into BIOS. I have run the launch repair. I have tried putting the memory back to the previous configuration. I have run the memory diagnostic tool. I have tried system restore but no points to restore. I have tried to repair install with Windows disc, says disc is incompatible with current version, its the same disc i used to install windows the first time. I have tried to reinstall windows twice, still does it. I have attempted to make a repair disc, didnt work. If you can tell me how to get dump files from this state i would be happy to do so. If it helps at all i am using an SSD as my main hard disk, i have a second drive but there is nothing on it atm. I am just at a loss, i know a good bit about computers but not far enough, lol. My desktop is my baby and i really wanna get it up and running again.

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BSOD Windows 7 64bit - 3 BSODs After Six Months Stable Operation?

Mar 7, 2011

My Windows 7 Lenovo ThinkPad X201 X-64 system experienced 3 BSOD crashes today, after 6 months with no issues. All three bugcheck codes seem to be for different errors.I have attached SF Diag output, CPU-Z screenshots, and RAMMon screenshots.

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Multiple BSOD On New Image Pc, Others Are Fine?

Mar 29, 2012

We have 20 pcs that are all identicle

Asus P8z68 v Gen3 mboard
i7 2700k 3.4 proc
win 7 64 Ent
2 x 1tb hdd raid 0
1 x OCZ Vertex 3 SSD for caching
4 x 4gb corsair vengance ddr3 ram
Geforce 560ti phantom GFx card
Corsaid 850 psu

We have created a network image using Acronis which has so far been successfully installed on 4 of these machines. However, we have come to the 5th machine and as of last night it refused to power on. Then after 10-15 mins it came up and started to load windows but gave us a BSOD and everytime it restarted itself it would give us a different message. I have attached the logs for someone to look at to see if this is possibly a PSU issue or something else.

The machines have:

Windows 7 enterprise
office 2010
adobe reader x
IE 9
Visio Viewer

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BSOD With Dual GFX Cards, Fine With Single

Nov 26, 2009

This is a strange one and i'm hoping someone can help me solve this!

I have a work PC with XP on with 2 x Nvidia 7300 GS graphics cards in. The system doesn't have an onboard graphics card and i've only got 2 so i can have dual monitors.

I tried to install Windows 7 Pro (32) on a seperate partition and it kept BSOD (hardware error 000124) on the 2nd reboot before finialising installation. The only way i've found of not making it BSOD (or just go to a black screen then restart) is to pull out one of the graphics cards and run it solo. With this done everything seems to work.

It will also happily boot into Safe Mode with both. I've got the latest NVidia driver from the site and it's been installed but that makes no difference to the issue.

Any ideas or should i just get 2 new gfx cards?

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Computer BSOD Every 30 Minutes, Then Is Fine Till Next Restart?

Jul 18, 2012

My computer has been going through this phase upon restart where it will BSOD around every 30 min for a couple days, then all of a sudden will be fine untill the next restart. I am running a ASUS laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium that I have had for about 2 years. I uploaded the latest .dmp file, I can upload more if necessary.

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BSOD Playing Battlefield 3 After Approx 1 Hour (other Games Fine)?

Nov 27, 2011

Battlefield 3 crashes regulary with BSOD after playing for a while.Checked CPU Temps with CoreTemp - around 38C?Checked GPU with MSI Afterburner - around 60C.Windows 7 Home 64-bit / Asus P5QLD Pro / 4GB RAM / Gefore 560 Ti / SB 5.1 VX.

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Windows 7 Doing Repair On Bootup?

Mar 18, 2012

i have a spare pc a medion core duo it has win 7 as an upgrade and never had any problems, when it boots up now it starts a repair, after that it works ok, i have done a check on the hard drive etc but i cant find anything wrong? is there a test i can do to find out why it does a repair?

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Forgot Windows 7 Bootup Password?

Jun 13, 2011

Running TSG SysInfo would be useless, because I am having to make the inquiry from an entirely different computer.The computer in question, however, is a Dell Inspiron desktop, running Windows 7. Five or six months ago, in setting my then-new Dell computer I evidently responded to a prompt by creating a bootup password, with an accompanying Hint. But through those months the computer never asked for the password, <b>until two days ago</b>. It prompted me with "wherehus", (the "hus" being "husband", referring to me) which I believe to be a truncated version of the hint I set up originally. It now suddenly wants the password. and why that change and why the hint is truncated, I have no idea. I apparently never wrote down what the password should be, like a natural-born fool.That hint had to continue with something like BORN, EDUCATED, SERVED IN ARMY, MARRIED, and the like. "BORN" could be Rochester, or Rochester Minnesota, or St. Mary's or St.Mary's Hospital or something like that. If it was "ARMY", the password would surely be Germany. And so on with names of grade and high school, university, or private business school, many of them having several possible "answers", as above. And maybe some other "wheres" that I can't think of. Of course any of those would be subject to capitalization, spacing, and/or punctuation. A password wilderness.I've worked over those possibilities exhaustively, and haven't struck the real password. I've more or less run dry with variations.That's not a technical problem that anyone could help with remotely, so I have to assume I am not going to come up with the password. And therein lies my present dilemma. I'm not asking for instructions in hacking the password back, as I know you won't do that. The computer came with Windows 7 installed, and I do have a brand-new, never-used, Windows 7 installation set, which I bought for a different computer but haven't installed because that computer doesn't have enough memory or hard drive space. Which leads me to a number of puzzlements:

1. Older versions of Windows, when installed, wiped out EVERYTHING on the hard drive, or at least left them irretrievable. I think I have heard that Windows 7 does not do that. Does anyone know?

