Windows 7 Will Not Boot Properly?

Jan 12, 2013

Running WIndows 7 Home Premium on a Lenovo Ideapad z585 This is a brand new unit.Started having problems after I turned on and started installing Microsoft updates. Did not even have a chance to make any recovery disks.The system does not load properly. No Windows splash screen. Only shows all the program scrolling as it loads.I am getting these two error messages:System Restore Failed: 0X1FSystem File and integrity check and repair Failed 0X490

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot Properly On 1st Try / Fine On 2nd?

Feb 29, 2012

Working on a a New Dell Inspiron Desktop (Dec 2011) with Windows7 All was we'll until about a month ago, when it would not boot up properly, it would get to the windows logo and freeze, or take a tremendous amount of time to get to desktop. I minimized msconfig start up programs, ran a CHKDSK, start up repair, system restore, everything, still no real luck, however once started it would run fine. Finally I did a complete reinstall, and all was smooth for a day, and boom once again, it will not boot properly on 1st try, then if I power down and immediately reboot it will start and run fine, I am puzzled, could it be a HDD issue? Even though when once past starting up session it runs fine. Usually in my experience if a hdd is the culprit it will run bad in more than just the start up session.

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Windows 7 Cd Doesn't Boot Properly

Jul 3, 2011

The windows7 cd doesn't boots properly, i mean the first process of windows loading files is good and then starting windows, but then its just the backgroung of windows7 and no installation window pops up.I burned the image using ultra iso at 4x speed.I had a different CD and used that too but same prob appers again.But the problem doesn't ends there, now when i thought to install other cdburning software i get this "Windows cannot access the specified device,path, or file. You may not have appropriate permission to access the item."and its not that, anything i try to install, gives me this problem.Have this problem occured due to previous failure attempts to install windows7,although tecnically the installation never started.

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Can't Boot Windows 7 Laptop Properly

Jan 3, 2013

I cant get onto my computer i start it up and my computer is a acer windows 7 so it say acar in big writing and then keeps repeating it self

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Migrated To A SSD And Now Windows Won't Boot Properly

Jan 12, 2013

I recently cloned my HDD to my SSD. Then used some software (thinks its something like BCd something)Then I formatted the old HD, it was booting fine, byt as I've realised since iis it was still hooting from the old drive Now I cant run startup repair, I can login but it logs me into a temp user and nothing works, just a blank blue screen i can start CMD but thats it It says preparing your desktop and nothing happens PS I replaced my Optical drive with the SsD?

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Windows 7 Wont Boot Properly?

Feb 8, 2013

I have a windows 7 laptop which recently started booting to the BSOD, the starting windows screen comes up, but when the user login page should appear, its just black with the cursor.I can boot it in safe mode, and using the command prompt can run tools, oddly enough if I schedule a CHKDSK /F scan for when its restarted, it continues to load windows fine.I have scanned the whole laptop for viruses with malwarebytes pro, nothing found. I have run CHKDSK /F, SFC /SCANNOW. nothing found, I have a copy of the windows installation disc but there system repair tool doesn't work.

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Windows 7 X64 Will No Longer Boot Properly After Innstalling SP1

Jul 14, 2012

my 3 day old Win7 Ultimate innstallation on my 3 day old computer just crashed after trying(or maybe succeding) to innstall Service Pack 1.

This is how the screen looks when I try booting. [URL]

I have tried all safety modes, last known good config. Debugging mode. The Windows 7 DVD(tells me the chosen OS version can not be repaired), none of these options worked. What else can I try?

Could this be the punishment for not getting genuine windows and using a loader? Can it be saved?

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Windows 7 X64 Will No Longer Boot Properly After Innstalling SP1?

Jul 14, 2012

3 day old Win7 Ultimate innstallation on my 3 day old computer just crashed after trying(or maybe succeding) to innstall Service Pack 1.This is how the screen looks when I try booting.I have tried all safety modes, last known good config. Debugging mode.The Windows 7 DVD(tells me the chosen OS version can not be repaired), none of these options worked.What else can I try?Could this be the punishment for not getting genuine windows and using a loader?

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Windows 7 Boot Screen Not Properly Centered

Mar 27, 2012

I have a Philips 220VW 22" 16x10 monitor and till a year ago I had a similar 22" 16x10 Philips monitor(had to replace it since I had some problems with it). After using Windows XP for quite some time I decided to give Windows Vista a try (that was back in 2007). However, every time I boot up or restart Windows, when reaching Windows Vista boot screen (the one with the green blocks, not the log in screen), I had to wait about 10 seconds while the monitor was trying to center the Windows logo without luck since the logo ended up somewhere in the low right corner of the screen.

Unfortunately, this happens on Windows 7. I contacted Philips and they claimed that this is not a hardware issue but a software issue since everything else was fine. I was told that Windows 7 does not have a proper scaled loading screen for this monitor???. This also happens when, by any chance, I end up with the Windows fail options screen (the one with last goon known configuration, normal boot etc - don't know how it is called ). I know I don't spend too much time staring at the loading screen but is there any way to fix this?

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Windows 7 X64 Will No Longer Boot Properly After Innstalling SP1

Jul 14, 2012

my 3 day old Windows 7 Ultimate innstallation on my 3 day old computer just crashed after trying(or maybe succeding) to innstall Service Pack 1.I have tried all safety moodes, last known good config. Debugging mode.The Windows 7 DVD(tells me the chosen OS version can not be repaired), none of these options helped.What else can I try to get past this madness?Could this be the punishment for not getting genuine windows and using a loader?

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Can't Boot From CD And Boot Order Is Set Properly

Dec 19, 2012

Here is a rundown of what happened.

- My original hard drive in my dell xps m1530 crashed so I bought a new hybrid drive.

- I installed the new drive and went to install windows 7 back on the drive

- The windows 7 install hung forever so I canceled out of it.

- After I did that I went to try the install again and now when I start my computer all I get is "BOOTMGR is missing"

- I've set my boot sequence properly in the BIO's and I've checked that the CD i'm using is bootable as it works perfectly on another cpu

- I've even turned the hard drive off in the boot sequence and then the laptop tells me there is no bootable drives

I can take to get it to recognized the CD and boot from it?

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Can't Boot Properly From A Drive?

Dec 3, 2012

so i was on windows, on a website, when my computer formally shutdown and wouldnt boot. i checked the bios and there were no changes. tried every bootrec / command and nothing would work. i ended up installing windows on my second drive, making that the boot priority, then adding the primary drive's OS onto that boot menu. i tried moving the bcd using easybcd onto my primary drive then booting from it and still sum up, my computer now boots bios-->E:cd->C:Windows.i want to fix it because I need to unplug my E drive to plug in my DVD drive because my gtx 570 is so long it blocks 3/5 of my sata ports and i want to install skyrim again

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Computer Will Not Boot Properly After Powering Off During An Update

Feb 28, 2012

So I have a HP laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit that turned off during an update not to long ago. I have been trying to get it fixed but I have ran out of options. After a long boot time to the login screen and after I get logged in, I can do nothing on my desktop. It lags and freezes like crazy. Then when I try to get in via Safe Mode, it just restarts.

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Currently In Safe Mode As Toshiba Laptop Cannot Boot-up Properly

Nov 28, 2012

I am currently in safe mode as my Toshiba laptop cannot boot up properly. I get through the windows startup. All the icons on my desktop look normal, and then about 40 seconds later, a blue screen filled with information briefly appears before the computer shuts down and attempts to restart itself. It happens so fast I can't write down much of what was on the screen other than a data dump, with numbers counting down to 0 and then it does a restart on its own. I did a restore to November 20 and that did not help, so I did another restore for Nov. 9 and that too did not help. I did manage to open in safe mode and managed to find these errors in some event log :

c:usersjayappData empwer-582810-0.xml

Here is the hijack log :

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 11:06:07 AM, on 11/28/2012
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7601.17514)
Boot mode: Safe mode with network support


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Windows 7 Needs At Least 20 GB To Run Properly?