If forced to it, I could live with a wiped-clean hard drive if that's what the new installation would do. I have or can get installation disks for the software, and recreating or retrieving the data from backups would be possible, though a pain in the neck.

2. But is it even going to be possible to install the new Windows 7, with or without the hard drive contents? Since I can't boot up, how can I run the Windows 7 installation CD(s)?

3. Where, if anyone knows, is the password stored? If it's in some semipermanent memory in the computer rather than on the hard disk, might I be stuck with that unknown password even after a new Windows 7 install?

4. Or even if I installed a different new hard drive and managed to install Windows 7, would I still be stuck?

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BIOS - 2 Copies Of Windows 7 On Bootup

Oct 1, 2011

My computer crashed several months ago. I have 2 hard drives so I reinstalled windows 7 on my D drive. I also reverted back to an earlier version of the OS which corrected the problem on the C drive. How can I remove the OS from the D drive now that I don't need it. Whenever I boot up it asked me which OS I want to use. I actually reformatted the D drive but it is still asking me which OS I want to use. How do I correct this problem so it only sees the OS on the C drive. I couldnt find anything in the Bios to correct it. I have a Dell Inspiron 570.

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Windows 7 Uses Alot Of RAM Even In Clean Bootup

Jun 6, 2011

7-ultimate I want to know if it is possible to make Windows 7 NOT use the free unused RAM as whatever the storage it is using for, as seen in the other thread? Like I don't want it to occupy 1GB of RAM

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Windows 7 Installation Loop At Bootup

Aug 6, 2011

I bought a new pc from, it came in good nic and works fine. I booted up the pc, noticing a very strange lack of any motherboard logos or bios buttons, and proceeded to insatll windows 7. I chose the 64 bit version, I got to the part where it says it is going to restart windows in 5,4,3 etc. It restarted, only for the windows installation to start back at the very first setup screen. I looked at the partitions in custom install and it said that both partitions had installed correctly, my problem was getting to the oncluding install option. I shut down the pc, and took out the windows disc and restarted it. Again no bios options, just a black screen saying "loading operating system" and then "windows did not start correctly" , it took about 20 seconds for the screen to change and then immediately restarted itself taking another 20 seconds? It loaded the windows files and I was releived to get to the final setup screen. After finishing the installation it told me it was going to restart windows, which it did, only for it to reset itself about 3 times, again saying "loading operating system"..... I had a play around with pc, altering the resoluton and stuff, and shut it down for about 5 minutes. When I turned it on it told me "windows did not start correctly" and took me system repair, in which it found a problem and couldn't fix it. The hardware was fine, but it said "a patch stopped the system from starting". It is very hit and miss and sometimes starts normally and sometimes takes me directly into system repair. I managed to get into the bios once by pressing delete rapidly at boot up, and hardrive was selected as priority, so that couldn't be the problem involving windows.

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Unable To Enter The Windows Repair On Bootup?

Jan 11, 2012

I am having a bit of an odd issue with my Alienware MX11 laptop. I just restored it to a previous "checkpoint" after just having the error "Failed to save all the components for the file \System32\000052af. This file is corrupted or unreadable This error may be cause by a PC hardware problem." After restoring via Control Panel it is running generally fine. However, my issue is wanting to reset it to factory default settings. I've reset to the Factory Image before with previous Dell laptops, but for some reason the repair menu will not load past the black screen with the grey bar on the bottom with the words "Windows is loading files..." After the bar fills white (very quickly might I add) it returns to being gray and sits there.

Is there another way to return to factory image or a way to fix this?

This laptop is still fairly young (got it last month) and the warrenty is still good.

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Hard Drive Failure Windows 7 Won't Bootup

Mar 21, 2011

Can't access any files. Need it urgently as it has all my uni stuff and need it to submit before deadline.

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Windows 7 With Raid Failure It Crashed On Bootup

Aug 17, 2010

My system crashed on bootup. I was booting off my RAID. All 3 disks say error. When I try to install Windows 7 and repair it won't let me load the nvidia drivers. The nvidia drivers are .exe installations. Does any know where I can download the normal nvidia drivers to install?

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Windows 7 Giving Yahoo Homepage At Bootup

Dec 5, 2012

Windows gives me a yahoo home at boot. I want the windows homepage at boot up.

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Windows 7 LegalNotice Click-through At Bootup - How To Change Format

May 2, 2012

My IT shop recently rolled out several hundred new Dells with Windows 7. We've had minimal problems so far.

However, our HR and legal folks are bugging us to change the format of the LegalNotice screen at Win7 startup. All PCs are connected to shared network resources and they insist on the LegalNotice being activated, with an "appropriate use" message displayed and a click-through acknowledgement by the user.