Oct 10, 2012

I have red, Windows 7 needs at least 20 GB to run properly, is it true? Or are 2, 3 GB enough?

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Windows 7 Does Not Install Properly

Aug 25, 2011

I am try ing to install windows 7 on my HP m8200n desktop pc. It will go through the loading process and it goes through all the steps until it finishes and restarts and then I get a blue and white diagonal striped screen. I do a forced shut down and restart and get a message that says windows installation cannot proceed to restart the computer and restart the installation. I have went through this 6 times with the same result.

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Windows 7 Won't Properly Restore

Nov 28, 2012

Well basically I am restoring my computer like I do every one and a while, but this time it started freaking out it is at the install page for Microsoft Office 2010 and the loading bar wouldn't load past 18/27. I left it here for like 10 hours so i know it's not working right. I also tried turning my computer off and back on again, but it just goes back to the same screen. However when I turn it back on I can hit F2 and F12 for the booting menus, but I couldn't find anything of help there. Oh and if I close my laptop and open it in switches users and I can't log back in to the only account says I don't have permission. I'm not sure what to do after that, it didn't come with a disk it's all in the computer.I use a 64bit windows 7.

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How To Properly Setup VPN In Windows 7

Feb 13, 2012

I need to setup a VPN with two Windows 7 computers to enable file sharing so that I can ideally map a network drive to the server from the client. Ive got it to the point where the VPN connects but when I try to ping between any of the computers on the two networks it doesnt go.

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Windows 7 Will Not Shut Down Properly?

Sep 19, 2010

I have a three month old HP DV7-3085dx which suddenly stopped shutting down correctly. I hangs at the "shutting down" screen. I have to power it down manually to shut it off then of course I get the message that windows shut down incorrectly. I'm at my wits end with this. Today I restored the laptop for the fourth time back to when it was new. I used Mozbackup and even that didn't work with the Thunderbird backup so I lost all my contacts. It worked fine with the Firefox backup. I'm attaching the file that was in the minidump directory as several other posters were instructed to do.

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Windows 7 Will Not Shut Down Properly

Jul 7, 2011

I am running windows 7 64 bit on my desktop PC. I have had it for...something like a year and a half now. And just in the last couple weeks I have suddenly had this problem. The issue is that my Windows apparently cannot shut down properly. It shuts down, there is no hanging up or anything. Any time I shut down or restart, it goes to the blue "Shutting Down" screen and message, the cursor does it's rotating "timing" thing, and then the system shuts down. But when it restarts, I get the "Windows did not shut down successfully" and it asks me if I want to start in one of the safe mode variations, or to start normally. Every single time. Windows shuts down, but then restarts and tells me it did not shut down properly. And many changes I made before shutting down were not retained, but some are. For example, I patched a game, and that information was retained on restart. But I moved some desktop icons around, bookmarked some pages in Firefox, closed Firefox pages, changed msconfig for a clean boot, and none of those changes were retained.

I have gotten a screen freeze and BSOD a couple of times in the last few weeks as well, but only a couple of times, while the "failure to shut down properly" problem happens with every single shutdown and restart I do.

I'm losing my mind a bit here. The only real practical problem it's causing me at the moment is that every time I restart my computer, I have to rearrange my desktop icons, and every time I open Firefox, it wants to restore a session I had closed and exited from, and I can't bookmark any websites. It's annoying, but doesn't keep me from functioning.

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Get 'windows 7 Did Not Shut Down Properly'?

Feb 26, 2011

i have a windows 7 home premium dell xps 15 laptop, and when i close the lid (when being on) and then come back like maybe after half an hour or an hour and open the lid i have to press the on button for 2 sec to start it up, then it says windows did not shut down properly.

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Windows 7 Won't Run Properly After Update?

Jul 14, 2011

this morning after leaving my pc on overnight i noticed it had updated due to being on the startup screen, so i followed it through as i normally do but this time there were no icons on the background, i noticed the display had a 5mm black border around it aswell, i managed to get to the main screen by typing my password on a black screen after the windows loading window, but now i'm stuck just my background picture with the same 5mm border.[CODE]

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Windows 7 Won't Sleep Properly?

May 1, 2010

A few weeks ago, my computer started acting up. Whenever it goes to sleep, it shuts off completely for about a second, then goes into a sort of 'zombie' mode in which only the fans and lights are on. The computer won't wake up if you use the mouse or keyboard. The only way to wake it up is to hit the "restart" button, upon which it will show a standard booting screen (Asus, then windows). Upon logging in, everything is there, as if it simply went into hibernate. The same thing happens if I sleep manually, and even when I go into hibernate. I've tried toggling the power settings and scanning for viruses. I was even going to do a system restore, but it hadn't logged any days.


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Windows 7 Was Not Shutdown Properly?

May 27, 2010

i shutdown my pc properly via the shutdown button in start menu... but when i check my reliability monitor it says windows was not shutdown properly. it doesnt happen everytime i shutdown but seems to happen randomly every now and then.

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Windows Did Not Close Properly

Apr 26, 2011

I do not want to have to reinstall windows and reinstall applications.On my dad's computer last night the update for windows got interrupted while it was shutting down applying the updatesWhen I turned the computer back on it will not load windows. I get black screen. I have tried the following so far: Windows did not close properly message tried to fix..brought me to a screen which it gave me options to "Start up Repair", "System Restore" and "System Image".I tried System Restore, there were only one restore point I can choose from some reason and it did not work. The message returns with System Restore failed.I then tried the Startup Repair. It stated that it may or may not fixed the problem. It restarts to Windows I get the Windows logo splash screen without the Windows 7 text. It then says "FATAL error C0000034 applying update operation 197 of 113977.Also I want to mention I cannot boot into safe mode. It just hangs.

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How To Shutdown Windows XP Properly

May 11, 2011

How to shutdown Windows XP properly

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How To Get Windows To Load Properly

Oct 27, 2011

new computer build, asus maximus extreme z mobo, gskill 1866 ripjaw x ram, xfx 6970 2gb gpu and 2600k i7 cpu problem is, whenever i start my computer, windows starts to load, but thenit goes straight to startup recovery,how to get windows to load properly.

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Windows 7 Does Not Start Properly?

Jan 31, 2012

my windows 7 fails to start properly. When I start up my toshiba laptop there is a beeping alarm which lasts for about 2 minutes. Then when I finally gwet the desktop open and type something only a few of the keys on the keyboard function properly

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Windows 7 Laptop Won't Run Properly?

Jul 17, 2012

I downloaded Spec Ops The Line (Video Game) on my Dell Laptop w/ Windows 7. After that I got a quick black screen while trying to save a picture of coupons from ActivateRewards. My laptop completely froze and I had to manually shut it down, after I turned it back on an odd screen showed up saying Startup Repair. It said it would take several minutes so I left and came back only to see that it "Could not repair automatically." I then tried to see if I had any backups, like a fool I didn't back anything up. I can't start up Windows normally, or in safe mode due to it being routed straight to Startup Repair, and I can't use Startup Repair because it doesn't fix anything. I tried clicking "Dell Local Safe Data Restore" (Something like that) and it 'loads' something but doesn't work. I tried using the command prompt using this video.

Not sure if I can post links, so sorry if it's against the rules. As I was watching the video I realized it said 7 files copied, whereas mine said "Could not copy all files, Copied 5" . I tried using Startup Repair once more and now it loaded up Dell Datasafe Local Backup

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Can't Install Windows 7 Properly

Aug 22, 2012

i hav hp pavilion dv4 -1318TU , 4 gb RAM and 320 hard disk,,, i hav installed window 7 home primium, but it giving errors like 0x0000005, i cant open application. antivirus, nothing and now i trying to install window 7 ultimate again..

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Windows 7 Laptop Won't Run Properly?

Nov 23, 2012

Windows 7 Laptop won't run properly, Startup Repair wont fix the problem aut

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