In Win XP, this notice was displayed in a separate dialog box, with the message in a simple black-on-white textbox.

In Win7, the notice now comes up in the center of a blue graphic background, and is in a bluish font that is both smaller (in high screen resolutions, especially) and a harder-to-read typeface, which makes the notice virtually useless.

LegalNotice is controlled by a couple registry settings, but they only allow you to activate it, set the box caption, and set the box text. No other format control is available, e.g., font type, size, weight, textbox background/transparency, etc.

One thought we had was to imbed the notice in the background graphic, but that raised problems with centering and placement due to differing monitor resolution settings. Plus we haven't quite figured out how to replace the default graphic.

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Windows 7 Hangs After Login/bootup; Task Manager Not Available

Apr 27, 2011

I have had multiple instances now where Windows 7 hung after I started up and logged into an account. It seems to happen when I try to start a program by double-clicking on it. For example, it has hung when I tried to start CCleaner or Firefox. When I get into this state, Ctrl-Alt-Del does nothing. In some cases, I can right-click on the Taskbar and choose "Task Manager," but it won't run (I just get the hourglass cursor). Today I tried to start Firefox and nothing happened, and the hourglass cursor shows in the Taskbar, so I can't even see the menu for the Task Manager.

This is happening on a Toshiba laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. It seems to occur when I don't wait long enough for the login to finish. When it happens, the only way out is to hold down the power key until it shuts off the system. Of course Windows is too stupid to tell me when it is done loading stuff into memory and starting its services; why can't they simply tell me when the login process is done and the system is ready to use? I find it infuriating that a supposedly multi-threaded, multi-tasking operating system can be so flaky. But enough of my rant; on to the possible cause:

I strongly suspect that my problems may be caused by SpySweeper, since it seems to be the last program that loads at login. (Or at least it's the last one to put up an annoying splash screen.) I use the following programs on my machine:

Windows Defender
Avast! Antivirus
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Spybot Search & Destroy

I have read that SpySweeper sometimes conflicts with other programs, so I turned off real-time protection for Windows Defender. I have read conflicting opinions on whether SpySweeper conflicts with Spybot's TeaTimer program. Do I need to somehow turn off TeaTimer too?

Even if SpySweeper is the cause of my problems, I find it very disturbing that misbehaving or even deadlocked application programs should be able to prevent the Task Manager from running.

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Windows 7 Unable To Bootup - Stuck At Blinking Cursor

Jul 30, 2012

Can't get into windows, black screen with blinking cursor for some reason I can't even get into windows 7, after I get pass the screen that says "asus", my laptop brand, It goes into a black screen with a blinking cursor in the left hand corner like this: Click this bar to view the full image. I'm unable to do anything at that point, it just blinks. I can't even boot into safe mode now, the only think I'm able to get into is the Bios Setup Utility menus and Asus' express gate, which is just a media/internet/gaming/skype thing that doesn't allow .exe files to run. This came factory installed so I don't have a windows 7 disc to run fixes.

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Installing Windows 7 Onto USB Drive - BIOS Setup For Bootup?

Aug 18, 2010

I need to install either windows XP or windows 7 on my USB stick so I can boot my computer from the USB and use it like a normal installation. Articles I read tell you how to install Windows on a USB but not how to allow your computer to boot from the USB like it would be a HDD. I know how to set up my BIOS and I don't need an explanation in that respect I just need a step by step guide or at least a good guide on how to install either XP or 7 onto a USB, not from I've done that 1,000,000 times.

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Windows Install & Bootup Freeze On Boot Screen

Aug 11, 2012

I'm having trouble installing windows on a new rig I just built. I'm not sure if its a driver error or maybe some other hardware error I'm overlooking. Here's the problem I'm encountering. I've tried to install 3 different windows. Windows 7 64bit(burned), Windows 7 32bit (burned), Windows Vista OEM. Upon the fresh install my computer goes to the "Loading files from disk" than will try to boot up to the install. When the boot up screen comes on with the horizontal bar it freezes after about 10-15 seconds, then nothing.I have 3 hard drives I've tried to install every copy on (2 SATA HDDs, and a SSD). Same symptom. My old HDD with windows still on it, I tried to boot it up and it still freezes(shouldn't boot up anyway right?). When I try to load safemode on the HDD with windows on it, I am able to. I tried installing the Vista copy through this method and it is successful until the PC reboots during the install and freezes back up bootup. This made me think it was a driver error.

I also mistakenly tried installing windows with no HDD's attached to the motherboard.. That also made it to the bootup screen, but froze(duh) at the bootup screen too. So from that mistaken test, could this be a hardware issue if its freezing at the same spot with and without the HDD? [code]I've also tried removing the video card and using the onboard video, leaving only one stick of ram in, and I've swapped ram from another PC to test(can't remember the model ram). I haven't tried swapping the dvd drive yet. I've read places that a heatsink could be causing this problem, but if I can get into safe mode on an old windows install could it be hardware such as the heatsink/cpu, or just drivers?

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